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feat(topology/algebra/mul_action2): quotient by a properly discontinu…
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…ous group action is t2 (#10465)

We prove that the quotient of a Hausdorff (t2) locally compact space by a properly discontinuous group action is itself Hausdorff.

Co-authored-by: Heather Macbeth <>

Co-authored-by: Eric <>
Co-authored-by: Heather Macbeth <>
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3 people committed Jan 25, 2022
1 parent 4d761f4 commit 6184db1
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Showing 5 changed files with 249 additions and 17 deletions.
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions src/group_theory/group_action/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -170,6 +170,51 @@ def orbit_rel : setoid β :=
iseqv := ⟨mem_orbit_self, λ a b, by simp [orbit_eq_iff.symm, eq_comm],
λ a b, by simp [orbit_eq_iff.symm, eq_comm] {contextual := tt}⟩ }

local attribute [instance] orbit_rel

variables {α} {β}
/-- When you take a set `U` in `β`, push it down to the quotient, and pull back, you get the union
of the orbit of `U` under `α`.
@[to_additive] lemma quotient_preimage_image_eq_union_mul (U : set β) : ⁻¹' ( '' U) = ⋃ a : α, ((•) a) '' U :=
set f : β → quotient (mul_action.orbit_rel α β) :=,
{ rintros ⟨y , hy, hxy⟩,
obtain ⟨a, rfl⟩ := quotient.exact hxy,
rw set.mem_Union,
exact ⟨a⁻¹, a • x, hy, inv_smul_smul a x⟩ },
{ intros hx,
rw set.mem_Union at hx,
obtain ⟨a, u, hu₁, hu₂⟩ := hx,
rw [set.mem_preimage, set.mem_image_iff_bex],
refine ⟨a⁻¹ • x, _, by simp only [quotient.eq]; use a⁻¹⟩,
rw ← hu₂,
convert hu₁,
simp only [inv_smul_smul], },

lemma image_inter_image_iff (U V : set β) :
( '' U) ∩ ( '' V) = ∅ ↔ ∀ x ∈ U, ∀ a : α, a • x ∉ V :=
set f : β → quotient (mul_action.orbit_rel α β) :=,
rw set.eq_empty_iff_forall_not_mem,
{ intros h x x_in_U a a_in_V,
refine h (f (a • x)) ⟨⟨x, x_in_U, _⟩, ⟨a • x, a_in_V, rfl⟩⟩,
rw quotient.eq,
use a⁻¹,
simp, },
{ rintros h x ⟨⟨y, hy₁, hy₂⟩, ⟨z, hz₁, hz₂⟩⟩,
obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := quotient.exact (hz₂.trans hy₂.symm),
apply h y hy₁ a,
convert hz₁, },

variables (α) (β)
local notation ` := (quotient $ orbit_rel α β)

/-- Decomposition of a type `X` as a disjoint union of its orbits under a group action.
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22 changes: 5 additions & 17 deletions src/topology/algebra/mul_action.lean
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import topology.algebra.monoid
import group_theory.group_action.basic
import topology.homeomorph
import topology.algebra.mul_action2

# Continuous monoid action
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,6 +63,10 @@ section has_scalar

variables [has_scalar M α] [has_continuous_smul M α]

@[priority 100, to_additive] instance has_continuous_smul.has_continuous_smul₂ :
has_continuous_smul₂ M α :=
{ continuous_smul₂ := λ _, continuous_smul.comp (continuous_const.prod_mk continuous_id) }

lemma filter.tendsto.smul {f : β → M} {g : β → α} {l : filter β} {c : M} {a : α}
(hf : tendsto f l (𝓝 c)) (hg : tendsto g l (𝓝 a)) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,23 +189,6 @@ lemma continuous_const_smul_iff (c : G) :
continuous (λ x, c • f x) ↔ continuous f :=
by simp only [continuous_iff_continuous_at, continuous_at_const_smul_iff]

/-- Scalar multiplication by an element of a group `G` acting on `α` is a homeomorphism from `α`
to itself. -/
protected def homeomorph.smul (c : G) : α ≃ₜ α :=
{ to_equiv := mul_action.to_perm_hom G α c,
continuous_to_fun := continuous_id.const_smul _,
continuous_inv_fun := continuous_id.const_smul _ }

/-- Affine-addition of an element of an additive group `G` acting on `α` is a homeomorphism
from `α` to itself. -/
protected def homeomorph.vadd {G : Type*} [topological_space G] [add_group G] [add_action G α]
[has_continuous_vadd G α] (c : G) : α ≃ₜ α :=
{ to_equiv := add_action.to_perm_hom α G c,
continuous_to_fun := continuous_id.const_vadd _,
continuous_inv_fun := continuous_id.const_vadd _ }

attribute [to_additive] homeomorph.smul

lemma is_open_map_smul (c : G) : is_open_map (λ x : α, c • x) :=
(homeomorph.smul c).is_open_map
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162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/algebra/mul_action2.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Alex Kontorovich, Heather Macbeth. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Alex Kontorovich, Heather Macbeth
import topology.homeomorph
import group_theory.group_action.basic
# Monoid actions continuous in the second variable
In this file we define class `has_continuous_smul₂`. We say `has_continuous_smul₂ Γ T` if `Γ` acts
on `T` and for each `γ`, the map `x ↦ γ • x` is continuous. (This differs from
`has_continuous_smul`, which requires simultaneous continuity in both variables.)
## Main definitions
* `has_continuous_smul₂ Γ T` : typeclass saying that the map `x ↦ γ • x` is continuous on `T`;
* `properly_discontinuous_smul`: says that the scalar multiplication `(•) : Γ → T → T`
is properly discontinuous, that is, for any pair of compact sets `K, L` in `T`, only finitely
many `γ:Γ` move `K` to have nontrivial intersection with `L`.
* `homeomorph.smul`: scalar multiplication by an element of a group `Γ` acting on `T`
is a homeomorphism of `T`.
## Main results
* `is_open_map_quotient_mk_mul` : The quotient map by a group action is open.
* `t2_space_of_properly_discontinuous_smul_of_t2_space` : The quotient by a discontinuous group
action of a locally compact t2 space is t2.
## Tags
Hausdorff, discrete group, properly discontinuous, quotient space

open_locale topological_space

open filter set

local attribute [instance] mul_action.orbit_rel

/-- Class `has_continuous_smul₂ Γ T` says that the scalar multiplication `(•) : Γ → T → T`
is continuous in the second argument. We use the same class for all kinds of multiplicative
actions, including (semi)modules and algebras.
class has_continuous_smul₂ (Γ : Type*) (T : Type*) [topological_space T] [has_scalar Γ T]
: Prop :=
(continuous_smul₂ : ∀ γ : Γ, continuous (λ x : T, γ • x))

/-- Class `has_continuous_vadd₂ Γ T` says that the additive action `(+ᵥ) : Γ → T → T`
is continuous in the second argument. We use the same class for all kinds of additive actions,
including (semi)modules and algebras.
class has_continuous_vadd₂ (Γ : Type*) (T : Type*) [topological_space T]
[has_vadd Γ T] : Prop :=
(continuous_vadd₂ : ∀ γ : Γ, continuous (λ x : T, γ +ᵥ x))

attribute [to_additive has_continuous_vadd₂] has_continuous_smul₂

export has_continuous_smul₂ (continuous_smul₂)

export has_continuous_vadd₂ (continuous_vadd₂)

/-- Class `properly_discontinuous_smul Γ T` says that the scalar multiplication `(•) : Γ → T → T`
is properly discontinuous, that is, for any pair of compact sets `K, L` in `T`, only finitely many
`γ:Γ` move `K` to have nontrivial intersection with `L`.
class properly_discontinuous_smul (Γ : Type*) (T : Type*) [topological_space T]
[has_scalar Γ T] : Prop :=
(finite_disjoint_inter_image : ∀ {K L : set T}, is_compact K → is_compact L →
set.finite {γ : Γ | (((•) γ) '' K) ∩ L ≠ ∅ })

/-- Class `properly_discontinuous_vadd Γ T` says that the additive action `(+ᵥ) : Γ → T → T`
is properly discontinuous, that is, for any pair of compact sets `K, L` in `T`, only finitely many
`γ:Γ` move `K` to have nontrivial intersection with `L`.
class properly_discontinuous_vadd (Γ : Type*) (T : Type*) [topological_space T]
[has_vadd Γ T] : Prop :=
(finite_disjoint_inter_image : ∀ {K L : set T}, is_compact K → is_compact L →
set.finite {γ : Γ | (((+ᵥ) γ) '' K) ∩ L ≠ ∅ })

attribute [to_additive] properly_discontinuous_smul

variables {Γ : Type*} [group Γ] {T : Type*} [topological_space T] [mul_action Γ T]

/-- A finite group action is always properly discontinuous
@[priority 100, to_additive] instance fintype.properly_discontinuous_smul [fintype Γ] :
properly_discontinuous_smul Γ T :=
{ finite_disjoint_inter_image := λ _ _ _ _, set.finite.of_fintype _}

export properly_discontinuous_smul (finite_disjoint_inter_image)

export properly_discontinuous_vadd (finite_disjoint_inter_image)

/-- The homeomorphism given by scalar multiplication by a given element of a group `Γ` acting on
`T` is a homeomorphism from `T` to itself. -/
def homeomorph.smul {T : Type*} [topological_space T] {Γ : Type*} [group Γ]
[mul_action Γ T] [has_continuous_smul₂ Γ T] (γ : Γ) :
T ≃ₜ T :=
{ to_equiv := mul_action.to_perm_hom Γ T γ,
continuous_to_fun := continuous_smul₂ γ,
continuous_inv_fun := continuous_smul₂ γ⁻¹ }

/-- The homeomorphism given by affine-addition by an element of an additive group `Γ` acting on
`T` is a homeomorphism from `T` to itself. -/
def homeomorph.vadd {T : Type*} [topological_space T] {Γ : Type*} [add_group Γ]
[add_action Γ T] [has_continuous_vadd₂ Γ T] (γ : Γ) :
T ≃ₜ T :=
{ to_equiv := add_action.to_perm_hom T Γ γ,
continuous_to_fun := continuous_vadd₂ γ,
continuous_inv_fun := continuous_vadd₂ (-γ) }

attribute [to_additive homeomorph.vadd] homeomorph.smul

/-- The quotient map by a group action is open. -/
lemma is_open_map_quotient_mk_mul [has_continuous_smul₂ Γ T] :
is_open_map ( : T → quotient (mul_action.orbit_rel Γ T)) :=
intros U hU,
rw [is_open_coinduced, mul_action.quotient_preimage_image_eq_union_mul U],
exact is_open_Union (λ γ, (homeomorph.smul γ).is_open_map U hU)

/-- The quotient by a discontinuous group action of a locally compact t2 space is t2. -/
@[priority 100, to_additive] instance t2_space_of_properly_discontinuous_smul_of_t2_space
[t2_space T] [locally_compact_space T] [has_continuous_smul₂ Γ T]
[properly_discontinuous_smul Γ T] : t2_space (quotient (mul_action.orbit_rel Γ T)) :=
set Q := quotient (mul_action.orbit_rel Γ T),
rw t2_space_iff_nhds,
let f : T → Q :=,
have f_op : is_open_map f := is_open_map_quotient_mk_mul,
rintros ⟨x₀⟩ ⟨y₀⟩ (hxy : f x₀ ≠ f y₀),
show ∃ (U ∈ 𝓝 (f x₀)) (V ∈ 𝓝 (f y₀)), U ∩ V = ∅,
have hx₀y₀ : x₀ ≠ y₀ := ne_of_apply_ne _ hxy,
have hγx₀y₀ : ∀ γ : Γ, γ • x₀ ≠ y₀ := (mt quotient.sound hxy.symm : _),
obtain ⟨K₀, L₀, K₀_in, L₀_in, hK₀, hL₀, hK₀L₀⟩ := t2_separation_compact_nhds hx₀y₀,
let bad_Γ_set := {γ : Γ | (((•) γ) '' K₀) ∩ L₀ ≠ ∅ },
have bad_Γ_finite : bad_Γ_set.finite := finite_disjoint_inter_image hK₀ hL₀,
choose u v hu hv u_v_disjoint using λ γ, t2_separation_nhds (hγx₀y₀ γ),
let U₀₀ := ⋂ γ ∈ bad_Γ_set, ((•) γ) ⁻¹' (u γ),
let U₀ := U₀₀ ∩ K₀,
let V₀₀ := ⋂ γ ∈ bad_Γ_set, v γ,
let V₀ := V₀₀ ∩ L₀,
have U_nhds : f '' U₀ ∈ 𝓝 (f x₀),
{ apply f_op.image_mem_nhds (inter_mem ((bInter_mem bad_Γ_finite).mpr $ λ γ hγ, _) K₀_in),
exact (has_continuous_smul₂.continuous_smul₂ γ).continuous_at (hu γ) },
have V_nhds : f '' V₀ ∈ 𝓝 (f y₀),
from f_op.image_mem_nhds (inter_mem ((bInter_mem bad_Γ_finite).mpr $ λ γ hγ, hv γ) L₀_in),
refine ⟨f '' U₀, U_nhds, f '' V₀, V_nhds, _⟩,
rw mul_action.image_inter_image_iff,
rintros x ⟨x_in_U₀₀, x_in_K₀⟩ γ,
by_cases H : γ ∈ bad_Γ_set,
{ rintros ⟨h, -⟩,
exact (u_v_disjoint γ) (γ • x)
⟨(mem_Inter₂.mp x_in_U₀₀ γ H : _), mem_Inter₂.mp h γ H⟩ },
{ rintros ⟨-, h'⟩,
simp only [image_smul, not_not, mem_set_of_eq, ne.def] at H,
exact H (γ • x) ⟨mem_image_of_mem _ x_in_K₀, h'⟩ },
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/separation.lean
Expand Up @@ -643,6 +643,39 @@ lemma t2_iff_nhds : t2_space α ↔ ∀ {x y : α}, ne_bot (𝓝 x ⊓ 𝓝 y)
⟨v, vv', vo, hv⟩ := hv' in
⟨u, v, uo, vo, hu, hv, by { rw [← subset_empty_iff, u'v'], exact inter_subset_inter uu' vv' }⟩⟩⟩

lemma t2_space_iff_nhds : t2_space α ↔ ∀ {x y : α}, x ≠ y → ∃ (U ∈ 𝓝 x) (V ∈ 𝓝 y), U ∩ V = ∅ :=
{ rintro ⟨h⟩ x y hxy,
rcases h x y hxy with ⟨u, v, u_op, v_op, hx, hy, H⟩,
exact ⟨u, u_op.mem_nhds hx, v, v_op.mem_nhds hy, H⟩ },
{ refine λ h, ⟨λ x y hxy, _⟩,
rcases h hxy with ⟨u, u_in, v, v_in, H⟩,
rcases u_in with ⟨U, hUu, U_op, hxU⟩,
rcases v_in with ⟨V, hVv, V_op, hyV⟩,
refine ⟨U, V, U_op, V_op, hxU, hyV, set.eq_empty_of_subset_empty _⟩,
rw ← H,
exact set.inter_subset_inter hUu hVv }

lemma t2_separation_nhds [t2_space α] {x y : α} (h : x ≠ y) :
∃ u v, u ∈ 𝓝 x ∧ v ∈ 𝓝 y ∧ u ∩ v = ∅ :=
let ⟨u, v, open_u, open_v, x_in, y_in, huv⟩ := t2_separation h in
⟨u, v, open_u.mem_nhds x_in, open_v.mem_nhds y_in, huv⟩

lemma t2_separation_compact_nhds [locally_compact_space α]
[t2_space α] {x y : α} (h : x ≠ y) :
∃ u v, u ∈ 𝓝 x ∧ v ∈ 𝓝 y ∧ is_compact u ∧ is_compact v ∧ u ∩ v = ∅ :=
obtain ⟨u₀, v₀, u₀_in, v₀_in, hu₀v₀⟩ := t2_separation_nhds h,
obtain ⟨K₀, K₀_in, K₀_u₀, hK₀⟩ := local_compact_nhds u₀_in,
obtain ⟨L₀, L₀_in, L₀_u₀, hL₀⟩ := local_compact_nhds v₀_in,
use [K₀, L₀, K₀_in, L₀_in, hK₀, hL₀],
apply set.eq_empty_of_subset_empty,
rw ← hu₀v₀,
exact set.inter_subset_inter K₀_u₀ L₀_u₀

lemma t2_iff_ultrafilter :
t2_space α ↔ ∀ {x y : α} (f : ultrafilter α), ↑f ≤ 𝓝 x → ↑f ≤ 𝓝 y → x = y :=
t2_iff_nhds.trans $ by simp only [←exists_ultrafilter_iff, and_imp, le_inf_iff, exists_imp_distrib]
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/subset_properties.lean
Expand Up @@ -936,6 +936,10 @@ lemma compact_basis_nhds [locally_compact_space α] (x : α) :
(𝓝 x).has_basis (λ s, s ∈ 𝓝 x ∧ is_compact s) (λ s, s) :=
has_basis_self.2 $ by simpa only [and_comm] using locally_compact_space.local_compact_nhds x

lemma local_compact_nhds [locally_compact_space α] {x : α} {n : set α} (h : n ∈ 𝓝 x) :
∃ s ∈ 𝓝 x, s ⊆ n ∧ is_compact s :=
locally_compact_space.local_compact_nhds _ _ h

lemma locally_compact_space_of_has_basis {ι : α → Type*} {p : Π x, ι x → Prop}
{s : Π x, ι x → set α} (h : ∀ x, (𝓝 x).has_basis (p x) (s x))
(hc : ∀ x i, p x i → is_compact (s x i)) :
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