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feat(probability/kernel/basic): add kernel.comap_right and `kernel.…
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…piecewise` (#18917)

Also put `is_s_finite_kernel` in the same namespace as the other classes of kernels and add `iff` variants of the ext lemmas.
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RemyDegenne committed May 8, 2023
1 parent 6632ca2 commit 63decdb
Showing 1 changed file with 147 additions and 4 deletions.
151 changes: 147 additions & 4 deletions src/probability/kernel/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Classes of kernels:
particular that all measures in the image of `κ` are finite, but is stronger since it requires an
uniform bound. This stronger condition is necessary to ensure that the composition of two finite
kernels is finite.
* `probability_theory.kernel.is_s_finite_kernel κ`: a kernel is called s-finite if it is a countable
* `probability_theory.is_s_finite_kernel κ`: a kernel is called s-finite if it is a countable
sum of finite kernels.
Particular kernels:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,10 +154,16 @@ instance is_markov_kernel.is_finite_kernel [h : is_markov_kernel κ] : is_finite

namespace kernel

@[ext] lemma ext {κ : kernel α β} {η : kernel α β} (h : ∀ a, κ a = η a) : κ = η :=
@[ext] lemma ext {η : kernel α β} (h : ∀ a, κ a = η a) : κ = η :=
by { ext1, ext1 a, exact h a, }

lemma ext_fun {κ η : kernel α β} (h : ∀ a f, measurable f → ∫⁻ b, f b ∂(κ a) = ∫⁻ b, f b ∂(η a)) :
lemma ext_iff {η : kernel α β} : κ = η ↔ ∀ a, κ a = η a :=
⟨λ h a, by rw h, ext⟩

lemma ext_iff' {η : kernel α β} : κ = η ↔ ∀ a (s : set β) (hs : measurable_set s), κ a s = η a s :=
by simp_rw [ext_iff, measure.ext_iff]

lemma ext_fun {η : kernel α β} (h : ∀ a f, measurable f → ∫⁻ b, f b ∂(κ a) = ∫⁻ b, f b ∂(η a)) :
κ = η :=
ext a s hs,
Expand All @@ -166,6 +172,10 @@ begin
rw h,

lemma ext_fun_iff {η : kernel α β} :
κ = η ↔ ∀ a f, measurable f → ∫⁻ b, f b ∂(κ a) = ∫⁻ b, f b ∂(η a) :=
⟨λ h a f hf, by rw h, ext_fun⟩

protected lemma measurable (κ : kernel α β) : measurable κ := κ.prop

protected lemma measurable_coe (κ : kernel α β) {s : set β} (hs : measurable_set s) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,7 +230,7 @@ end sum
section s_finite

/-- A kernel is s-finite if it can be written as the sum of countably many finite kernels. -/
class is_s_finite_kernel (κ : kernel α β) : Prop :=
class _root_.probability_theory.is_s_finite_kernel (κ : kernel α β) : Prop :=
(tsum_finite : ∃ κs : ℕ → kernel α β, (∀ n, is_finite_kernel (κs n)) ∧ κ = kernel.sum κs)

@[priority 100]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -421,6 +431,139 @@ end

end restrict

section comap_right

variables {γ : Type*} {mγ : measurable_space γ} {f : γ → β}


/-- Kernel with value `(κ a).comap f`, for a measurable embedding `f`. That is, for a measurable set
`t : set β`, `comap_right κ hf a t = κ a (f '' t)`. -/
def comap_right (κ : kernel α β) (hf : measurable_embedding f) :
kernel α γ :=
{ val := λ a, (κ a).comap f,
property :=
refine measure.measurable_measure.mpr (λ t ht, _),
have : (λ a, measure.comap f (κ a) t) = λ a, κ a (f '' t),
{ ext1 a,
rw measure.comap_apply _ hf.injective (λ s' hs', _) _ ht,
exact hf.measurable_set_image.mpr hs', },
rw this,
exact kernel.measurable_coe _ (hf.measurable_set_image.mpr ht),
end }

lemma comap_right_apply (κ : kernel α β) (hf : measurable_embedding f) (a : α) :
comap_right κ hf a = measure.comap f (κ a) := rfl

lemma comap_right_apply' (κ : kernel α β) (hf : measurable_embedding f)
(a : α) {t : set γ} (ht : measurable_set t) :
comap_right κ hf a t = κ a (f '' t) :=
by rw [comap_right_apply,
measure.comap_apply _ hf.injective (λ s, hf.measurable_set_image.mpr) _ ht]

lemma is_markov_kernel.comap_right (κ : kernel α β) (hf : measurable_embedding f)
(hκ : ∀ a, κ a (set.range f) = 1) :
is_markov_kernel (comap_right κ hf) :=
refine ⟨λ a, ⟨_⟩⟩,
rw comap_right_apply' κ hf a measurable_set.univ,
simp only [set.image_univ, subtype.range_coe_subtype, set.set_of_mem_eq],
exact hκ a,

instance is_finite_kernel.comap_right (κ : kernel α β) [is_finite_kernel κ]
(hf : measurable_embedding f) :
is_finite_kernel (comap_right κ hf) :=
refine ⟨⟨is_finite_kernel.bound κ, is_finite_kernel.bound_lt_top κ, λ a, _⟩⟩,
rw comap_right_apply' κ hf a measurable_set.univ,
exact measure_le_bound κ a _,

instance is_s_finite_kernel.comap_right (κ : kernel α β) [is_s_finite_kernel κ]
(hf : measurable_embedding f) :
is_s_finite_kernel (comap_right κ hf) :=
refine ⟨⟨λ n, comap_right (seq κ n) hf, infer_instance, _⟩⟩,
ext1 a,
rw sum_apply,
simp_rw comap_right_apply _ hf,
have : measure.sum (λ n, measure.comap f (seq κ n a))
= measure.comap f (measure.sum (λ n, seq κ n a)),
{ ext1 t ht,
rw [measure.comap_apply _ hf.injective (λ s', hf.measurable_set_image.mpr) _ ht,
measure.sum_apply _ ht, measure.sum_apply _ (hf.measurable_set_image.mpr ht)],
congr' with n : 1,
rw measure.comap_apply _ hf.injective (λ s', hf.measurable_set_image.mpr) _ ht, },
rw [this, measure_sum_seq],

end comap_right

section piecewise

variables {η : kernel α β} {s : set α} {hs : measurable_set s} [decidable_pred (∈ s)]

/-- `piecewise hs κ η` is the kernel equal to `κ` on the measurable set `s` and to `η` on its
complement. -/
def piecewise (hs : measurable_set s) (κ η : kernel α β) :
kernel α β :=
{ val := λ a, if a ∈ s then κ a else η a,
property := measurable.piecewise hs (kernel.measurable _) (kernel.measurable _) }

lemma piecewise_apply (a : α) :
piecewise hs κ η a = if a ∈ s then κ a else η a := rfl

lemma piecewise_apply' (a : α) (t : set β) :
piecewise hs κ η a t = if a ∈ s then κ a t else η a t :=
by { rw piecewise_apply, split_ifs; refl, }

instance is_markov_kernel.piecewise [is_markov_kernel κ] [is_markov_kernel η] :
is_markov_kernel (piecewise hs κ η) :=
by { refine ⟨λ a, ⟨_⟩⟩, rw [piecewise_apply', measure_univ, measure_univ, if_t_t], }

instance is_finite_kernel.piecewise [is_finite_kernel κ] [is_finite_kernel η] :
is_finite_kernel (piecewise hs κ η) :=
refine ⟨⟨max (is_finite_kernel.bound κ) (is_finite_kernel.bound η), _, λ a, _⟩⟩,
{ exact max_lt (is_finite_kernel.bound_lt_top κ) (is_finite_kernel.bound_lt_top η), },
rw [piecewise_apply'],
exact (ite_le_sup _ _ _).trans (sup_le_sup (measure_le_bound _ _ _) (measure_le_bound _ _ _)),

instance is_s_finite_kernel.piecewise [is_s_finite_kernel κ] [is_s_finite_kernel η] :
is_s_finite_kernel (piecewise hs κ η) :=
refine ⟨⟨λ n, piecewise hs (seq κ n) (seq η n), infer_instance, _⟩⟩,
ext1 a,
simp_rw [sum_apply, kernel.piecewise_apply],
split_ifs; exact (measure_sum_seq _ a).symm,

lemma lintegral_piecewise (a : α) (g : β → ℝ≥0∞) :
∫⁻ b, g b ∂(piecewise hs κ η a) = if a ∈ s then ∫⁻ b, g b ∂(κ a) else ∫⁻ b, g b ∂(η a) :=
by { simp_rw piecewise_apply, split_ifs; refl, }

lemma set_lintegral_piecewise (a : α) (g : β → ℝ≥0∞) (t : set β) :
∫⁻ b in t, g b ∂(piecewise hs κ η a)
= if a ∈ s then ∫⁻ b in t, g b ∂(κ a) else ∫⁻ b in t, g b ∂(η a) :=
by { simp_rw piecewise_apply, split_ifs; refl, }

lemma integral_piecewise {E : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group E] [normed_space ℝ E] [complete_space E]
(a : α) (g : β → E) :
∫ b, g b ∂(piecewise hs κ η a) = if a ∈ s then ∫ b, g b ∂(κ a) else ∫ b, g b ∂(η a) :=
by { simp_rw piecewise_apply, split_ifs; refl, }

lemma set_integral_piecewise {E : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group E] [normed_space ℝ E]
[complete_space E] (a : α) (g : β → E) (t : set β) :
∫ b in t, g b ∂(piecewise hs κ η a)
= if a ∈ s then ∫ b in t, g b ∂(κ a) else ∫ b in t, g b ∂(η a) :=
by { simp_rw piecewise_apply, split_ifs; refl, }

end piecewise

end kernel

end probability_theory

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