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chore(linear_algebra/eigenspace): split file (#19163)
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Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
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semorrison and Scott Morrison committed Jun 7, 2023
1 parent c209272 commit 6b01692
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Showing 7 changed files with 243 additions and 174 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/algebra/lie/nilpotent.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Authors: Oliver Nash
import algebra.lie.solvable
import algebra.lie.quotient
import algebra.lie.normalizer
import linear_algebra.eigenspace
import linear_algebra.eigenspace.basic
import ring_theory.nilpotent

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/algebra/lie/weights.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import algebra.lie.tensor_product
import algebra.lie.character
import algebra.lie.engel
import algebra.lie.cartan_subalgebra
import linear_algebra.eigenspace
import linear_algebra.eigenspace.basic
import ring_theory.tensor_product

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/inner_product_space/rayleigh.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import analysis.inner_product_space.calculus
import analysis.inner_product_space.dual
import analysis.inner_product_space.adjoint
import analysis.calculus.lagrange_multipliers
import linear_algebra.eigenspace
import linear_algebra.eigenspace.basic

# The Rayleigh quotient
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/analysis/inner_product_space/spectrum.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Authors: Heather Macbeth
import analysis.inner_product_space.rayleigh
import analysis.inner_product_space.pi_L2
import algebra.direct_sum.decomposition
import linear_algebra.eigenspace.minpoly

/-! # Spectral theory of self-adjoint operators
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Alexander Bentkamp

import field_theory.is_alg_closed.spectrum
import order.hom.basic
import algebra.algebra.spectrum
import linear_algebra.general_linear_group
import linear_algebra.finite_dimensional

# Eigenvectors and eigenvalues
Expand All @@ -28,6 +29,13 @@ of the map `(f - μ • id) ^ k`. The nonzero elements of a generalized eigenspa
eigenvectors `x`. If there are generalized eigenvectors for a natural number `k` and a scalar `μ`,
the scalar `μ` is called a generalized eigenvalue.
The fact that the eigenvalues are the roots of the minimal polynomial is proved in
The existence of eigenvalues over an algebraically closed field
(and the fact that the generalized eigenspaces then span) is deferred to
## References
* [Sheldon Axler, *Linear Algebra Done Right*][axler2015]
Expand All @@ -43,8 +51,7 @@ universes u v w
namespace module
namespace End

open module principal_ideal_ring polynomial finite_dimensional
open_locale polynomial
open finite_dimensional

variables {K R : Type v} {V M : Type w}
[comm_ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] [field K] [add_comm_group V] [module K V]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,106 +122,6 @@ calc
... = (b • (f - b⁻¹ • algebra_map K (End K V) a)).ker : by rw linear_map.ker_smul _ b hb
... = (b • f - algebra_map K (End K V) a).ker : by rw [smul_sub, smul_inv_smul₀ hb]

lemma eigenspace_aeval_polynomial_degree_1
(f : End K V) (q : K[X]) (hq : degree q = 1) :
eigenspace f (- q.coeff 0 / q.leading_coeff) = (aeval f q).ker :=
eigenspace f (- q.coeff 0 / q.leading_coeff)
= (q.leading_coeff • f - algebra_map K (End K V) (- q.coeff 0)).ker
: by { rw eigenspace_div, intro h, rw leading_coeff_eq_zero_iff_deg_eq_bot.1 h at hq, cases hq }
... = (aeval f (C q.leading_coeff * X + C (q.coeff 0))).ker
: by { rw [C_mul', aeval_def], simp [algebra_map, algebra.to_ring_hom], }
... = (aeval f q).ker
: by rwa ← eq_X_add_C_of_degree_eq_one

lemma ker_aeval_ring_hom'_unit_polynomial
(f : End K V) (c : (K[X])ˣ) :
(aeval f (c : K[X])).ker = ⊥ :=
rw polynomial.eq_C_of_degree_eq_zero (degree_coe_units c),
simp only [aeval_def, eval₂_C],
apply ker_algebra_map_End,
apply coeff_coe_units_zero_ne_zero c

theorem aeval_apply_of_has_eigenvector {f : End K V}
{p : K[X]} {μ : K} {x : V} (h : f.has_eigenvector μ x) :
aeval f p x = (p.eval μ) • x :=
apply p.induction_on,
{ intro a, simp [module.algebra_map_End_apply] },
{ intros p q hp hq, simp [hp, hq, add_smul] },
{ intros n a hna,
rw [mul_comm, pow_succ, mul_assoc, alg_hom.map_mul, linear_map.mul_apply, mul_comm, hna],
simp only [mem_eigenspace_iff.1 h.1, smul_smul, aeval_X, eval_mul, eval_C, eval_pow, eval_X,
linear_map.map_smulₛₗ, ring_hom.id_apply, mul_comm] }

section minpoly

theorem is_root_of_has_eigenvalue {f : End K V} {μ : K} (h : f.has_eigenvalue μ) :
(minpoly K f).is_root μ :=
rcases (submodule.ne_bot_iff _).1 h with ⟨w, ⟨H, ne0⟩⟩,
refine or.resolve_right (smul_eq_zero.1 _) ne0,
simp [← aeval_apply_of_has_eigenvector ⟨H, ne0⟩, minpoly.aeval K f],

variables [finite_dimensional K V] (f : End K V)

variables {f} {μ : K}

theorem has_eigenvalue_of_is_root (h : (minpoly K f).is_root μ) :
f.has_eigenvalue μ :=
cases dvd_iff_is_root.2 h with p hp,
rw [has_eigenvalue, eigenspace],
intro con,
cases (linear_map.is_unit_iff_ker_eq_bot _).2 con with u hu,
have p_ne_0 : p ≠ 0,
{ intro con,
apply minpoly.ne_zero f.is_integral,
rw [hp, con, mul_zero] },
have h_deg := minpoly.degree_le_of_ne_zero K f p_ne_0 _,
{ rw [hp, degree_mul, degree_X_sub_C, polynomial.degree_eq_nat_degree p_ne_0] at h_deg,
norm_cast at h_deg,
linarith, },
{ have h_aeval := minpoly.aeval K f,
revert h_aeval,
simp [hp, ← hu] },

theorem has_eigenvalue_iff_is_root :
f.has_eigenvalue μ ↔ (minpoly K f).is_root μ :=
⟨is_root_of_has_eigenvalue, has_eigenvalue_of_is_root⟩

/-- An endomorphism of a finite-dimensional vector space has finitely many eigenvalues. -/
noncomputable instance (f : End K V) : fintype f.eigenvalues :=
have h : minpoly K f ≠ 0 := minpoly.ne_zero f.is_integral,
convert (minpoly K f).root_set_finite K,
ext μ,
have : (μ ∈ {μ : K | f.eigenspace μ = ⊥ → false}) ↔ ¬f.eigenspace μ = ⊥ := by tauto,
convert rfl.mpr this,
simp [polynomial.root_set_def, polynomial.mem_roots h, ← has_eigenvalue_iff_is_root,

end minpoly

/-- Every linear operator on a vector space over an algebraically closed field has
an eigenvalue. -/
-- This is Lemma 5.21 of [axler2015], although we are no longer following that proof.
lemma exists_eigenvalue [is_alg_closed K] [finite_dimensional K V] [nontrivial V] (f : End K V) :
∃ (c : K), f.has_eigenvalue c :=
by { simp_rw has_eigenvalue_iff_mem_spectrum,
exact spectrum.nonempty_of_is_alg_closed_of_finite_dimensional K f }

noncomputable instance [is_alg_closed K] [finite_dimensional K V] [nontrivial V] (f : End K V) :
inhabited f.eigenvalues :=
⟨⟨f.exists_eigenvalue.some, f.exists_eigenvalue.some_spec⟩⟩

/-- The eigenspaces of a linear operator form an independent family of subspaces of `V`. That is,
any eigenspace has trivial intersection with the span of all the other eigenspaces. -/
lemma eigenspaces_independent (f : End K V) : complete_lattice.independent f.eigenspace :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -530,72 +437,5 @@ calc f (f.generalized_eigenrange μ n)
... = ((f - algebra_map _ _ μ) ^ n) f.range : linear_map.range_comp _ _
... ≤ f.generalized_eigenrange μ n : linear_map.map_le_range

/-- The generalized eigenvectors span the entire vector space (Lemma 8.21 of [axler2015]). -/
lemma supr_generalized_eigenspace_eq_top [is_alg_closed K] [finite_dimensional K V] (f : End K V) :
(⨆ (μ : K) (k : ℕ), f.generalized_eigenspace μ k) = ⊤ :=
-- We prove the claim by strong induction on the dimension of the vector space.
unfreezingI { induction h_dim : finrank K V using nat.strong_induction_on
with n ih generalizing V },
cases n,
-- If the vector space is 0-dimensional, the result is trivial.
{ rw ←top_le_iff,
simp only [finrank_eq_zero.1 (eq.trans (finrank_top _ _) h_dim), bot_le] },
-- Otherwise the vector space is nontrivial.
{ haveI : nontrivial V := finrank_pos_iff.1 (by { rw h_dim, apply nat.zero_lt_succ }),
-- Hence, `f` has an eigenvalue `μ₀`.
obtain ⟨μ₀, hμ₀⟩ : ∃ μ₀, f.has_eigenvalue μ₀ := exists_eigenvalue f,
-- We define `ES` to be the generalized eigenspace
let ES := f.generalized_eigenspace μ₀ (finrank K V),
-- and `ER` to be the generalized eigenrange.
let ER := f.generalized_eigenrange μ₀ (finrank K V),
-- `f` maps `ER` into itself.
have h_f_ER : ∀ (x : V), x ∈ ER → f x ∈ ER,
from λ x hx, map_generalized_eigenrange_le (submodule.mem_map_of_mem hx),
-- Therefore, we can define the restriction `f'` of `f` to `ER`.
let f' : End K ER := f.restrict h_f_ER,
-- The dimension of `ES` is positive
have h_dim_ES_pos : 0 < finrank K ES,
{ dsimp only [ES],
rw h_dim,
apply pos_finrank_generalized_eigenspace_of_has_eigenvalue hμ₀ (nat.zero_lt_succ n) },
-- and the dimensions of `ES` and `ER` add up to `finrank K V`.
have h_dim_add : finrank K ER + finrank K ES = finrank K V,
{ apply linear_map.finrank_range_add_finrank_ker },
-- Therefore the dimension `ER` mus be smaller than `finrank K V`.
have h_dim_ER : finrank K ER < n.succ, by linarith,
-- This allows us to apply the induction hypothesis on `ER`:
have ih_ER : (⨆ (μ : K) (k : ℕ), f'.generalized_eigenspace μ k) = ⊤,
from ih (finrank K ER) h_dim_ER f' rfl,
-- The induction hypothesis gives us a statement about subspaces of `ER`. We can transfer this
-- to a statement about subspaces of `V` via `submodule.subtype`:
have ih_ER' : (⨆ (μ : K) (k : ℕ), (f'.generalized_eigenspace μ k).map ER.subtype) = ER,
by simp only [(submodule.map_supr _ _).symm, ih_ER, submodule.map_subtype_top ER],
-- Moreover, every generalized eigenspace of `f'` is contained in the corresponding generalized
-- eigenspace of `f`.
have hff' : ∀ μ k,
(f'.generalized_eigenspace μ k).map ER.subtype ≤ f.generalized_eigenspace μ k,
{ intros,
rw generalized_eigenspace_restrict,
apply submodule.map_comap_le },
-- It follows that `ER` is contained in the span of all generalized eigenvectors.
have hER : ER ≤ ⨆ (μ : K) (k : ℕ), f.generalized_eigenspace μ k,
{ rw ← ih_ER',
exact supr₂_mono hff' },
-- `ES` is contained in this span by definition.
have hES : ES ≤ ⨆ (μ : K) (k : ℕ), f.generalized_eigenspace μ k,
from le_trans
(le_supr (λ k, f.generalized_eigenspace μ₀ k) (finrank K V))
(le_supr (λ (μ : K), ⨆ (k : ℕ), f.generalized_eigenspace μ k) μ₀),
-- Moreover, we know that `ER` and `ES` are disjoint.
have h_disjoint : disjoint ER ES,
from generalized_eigenvec_disjoint_range_ker f μ₀,
-- Since the dimensions of `ER` and `ES` add up to the dimension of `V`, it follows that the
-- span of all generalized eigenvectors is all of `V`.
show (⨆ (μ : K) (k : ℕ), f.generalized_eigenspace μ k) = ⊤,
{ rw [←top_le_iff, ←submodule.eq_top_of_disjoint ER ES h_dim_add h_disjoint],
apply sup_le hER hES } }

end End
end module
115 changes: 115 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/eigenspace/is_alg_closed.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Alexander Bentkamp. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Alexander Bentkamp

import linear_algebra.eigenspace.basic
import field_theory.is_alg_closed.spectrum

# Eigenvectors and eigenvalues over algebraically closed fields.
* Every linear operator on a vector space over an algebraically closed field has an eigenvalue.
* The generalized eigenvectors span the entire vector space.
## References
* [Sheldon Axler, *Linear Algebra Done Right*][axler2015]
## Tags
eigenspace, eigenvector, eigenvalue, eigen

universes u v w

namespace module
namespace End

open finite_dimensional

variables {K : Type v} {V : Type w} [field K] [add_comm_group V] [module K V]

/-- Every linear operator on a vector space over an algebraically closed field has
an eigenvalue. -/
-- This is Lemma 5.21 of [axler2015], although we are no longer following that proof.
lemma exists_eigenvalue [is_alg_closed K] [finite_dimensional K V] [nontrivial V] (f : End K V) :
∃ (c : K), f.has_eigenvalue c :=
by { simp_rw has_eigenvalue_iff_mem_spectrum,
exact spectrum.nonempty_of_is_alg_closed_of_finite_dimensional K f }

noncomputable instance [is_alg_closed K] [finite_dimensional K V] [nontrivial V] (f : End K V) :
inhabited f.eigenvalues :=
⟨⟨f.exists_eigenvalue.some, f.exists_eigenvalue.some_spec⟩⟩

/-- The generalized eigenvectors span the entire vector space (Lemma 8.21 of [axler2015]). -/
lemma supr_generalized_eigenspace_eq_top [is_alg_closed K] [finite_dimensional K V] (f : End K V) :
(⨆ (μ : K) (k : ℕ), f.generalized_eigenspace μ k) = ⊤ :=
-- We prove the claim by strong induction on the dimension of the vector space.
unfreezingI { induction h_dim : finrank K V using nat.strong_induction_on
with n ih generalizing V },
cases n,
-- If the vector space is 0-dimensional, the result is trivial.
{ rw ←top_le_iff,
simp only [finrank_eq_zero.1 (eq.trans (finrank_top _ _) h_dim), bot_le] },
-- Otherwise the vector space is nontrivial.
{ haveI : nontrivial V := finrank_pos_iff.1 (by { rw h_dim, apply nat.zero_lt_succ }),
-- Hence, `f` has an eigenvalue `μ₀`.
obtain ⟨μ₀, hμ₀⟩ : ∃ μ₀, f.has_eigenvalue μ₀ := exists_eigenvalue f,
-- We define `ES` to be the generalized eigenspace
let ES := f.generalized_eigenspace μ₀ (finrank K V),
-- and `ER` to be the generalized eigenrange.
let ER := f.generalized_eigenrange μ₀ (finrank K V),
-- `f` maps `ER` into itself.
have h_f_ER : ∀ (x : V), x ∈ ER → f x ∈ ER,
from λ x hx, map_generalized_eigenrange_le (submodule.mem_map_of_mem hx),
-- Therefore, we can define the restriction `f'` of `f` to `ER`.
let f' : End K ER := f.restrict h_f_ER,
-- The dimension of `ES` is positive
have h_dim_ES_pos : 0 < finrank K ES,
{ dsimp only [ES],
rw h_dim,
apply pos_finrank_generalized_eigenspace_of_has_eigenvalue hμ₀ (nat.zero_lt_succ n) },
-- and the dimensions of `ES` and `ER` add up to `finrank K V`.
have h_dim_add : finrank K ER + finrank K ES = finrank K V,
{ apply linear_map.finrank_range_add_finrank_ker },
-- Therefore the dimension `ER` mus be smaller than `finrank K V`.
have h_dim_ER : finrank K ER < n.succ, by linarith,
-- This allows us to apply the induction hypothesis on `ER`:
have ih_ER : (⨆ (μ : K) (k : ℕ), f'.generalized_eigenspace μ k) = ⊤,
from ih (finrank K ER) h_dim_ER f' rfl,
-- The induction hypothesis gives us a statement about subspaces of `ER`. We can transfer this
-- to a statement about subspaces of `V` via `submodule.subtype`:
have ih_ER' : (⨆ (μ : K) (k : ℕ), (f'.generalized_eigenspace μ k).map ER.subtype) = ER,
by simp only [(submodule.map_supr _ _).symm, ih_ER, submodule.map_subtype_top ER],
-- Moreover, every generalized eigenspace of `f'` is contained in the corresponding generalized
-- eigenspace of `f`.
have hff' : ∀ μ k,
(f'.generalized_eigenspace μ k).map ER.subtype ≤ f.generalized_eigenspace μ k,
{ intros,
rw generalized_eigenspace_restrict,
apply submodule.map_comap_le },
-- It follows that `ER` is contained in the span of all generalized eigenvectors.
have hER : ER ≤ ⨆ (μ : K) (k : ℕ), f.generalized_eigenspace μ k,
{ rw ← ih_ER',
exact supr₂_mono hff' },
-- `ES` is contained in this span by definition.
have hES : ES ≤ ⨆ (μ : K) (k : ℕ), f.generalized_eigenspace μ k,
from le_trans
(le_supr (λ k, f.generalized_eigenspace μ₀ k) (finrank K V))
(le_supr (λ (μ : K), ⨆ (k : ℕ), f.generalized_eigenspace μ k) μ₀),
-- Moreover, we know that `ER` and `ES` are disjoint.
have h_disjoint : disjoint ER ES,
from generalized_eigenvec_disjoint_range_ker f μ₀,
-- Since the dimensions of `ER` and `ES` add up to the dimension of `V`, it follows that the
-- span of all generalized eigenvectors is all of `V`.
show (⨆ (μ : K) (k : ℕ), f.generalized_eigenspace μ k) = ⊤,
{ rw [←top_le_iff, ←submodule.eq_top_of_disjoint ER ES h_dim_add h_disjoint],
apply sup_le hER hES } }

end End
end module

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