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feat(model_theory/basic): Terms, formulas, and definable sets (#11067)
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Defines first-order terms, formulas, sentences and theories
Defines the boolean algebra of definable sets
(Several of these definitions are based on those from the flypitch project.)
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awainverse committed Jan 25, 2022
1 parent 4883d11 commit 6b32241
Showing 1 changed file with 273 additions and 1 deletion.
274 changes: 273 additions & 1 deletion src/model_theory/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ Authors: Aaron Anderson, Jesse Michael Han, Floris van Doorn
import data.nat.basic
import data.set_like.basic
import data.set.lattice
import data.fin.tuple.basic
import data.fintype.basic
import order.closure

Expand All @@ -28,6 +30,14 @@ This file defines first-order languages and structures in the style of the
* A `first_order.language.equiv`, denoted `M ≃[L] N`, is an equivalence from the `L`-structure `M`
to the `L`-structure `N` that commutes with the interpretations of functions, and which preserves
the interpretations of relations in both directions.
* A `first_order.language.term` is defined so that `L.term α` is the type of `L`-terms with free
variables indexed by `α`.
* A `first_order.language.formula` is defined so that `L.formula α` is the type of `L`-formulas with
free variables indexed by `α`.
* A `first_order.language.sentence` is a formula with no free variables.
* A `first_order.language.theory` is a set of sentences.
* A `first_order.language.definable_set` is defined so that `L.definable_set M α` is the boolean
algebra of subsets of `α → M` defined by formulas.
## References
For the Flypitch project:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,7 +67,7 @@ instance : inhabited language := ⟨empty⟩
/-- The type of constants in a given language. -/
@[nolint has_inhabited_instance] def const (L : language) := L.functions 0

variable (L : language)
variable (L : language.{u v})

/-- A language is relational when it has no function symbols. -/
class is_relational : Prop :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -811,5 +821,267 @@ eq_of_eq_on_top $ hs ▸ eq_on_closure h

end hom

variable (L)
/-- A term on `α` is either a variable indexed by an element of `α`
or a function symbol applied to simpler terms. -/
inductive term (α : Type) : Type u
| var {} : ∀ (a : α), term
| func {} : ∀ {l : ℕ} (f : L.functions l) (ts : fin l → term), term
export term

variable {L}

instance {α : Type} [inhabited α] : inhabited (L.term α) :=
⟨var default⟩

instance {α} : has_coe L.const (L.term α) :=
⟨λ c, func c fin_zero_elim⟩

/-- A term `t` with variables indexed by `α` can be evaluated by giving a value to each variable. -/
@[simp] def realize_term {α : Type} (v : α → M) :
∀ (t : L.term α), M
| (var k) := v k
| (func f ts) := fun_map f (λ i, realize_term (ts i))

variable (L)
/-- `bounded_formula α n` is the type of formulas with free variables indexed by `α` and up to `n`
additional free variables. -/
inductive bounded_formula (α : Type) : ℕ → Type (max u v)
| bd_falsum {} {n} : bounded_formula n
| bd_equal {n} (t₁ t₂ : L.term (α ⊕ fin n)) : bounded_formula n
| bd_rel {n l : ℕ} (R : L.relations l) (ts : fin l → L.term (α ⊕ fin n)) : bounded_formula n
| bd_imp {n} (f₁ f₂ : bounded_formula n) : bounded_formula n
| bd_all {n} (f : bounded_formula (n+1)) : bounded_formula n

export bounded_formula

instance {α : Type} {n : ℕ} : inhabited (L.bounded_formula α n) :=

/-- `formula α` is the type of formulas with all free variables indexed by `α`. -/
@[reducible] def formula (α : Type) := L.bounded_formula α 0

/-- A sentence is a formula with no free variables. -/
@[reducible] def sentence := L.formula pempty

/-- A theory is a set of sentences. -/
@[reducible] def theory := set L.sentence

variables {L} {α : Type}

section formula
variable {n : ℕ}

@[simps] instance : has_bot (L.bounded_formula α n) := ⟨bd_falsum⟩

/-- The negation of a bounded formula is also a bounded formula. -/
@[reducible] def bd_not (φ : L.bounded_formula α n) : L.bounded_formula α n :=
bd_imp φ ⊥

@[simps] instance : has_top (L.bounded_formula α n) := ⟨bd_not bd_falsum⟩

@[simps] instance : has_inf (L.bounded_formula α n) := ⟨λ f g, bd_not (bd_imp f (bd_not g))⟩

@[simps] instance : has_sup (L.bounded_formula α n) := ⟨λ f g, bd_imp (bd_not f) g⟩

end formula

variable {L}

instance nonempty_bounded_formula {α : Type} (n : ℕ) : nonempty $ L.bounded_formula α n :=
nonempty.intro (by constructor)

variables (M)

/-- A bounded formula can be evaluated as true or false by giving values to each free variable. -/
@[simp] def realize_bounded_formula :
∀ {l} (f : L.bounded_formula α l) (v : α → M) (xs : fin l → M), Prop
| _ bd_falsum v xs := false
| _ (bd_equal t₁ t₂) v xs := realize_term (sum.elim v xs) t₁ = realize_term (sum.elim v xs) t₂
| _ (bd_rel R ts) v xs := rel_map R (λ i, realize_term (sum.elim v xs) (ts i))
| _ (bd_imp f₁ f₂) v xs := realize_bounded_formula f₁ v xs → realize_bounded_formula f₂ v xs
| _ (bd_all f) v xs := ∀(x : M), realize_bounded_formula f v (fin.cons x xs)

@[simp] lemma realize_not {l} (f : L.bounded_formula α l) (v : α → M) (xs : fin l → M) :
realize_bounded_formula M (bd_not f) v xs = ¬ realize_bounded_formula M f v xs :=

/-- A bounded formula can be evaluated as true or false by giving values to each free variable. -/
@[reducible] def realize_formula (f : L.formula α) (v : α → M) : Prop :=
realize_bounded_formula M f v fin_zero_elim

/-- A sentence can be evaluated as true or false in a structure. -/
@[reducible] def realize_sentence (φ : L.sentence) : Prop :=
realize_formula M φ pempty.elim

variable {M}

section definability

variables (L) [fintype α]

/-- A subset of a finite Cartesian product of a structure is definable when membership in
the set is given by a first-order formula. -/
structure is_definable (s : set (α → M)) : Prop :=
(exists_formula : ∃ (φ : L.formula α), s = set_of (realize_formula M φ))

variables {L}

lemma is_definable_empty : L.is_definable (∅ : set (α → M)) :=
⟨⟨⊥, by {ext, simp} ⟩⟩

lemma is_definable_univ : L.is_definable (set.univ : set (α → M)) :=
⟨⟨⊤, by {ext, simp} ⟩⟩

lemma is_definable.inter {f g : set (α → M)} (hf : L.is_definable f) (hg : L.is_definable g) :
L.is_definable (f ∩ g) :=
rcases hf.exists_formula with ⟨φ, hφ⟩,
rcases hg.exists_formula with ⟨θ, hθ⟩,
refine ⟨φ ⊓ θ, _⟩,
simp [hφ, hθ],

lemma is_definable.union {f g : set (α → M)} (hf : L.is_definable f) (hg : L.is_definable g) :
L.is_definable (f ∪ g) :=
rcases hf.exists_formula with ⟨φ, hφ⟩,
rcases hg.exists_formula with ⟨θ, hθ⟩,
refine ⟨φ ⊔ θ, _⟩,
simp only [hφ, hθ, set.sup_eq_union, realize_not, realize_bounded_formula,
bounded_formula.has_sup_sup, set.mem_union_eq, set.mem_set_of_eq],

lemma is_definable.compl {s : set (α → M)} (hf : L.is_definable s) :
L.is_definable sᶜ :=
rcases hf.exists_formula with ⟨φ, hφ⟩,
refine ⟨bd_not φ, _⟩,
rw hφ,

lemma is_definable.sdiff {s t : set (α → M)} (hs : L.is_definable s)
(ht : L.is_definable t) :
L.is_definable (s \ t) :=
hs.inter ht.compl

variables (L) (M) (α)

/-- Definable sets are subsets of finite Cartesian products of a structure such that membership is
given by a first-order formula. -/
def definable_set := subtype (λ s : set (α → M), is_definable L s)

namespace definable_set
variables {M} {α}

instance : has_top (L.definable_set M α) := ⟨⟨⊤, is_definable_univ⟩⟩

instance : has_bot (L.definable_set M α) := ⟨⟨⊥, is_definable_empty⟩⟩

instance : inhabited (L.definable_set M α) := ⟨⊥⟩

instance : set_like (L.definable_set M α) (α → M) :=
{ coe := subtype.val,
coe_injective' := subtype.val_injective }

lemma mem_top {x : α → M} : x ∈ (⊤ : L.definable_set M α) := set.mem_univ x

lemma coe_top : ((⊤ : L.definable_set M α) : set (α → M)) = ⊤ := rfl

lemma not_mem_bot {x : α → M} : ¬ x ∈ (⊥ : L.definable_set M α) := set.not_mem_empty x

lemma coe_bot : ((⊥ : L.definable_set M α) : set (α → M)) = ⊥ := rfl

instance : lattice (L.definable_set M α) :=
subtype.lattice (λ _ _, is_definable.union) (λ _ _, is_definable.inter)

lemma le_iff {s t : L.definable_set M α} : s ≤ t ↔ (s : set (α → M)) ≤ (t : set (α → M)) := iff.rfl

lemma coe_sup {s t : L.definable_set M α} : ((s ⊔ t : L.definable_set M α) : set (α → M)) = s ∪ t :=

lemma mem_sup {s t : L.definable_set M α} {x : α → M} : x ∈ s ⊔ t ↔ x ∈ s ∨ x ∈ t := iff.rfl

lemma coe_inf {s t : L.definable_set M α} : ((s ⊓ t : L.definable_set M α) : set (α → M)) = s ∩ t :=

lemma mem_inf {s t : L.definable_set M α} {x : α → M} : x ∈ s ⊓ t ↔ x ∈ s ∧ x ∈ t := iff.rfl

instance : bounded_order (L.definable_set M α) :=
{ bot_le := λ s x hx, false.elim hx,
le_top := λ s x hx, set.mem_univ x,
.. definable_set.has_top L,
.. definable_set.has_bot L }

instance : distrib_lattice (L.definable_set M α) :=
{ le_sup_inf := begin
intros s t u x,
simp only [and_imp, set.mem_inter_eq, set_like.mem_coe, coe_sup, coe_inf, set.mem_union_eq,
.. definable_set.lattice L }

/-- The complement of a definable set is also definable. -/
@[reducible] instance : has_compl (L.definable_set M α) :=
⟨λ ⟨s, hs⟩, ⟨sᶜ, hs.compl⟩⟩

lemma mem_compl {s : L.definable_set M α} {x : α → M} : x ∈ sᶜ ↔ ¬ x ∈ s :=
cases s with s hs,

lemma coe_compl {s : L.definable_set M α} : ((sᶜ : L.definable_set M α) : set (α → M)) = sᶜ :=

instance : boolean_algebra (L.definable_set M α) :=
{ sdiff := λ s t, s ⊓ tᶜ,
sdiff_eq := λ s t, rfl,
sup_inf_sdiff := λ ⟨s, hs⟩ ⟨t, ht⟩,
apply le_antisymm;
simp [le_iff],
inf_inf_sdiff := λ ⟨s, hs⟩ ⟨t, ht⟩, begin
rw eq_bot_iff,
simp only [coe_compl, le_iff, coe_bot, coe_inf, subtype.coe_mk,
intros x hx,
simp only [set.mem_inter_eq, set.mem_compl_eq] at hx,
inf_compl_le_bot := λ ⟨s, hs⟩, by simp [le_iff],
top_le_sup_compl := λ ⟨s, hs⟩, by simp [le_iff],
.. definable_set.has_compl L,
.. definable_set.bounded_order L,
.. definable_set.distrib_lattice L }

end definable_set
end definability

end language
end first_order

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