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feat(category_theory/bicategory): monoidal categories are single obje…
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…ct bicategories (#13157)

Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
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semorrison and semorrison committed Apr 9, 2022
1 parent 823699f commit 6abb6de
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Showing 3 changed files with 146 additions and 1 deletion.
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/bicategory/End.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
import category_theory.bicategory.basic
import category_theory.monoidal.category

# Endomorphisms of an object in a bicategory, as a monoidal category.

namespace category_theory

variables {C : Type*} [bicategory C]

/-- The endomorphisms of an object in a bicategory can be considered as a monoidal category. -/
@[derive category]
def End_monoidal (X : C) := X ⟶ X

instance (X : C) : inhabited (End_monoidal X) := ⟨𝟙 X⟩

open_locale bicategory

open monoidal_category
open bicategory

instance (X : C) : monoidal_category (End_monoidal X) :=
{ tensor_obj := λ f g, f ≫ g,
tensor_hom := λ f g h i η θ, (η ▷ h) ≫ (g ◁ θ),
tensor_unit := 𝟙 _,
associator := λ f g h, α_ f g h,
left_unitor := λ f, λ_ f,
right_unitor := λ f, ρ_ f,
tensor_comp' := begin
rw [bicategory.whisker_left_comp, bicategory.comp_whisker_right, category.assoc, category.assoc,
end }

end category_theory
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/category_theory/bicategory/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class bicategory (B : Type u) extends category_struct.{v} B :=
(associator {a b c d : B} (f : a ⟶ b) (g : b ⟶ c) (h : c ⟶ d) :
(f ≫ g) ≫ h ≅ f ≫ (g ≫ h))
(notation `α_` := associator)
--left unitor:
-- left unitor:
(left_unitor {a b : B} (f : a ⟶ b) : 𝟙 a ≫ f ≅ f)
(notation `λ_` := left_unitor)
-- right unitor:
Expand Down
104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/bicategory/single_obj.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
import category_theory.bicategory.End
import category_theory.monoidal.functorial

# Promoting a monoidal category to a single object bicategory.
A monoidal category can be thought of as a bicategory with a single object.
The objects of the monoidal category become the 1-morphisms,
with composition given by tensor product,
and the morphisms of the monoidal category become the 2-morphisms.
We verify that the endomorphisms of that single object recovers the original monoidal category.
One could go much further: the bicategory of monoidal categories
(equipped with monoidal functors and monoidal natural transformations)
is equivalent to the bicategory consisting of
* single object bicategories,
* pseudofunctors, and
* (oplax) natural transformations `η` such that `η.app = 𝟙 _`.

namespace category_theory

variables (C : Type*) [category C] [monoidal_category C]

Promote a monoidal category to a bicategory with a single object.
(The objects of the monoidal category become the 1-morphisms,
with composition given by tensor product,
and the morphisms of the monoidal category become the 2-morphisms.)
@[nolint unused_arguments, derive inhabited]
def monoidal_single_obj (C : Type*) [category C] [monoidal_category C] := punit

open monoidal_category

instance : bicategory (monoidal_single_obj C) :=
{ hom := λ _ _, C,
id := λ _, 𝟙_ C,
comp := λ _ _ _ X Y, X ⊗ Y,
whisker_left := λ _ _ _ X Y Z f, 𝟙 X ⊗ f,
whisker_right := λ _ _ _ X Y f Z, f ⊗ 𝟙 Z,
associator := λ _ _ _ _ X Y Z, α_ X Y Z,
left_unitor := λ _ _ X, λ_ X,
right_unitor := λ _ _ X, ρ_ X,
comp_whisker_left' :=
by { intros, rw [associator_inv_naturality, iso.hom_inv_id_assoc, tensor_id], },
whisker_assoc' := by { intros, rw [associator_inv_naturality, iso.hom_inv_id_assoc], },
whisker_right_comp' :=
by { intros, rw [←tensor_id, associator_naturality, iso.inv_hom_id_assoc], },
id_whisker_left' := by { intros, rw [left_unitor_inv_naturality, iso.hom_inv_id_assoc], },
whisker_right_id' := by { intros, rw [right_unitor_inv_naturality, iso.hom_inv_id_assoc], },
pentagon' := by { intros, rw [pentagon], }, }

namespace monoidal_single_obj

/-- The unique object in the bicategory obtained by "promoting" a monoidal category. -/
@[nolint unused_arguments]
protected def star : monoidal_single_obj C :=

The monoidal functor from the endomorphisms of the single object
when we promote a monoidal category to a single object bicategory,
to the original monoidal category.
We subsequently show this is an equivalence.
def End_monoidal_star_functor : monoidal_functor (End_monoidal ( C)) C :=
{ obj := λ X, X,
map := λ X Y f, f,
ε := 𝟙 _,
μ := λ X Y, 𝟙 _,
μ_natural' := λ X Y X' Y' f g, begin
simp only [category.id_comp, category.comp_id],
-- Should we provide further simp lemmas so this goal becomes visible?
exact (tensor_id_comp_id_tensor _ _).symm,
end, }

noncomputable theory

The equivalence between the endomorphisms of the single object
when we promote a monoidal category to a single object bicategory,
and the original monoidal category.
def End_monoidal_star_functor_is_equivalence :
is_equivalence (End_monoidal_star_functor C).to_functor :=
{ inverse :=
{ obj := λ X, X,
map := λ X Y f, f, },
unit_iso := nat_iso.of_components (λ X, as_iso (𝟙 _)) (by tidy),
counit_iso := nat_iso.of_components (λ X, as_iso (𝟙 _)) (by tidy), }

end monoidal_single_obj

end category_theory

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