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feat(algebraic_geometry/locally_ringed_space): LocallyRingedSpace is …
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Co-authored-by: Andrew Yang <>
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erdOne and erdOne committed Dec 20, 2021
1 parent b02e2ea commit 6cfc8d8
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Showing 5 changed files with 244 additions and 7 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/algebraic_geometry/locally_ringed_space.lean
Expand Up @@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ def to_Top : Top := X.1.carrier
instance : has_coe_to_sort LocallyRingedSpace (Type u) :=
⟨λ X : LocallyRingedSpace, (X.to_Top : Type u)⟩

instance (x : X) : _root_.local_ring (X.to_PresheafedSpace.stalk x) := X.local_ring x

-- PROJECT: how about a typeclass "has_structure_sheaf" to mediate the 𝒪 notation, rather
-- than defining it over and over for PresheafedSpace, LRS, Scheme, etc.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,7 +234,7 @@ end

instance component_nontrivial (X : LocallyRingedSpace) (U : opens X.carrier)
[hU : nonempty U] : nontrivial (X.presheaf.obj $ op U) :=
(X.presheaf.germ hU.some).domain_nontrivial
(X.to_PresheafedSpace.presheaf.germ hU.some).domain_nontrivial

end LocallyRingedSpace

Expand Down
201 changes: 195 additions & 6 deletions src/algebraic_geometry/locally_ringed_space/has_colimits.lean
Expand Up @@ -11,11 +11,7 @@ import category_theory.limits.constructions.limits_of_products_and_equalizers
# Colimits of LocallyRingedSpace
We construct the explict coproducts of `LocallyRingedSpace`.
Construct the explict coequalizers of `LocallyRingedSpace`.
We construct the explict coproducts and coequalizers of `LocallyRingedSpace`.
It then follows that `LocallyRingedSpace` has all colimits, and
`forget_to_SheafedSpace` preserves them.
Expand All @@ -25,7 +21,7 @@ namespace algebraic_geometry

universes v u

open category_theory category_theory.limits opposite
open category_theory category_theory.limits opposite topological_space

namespace SheafedSpace

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,6 +102,199 @@ instance (J : Type*) : preserves_colimits_of_shape (discrete J) forget_to_Sheafe

end has_coproducts

section has_coequalizer

variables {X Y : LocallyRingedSpace.{u}} (f g : X ⟶ Y)

namespace has_coequalizer

instance coequalizer_π_app_is_local_ring_hom
(U : topological_space.opens ((coequalizer f.val g.val).carrier)) :
is_local_ring_hom ((coequalizer.π f.val g.val : _) (op U)) :=
have := ι_comp_coequalizer_comparison f.1 g.1 SheafedSpace.forget_to_PresheafedSpace,
rw ← preserves_coequalizer.iso_hom at this,
erw SheafedSpace.congr_app this.symm (op U),
rw [PresheafedSpace.comp_c_app,
← PresheafedSpace.colimit_presheaf_obj_iso_componentwise_limit_hom_π],

We roughly follow the construction given in [MR0302656]. Given a pair `f, g : X ⟶ Y` of morphisms
of locally ringed spaces, we want to show that the stalk map of
`π = coequalizer.π f g` (as sheafed space homs) is a local ring hom. It then follows that
`coequalizer f g` is indeed a locally ringed space, and `coequalizer.π f g` is a morphism of
locally ringed space.
Given a germ `⟨U, s⟩` of `x : coequalizer f g` such that `π꙳ x : Y` is invertible, we ought to show
that `⟨U, s⟩` is invertible. That is, there exists an open set `U' ⊆ U` containing `x` such that the
restriction of `s` onto `U'` is invertible. This `U'` is given by `π '' V`, where `V` is the
basic open set of `π⋆x`.
Since `f ⁻¹' V = Y.basic_open (f ≫ π)꙳ x = Y.basic_open (g ≫ π)꙳ x = g ⁻¹' V`, we have
`π ⁻¹' (π '' V) = V` (as the underlying set map is merely the set-theoretic coequalizer).
This shows that `π '' V` is indeed open, and `s` is invertible on `π '' V` as the components of `π꙳`
are local ring homs.
variable (U : opens ((coequalizer f.1 g.1).carrier))
variable (s : (coequalizer f.1 g.1).presheaf.obj (op U))

/-- (Implementation). The basic open set of the section `π꙳ s`. -/
def image_basic_open : opens Y := (Y.to_RingedSpace.basic_open
(show Y.presheaf.obj (op (unop _)), from ((coequalizer.π f.1 g.1) (op U)) s))

lemma image_basic_open_image_preimage :
(coequalizer.π f.1 g.1).base ⁻¹' ((coequalizer.π f.1 g.1).base ''
(image_basic_open f g U s).1) = (image_basic_open f g U s).1 :=
fapply types.coequalizer_preimage_image_eq_of_preimage_eq f.1.base g.1.base,
{ ext,
simp_rw [types_comp_apply, ← Top.comp_app, ← PresheafedSpace.comp_base],
congr' 2,
exact coequalizer.condition f.1 g.1 },
{ apply is_colimit_cofork_map_of_is_colimit (forget Top),
apply is_colimit_cofork_map_of_is_colimit (SheafedSpace.forget _),
exact coequalizer_is_coequalizer f.1 g.1 },
{ suffices : ( f.1.base).obj (image_basic_open f g U s) =
( g.1.base).obj (image_basic_open f g U s),
{ injection this },
delta image_basic_open,
rw [preimage_basic_open f, preimage_basic_open g],
dsimp only [functor.op, unop_op],
rw [← comp_apply, ← SheafedSpace.comp_c_app', ← comp_apply, ← SheafedSpace.comp_c_app',
SheafedSpace.congr_app (coequalizer.condition f.1 g.1), comp_apply],
erw X.to_RingedSpace.basic_open_res,
apply inf_eq_right.mpr,
refine (RingedSpace.basic_open_subset _ _).trans _,
rw coequalizer.condition f.1 g.1,
exact λ _ h, h }

lemma image_basic_open_image_open :
is_open ((coequalizer.π f.1 g.1).base '' (image_basic_open f g U s).1) :=
rw [← (Top.homeo_of_iso (preserves_coequalizer.iso (SheafedSpace.forget _) f.1 g.1))
.is_open_preimage, Top.coequalizer_is_open_iff, ← set.preimage_comp],
erw ← coe_comp,
rw [preserves_coequalizer.iso_hom, ι_comp_coequalizer_comparison],
dsimp only [SheafedSpace.forget],
rw image_basic_open_image_preimage,
exact (image_basic_open f g U s).2

instance coequalizer_π_stalk_is_local_ring_hom (x : Y) :
is_local_ring_hom (PresheafedSpace.stalk_map (coequalizer.π f.val g.val : _) x) :=
rintros a ha,
rcases Top.presheaf.germ_exist _ _ a with ⟨U, hU, s, rfl⟩,
erw PresheafedSpace.stalk_map_germ_apply (coequalizer.π f.1 g.1 : _) U ⟨_, hU⟩ at ha,

let V := image_basic_open f g U s,
have hV : (coequalizer.π f.1 g.1).base ⁻¹' ((coequalizer.π f.1 g.1).base '' V.1) = V.1 :=
image_basic_open_image_preimage f g U s,
have hV' : V = ⟨(coequalizer.π f.1 g.1).base ⁻¹'
((coequalizer.π f.1 g.1).base '' V.1), hV.symm ▸ V.2⟩ := subtype.eq hV.symm,
have V_open : is_open (((coequalizer.π f.val g.val).base) '' V.val) :=
image_basic_open_image_open f g U s,
have VleU :
(⟨((coequalizer.π f.val g.val).base) '' V.val, V_open⟩ : topological_space.opens _) ≤ U,
{ exact set.image_subset_iff.mpr (Y.to_RingedSpace.basic_open_subset _) },
have hxV : x ∈ V := ⟨⟨_, hU⟩, ha, rfl⟩,

erw ← (coequalizer f.val g.val).presheaf.germ_res_apply (hom_of_le VleU)
⟨_, @set.mem_image_of_mem _ _ (coequalizer.π f.val g.val).base x V.1 hxV⟩ s,
apply ring_hom.is_unit_map,
rw [← is_unit_map_iff ((coequalizer.π f.val g.val : _) _), ← comp_apply,
nat_trans.naturality, comp_apply, Top.presheaf.pushforward_obj_map,
← is_unit_map_iff ( (eq_to_hom hV').op), ← comp_apply, ← functor.map_comp],
convert @RingedSpace.is_unit_res_basic_open Y.to_RingedSpace (unop _)
(((coequalizer.π f.val g.val) (op U)) s),

end has_coequalizer

/-- The coequalizer of two locally ringed space in the category of sheafed spaces is a locally
ringed space. -/
def coequalizer : LocallyRingedSpace :=
{ to_SheafedSpace := coequalizer f.1 g.1,
local_ring := λ x,
obtain ⟨y, rfl⟩ :=
(Top.epi_iff_surjective (coequalizer.π f.val g.val).base).mp infer_instance x,
exact (PresheafedSpace.stalk_map (coequalizer.π f.val g.val : _) y).domain_local_ring
end }

/-- The explicit coequalizer cofork of locally ringed spaces. -/
def coequalizer_cofork : cofork f g :=
@cofork.of_π _ _ _ _ f g (coequalizer f g) ⟨coequalizer.π f.1 g.1, infer_instance⟩
(subtype.eq (coequalizer.condition f.1 g.1))

lemma is_local_ring_hom_stalk_map_congr {X Y : RingedSpace} (f g : X ⟶ Y) (H : f = g)
(x) (h : is_local_ring_hom (PresheafedSpace.stalk_map f x)) :
is_local_ring_hom (PresheafedSpace.stalk_map g x) :=
by { rw PresheafedSpace.stalk_map.congr_hom _ _ H.symm x, apply_instance }

/-- The cofork constructed in `coequalizer_cofork` is indeed a colimit cocone. -/
def coequalizer_cofork_is_colimit : is_colimit (coequalizer_cofork f g) :=
intro s,
have e : f.val ≫ s.π.val = g.val ≫ s.π.val := by injection s.condition,
use coequalizer.desc s.π.1 e,
{ intro x,
rcases (Top.epi_iff_surjective (coequalizer.π f.val g.val).base).mp
infer_instance x with ⟨y, rfl⟩,
apply is_local_ring_hom_of_comp _ (PresheafedSpace.stalk_map (coequalizer_cofork f g).π.1 _),
change is_local_ring_hom (_ ≫ PresheafedSpace.stalk_map (coequalizer_cofork f g).π.val y),
erw ← PresheafedSpace.stalk_map.comp,
apply is_local_ring_hom_stalk_map_congr _ _ (coequalizer.π_desc s.π.1 e).symm y,
apply_instance },
exact subtype.eq (coequalizer.π_desc _ _),
intros m h,
replace h : (coequalizer_cofork f g).π.1 ≫ m.1 = s.π.1 := by { rw ← h, refl },
apply subtype.eq,
apply (colimit.is_colimit (parallel_pair f.1 g.1)).uniq (cofork.of_π s.π.1 e) m.1,
rintro ⟨⟩,
{ rw [← (colimit.cocone (parallel_pair f.val g.val)).w walking_parallel_pair_hom.left,
change _ ≫ _ ≫ _ = _ ≫ _,
exact h },
{ exact h }

instance : has_coequalizer f g := ⟨⟨⟨_, coequalizer_cofork_is_colimit f g⟩⟩⟩

instance : has_coequalizers LocallyRingedSpace := has_coequalizers_of_has_colimit_parallel_pair _

instance preserves_coequalizer :
preserves_colimits_of_shape walking_parallel_pair.{v} forget_to_SheafedSpace.{v} :=
⟨λ F, begin
apply preserves_colimit_of_iso_diagram _ (diagram_iso_parallel_pair F).symm,
apply preserves_colimit_of_preserves_colimit_cocone (coequalizer_cofork_is_colimit _ _),
apply (is_colimit_map_cocone_cofork_equiv _ _).symm _,
dsimp only [forget_to_SheafedSpace],
exact coequalizer_is_coequalizer _ _

end has_coequalizer

instance : has_colimits LocallyRingedSpace := colimits_from_coequalizers_and_coproducts

instance : preserves_colimits LocallyRingedSpace.forget_to_SheafedSpace :=
preserves_colimits_of_preserves_coequalizers_and_coproducts _

end LocallyRingedSpace

end algebraic_geometry
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/algebraic_geometry/sheafed_space.lean
Expand Up @@ -91,6 +91,14 @@ by { induction U using opposite.rec, cases U, simp only [id_c], dsimp, simp, }
(α ≫ β) U = (β.c).app U ≫ (α.c).app (op (( (β.base)).obj (unop U)))
:= rfl

lemma comp_c_app' {X Y Z : SheafedSpace C} (α : X ⟶ Y) (β : Y ⟶ Z) (U) :
(α ≫ β) (op U) = (β.c).app (op U) ≫ (α.c).app (op (( (β.base)).obj U))
:= rfl

lemma congr_app {X Y : SheafedSpace C} {α β : X ⟶ Y} (h : α = β) (U) :
α U = β U ≫ (eq_to_hom (by subst h)) :=
PresheafedSpace.congr_app h U

variables (C)

/-- The forgetful functor from `SheafedSpace` to `Top`. -/
Expand Down
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/limits/shapes/types.lean
Expand Up @@ -249,6 +249,28 @@ def coequalizer_colimit : limits.colimit_cocone (parallel_pair f g) :=
λ m hm, funext $ λ x, quot.induction_on x (congr_fun hm : _) ⟩ }

/-- If `π : Y ⟶ Z` is an equalizer for `(f, g)`, and `U ⊆ Y` such that `f ⁻¹' U = g ⁻¹' U`,
then `π ⁻¹' (π '' U) = U`.
lemma coequalizer_preimage_image_eq_of_preimage_eq (π : Y ⟶ Z)
(e : f ≫ π = g ≫ π) (h : is_colimit (cofork.of_π π e)) (U : set Y) (H : f ⁻¹' U = g ⁻¹' U) :
π ⁻¹' (π '' U) = U :=
have lem : ∀ x y, (coequalizer_rel f g x y) → (x ∈ U ↔ y ∈ U),
{ rintros _ _ ⟨x⟩, change x ∈ f ⁻¹' U ↔ x ∈ g ⁻¹' U, congr' 2 },
have eqv : _root_.equivalence (λ x y, x ∈ U ↔ y ∈ U) := by tidy,
{ rw ← (show _ = π, from h.comp_cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso_inv
(coequalizer_colimit f g).2,
rintro ⟨y, hy, e'⟩,
dsimp at e',
replace e' := (mono_iff_injective (h.cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso
(coequalizer_colimit f g).is_colimit).inv).mp infer_instance e',
exact ( (eqv_gen.mono lem (quot.exact _ e'))).mp hy },
{ exact λ hx, ⟨x, hx, rfl⟩ }

end cofork

section pullback
Expand Down
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/ideal/local_ring.lean
Expand Up @@ -182,6 +182,22 @@ instance _root_.CommRing.is_local_ring_hom_comp {R S T : CommRing} (f : R ⟶ S)
[is_local_ring_hom g] [is_local_ring_hom f] :
is_local_ring_hom (f ≫ g) := is_local_ring_hom_comp _ _

/-- If `f : R →+* S` is a local ring hom, then `R` is a local ring if `S` is. -/
lemma _root_.ring_hom.domain_local_ring {R S : Type*} [comm_ring R] [comm_ring S]
[H : _root_.local_ring S] (f : R →+* S)
[is_local_ring_hom f] : _root_.local_ring R :=
haveI : nontrivial R := pullback_nonzero f f.map_zero f.map_one,
intro x,
rw [← is_unit_map_iff f, ← is_unit_map_iff f, f.map_sub, f.map_one],
exact _root_.local_ring.is_local (f x)

lemma is_local_ring_hom_of_comp {R S T: Type*} [comm_ring R] [comm_ring S] [comm_ring T]
(f : R →+* S) (g : S →+* T) [is_local_ring_hom (g.comp f)] : is_local_ring_hom f :=
⟨λ a ha, (is_unit_map_iff (g.comp f) _).mp (g.is_unit_map ha)⟩

instance is_local_ring_hom_equiv [semiring R] [semiring S] (f : R ≃+* S) :
is_local_ring_hom f.to_ring_hom :=
{ map_nonunit := λ a ha,
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