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doc(algebra/algebra/basic): expand the docstring (#10221)
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This doesn't rule out having a better way to spell "non-unital non-associative algebra" in future, but let's document how it can be done today.

Much of this description is taken from [my talk at CICM's FMM](
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eric-wieser committed Dec 15, 2021
1 parent bb51df3 commit 6530769
Showing 1 changed file with 77 additions and 14 deletions.
91 changes: 77 additions & 14 deletions src/algebra/algebra/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -11,23 +11,87 @@ import data.equiv.ring_aut
# Algebras over commutative semirings
In this file we define `algebra`s over commutative (semi)rings, algebra homomorphisms `alg_hom`,
and algebra equivalences `alg_equiv`.
We also define the usual operations on `alg_hom`s (`id`, `comp`).
In this file we define associative unital `algebra`s over commutative (semi)rings, algebra
homomorphisms `alg_hom`, and algebra equivalences `alg_equiv`.
`subalgebra`s are defined in `algebra.algebra.subalgebra`.
If `S` is an `R`-algebra and `A` is an `S`-algebra then `algebra.comap.algebra R S A` can be used
to provide `A` with a structure of an `R`-algebra. Other than that, `algebra.comap` is now
deprecated and replaced with `is_scalar_tower`.
For the category of `R`-algebras, denoted `Algebra R`, see the file
See the implementation notes for remarks about non-associative and non-unital algebras.
## Main definitions:
* `algebra R A`: the algebra typeclass.
* `alg_hom R A B`: the type of `R`-algebra morphisms from `A` to `B`.
* `alg_equiv R A B`: the type of `R`-algebra isomorphisms between `A` to `B`.
* `algebra_map R A : R →+* A`: the canonical map from `R` to `A`, as a `ring_hom`. This is the
preferred spelling of this map.
* `algebra.linear_map R A : R →ₗ[R] A`: the canonical map from `R` to `A`, as a `linear_map`.
* `algebra.of_id R A : R →ₐ[R] A`: the canonical map from `R` to `A`, as n `alg_hom`.
* Instances of `algebra` in this file:
* ``
* `pi.algebra`
* `prod.algebra`
* `algebra_nat`
* `algebra_int`
* `algebra_rat`
* `opposite.algebra`
* `module.End.algebra`
## Notations
* `A →ₐ[R] B` : `R`-algebra homomorphism from `A` to `B`.
* `A ≃ₐ[R] B` : `R`-algebra equivalence from `A` to `B`.
## Implementation notes
Given a commutative (semi)ring `R`, there are two ways to define an `R`-algebra structure on a
(possibly noncommutative) (semi)ring `A`:
* By endowing `A` with a morphism of rings `R →+* A` denoted `algebra_map R A` which lands in the
center of `A`.
* By requiring `A` be an `R`-module such that the action associates and commutes with multiplication
as `r • (a₁ * a₂) = (r • a₁) * a₂ = a₁ * (r • a₂)`.
We define `algebra R A` in a way that subsumes both definitions, by extending `has_scalar R A` and
requiring that this scalar action `r • x` must agree with left multiplication by the image of the
structure morphism `algebra_map R A r * x`.
As a result, there are two ways to talk about an `R`-algebra `A` when `A` is a semiring:
1. ```lean
variables [comm_semiring R] [semiring A]
variables [algebra R A]
2. ```lean
variables [comm_semiring R] [semiring A]
variables [module R A] [smul_comm_class R A A] [is_scalar_tower R A A]
The first approach implies the second via typeclass search; so any lemma stated with the second set
of arguments will automatically apply to the first set. Typeclass search does not know that the
second approach implies the first, but this can be shown with:
example {R A : Type*} [comm_semiring R] [semiring A]
[module R A] [smul_comm_class R A A] [is_scalar_tower R A A] : algebra R A :=
algebra.of_module smul_mul_assoc mul_smul_comm
The advantage of the first approach is that `algebra_map R A` is available, and `alg_hom R A B` and
`subalgebra R A` can be used. For concrete `R` and `A`, `algebra_map R A` is often definitionally
The advantage of the second approach is that `comm_semiring R`, `semiring A`, and `module R A` can
all be relaxed independently; for instance, this allows us to:
* Replace `semiring A` with `non_unital_non_assoc_semiring A` in order to describe non-unital and/or
non-associative algebras.
* Replace `comm_semiring R` and `module R A` with `comm_group R'` and `distrib_mul_action R' A`,
which when `R' = units R` lets us talk about the "algebra-like" action of `units R` on an
`R`-algebra `A`.
While `alg_hom R A B` cannot be used in the second approach, `non_unital_alg_hom R A B` still can.
You should always use the first approach when working with associative unital algebras, and mimic
the second approach only when you need to weaken a condition on either `R` or `A`.

universes u v w u₁ v₁
Expand All @@ -40,14 +104,9 @@ set_option extends_priority 200 /- control priority of
`instance [algebra R A] : has_scalar R A` -/

Given a commutative (semi)ring `R`, an `R`-algebra is a (possibly noncommutative)
(semi)ring `A` endowed with a morphism of rings `R →+* A` which lands in the
center of `A`.
For convenience, this typeclass extends `has_scalar R A` where the scalar action must
agree with left multiplication by the image of the structure morphism.
An associative unital `R`-algebra is a semiring `A` equipped with a map into its center `R → A`.
Given an `algebra R A` instance, the structure morphism `R →+* A` is denoted `algebra_map R A`.
See the implementation notes in this file for discussion of the details of this definition.
@[nolint has_inhabited_instance]
class algebra (R : Type u) (A : Type v) [comm_semiring R] [semiring A]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1421,3 +1480,7 @@ variables [algebra R A] [algebra R B]
.. f.to_ring_hom.comp_left I }

end alg_hom

example {R A} [comm_semiring R] [semiring A]
[module R A] [smul_comm_class R A A] [is_scalar_tower R A A] : algebra R A :=
algebra.of_module smul_mul_assoc mul_smul_comm

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