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Define `antisymmetrization`, the quotient of a preorder by the "less than both ways" relation. This effectively turns a preorder into a partial order, and this operation is functorial as shown by the new `Preorder_to_PartialOrder`.
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YaelDillies committed Feb 16, 2022
1 parent 8a286af commit 6bcb12c
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Showing 4 changed files with 230 additions and 4 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/data/quot.lean
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ namespace quot
variables {ra : α → α → Prop} {rb : β → β → Prop} {φ : quot ra → quot rb → Sort*}
local notation `⟦`:max a `⟧` := _ a

instance [inhabited α] : inhabited (quot ra) := ⟨⟦default⟧⟩
instance (r : α → α → Prop) [inhabited α] : inhabited (quot r) := ⟨⟦default⟧⟩

instance [subsingleton α] : subsingleton (quot ra) :=
⟨λ x, quot.induction_on x (λ y, quot.ind (λ b, congr_arg _ (subsingleton.elim _ _)))⟩
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193 changes: 193 additions & 0 deletions src/order/antisymmetrization.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Yaël Dillies. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yaël Dillies
import order.hom.basic

# Turning a preorder into a partial order
This file allows to make a preorder into a partial order by quotienting out the elements `a`, `b`
such that `a ≤ b` and `b ≤ a`.
`antisymmetrization` is a functor from `Preorder` to `PartialOrder`. See `Preorder_to_PartialOrder`.
## Main declarations
* `antisymm_rel`: The antisymmetrization relation. `antisymm_rel r a b` means that `a` and `b` are
related both ways by `r`.
* `antisymmetrization α r`: The quotient of `α` by `antisymm_rel r`. Even when `r` is just a
preorder, `antisymmetrization α` is a partial order.

open function order_dual

variables {α β : Type*}

section relation
variables (r : α → α → Prop)

/-- The antisymmetrization relation. -/
def antisymm_rel (a b : α) : Prop := r a b ∧ r b a

lemma antisymm_rel_swap : antisymm_rel (swap r) = antisymm_rel r :=
funext $ λ _, funext $ λ _, propext and.comm

@[refl] lemma antisymm_rel_refl [is_refl α r] (a : α) : antisymm_rel r a a := ⟨refl _, refl _⟩

variables {r}

@[symm] lemma antisymm_rel.symm {a b : α} : antisymm_rel r a b → antisymm_rel r b a := and.symm

@[trans] lemma antisymm_rel.trans [is_trans α r] {a b c : α} (hab : antisymm_rel r a b)
(hbc : antisymm_rel r b c) :
antisymm_rel r a c :=
⟨trans hab.1 hbc.1, trans hbc.2 hab.2

instance antisymm_rel.decidable_rel [decidable_rel r] : decidable_rel (antisymm_rel r) :=
λ _ _, and.decidable

@[simp] lemma antisymm_rel_iff_eq [is_refl α r] [is_antisymm α r] {a b : α} :
antisymm_rel r a b ↔ a = b := antisymm_iff

alias antisymm_rel_iff_eq ↔ antisymm_rel.eq _

end relation

section is_preorder
variables (α) (r : α → α → Prop) [is_preorder α r]

/-- The antisymmetrization relation as an equivalence relation. -/
@[simps] def antisymm_rel.setoid : setoid α :=
⟨antisymm_rel r, antisymm_rel_refl _, λ _ _, antisymm_rel.symm, λ _ _ _, antisymm_rel.trans⟩

/-- The partial order derived from a preorder by making pairwise comparable elements equal. This is
the quotient by `λ a b, a ≤ b ∧ b ≤ a`. -/
def antisymmetrization : Type* := quotient $ antisymm_rel.setoid α r

variables {α}

/-- Turn an element into its antisymmetrization. -/
def to_antisymmetrization : α → antisymmetrization α r :='

/-- Get a representative from the antisymmetrization. -/
noncomputable def of_antisymmetrization : antisymmetrization α r → α := quotient.out'

instance [inhabited α] : inhabited (antisymmetrization α r) := quotient.inhabited _

protected lemma antisymmetrization.ind {p : antisymmetrization α r → Prop} :
(∀ a, p $ to_antisymmetrization r a) → ∀ q, p q :=

protected lemma antisymmetrization.induction_on {p : antisymmetrization α r → Prop}
(a : antisymmetrization α r) (h : ∀ a, p $ to_antisymmetrization r a) : p a :=
quotient.induction_on' a h

@[simp] lemma to_antisymmetrization_of_antisymmetrization (a : antisymmetrization α r) :
to_antisymmetrization r (of_antisymmetrization r a) = a := quotient.out_eq' _

end is_preorder

section preorder
variables {α} [preorder α] [preorder β] {a b : α}

lemma antisymm_rel.image {a b : α} (h : antisymm_rel (≤) a b) {f : α → β} (hf : monotone f) :
antisymm_rel (≤) (f a) (f b) :=
⟨hf h.1, hf h.2

instance : partial_order (antisymmetrization α (≤)) :=
{ le := λ a b, quotient.lift_on₂' a b (≤) $ λ (a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ : α) h₁ h₂,
propext ⟨λ h, h₁.2.trans $ h.trans h₂.1, λ h, h₁.1.trans $ h.trans h₂.2⟩,
lt := λ a b, quotient.lift_on₂' a b (<) $ λ (a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ : α) h₁ h₂,
propext ⟨λ h, h₁.2.trans_lt $ h.trans_le h₂.1, λ h, h₁.1.trans_lt $ h.trans_le h₂.2⟩,
le_refl := λ a, quotient.induction_on' a $ le_refl,
le_trans := λ a b c, quotient.induction_on₃' a b c $ λ a b c, le_trans,
lt_iff_le_not_le := λ a b, quotient.induction_on₂' a b $ λ a b, lt_iff_le_not_le,
le_antisymm := λ a b, quotient.induction_on₂' a b $ λ a b hab hba, quotient.sound' ⟨hab, hba⟩ }

-- TODO@Yaël: Make computable by adding the missing decidability instances for `quotient.lift` and
-- `quotient.lift₂`
noncomputable instance [is_total α (≤)] : linear_order (antisymmetrization α (≤)) :=
{ le_total := λ a b, quotient.induction_on₂' a b $ total_of (≤),
decidable_eq := classical.dec_rel _,
decidable_le := classical.dec_rel _,
decidable_lt := classical.dec_rel _,
..antisymmetrization.partial_order }

@[simp] lemma to_antisymmetrization_le_to_antisymmetrization_iff :
to_antisymmetrization (≤) a ≤ to_antisymmetrization (≤) b ↔ a ≤ b := iff.rfl

@[simp] lemma to_antisymmetrization_lt_to_antisymmetrization_iff :
to_antisymmetrization (≤) a < to_antisymmetrization (≤) b ↔ a < b := iff.rfl

@[simp] lemma of_antisymmetrization_le_of_antisymmetrization_iff {a b : antisymmetrization α (≤)} :
of_antisymmetrization (≤) a ≤ of_antisymmetrization (≤) b ↔ a ≤ b :=
by convert to_antisymmetrization_le_to_antisymmetrization_iff.symm;
exact (to_antisymmetrization_of_antisymmetrization _ _).symm

@[simp] lemma of_antisymmetrization_lt_of_antisymmetrization_iff {a b : antisymmetrization α (≤)} :
of_antisymmetrization (≤) a < of_antisymmetrization (≤) b ↔ a < b :=
by convert to_antisymmetrization_lt_to_antisymmetrization_iff.symm;
exact (to_antisymmetrization_of_antisymmetrization _ _).symm

@[mono] lemma to_antisymmetrization_mono : monotone (@to_antisymmetrization α (≤) _) := λ a b, id

/-- `to_antisymmetrization` as an order homomorphism. -/
@[simps] def order_hom.to_antisymmetrization : α →o antisymmetrization α (≤) :=
⟨to_antisymmetrization (≤), λ a b, id⟩

private lemma lift_fun_antisymm_rel (f : α →o β) :
((antisymm_rel.setoid α (≤)).r ⇒ (antisymm_rel.setoid β (≤)).r) f f :=
λ a b h, ⟨f.mono h.1, f.mono h.2

/-- Turns an order homomorphism from `α` to `β` into one from `antisymmetrization α` to
`antisymmetrization β`. `antisymmetrization` is actually a functor. See `Preorder_to_PartialOrder`.
protected def order_hom.antisymmetrization (f : α →o β) :
antisymmetrization α (≤) →o antisymmetrization β (≤) :=
⟨' f $ lift_fun_antisymm_rel f, λ a b, quotient.induction_on₂' a b $ f.mono⟩

@[simp] lemma order_hom.coe_antisymmetrization (f : α →o β) :
⇑f.antisymmetrization =' f (lift_fun_antisymm_rel f) := rfl

@[simp] lemma order_hom.antisymmetrization_apply (f : α →o β) (a : antisymmetrization α (≤)) :
f.antisymmetrization a =' f (lift_fun_antisymm_rel f) a := rfl

@[simp] lemma order_hom.antisymmetrization_apply_mk (f : α →o β) (a : α) :
f.antisymmetrization (to_antisymmetrization _ a) = (to_antisymmetrization _ (f a)) :='_mk' f (lift_fun_antisymm_rel f) _

variables (α)

/-- `of_antisymmetrization` as an order embedding. -/
@[simps] noncomputable def order_embedding.of_antisymmetrization : antisymmetrization α (≤) ↪o α :=
{ to_fun := of_antisymmetrization _,
inj' := λ _ _, quotient.out_inj.1,
map_rel_iff' := λ a b, of_antisymmetrization_le_of_antisymmetrization_iff }

/-- `antisymmetrization` and `order_dual` commute. -/
def order_iso.dual_antisymmetrization :
order_dual (antisymmetrization α (≤)) ≃o antisymmetrization (order_dual α) (≤) :=
{ to_fun :=' id $ λ _ _, and.symm,
inv_fun :=' id $ λ _ _, and.symm,
left_inv := λ a, quotient.induction_on' a $ λ a, by simp_rw ['_mk', id],
right_inv := λ a, quotient.induction_on' a $ λ a, by simp_rw ['_mk', id],
map_rel_iff' := λ a b, quotient.induction_on₂' a b $ λ a b, iff.rfl }

@[simp] lemma order_iso.dual_antisymmetrization_apply (a : α) :
order_iso.dual_antisymmetrization _ (to_dual $ to_antisymmetrization _ a) =
to_antisymmetrization _ (to_dual a) := rfl

@[simp] lemma order_iso.dual_antisymmetrization_symm_apply (a : α) :
(order_iso.dual_antisymmetrization _).symm (to_antisymmetrization _ $ to_dual a) =
to_dual (to_antisymmetrization _ a) := rfl

end preorder

section partial_order

end partial_order
33 changes: 32 additions & 1 deletion src/order/category/PartialOrder.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2020 Johan Commelin. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johan Commelin

import order.antisymmetrization
import order.category.Preorder

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,3 +58,34 @@ end PartialOrder
lemma PartialOrder_to_dual_comp_forget_to_Preorder :
PartialOrder.to_dual ⋙ forget₂ PartialOrder Preorder =
forget₂ PartialOrder Preorder ⋙ Preorder.to_dual := rfl

/-- `antisymmetrization` as a functor. It is the free functor. -/
def Preorder_to_PartialOrder : Preorder.{u} ⥤ PartialOrder :=
{ obj := λ X, PartialOrder.of (antisymmetrization X (≤)),
map := λ X Y f, f.antisymmetrization,
map_id' := λ X,
by { ext, exact quotient.induction_on' x (λ x,'_mk' _ (λ a b, id) _) },
map_comp' := λ X Y Z f g,
by { ext, exact quotient.induction_on' x (λ x, order_hom.antisymmetrization_apply_mk _ _) } }

/-- `Preorder_to_PartialOrder` is left adjoint to the forgetful functor, meaning it is the free
functor from `Preorder` to `PartialOrder`. -/
def Preorder_to_PartialOrder_forget_adjunction :
Preorder_to_PartialOrder.{u} ⊣ forget₂ PartialOrder Preorder :=
{ hom_equiv := λ X Y, { to_fun := λ f,
⟨f ∘ to_antisymmetrization (≤), f.mono.comp to_antisymmetrization_mono⟩,
inv_fun := λ f, ⟨λ a, quotient.lift_on' a f $ λ a b h, (antisymm_rel.image h f.mono).eq, λ a b,
quotient.induction_on₂' a b $ λ a b h, f.mono h⟩,
left_inv := λ f, order_hom.ext _ _ $ funext $ λ x, quotient.induction_on' x $ λ x, rfl,
right_inv := λ f, order_hom.ext _ _ $ funext $ λ x, rfl },
hom_equiv_naturality_left_symm' := λ X Y Z f g,
order_hom.ext _ _ $ funext $ λ x, quotient.induction_on' x $ λ x, rfl,
hom_equiv_naturality_right' := λ X Y Z f g, order_hom.ext _ _ $ funext $ λ x, rfl }

/-- `Preorder_to_PartialOrder` and `order_dual` commute. -/
@[simps] def Preorder_to_PartialOrder_comp_to_dual_iso_to_dual_comp_Preorder_to_PartialOrder :
(Preorder_to_PartialOrder.{u} ⋙ PartialOrder.to_dual) ≅
(Preorder.to_dual ⋙ Preorder_to_PartialOrder) :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ X, $ order_iso.dual_antisymmetrization _) $
λ X Y f, order_hom.ext _ _ $ funext $ λ x, quotient.induction_on' x $ λ x, rfl
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/order/rel_classes.lean
Expand Up @@ -21,8 +21,10 @@ variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {r : α → α → Prop} {s : β → β
open function

lemma comm [is_symm α r] {a b : α} : r a b ↔ r b a := ⟨symm, symm⟩
lemma antisymm' {r : α → α → Prop} [is_antisymm α r] {a b : α} : r a b → r b a → b = a :=
λ h h', antisymm h' h
lemma antisymm' [is_antisymm α r] {a b : α} : r a b → r b a → b = a := λ h h', antisymm h' h

lemma antisymm_iff [is_refl α r] [is_antisymm α r] {a b : α} : r a b ∧ r b a ↔ a = b :=
⟨λ h, antisymm h.1 h.2, by { rintro rfl, exact ⟨refl _, refl _⟩ }⟩

/-- A version of `antisymm` with `r` explicit.
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