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refactor(algebraic_geometry/structure_sheaf): Remove redundant isomor…
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Removes `stalk_iso_Type`, which is redundant since we also have `structure_sheaf.stalk_iso`, which is the same isomorphism in `CommRing`
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justus-springer committed Apr 29, 2021
1 parent ca5176c commit 6a796d0
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 98 deletions.
98 changes: 0 additions & 98 deletions src/algebraic_geometry/structure_sheaf.lean
Expand Up @@ -195,94 +195,6 @@ instance comm_ring_structure_sheaf_in_Type_obj (U : (opens (Spec.Top R))ᵒᵖ)

open prime_spectrum

The `stalk_to_fiber` map for the structure sheaf is surjective.
(In fact, an isomorphism, as constructed below in `stalk_iso_Type`.)
lemma structure_sheaf_stalk_to_fiber_surjective (x : Top.of (prime_spectrum R)) :
function.surjective (stalk_to_fiber (is_locally_fraction R) x) :=
apply stalk_to_fiber_surjective,
intro t,
obtain ⟨r, ⟨s, hs⟩, rfl⟩ := (localization.of _).mk'_surjective t,
exact ⟨⟨basic_open s, hs⟩, λ y, (localization.of _).mk' r ⟨s, y.2⟩,
⟨prelocal_predicate.sheafify_of ⟨r, s, λ y, ⟨y.2,'_spec _ _ _⟩⟩, rfl⟩⟩,

The `stalk_to_fiber` map for the structure sheaf is injective.
(In fact, an isomorphism, as constructed below in `stalk_iso_Type`.)
The proof here follows the argument in Hartshorne's Algebraic Geometry, Proposition II.2.2.
lemma structure_sheaf_stalk_to_fiber_injective (x : Top.of (prime_spectrum R)) :
function.injective (stalk_to_fiber (is_locally_fraction R) x) :=
apply stalk_to_fiber_injective,
intros U V fU hU fV hV e,
rcases hU ⟨x, U.2with ⟨U', mU, iU, ⟨a, b, wU⟩⟩,
rcases hV ⟨x, V.2with ⟨V', mV, iV, ⟨c, d, wV⟩⟩,

have wUx := (wU ⟨x, mU⟩).2,
dsimp at wUx,
have wVx := (wV ⟨x, mV⟩).2,
dsimp at wVx,
have e' := congr_arg (λ z, z * ((localization.of _).to_map (b * d))) e,
dsimp at e',
simp only [←mul_assoc, ring_hom.map_mul] at e',
rw [mul_right_comm (fV _)] at e',
erw [wUx, wVx] at e',
simp only [←ring_hom.map_mul] at e',
have :='_eq_iff_eq _ _ _ _ _
(localization.of (as_ideal x).prime_compl) a c ⟨b, (wU ⟨x, mU⟩).1⟩ ⟨d, (wV ⟨x, mV⟩).1⟩,
dsimp at this,
rw ←this at e',
rw localization_map.eq at e',
rcases e' with ⟨⟨h, hh⟩, e''⟩,
dsimp at e'',

let Wb : opens _ := basic_open b,
let Wd : opens _ := basic_open d,
let Wh : opens _ := basic_open h,
use ((Wb ⊓ Wd) ⊓ Wh) ⊓ (U' ⊓ V'),
refine ⟨⟨⟨(wU ⟨x, mU⟩).1, (wV ⟨x, mV⟩).1⟩, hh⟩, ⟨mU, mV⟩⟩,

refine ⟨_, _, _⟩,
change _ ⟶ U.val,
exact (opens.inf_le_right _ _) ≫ (opens.inf_le_left _ _) ≫ iU,
change _ ⟶ V.val,
exact (opens.inf_le_right _ _) ≫ (opens.inf_le_right _ _) ≫ iV,

intro w,

have wU' := (wU ⟨w.1, w.2.2.1⟩).2,
dsimp at wU',
have wV' := (wV ⟨w.1, w.2.2.2⟩).2,
dsimp at wV',
-- We need to prove `fU w = fV w`.
-- First we show that is suffices to prove `fU w * b * d * h = fV w * b * d * h`.
-- Then we calculate (at w) as follows:
-- fU w * b * d * h
-- = a * d * h : wU'
-- ... = c * b * h : e''
-- ... = fV w * d * b * h : wV'
have u : is_unit ((localization.of (as_ideal w.1).prime_compl).to_map (b * d * h)),
{ simp only [ring_hom.map_mul],
apply is_unit.mul, apply is_unit.mul,
exact (localization.of (as_ideal w.1).prime_compl).map_units ⟨b, (wU ⟨w, w.2.2.1⟩).1⟩,
exact (localization.of (as_ideal w.1).prime_compl).map_units ⟨d, (wV ⟨w, w.2.2.2⟩).1⟩,
exact (localization.of (as_ideal w.1).prime_compl).map_units ⟨h, w.2.1.2⟩, },
apply (is_unit.mul_left_inj u).1,
conv_rhs { rw [mul_comm b d] },
simp only [ring_hom.map_mul, ←mul_assoc],
erw [wU', wV'],
simp only [←ring_hom.map_mul, ←mul_assoc],
rw e'',

The structure presheaf, valued in `CommRing`, constructed by dressing up the `Type` valued
structure presheaf.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -327,16 +239,6 @@ def structure_sheaf : sheaf CommRing (Spec.Top R) :=
((structure_sheaf R) i.op s).1 x = (s.1 (i x) : _) :=

The stalk at `x` is equivalent (just as a type) to the localization at `x`.
def stalk_iso_Type (x : prime_spectrum R) :
(structure_sheaf_in_Type R).presheaf.stalk x ≅ localization.at_prime x.as_ideal :=
(equiv.of_bijective _
⟨structure_sheaf_stalk_to_fiber_injective R x,
structure_sheaf_stalk_to_fiber_surjective R x⟩).to_iso

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