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chore(logic/embedding): reuse proofs from data.* (#3341)
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Other changes:

* rename `` to `injective.prod_map`;
* add `surjective.prod_map`;
* redefine `` without pattern matching;
* rename `sigma_map_injective` to `injective.sigma_map`;
* add `surjective.sigma_map`;
* add `injective.sum_map` and `surjective.sum_map`;
* rename `embedding.prod_congr` to `embedding.prod_map`;
* rename `embedding.sum_congr` to `embedding.sum_map`;
* delete `embedding.sigma_congr_right`, add more
  general `embedding.sigma_map`.
  • Loading branch information
urkud committed Jul 10, 2020
1 parent 92d508a commit 6c41b2b
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Showing 9 changed files with 75 additions and 43 deletions.
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions src/data/prod.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,9 +111,10 @@ end prod

open function

lemma {f : α → γ} {g : β → δ} (hf : injective f) (hg : injective g) :
injective (λ p : α × β, (f p.1, g p.2)) :=
assume ⟨a₁, b₁⟩ ⟨a₂, b₂⟩ h,
have a₁ = a₂, from hf (by cc),
have b₁ = b₂, from hg (by cc),
by cc
lemma function.injective.prod_map {f : α → γ} {g : β → δ} (hf : injective f) (hg : injective g) :
injective ( f g) :=
λ x y h, prod.ext (hf (prod.ext_iff.1 h).1) (hg $ (prod.ext_iff.1 h).2)

lemma function.surjective.prod_map {f : α → γ} {g : β → δ} (hf : surjective f) (hg : surjective g) :
surjective ( f g) :=
λ p, let ⟨x, hx⟩ := hf p.1 in let ⟨y, hy⟩ := hg p.2 in ⟨(x, y), prod.ext hx hy⟩
20 changes: 17 additions & 3 deletions src/data/sigma/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ by simp
variables {α₁ : Type*} {α₂ : Type*} {β₁ : α₁ → Type*} {β₂ : α₂ → Type*}

/-- Map the left and right components of a sigma -/
def (f₁ : α₁ → α₂) (f₂ : Πa, β₁ a → β₂ (f₁ a)) : sigma β₁ sigma β₂
| ⟨a, b⟩ := ⟨f₁ a, f₂ a b
def (f₁ : α₁ → α₂) (f₂ : Πa, β₁ a → β₂ (f₁ a)) (x : sigma β₁) : sigma β₂ :=
f₁ x.1, f₂ x.1 x.2

lemma sigma_map_injective {f₁ : α₁ → α₂} {f₂ : Πa, β₁ a → β₂ (f₁ a)}
lemma function.injective.sigma_map {f₁ : α₁ → α₂} {f₂ : Πa, β₁ a → β₂ (f₁ a)}
(h₁ : function.injective f₁) (h₂ : ∀ a, function.injective (f₂ a)) :
function.injective ( f₁ f₂)
| ⟨i, x⟩ ⟨j, y⟩ h :=
Expand All @@ -57,6 +57,20 @@ begin
subst y

lemma function.surjective.sigma_map {f₁ : α₁ → α₂} {f₂ : Πa, β₁ a → β₂ (f₁ a)}
(h₁ : function.surjective f₁) (h₂ : ∀ a, function.surjective (f₂ a)) :
function.surjective ( f₁ f₂) :=
intros y,
cases y with j y,
cases h₁ j with i hi,
subst j,
cases h₂ i y with x hx,
subst y,
exact ⟨⟨i, x⟩, rfl⟩

end sigma

section psigma
Expand Down
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions src/data/sum.lean
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Expand Up @@ -139,3 +139,19 @@ swap_swap

end sum

namespace function

open sum

lemma injective.sum_map {f : α → β} {g : α' → β'} (hf : injective f) (hg : injective g) :
injective ( f g)
| (inl x) (inl y) h := congr_arg inl $ hf $ inl.inj h
| (inr x) (inr y) h := congr_arg inr $ hg $ inr.inj h

lemma surjective.sum_map {f : α → β} {g : α' → β'} (hf : surjective f) (hg : surjective g) :
surjective ( f g)
| (inl y) := let ⟨x, hx⟩ := hf y in ⟨inl x, congr_arg inl hx⟩
| (inr y) := let ⟨x, hx⟩ := hg y in ⟨inr x, congr_arg inr hx⟩

end function
47 changes: 26 additions & 21 deletions src/logic/embedding.lean
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Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Mario Carneiro
import data.equiv.basic
import data.sigma

# Injective functions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,28 +128,28 @@ def cod_restrict {α β} (p : set β) (f : α ↪ β) (H : ∀ a, f a ∈ p) :
@[simp] theorem cod_restrict_apply {α β} (p) (f : α ↪ β) (H a) :
cod_restrict p f H a = ⟨f a, H a⟩ := rfl

def prod_congr {α β γ δ : Type*} (e₁ : α ↪ β) (e₂ : γ ↪ δ) : α × γ ↪ β × δ :=
⟨assume ⟨a, b⟩, (e₁ a, e₂ b),
assume ⟨a₁, b₁⟩ ⟨a₂, b₂⟩ h,
have a₁ = a₂ ∧ b₁ = b₂, from
( h).imp (assume h, e₁.injective h) (assume h, e₂.injective h),
this.left ▸ this.right ▸ rfl⟩
/-- If `e₁` and `e₂` are embeddings, then so is ` e₁ e₂ : (a, b) ↦ (e₁ a, e₂ b)`. -/
def prod_map {α β γ δ : Type*} (e₁ : α ↪ β) (e₂ : γ ↪ δ) : α × γ ↪ β × δ :=
⟨ e₁ e₂, e₁.injective.prod_map e₂.injective⟩

@[simp] lemma coe_prod_map {α β γ δ : Type*} (e₁ : α ↪ β) (e₂ : γ ↪ δ) :
⇑(e₁.prod_map e₂) = e₁ e₂ :=

section sum
open sum

def sum_congr {α β γ δ : Type*} (e₁ : α ↪ β) (e₂ : γ ↪ δ) : α ⊕ γ ↪ β ⊕ δ :=
⟨assume s, match s with inl a := inl (e₁ a) | inr b := inr (e₂ b) end,
/-- If `e₁` and `e₂` are embeddings, then so is ` e₁ e₂`. -/
def sum_map {α β γ δ : Type*} (e₁ : α ↪ β) (e₂ : γ ↪ δ) : α ⊕ γ ↪ β ⊕ δ :=
⟨ e₁ e₂,
assume s₁ s₂ h, match s₁, s₂, h with
| inl a₁, inl a₂, h := congr_arg inl $ e₁.injective $ inl.inj h
| inr b₁, inr b₂, h := congr_arg inr $ e₂.injective $ inr.inj h

@[simp] theorem sum_congr_apply_inl {α β γ δ}
(e₁ : α ↪ β) (e₂ : γ ↪ δ) (a) : sum_congr e₁ e₂ (inl a) = inl (e₁ a) := rfl

@[simp] theorem sum_congr_apply_inr {α β γ δ}
(e₁ : α ↪ β) (e₂ : γ ↪ δ) (b) : sum_congr e₁ e₂ (inr b) = inr (e₂ b) := rfl
@[simp] theorem coe_sum_map {α β γ δ} (e₁ : α ↪ β) (e₂ : γ ↪ δ) :
⇑(sum_map e₁ e₂) = e₁ e₂ :=

/-- The embedding of `α` into the sum `α ⊕ β`. -/
def inl {α β : Type*} : α ↪ α ⊕ β :=
Expand All @@ -161,14 +162,18 @@ def inr {α β : Type*} : β ↪ α ⊕ β :=
end sum

section sigma
open sigma

def sigma_congr_right {α : Type*} {β γ : α → Type*} (e : ∀ a, β a ↪ γ a) : sigma β ↪ sigma γ :=
⟨λ ⟨a, b⟩, ⟨a, e a b⟩, λ ⟨a₁, b₁⟩ ⟨a₂, b₂⟩ h, begin
injection h with h₁ h₂, subst a₂,
exact (e a₁).2 (eq_of_heq h₂)

variables {α α' : Type*} {β : α → Type*} {β' : α' → Type*}

/-- If `f : α ↪ α'` is an embedding and `g : Π a, β α ↪ β' (f α)` is a family
of embeddings, then ` f g` is an embedding. -/
def sigma_map (f : α ↪ α') (g : Π a, β a ↪ β' (f a)) :
(Σ a, β a) ↪ Σ a', β' a' :=
⟨ f (λ a, g a), f.injective.sigma_map (λ a, (g a).injective)⟩

@[simp] lemma coe_sigma_map (f : α ↪ α') (g : Π a, β a ↪ β' (f a)) :
⇑(f.sigma_map g) = f (λ a, g a) :=

end sigma

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/set_theory/cardinal.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ lemma zero_power_le (c : cardinal.{u}) : (0 : cardinal.{u}) ^ c ≤ 1 :=
by { by_cases h : c = 0, rw [h, power_zero], rw [zero_power h], apply zero_le }

theorem add_le_add : ∀{a b c d : cardinal}, a ≤ b → c ≤ d → a + c ≤ b + d :=
by rintros ⟨α⟩ ⟨β⟩ ⟨γ⟩ ⟨δ⟩ ⟨e₁⟩ ⟨e₂⟩; exact ⟨embedding.sum_congr e₁ e₂⟩
by rintros ⟨α⟩ ⟨β⟩ ⟨γ⟩ ⟨δ⟩ ⟨e₁⟩ ⟨e₂⟩; exact ⟨e₁.sum_map e₂⟩

theorem add_le_add_left (a) {b c : cardinal} : b ≤ c → a + b ≤ a + c :=
add_le_add (le_refl _)
Expand All @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ theorem le_add_left (a b : cardinal) : a ≤ b + a :=
by simpa using add_le_add_right a (zero_le b)

theorem mul_le_mul : ∀{a b c d : cardinal}, a ≤ b → c ≤ d → a * c ≤ b * d :=
by rintros ⟨α⟩ ⟨β⟩ ⟨γ⟩ ⟨δ⟩ ⟨e₁⟩ ⟨e₂⟩; exact ⟨embedding.prod_congr e₁ e₂⟩
by rintros ⟨α⟩ ⟨β⟩ ⟨γ⟩ ⟨δ⟩ ⟨e₁⟩ ⟨e₂⟩; exact ⟨e₁.prod_map e₂⟩

theorem mul_le_mul_left (a) {b c : cardinal} : b ≤ c → a * b ≤ a * c :=
mul_le_mul (le_refl _)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ quotient.induction_on a $ λ α, by simp; exact
quotient.sound ⟨equiv.sigma_equiv_prod _ _⟩

theorem sum_le_sum {ι} (f g : ι → cardinal) (H : ∀ i, f i ≤ g i) : sum f ≤ sum g :=
⟨embedding.sigma_congr_right $ λ i, classical.choice $
(embedding.refl _).sigma_map $ λ i, classical.choice $
by have := H i; rwa [← quot.out_eq (f i), ← quot.out_eq (g i)] at this

/-- The indexed supremum of cardinals is the smallest cardinal above
Expand Down
8 changes: 2 additions & 6 deletions src/set_theory/game/domineering.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,14 +27,10 @@ open function

/-- The embedding `(x, y) ↦ (x, y+1)`. -/
def shift_up : ℤ × ℤ ↪ ℤ × ℤ :=
⟨λ p : ℤ × ℤ, (p.1, p.2 + 1),
have injective (λ (n : ℤ), n + 1) := λ _ _, (add_left_inj 1).mp, this
(embedding.refl ℤ).prod_map ⟨λ n, n + 1, add_left_injective 1
/-- The embedding `(x, y) ↦ (x+1, y)`. -/
def shift_right : ℤ × ℤ ↪ ℤ × ℤ :=
⟨λ p : ℤ × ℤ, (p.1 + 1, p.2),
have injective (λ (n : ℤ), n + 1) := λ _ _, (add_left_inj 1).mp, injective_id⟩
embedding.prod_map ⟨λ n, n + 1, add_left_injective 1⟩ (embedding.refl ℤ)

/-- A Domineering board is an arbitrary finite subset of `ℤ × ℤ`. -/
@[derive inhabited]
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/set_theory/ordinal.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ by rw [one_le_iff_pos, pos_iff_ne_zero]
theorem add_le_add_left {a b : ordinal} : a ≤ b → ∀ c, c + a ≤ c + b :=
induction_on a $ λ α₁ r₁ _, induction_on b $ λ α₂ r₂ _ ⟨⟨⟨f, fo⟩, fi⟩⟩ c,
induction_on c $ λ β s _,
⟨⟨⟨(embedding.refl _).sum_congr f,
⟨⟨⟨(embedding.refl _).sum_map f,
λ a b, match a, b with
| sum.inl a, sum.inl b := sum.lex_inl_inl.trans sum.lex_inl_inl.symm
| sum.inl a, sum.inr b := by apply iff_of_true; apply sum.lex.sep
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ induction_on a $ λ α₁ r₁ hr₁, induction_on b $ λ α₂ r₂ hr₂ ⟨
induction_on c $ λ β s hs, (@type_le' _ _ _ _
(@sum.lex.is_well_order _ _ _ _ hr₁ hs)
(@sum.lex.is_well_order _ _ _ _ hr₂ hs)).2
⟨⟨embedding.sum_congr f (embedding.refl _), λ a b, begin
⟨⟨f.sum_map (embedding.refl _), λ a b, begin
split; intro H,
{ cases H; constructor; [rwa ← fo, assumption] },
{ cases a with a a; cases b with b b; cases H; constructor; [rwa fo, assumption] }
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/topology/constructions.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ end
lemma embedding_sigma_map {τ : ι → Type*} [Π i, topological_space (τ i)]
{f : Π i, σ i → τ i} (hf : ∀ i, embedding (f i)) : embedding ( id f) :=
refine ⟨⟨_⟩, sigma_map_injective function.injective_id (λ i, (hf i).inj)⟩,
refine ⟨⟨_⟩, function.injective_id.sigma_map (λ i, (hf i).inj)⟩,
refine le_antisymm
( (continuous_sigma_map (λ i, (hf i).continuous))) _,
intros s hs,
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/topology/uniform_space/uniform_embedding.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ lemma uniform_embedding_subtype_emb (p : α → Prop) {e : α → β} (ue : unif
lemma {α' : Type*} {β' : Type*} [uniform_space α'] [uniform_space β']
{e₁ : α → α'} {e₂ : β → β'} (h₁ : uniform_embedding e₁) (h₂ : uniform_embedding e₂) :
uniform_embedding (λp:α×β, (e₁ p.1, e₂ p.2)) :=
{ inj := h₁ h₂.inj,
{ inj := h₁.inj.prod_map h₂.inj,
..h₁ h₂.to_uniform_inducing }

lemma is_complete_of_complete_image {m : α → β} {s : set α} (hm : uniform_inducing m)
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