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chore(linear_algebra/nonsingular_inverse): matrix.nonsing_inv no lo…
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…nger requires base ring to carry `has_inv` instance (#3136)
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Oliver Nash committed Jun 23, 2020
1 parent ea665e7 commit 62e1364
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Showing 3 changed files with 88 additions and 19 deletions.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/group/units.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,6 +82,12 @@ attribute [norm_cast] add_units.coe_neg
@[simp, to_additive] lemma inv_mul : (↑a⁻¹ * a : α) = 1 := inv_val _
@[simp, to_additive] lemma mul_inv : (a * ↑a⁻¹ : α) = 1 := val_inv _

@[to_additive] lemma inv_mul' {u : units α} {a : α} (h : ↑u = a) : ↑u⁻¹ * a = 1 :=
by { rw [←h, u.inv_mul], }

@[to_additive] lemma mul_inv' {u : units α} {a : α} (h : ↑u = a) : a * ↑u⁻¹ = 1 :=
by { rw [←h, u.mul_inv], }

@[simp, to_additive] lemma mul_inv_cancel_left (a : units α) (b : α) : (a:α) * (↑a⁻¹ * b) = b :=
by rw [← mul_assoc, mul_inv, one_mul]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,6 +125,14 @@ by rw [mul_assoc, inv_mul, mul_one]
@[to_additive] theorem mul_inv_eq_iff_eq_mul {a c : α} : a * ↑b⁻¹ = c ↔ a = c * b :=
⟨λ h, by rw [← h, inv_mul_cancel_right], λ h, by rw [h, mul_inv_cancel_right]⟩

lemma inv_eq_of_mul_eq_one {u : units α} {a : α} (h : ↑u * a = 1) : ↑u⁻¹ = a :=
calc ↑u⁻¹ = ↑u⁻¹ * 1 : by rw mul_one
... = ↑u⁻¹ * ↑u * a : by rw [←h, ←mul_assoc]
... = a : by rw [u.inv_mul, one_mul]

lemma inv_unique {u₁ u₂ : units α} (h : (↑u₁ : α) = ↑u₂) : (↑u₁⁻¹ : α) = ↑u₂⁻¹ :=
suffices ↑u₁ * (↑u₂⁻¹ : α) = 1, by exact inv_eq_of_mul_eq_one this, by rw [h, u₂.mul_inv]

end units

/-- For `a, b` in a `comm_monoid` such that `a * b = 1`, makes a unit out of `a`. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,4 +270,11 @@ by cases ha with a ha; rw [←ha, units.mul_right_inj]
b * a = c * a ↔ b = c :=
by cases ha with a ha; rw [←ha, units.mul_left_inj]

/-- The element of the group of units, corresponding to an element of a monoid which is a unit. -/
noncomputable def is_unit.unit [monoid M] {a : M} (h : is_unit a) : units M :=
classical.some h

lemma is_unit.unit_spec [monoid M] {a : M} (h : is_unit a) : ↑h.unit = a :=
classical.some_spec h

end is_unit
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/invertible.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,6 +73,10 @@ by simp [mul_assoc]
lemma inv_of_eq_right_inv [monoid α] {a b : α} [invertible a] (hac : a * b = 1) : ⅟a = b :=
left_inv_eq_right_inv (inv_of_mul_self _) hac

lemma invertible_unique {α : Type u} [monoid α] (a b : α) (h : a = b) [invertible a] [invertible b] :
⅟a = ⅟b :=
by { apply inv_of_eq_right_inv, rw [h, mul_inv_of_self], }

instance [monoid α] (a : α) : subsingleton (invertible a) :=
⟨ λ ⟨b, hba, hab⟩ ⟨c, hca, hac⟩, by { congr, exact left_inv_eq_right_inv hba hac } ⟩

Expand Down
82 changes: 63 additions & 19 deletions src/linear_algebra/nonsingular_inverse.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -354,33 +354,77 @@ Defines the matrix `nonsing_inv A` and proves it is the inverse matrix
of a square matrix `A` as long as `det A` has a multiplicative inverse.

variables [comm_ring α] [has_inv α]
variables [comm_ring α]
variables (A : matrix n n α)

/-- The inverse of a nonsingular matrix.
open_locale classical

This is not the most general possible definition, so we don't instantiate `has_inv` (yet).
def nonsing_inv (A : matrix n n α) : matrix n n α := (A.det)⁻¹ • adjugate A
lemma is_unit_det_transpose (h : is_unit A.det) : is_unit Aᵀ.det :=
by { rw det_transpose, exact h, }

/-- The inverse of a square matrix, when it is invertible (and zero otherwise).-/
noncomputable def nonsing_inv : matrix n n α :=
if h : is_unit A.det then (↑h.unit⁻¹ : α) • A.adjugate else 0

lemma nonsing_inv_val (A : matrix n n α) (i j : n) :
A.nonsing_inv i j = (A.det)⁻¹ * adjugate A i j := rfl
noncomputable instance : has_inv (matrix n n α) := ⟨matrix.nonsing_inv⟩

lemma transpose_nonsing_inv (A : matrix n n α) : (A.nonsing_inv)ᵀ = (Aᵀ).nonsing_inv :=
by {ext, simp [transpose_val, nonsing_inv_val, det_transpose, (adjugate_transpose A).symm]}
lemma nonsing_inv_apply (h : is_unit A.det) :
A⁻¹ = (↑h.unit⁻¹ : α) • A.adjugate :=
by { change A.nonsing_inv = _, dunfold nonsing_inv, simp only [dif_pos, h], }

lemma transpose_nonsing_inv (h : is_unit A.det) :
(A⁻¹)ᵀ = (Aᵀ)⁻¹ :=
have h' := A.is_unit_det_transpose h,
have dets_eq : (↑h.unit : α) = ↑h'.unit := by rw [h.unit_spec, h'.unit_spec, det_transpose],
rw [A.nonsing_inv_apply h, Aᵀ.nonsing_inv_apply h',
units.inv_unique dets_eq, A.adjugate_transpose.symm],

/-- The `nonsing_inv` of `A` is a right inverse. -/
theorem mul_nonsing_inv (A : matrix n n α) (inv_mul_cancel : A.det⁻¹ * A.det = 1) :
A ⬝ nonsing_inv A = 1 :=
by erw [mul_smul, mul_adjugate, smul_smul, inv_mul_cancel, one_smul]
@[simp] lemma mul_nonsing_inv (h : is_unit A.det) : A ⬝ A⁻¹ = 1 :=
by rw [A.nonsing_inv_apply h, mul_smul, mul_adjugate, smul_smul, units.inv_mul' h.unit_spec,

/-- The `nonsing_inv` of `A` is a left inverse. -/
theorem nonsing_inv_mul (A : matrix n n α) (inv_mul_cancel : A.det⁻¹ * A.det = 1) :
nonsing_inv A ⬝ A = 1 :=
have inv_mul_cancel' : (det Aᵀ)⁻¹ * det Aᵀ = 1 := by {rw det_transpose, assumption},
calc nonsing_inv A ⬝ A
= (Aᵀ ⬝ nonsing_inv (Aᵀ))ᵀ : by rw [transpose_mul, transpose_nonsing_inv, transpose_transpose]
... = 1ᵀ : by rw [mul_nonsing_inv Aᵀ inv_mul_cancel']
... = 1 : transpose_one
@[simp] lemma nonsing_inv_mul (h : is_unit A.det) : A⁻¹ ⬝ A = 1 :=
calc A⁻¹ ⬝ A = (Aᵀ ⬝ (Aᵀ)⁻¹)ᵀ : by { rw [transpose_mul,
Aᵀ.transpose_nonsing_inv (A.is_unit_det_transpose h),
transpose_transpose], }
... = 1ᵀ : by { rw Aᵀ.mul_nonsing_inv, exact A.is_unit_det_transpose h, }
... = 1 : transpose_one

@[simp] lemma nonsing_inv_det (h : is_unit A.det) : A⁻¹.det * A.det = 1 :=
by rw [←det_mul, A.nonsing_inv_mul h, det_one]

lemma is_unit_nonsing_inv_det (h : is_unit A.det) : is_unit A⁻¹.det :=
is_unit_of_mul_eq_one _ _ (A.nonsing_inv_det h)

@[simp] lemma nonsing_inv_nonsing_inv (h : is_unit A.det) : (A⁻¹)⁻¹ = A :=
calc (A⁻¹)⁻¹ = 1 ⬝ (A⁻¹)⁻¹ : by rw matrix.one_mul
... = A ⬝ A⁻¹ ⬝ (A⁻¹)⁻¹ : by rw A.mul_nonsing_inv h
... = A : by { rw [matrix.mul_assoc,
(A⁻¹).mul_nonsing_inv (A.is_unit_nonsing_inv_det h),
matrix.mul_one], }

/-- A matrix whose determinant is a unit is itself a unit. -/
noncomputable def nonsing_inv_unit (h : is_unit A.det) : units (matrix n n α) :=
{ val := A,
inv := A⁻¹,
val_inv := by { rw matrix.mul_eq_mul, apply A.mul_nonsing_inv h, },
inv_val := by { rw matrix.mul_eq_mul, apply A.nonsing_inv_mul h, } }

lemma is_unit_iff_is_unit_det : is_unit A ↔ is_unit A.det :=
split; intros h,
{ -- is_unit A → is_unit A.det
suffices : ∃ (B : matrix n n α), A ⬝ B = 1,
{ rcases this with ⟨B, hB⟩, apply is_unit_of_mul_eq_one _ B.det, rw [←det_mul, hB, det_one], },
refine ⟨↑h.unit⁻¹, _⟩, conv_lhs { congr, rw ←h.unit_spec, }, exact h.unit.mul_inv, },
{ -- is_unit A.det → is_unit A
exact is_unit_unit (A.nonsing_inv_unit h), },

end inv
end matrix

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