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feat(analysis/inner_product_space): Gram-Schmidt Basis (#14514)
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When the Gram-Schmidt procedure is given a basis, it produces a basis.

This pull request also refactors the lemma `gram_schmidt_span`. The new versions of the lemmas cover the span of `Iio`, the span of `Iic` and the span of the complete set of input vectors. I was also able to remove some type classes in the process.
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abentkamp committed Jun 16, 2022
1 parent 988f160 commit 67da272
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Showing 2 changed files with 112 additions and 46 deletions.
155 changes: 109 additions & 46 deletions src/analysis/inner_product_space/gram_schmidt_ortho.lean
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Jiale Miao. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jiale Miao, Kevin Buzzard
Authors: Jiale Miao, Kevin Buzzard, Alexander Bentkamp

import analysis.inner_product_space.projection
import order.well_founded_set
import analysis.inner_product_space.pi_L2

# Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization and Orthonormalization
Expand All @@ -25,6 +26,8 @@ and outputs a set of orthogonal vectors which have the same span.
- `gram_schmidt_ne_zero` :
If the input vectors of `gram_schmidt` are linearly independent,
then the output vectors are non-zero.
- `gram_schmidt_basis` :
The basis produced by the Gram-Schmidt process when given a basis as input.
- `gram_schmidt_normed` :
the normalized `gram_schmidt` (i.e each vector in `gram_schmidt_normed` has unit length.)
- `gram_schmidt_orthornormal` :
Expand All @@ -38,8 +41,7 @@ open_locale big_operators
open finset

variables (𝕜 : Type*) {E : Type*} [is_R_or_C 𝕜] [inner_product_space 𝕜 E]
variables {ι : Type*} [linear_order ι] [order_bot ι]
variables [locally_finite_order ι] [is_well_order ι (<)]
variables {ι : Type*} [linear_order ι] [locally_finite_order_bot ι] [is_well_order ι (<)]

local attribute [instance] is_well_order.to_has_well_founded

Expand All @@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ local notation `⟪`x`, `y`⟫` := @inner 𝕜 _ _ x y
and outputs a set of orthogonal vectors which have the same span. -/
noncomputable def gram_schmidt (f : ι → E) : ι → E
| n := f n - ∑ i : Iio n, orthogonal_projection (𝕜 ∙ gram_schmidt i) (f n)
using_well_founded { dec_tac := `[exact (mem_Ico.1 i.2).2] }
using_well_founded { dec_tac := `[exact mem_Iio.1 i.2] }

/-- This lemma uses `∑ i in` instead of `∑ i :`.-/
lemma gram_schmidt_def (f : ι → E) (n : ι):
Expand All @@ -62,7 +64,8 @@ lemma gram_schmidt_def' (f : ι → E) (n : ι):
orthogonal_projection (𝕜 ∙ gram_schmidt 𝕜 f i) (f n) :=
by rw [gram_schmidt_def, sub_add_cancel]

@[simp] lemma gram_schmidt_zero (f : ι → E) : gram_schmidt 𝕜 f ⊥ = f ⊥ :=
@[simp] lemma gram_schmidt_zero {ι : Type*} [linear_order ι] [locally_finite_order ι]
[order_bot ι] [is_well_order ι (<)] (f : ι → E) : gram_schmidt 𝕜 f ⊥ = f ⊥ :=
by rw [gram_schmidt_def, Iio_eq_Ico, finset.Ico_self, finset.sum_empty, sub_zero]

/-- **Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalisation**:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,7 +96,7 @@ begin
cases hia.lt_or_lt with hia₁ hia₂,
{ rw inner_eq_zero_sym,
exact ih a h₀ i hia₁ },
{ exact ih i (mem_Ico.1 hi).2 a hia₂ }
{ exact ih i (mem_Iio.1 hi) a hia₂ }

/-- This is another version of `gram_schmidt_orthogonal` using `pairwise` instead. -/
Expand All @@ -103,46 +106,56 @@ theorem gram_schmidt_pairwise_orthogonal (f : ι → E) :

open submodule set order

/-- `gram_schmidt` preserves span of vectors. -/
lemma span_gram_schmidt [succ_order ι] [is_succ_archimedean ι] (f : ι → E) (c : ι) :
span 𝕜 (gram_schmidt 𝕜 f '' Iio c) = span 𝕜 (f '' Iio c) :=
lemma mem_span_gram_schmidt (f : ι → E) {i j : ι} (hij : i ≤ j) :
f i ∈ span 𝕜 (gram_schmidt 𝕜 f '' Iic j) :=
rw [gram_schmidt_def' 𝕜 f i],
simp_rw orthogonal_projection_singleton,
exact submodule.add_mem _ (subset_span $ mem_image_of_mem _ hij)
(submodule.sum_mem _ $ λ k hk, smul_mem (span 𝕜 (gram_schmidt 𝕜 f '' Iic j)) _ $
subset_span $ mem_image_of_mem (gram_schmidt 𝕜 f) $ (finset.mem_Iio.1 hk).le.trans hij),

lemma gram_schmidt_mem_span (f : ι → E) :
∀ {j i}, i ≤ j → gram_schmidt 𝕜 f i ∈ span 𝕜 (f '' Iic j)
| j := λ i hij,
apply @succ.rec ι _ _ _ (λ c, span 𝕜 (gram_schmidt 𝕜 f '' Iio c) = span 𝕜 (f '' Iio c)) ⊥
_ _ _ bot_le,
{ simp only [set.Iio_bot, set.image_empty] },
intros c _ hc,
by_cases h : succ c = c,
{ rwa h },
have h₀ : ∀ b, b ∈ finset.Iio c → gram_schmidt 𝕜 f b ∈ span 𝕜 (f '' Iio c),
{ simp_intros b hb only [finset.mem_range, nat.succ_eq_add_one],
rw ← hc,
refine subset_span _,
simp only [set.mem_image, set.mem_Iio],
refine ⟨b, (finset.mem_Ico.1 hb).2, by refl⟩ },
rw not_iff_not.2 order.succ_eq_iff_is_max at h,
rw [order.Iio_succ_eq_insert_of_not_is_max h],
simp only [span_insert, image_insert_eq, hc],
apply le_antisymm,
{ simp only [nat.succ_eq_succ,gram_schmidt_def 𝕜 f c, orthogonal_projection_singleton,
sup_le_iff, span_singleton_le_iff_mem, le_sup_right, and_true],
apply submodule.sub_mem _ _ _,
{ exact mem_sup_left (mem_span_singleton_self (f c)) },
{ exact submodule.sum_mem _ (λ b hb, mem_sup_right (smul_mem _ _ (h₀ b hb))) } },
{ rw [gram_schmidt_def' 𝕜 f c],
simp only [orthogonal_projection_singleton,
sup_le_iff, span_singleton_le_iff_mem, le_sup_right, and_true],
apply submodule.add_mem _ _ _,
{ exact mem_sup_left (mem_span_singleton_self (gram_schmidt 𝕜 f c)), },
{ exact submodule.sum_mem _ (λ b hb, mem_sup_right (smul_mem _ _ (h₀ b hb))) } }
rw [gram_schmidt_def 𝕜 f i],
simp_rw orthogonal_projection_singleton,
refine submodule.sub_mem _ (subset_span (mem_image_of_mem _ hij))
(submodule.sum_mem _ $ λ k hk, _),
let hkj : k < j := (finset.mem_Iio.1 hk).trans_le hij,
exact smul_mem _ _ (span_mono (image_subset f $ Iic_subset_Iic.2 hkj.le) $
gram_schmidt_mem_span le_rfl),
using_well_founded { dec_tac := `[assumption] }

lemma span_gram_schmidt_Iic (f : ι → E) (c : ι) :
span 𝕜 (gram_schmidt 𝕜 f '' Iic c) = span 𝕜 (f '' Iic c) :=
span_eq_span (set.image_subset_iff.2 $ λ i, gram_schmidt_mem_span _ _) $
set.image_subset_iff.2 $ λ i, mem_span_gram_schmidt _ _

lemma gram_schmidt_ne_zero_coe [succ_order ι] [is_succ_archimedean ι]
lemma span_gram_schmidt_Iio (f : ι → E) (c : ι) :
span 𝕜 (gram_schmidt 𝕜 f '' Iio c) = span 𝕜 (f '' Iio c) :=
(set.image_subset_iff.2 $ λ i hi, span_mono (image_subset _ $ Iic_subset_Iio.2 hi) $
gram_schmidt_mem_span _ _ le_rfl) $
set.image_subset_iff.2 $ λ i hi, span_mono (image_subset _ $ Iic_subset_Iio.2 hi) $
mem_span_gram_schmidt _ _ le_rfl

/-- `gram_schmidt` preserves span of vectors. -/
lemma span_gram_schmidt (f : ι → E) : span 𝕜 (range (gram_schmidt 𝕜 f)) = span 𝕜 (range f) :=
span_eq_span (range_subset_iff.2 $ λ i, span_mono (image_subset_range _ _) $
gram_schmidt_mem_span _ _ le_rfl) $
range_subset_iff.2 $ λ i, span_mono (image_subset_range _ _) $ mem_span_gram_schmidt _ _ le_rfl

lemma gram_schmidt_ne_zero_coe
(f : ι → E) (n : ι) (h₀ : linear_independent 𝕜 (f ∘ (coe : set.Iic n → ι))) :
gram_schmidt 𝕜 f n ≠ 0 :=
by_contra h,
have h₁ : f n ∈ span 𝕜 (f '' Iio n),
{ rw [← span_gram_schmidt 𝕜 f n, gram_schmidt_def' _ f, h, zero_add],
{ rw [← span_gram_schmidt_Iio 𝕜 f n, gram_schmidt_def' _ f, h, zero_add],
apply submodule.sum_mem _ _,
simp_intros a ha only [finset.mem_Ico],
simp only [set.mem_image, set.mem_Iio, orthogonal_projection_singleton],
Expand All @@ -161,39 +174,89 @@ end

/-- If the input vectors of `gram_schmidt` are linearly independent,
then the output vectors are non-zero. -/
lemma gram_schmidt_ne_zero [succ_order ι] [is_succ_archimedean ι]
(f : ι → E) (n : ι) (h₀ : linear_independent 𝕜 f) :
lemma gram_schmidt_ne_zero (f : ι → E) (n : ι) (h₀ : linear_independent 𝕜 f) :
gram_schmidt 𝕜 f n ≠ 0 :=
gram_schmidt_ne_zero_coe _ _ _ (linear_independent.comp h₀ _ subtype.coe_injective)

/-- `gram_schmidt` produces a triangular matrix of vectors when given a basis. -/
lemma gram_schmidt_triangular {i j : ι} (hij : i < j) (b : basis ι 𝕜 E) :
b.repr (gram_schmidt 𝕜 b i) j = 0 :=
have : gram_schmidt 𝕜 b i ∈ span 𝕜 (gram_schmidt 𝕜 b '' set.Iio j),
from subset_span ((set.mem_image _ _ _).2 ⟨i, hij, rfl⟩),
have : gram_schmidt 𝕜 b i ∈ span 𝕜 (b '' set.Iio j),
by rwa [← span_gram_schmidt_Iio 𝕜 b j],
have : ↑(((b.repr) (gram_schmidt 𝕜 b i)).support) ⊆ set.Iio j,
from basis.repr_support_subset_of_mem_span b (set.Iio j) this,
exact (finsupp.mem_supported' _ _).1
((finsupp.mem_supported 𝕜 _).2 this) j (not_mem_Iio.2 (le_refl j)),

/-- `gram_schmidt` produces linearly independent vectors when given linearly independent vectors. -/
lemma gram_schmidt_linear_independent (f : ι → E) (h₀ : linear_independent 𝕜 f) :
linear_independent 𝕜 (gram_schmidt 𝕜 f) :=
(λ i, gram_schmidt_ne_zero _ _ _ h₀) (λ i j, gram_schmidt_orthogonal 𝕜 f)

/-- When given a basis, `gram_schmidt` produces a basis. -/
noncomputable def gram_schmidt_basis (b : basis ι 𝕜 E) : basis ι 𝕜 E :=
(gram_schmidt_linear_independent 𝕜 b b.linear_independent)
((span_gram_schmidt 𝕜 b).trans b.span_eq)

lemma coe_gram_schmidt_basis (b : basis ι 𝕜 E) :
(gram_schmidt_basis 𝕜 b : ι → E) = gram_schmidt 𝕜 b := basis.coe_mk _ _

/-- the normalized `gram_schmidt`
(i.e each vector in `gram_schmidt_normed` has unit length.) -/
noncomputable def gram_schmidt_normed (f : ι → E) (n : ι) : E :=
(∥gram_schmidt 𝕜 f n∥ : 𝕜)⁻¹ • (gram_schmidt 𝕜 f n)

lemma gram_schmidt_normed_unit_length_coe [succ_order ι] [is_succ_archimedean ι]
lemma gram_schmidt_normed_unit_length_coe
(f : ι → E) (n : ι) (h₀ : linear_independent 𝕜 (f ∘ (coe : set.Iic n → ι))) :
∥gram_schmidt_normed 𝕜 f n∥ = 1 :=
by simp only [gram_schmidt_ne_zero_coe 𝕜 f n h₀,
gram_schmidt_normed, norm_smul_inv_norm, ne.def, not_false_iff]

lemma gram_schmidt_normed_unit_length [succ_order ι] [is_succ_archimedean ι]
(f : ι → E) (n : ι) (h₀ : linear_independent 𝕜 f) :
lemma gram_schmidt_normed_unit_length (f : ι → E) (n : ι) (h₀ : linear_independent 𝕜 f) :
∥gram_schmidt_normed 𝕜 f n∥ = 1 :=
gram_schmidt_normed_unit_length_coe _ _ _ (linear_independent.comp h₀ _ subtype.coe_injective)

/-- **Gram-Schmidt Orthonormalization**:
`gram_schmidt_normed` produces an orthornormal system of vectors. -/
theorem gram_schmidt_orthonormal [succ_order ι] [is_succ_archimedean ι]
(f : ι → E) (h₀ : linear_independent 𝕜 f) :
theorem gram_schmidt_orthonormal (f : ι → E) (h₀ : linear_independent 𝕜 f) :
orthonormal 𝕜 (gram_schmidt_normed 𝕜 f) :=
unfold orthonormal,
{ simp only [gram_schmidt_normed_unit_length, h₀, forall_const] },
{ simp only [gram_schmidt_normed_unit_length, h₀, eq_self_iff_true, implies_true_iff], },
{ intros i j hij,
simp only [gram_schmidt_normed, inner_smul_left, inner_smul_right, is_R_or_C.conj_inv,
is_R_or_C.conj_of_real, mul_eq_zero, inv_eq_zero, is_R_or_C.of_real_eq_zero, norm_eq_zero],
repeat { right },
exact gram_schmidt_orthogonal 𝕜 f hij }

lemma span_gram_schmidt_normed (f : ι → E) (s : set ι) :
span 𝕜 (gram_schmidt_normed 𝕜 f '' s) = span 𝕜 (gram_schmidt 𝕜 f '' s) :=
refine span_eq_span (set.image_subset_iff.2 $ λ i hi, smul_mem _ _ $ subset_span $
mem_image_of_mem _ hi)
(set.image_subset_iff.2 $ λ i hi, span_mono (image_subset _ $ singleton_subset_set_iff.2 hi) _),
simp only [coe_singleton, set.image_singleton],
by_cases h : gram_schmidt 𝕜 f i = 0,
{ simp [h] },
{ refine mem_span_singleton.2 ⟨∥gram_schmidt 𝕜 f i∥, smul_inv_smul₀ _ _⟩,
exact_mod_cast (norm_ne_zero_iff.2 h) }

lemma span_gram_schmidt_normed_range (f : ι → E) :
span 𝕜 (range (gram_schmidt_normed 𝕜 f)) = span 𝕜 (range (gram_schmidt 𝕜 f)) :=
by simpa only [image_univ.symm] using span_gram_schmidt_normed 𝕜 f univ

/-- When given a basis, `gram_schmidt_normed` produces an orthonormal basis. -/
noncomputable def gram_schmidt_orthonormal_basis [fintype ι] (b : basis ι 𝕜 E) :
orthonormal_basis ι 𝕜 E :=
(gram_schmidt_orthonormal 𝕜 b b.linear_independent)
(((span_gram_schmidt_normed_range 𝕜 b).trans (span_gram_schmidt 𝕜 b)).trans b.span_eq)
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/span.lean
Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ le_antisymm (span_le.2 h₁) h₂
lemma span_eq : span R (p : set M) = p :=
span_eq_of_le _ (subset.refl _) subset_span

lemma span_eq_span (hs : s ⊆ span R t) (ht : t ⊆ span R s) : span R s = span R t :=
le_antisymm (span_le.2 hs) (span_le.2 ht)

/-- A version of `submodule.span_eq` for when the span is by a smaller ring. -/
@[simp] lemma span_coe_eq_restrict_scalars
[semiring S] [has_scalar S R] [module S M] [is_scalar_tower S R M] :
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