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feat(testing/slim_check): teach slim_check about finsupps (#10916)
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We add some instances so that `slim_check` can generate `finsupp`s and hence try to provide counterexamples for them.
As the way the original slim_check for functions works is to generate a finite list of random values and pick a default for the rest of the values these `total_functions` are quite close to finsupps already, we just have to map the default value to zero, and prove various things about the support.
There might be conceptually nicer ways of building this instance but this seems functional enough.

Seeing as many finsupp defs are classical (and noncomputable) this isn't quite as useful for generating counterexamples as I originally hoped.

See the test at `test/slim_check.lean` for a basic example of usage

I wrote this while working on flt-regular but it is hopefully useful outside of that

Co-authored-by: Rob Lewis <>
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alexjbest and robertylewis committed Jan 4, 2022
1 parent 7d42ded commit 68d2d21
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Showing 2 changed files with 99 additions and 0 deletions.
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions src/testing/slim_check/functions.lean
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ Authors: Simon Hudon
import data.list.sigma
import data.finsupp.basic
import data.finsupp.to_dfinsupp
import tactic.pretty_cases
import testing.slim_check.sampleable
import testing.slim_check.testable
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,6 +131,69 @@ instance pi.sampleable_ext : sampleable_ext (α → β) :=


section finsupp

variables [has_zero β]
/-- Map a total_function to one whose default value is zero so that it represents a finsupp. -/
def zero_default : total_function α β → total_function α β
| (with_default A y) := with_default A 0

variables [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β]
/-- The support of a zero default `total_function`. -/
def zero_default_supp : total_function α β → finset α
| (with_default A y) :=
list.to_finset $ (A.erase_dupkeys.filter (λ ab, sigma.snd ab ≠ 0)).map sigma.fst

/-- Create a finitely supported function from a total function by taking the default value to
zero. -/
def apply_finsupp (tf : total_function α β) : α →₀ β :=
{ support := zero_default_supp tf,
to_fun := tf.zero_default.apply,
mem_support_to_fun := begin
intro a,
rcases tf with ⟨A, y⟩,
simp only [apply, zero_default_supp, list.mem_map, list.mem_filter, exists_and_distrib_right,
list.mem_to_finset, exists_eq_right, sigma.exists, ne.def, zero_default],
{ rintro ⟨od, hval, hod⟩,
have := list.mem_lookup (list.nodupkeys_erase_dupkeys A) hval,
rw (_ : list.lookup a A = od),
{ simpa, },
{ simpa [list.lookup_erase_dupkeys, with_top.some_eq_coe], }, },
{ intro h,
use (A.lookup a).get_or_else (0 : β),
rw ← list.lookup_erase_dupkeys at h ⊢,
simp only [h, ←list.mem_lookup_iff A.nodupkeys_erase_dupkeys,
and_true, not_false_iff, option.mem_def],
cases list.lookup a A.erase_dupkeys,
{ simpa using h, },
{ simp, }, }
end }

variables [sampleable α] [sampleable β]
instance finsupp.sampleable_ext [has_repr α] [has_repr β] : sampleable_ext (α →₀ β) :=
{ proxy_repr := total_function α β,
interp := total_function.apply_finsupp,
sample := (do
xs ← (sampleable.sample (list (α × β)) : gen (list (α × β))),
⟨x⟩ ← (uliftable.up $ sample β : gen (ulift.{max u v} β)),
pure $ total_function.with_default (list.to_finmap' xs) x),
shrink := total_function.shrink }

-- TODO: support a non-constant codomain type
instance dfinsupp.sampleable_ext [has_repr α] [has_repr β] : sampleable_ext (Π₀ a : α, β) :=
{ proxy_repr := total_function α β,
interp := finsupp.to_dfinsupp ∘ total_function.apply_finsupp,
sample := (do
xs ← (sampleable.sample (list (α × β)) : gen (list (α × β))),
⟨x⟩ ← (uliftable.up $ sample β : gen (ulift.{max u v} β)),
pure $ total_function.with_default (list.to_finmap' xs) x),
shrink := total_function.shrink }

end finsupp

section sampleable_ext
open sampleable_ext

Expand Down
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions test/slim_check.lean
Expand Up @@ -392,3 +392,37 @@ issue: ¬ true does not hold

example (f : ℕ →₀ ℕ) : true :=
have : f = 0,
{ slim_check { random_seed := some 257 } }
Found problems!
f := [0 ↦ 1, _ ↦ 0]
(2 shrinks)

example (f : Π₀ n : ℕ, ℕ) : true :=
have : f.update 0 0 = 0,
{ slim_check { random_seed := some 257 } }
Found problems!
f := [1 ↦ 1, _ ↦ 0]
(1 shrinks)

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