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feat(category_theory/limits): disjoint coproducts (#8380)
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Towards a more detailed hierarchy of categorical properties.
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b-mehta committed Jul 27, 2021
1 parent bb44e1a commit 6c2f80c
Showing 1 changed file with 133 additions and 0 deletions.
133 changes: 133 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/limits/shapes/disjoint_coproduct.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Bhavik Mehta. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Bhavik Mehta
import category_theory.limits.shapes.binary_products
import category_theory.limits.shapes.pullbacks
import category_theory.limits.over

# Disjoint coproducts
Defines disjoint coproducts: coproducts where the intersection is initial and the coprojections
are monic.
Shows that a category with disjoint coproducts is `initial_mono_class`.
* Adapt this to the infinitary (small) version: This is one of the conditions in Giraud's theorem
characterising sheaf topoi.
* Construct examples (and counterexamples?), eg Type, Vec.
* Define extensive categories, and show every extensive category has disjoint coproducts.
* Define coherent categories and use this to define positive coherent categories.

universes v u u₂

namespace category_theory
namespace limits

open category

variables {C : Type u} [category.{v} C]

Given any pullback diagram of the form
Z ⟶ X₁
↓ ↓
X₂ ⟶ X
where `X₁ ⟶ X ← X₂` is a coproduct diagram, then `Z` is initial, and both `X₁ ⟶ X` and `X₂ ⟶ X`
are mono.
class coproduct_disjoint (X₁ X₂ : C) :=
(is_initial_of_is_pullback_of_is_coproduct :
∀ {X Z} {pX₁ : X₁ ⟶ X} {pX₂ : X₂ ⟶ X} {f : Z ⟶ X₁} {g : Z ⟶ X₂}
(cX : is_colimit ( pX₁ pX₂)) {comm : f ≫ pX₁ = g ≫ pX₂},
is_limit ( _ _ comm) → is_initial Z)
(mono_inl : ∀ X (X₁ : X₁ ⟶ X) (X₂ : X₂ ⟶ X) (cX : is_colimit ( X₁ X₂)), mono X₁)
(mono_inr : ∀ X (X₁ : X₁ ⟶ X) (X₂ : X₂ ⟶ X) (cX : is_colimit ( X₁ X₂)), mono X₂)

If the coproduct of `X₁` and `X₂` is disjoint, then given any pullback square
Z ⟶ X₁
↓ ↓
X₂ ⟶ X
where `X₁ ⟶ X ← X₂` is a coproduct, then `Z` is initial.
def is_initial_of_is_pullback_of_is_coproduct {Z X₁ X₂ X : C} [coproduct_disjoint X₁ X₂]
{pX₁ : X₁ ⟶ X} {pX₂ : X₂ ⟶ X} (cX : is_colimit ( pX₁ pX₂))
{f : Z ⟶ X₁} {g : Z ⟶ X₂} {comm : f ≫ pX₁ = g ≫ pX₂}
(cZ : is_limit ( _ _ comm)) :
is_initial Z :=
coproduct_disjoint.is_initial_of_is_pullback_of_is_coproduct cX cZ

If the coproduct of `X₁` and `X₂` is disjoint, then given any pullback square
Z ⟶ X₁
↓ ↓
X₂ ⟶ X₁ ⨿ X₂
`Z` is initial.
noncomputable def is_initial_of_is_pullback_of_coproduct {Z X₁ X₂ : C}
[has_binary_coproduct X₁ X₂] [coproduct_disjoint X₁ X₂]
{f : Z ⟶ X₁} {g : Z ⟶ X₂} {comm : f ≫ (coprod.inl : X₁ ⟶ _ ⨿ X₂) = g ≫ coprod.inr}
(cZ : is_limit ( _ _ comm)) :
is_initial Z :=
coproduct_disjoint.is_initial_of_is_pullback_of_is_coproduct (coprod_is_coprod _ _) cZ

If the coproduct of `X₁` and `X₂` is disjoint, then provided `X₁ ⟶ X ← X₂` is a coproduct the
pullback is an initial object:
X₂ ⟶ X
noncomputable def is_initial_of_pullback_of_is_coproduct {X X₁ X₂ : C} [coproduct_disjoint X₁ X₂]
{pX₁ : X₁ ⟶ X} {pX₂ : X₂ ⟶ X} [has_pullback pX₁ pX₂]
(cX : is_colimit ( pX₁ pX₂)) :
is_initial (pullback pX₁ pX₂) :=
coproduct_disjoint.is_initial_of_is_pullback_of_is_coproduct cX (pullback_is_pullback _ _)

If the coproduct of `X₁` and `X₂` is disjoint, the pullback of `X₁ ⟶ X₁ ⨿ X₂` and `X₂ ⟶ X₁ ⨿ X₂`
is initial.
noncomputable def is_initial_of_pullback_of_coproduct {X₁ X₂ : C}
[has_binary_coproduct X₁ X₂] [coproduct_disjoint X₁ X₂]
[has_pullback (coprod.inl : X₁ ⟶ _ ⨿ X₂) coprod.inr] :
is_initial (pullback (coprod.inl : X₁ ⟶ _ ⨿ X₂) coprod.inr) :=
is_initial_of_is_pullback_of_coproduct (pullback_is_pullback _ _)

instance {X₁ X₂ : C} [has_binary_coproduct X₁ X₂] [coproduct_disjoint X₁ X₂] :
mono (coprod.inl : X₁ ⟶ X₁ ⨿ X₂) :=
coproduct_disjoint.mono_inl _ _ _ (coprod_is_coprod _ _)
instance {X₁ X₂ : C} [has_binary_coproduct X₁ X₂] [coproduct_disjoint X₁ X₂] :
mono (coprod.inr : X₂ ⟶ X₁ ⨿ X₂) :=
coproduct_disjoint.mono_inr _ _ _ (coprod_is_coprod _ _)

/-- `C` has disjoint coproducts if every coproduct is disjoint. -/
class coproducts_disjoint (C : Type u) [category.{v} C] :=
(coproduct_disjoint : ∀ (X Y : C), coproduct_disjoint X Y)

attribute [instance, priority 999] coproducts_disjoint.coproduct_disjoint

/-- If `C` has disjoint coproducts, any morphism out of initial is mono. Note it isn't true in
general that `C` has strict initial objects, for instance consider the category of types and
partial functions. -/
lemma initial_mono_class_of_disjoint_coproducts [coproducts_disjoint C] : initial_mono_class C :=
{ is_initial_mono_from := λ I X hI,
coproduct_disjoint.mono_inl _ _ (𝟙 X)
{ desc := λ (s : binary_cofan _ _), s.inr,
fac' := λ s j, walking_pair.cases_on j (hI.hom_ext _ _) (id_comp _),
uniq' := λ (s : binary_cofan _ _) m w, (id_comp _).symm.trans (w walking_pair.right) } }

end limits
end category_theory

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