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refactor(analysis/inner_product_space): split submodule.orthogonal
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This file is pretty long, and this seems to split out naturally.

The lemmas are copied with minimal modification; the only change is that everything is now wrapped in `namespace submodule` rather than having `submodule.` prefixing every lemma.
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eric-wieser committed Mar 30, 2023
1 parent 94d4e70 commit 6e272cd
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Showing 3 changed files with 203 additions and 178 deletions.
178 changes: 0 additions & 178 deletions src/analysis/inner_product_space/basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,18 +39,13 @@ product structure on `n → 𝕜` for `𝕜 = ℝ` or `ℂ`, see `euclidean_spac
the sum of the norm-squares of the inner products `⟪v i, x⟫` is no more than the norm-square of
`x`. For the existence of orthonormal bases, Hilbert bases, etc., see the file
- The `orthogonal_complement` of a submodule `K` is defined, and basic API established. Some of
the more subtle results about the orthogonal complement are delayed to
## Notation
We globally denote the real and complex inner products by `⟪·, ·⟫_ℝ` and `⟪·, ·⟫_ℂ` respectively.
We also provide two notation namespaces: `real_inner_product_space`, `complex_inner_product_space`,
which respectively introduce the plain notation `⟪·, ·⟫` for the real and complex inner product.
The orthogonal complement of a submodule `K` is denoted by `Kᗮ`.
## Implementation notes
We choose the convention that inner products are conjugate linear in the first argument and linear
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2216,179 +2211,6 @@ by simp only [continuous_linear_map.map_smul, continuous_linear_map.re_apply_inn

end re_apply_inner_self

/-! ### The orthogonal complement -/

section orthogonal
variables (K : submodule 𝕜 E)

/-- The subspace of vectors orthogonal to a given subspace. -/
def submodule.orthogonal : submodule 𝕜 E :=
{ carrier := {v | ∀ u ∈ K, ⟪u, v⟫ = 0},
zero_mem' := λ _ _, inner_zero_right _,
add_mem' := λ x y hx hy u hu, by rw [inner_add_right, hx u hu, hy u hu, add_zero],
smul_mem' := λ c x hx u hu, by rw [inner_smul_right, hx u hu, mul_zero] }

notation K`ᗮ`:1200 := submodule.orthogonal K

/-- When a vector is in `Kᗮ`. -/
lemma submodule.mem_orthogonal (v : E) : v ∈ Kᗮ ↔ ∀ u ∈ K, ⟪u, v⟫ = 0 := iff.rfl

/-- When a vector is in `Kᗮ`, with the inner product the
other way round. -/
lemma submodule.mem_orthogonal' (v : E) : v ∈ Kᗮ ↔ ∀ u ∈ K, ⟪v, u⟫ = 0 :=
by simp_rw [submodule.mem_orthogonal, inner_eq_zero_symm]

variables {K}

/-- A vector in `K` is orthogonal to one in `Kᗮ`. -/
lemma submodule.inner_right_of_mem_orthogonal {u v : E} (hu : u ∈ K) (hv : v ∈ Kᗮ) : ⟪u, v⟫ = 0 :=
(K.mem_orthogonal v).1 hv u hu

/-- A vector in `Kᗮ` is orthogonal to one in `K`. -/
lemma submodule.inner_left_of_mem_orthogonal {u v : E} (hu : u ∈ K) (hv : v ∈ Kᗮ) : ⟪v, u⟫ = 0 :=
by rw [inner_eq_zero_symm]; exact submodule.inner_right_of_mem_orthogonal hu hv

/-- A vector is in `(𝕜 ∙ u)ᗮ` iff it is orthogonal to `u`. -/
lemma submodule.mem_orthogonal_singleton_iff_inner_right {u v : E} : v ∈ (𝕜 ∙ u)ᗮ ↔ ⟪u, v⟫ = 0 :=
refine ⟨submodule.inner_right_of_mem_orthogonal (submodule.mem_span_singleton_self u), _⟩,
intros hv w hw,
rw submodule.mem_span_singleton at hw,
obtain ⟨c, rfl⟩ := hw,
simp [inner_smul_left, hv],

/-- A vector in `(𝕜 ∙ u)ᗮ` is orthogonal to `u`. -/
lemma submodule.mem_orthogonal_singleton_iff_inner_left {u v : E} : v ∈ (𝕜 ∙ u)ᗮ ↔ ⟪v, u⟫ = 0 :=
by rw [submodule.mem_orthogonal_singleton_iff_inner_right, inner_eq_zero_symm]

lemma submodule.sub_mem_orthogonal_of_inner_left {x y : E}
(h : ∀ (v : K), ⟪x, v⟫ = ⟪y, v⟫) : x - y ∈ Kᗮ :=
rw submodule.mem_orthogonal',
intros u hu,
rw [inner_sub_left, sub_eq_zero],
exact h ⟨u, hu⟩,

lemma submodule.sub_mem_orthogonal_of_inner_right {x y : E}
(h : ∀ (v : K), ⟪(v : E), x⟫ = ⟪(v : E), y⟫) : x - y ∈ Kᗮ :=
intros u hu,
rw [inner_sub_right, sub_eq_zero],
exact h ⟨u, hu⟩,

variables (K)

/-- `K` and `Kᗮ` have trivial intersection. -/
lemma submodule.inf_orthogonal_eq_bot : K ⊓ Kᗮ = ⊥ :=
rw submodule.eq_bot_iff,
intros x,
rw submodule.mem_inf,
exact λ ⟨hx, ho⟩, inner_self_eq_zero.1 (ho x hx)

/-- `K` and `Kᗮ` have trivial intersection. -/
lemma submodule.orthogonal_disjoint : disjoint K Kᗮ :=
by simp [disjoint_iff, K.inf_orthogonal_eq_bot]

/-- `Kᗮ` can be characterized as the intersection of the kernels of the operations of
inner product with each of the elements of `K`. -/
lemma orthogonal_eq_inter : Kᗮ = ⨅ v : K, linear_map.ker (innerSL 𝕜 (v : E)) :=
apply le_antisymm,
{ rw le_infi_iff,
rintros ⟨v, hv⟩ w hw,
simpa using hw _ hv },
{ intros v hv w hw,
simp only [submodule.mem_infi] at hv,
exact hv ⟨w, hw⟩ }

/-- The orthogonal complement of any submodule `K` is closed. -/
lemma submodule.is_closed_orthogonal : is_closed (Kᗮ : set E) :=
rw orthogonal_eq_inter K,
have := λ v : K, continuous_linear_map.is_closed_ker (innerSL 𝕜 (v : E)),
convert is_closed_Inter this,
simp only [submodule.infi_coe],

/-- In a complete space, the orthogonal complement of any submodule `K` is complete. -/
instance [complete_space E] : complete_space Kᗮ := K.is_closed_orthogonal.complete_space_coe

variables (𝕜 E)

/-- `submodule.orthogonal` gives a `galois_connection` between
`submodule 𝕜 E` and its `order_dual`. -/
lemma submodule.orthogonal_gc :
@galois_connection (submodule 𝕜 E) (submodule 𝕜 E)ᵒᵈ _ _
submodule.orthogonal submodule.orthogonal :=
λ K₁ K₂, ⟨λ h v hv u hu, submodule.inner_left_of_mem_orthogonal hv (h hu),
λ h v hv u hu, submodule.inner_left_of_mem_orthogonal hv (h hu)⟩

variables {𝕜 E}

/-- `submodule.orthogonal` reverses the `≤` ordering of two
subspaces. -/
lemma submodule.orthogonal_le {K₁ K₂ : submodule 𝕜 E} (h : K₁ ≤ K₂) : K₂ᗮ ≤ K₁ᗮ :=
(submodule.orthogonal_gc 𝕜 E).monotone_l h

/-- `submodule.orthogonal.orthogonal` preserves the `≤` ordering of two
subspaces. -/
lemma submodule.orthogonal_orthogonal_monotone {K₁ K₂ : submodule 𝕜 E} (h : K₁ ≤ K₂) :
K₁ᗮᗮ ≤ K₂ᗮᗮ :=
submodule.orthogonal_le (submodule.orthogonal_le h)

/-- `K` is contained in `Kᗮᗮ`. -/
lemma submodule.le_orthogonal_orthogonal : K ≤ Kᗮᗮ := (submodule.orthogonal_gc 𝕜 E).le_u_l _

/-- The inf of two orthogonal subspaces equals the subspace orthogonal
to the sup. -/
lemma submodule.inf_orthogonal (K₁ K₂ : submodule 𝕜 E) : K₁ᗮ ⊓ K₂ᗮ = (K₁ ⊔ K₂)ᗮ :=
(submodule.orthogonal_gc 𝕜 E).l_sup.symm

/-- The inf of an indexed family of orthogonal subspaces equals the
subspace orthogonal to the sup. -/
lemma submodule.infi_orthogonal {ι : Type*} (K : ι → submodule 𝕜 E) : (⨅ i, (K i)ᗮ) = (supr K)ᗮ :=
(submodule.orthogonal_gc 𝕜 E).l_supr.symm

/-- The inf of a set of orthogonal subspaces equals the subspace orthogonal to the sup. -/
lemma submodule.Inf_orthogonal (s : set $ submodule 𝕜 E) : (⨅ K ∈ s, Kᗮ) = (Sup s)ᗮ :=
(submodule.orthogonal_gc 𝕜 E).l_Sup.symm

@[simp] lemma submodule.top_orthogonal_eq_bot : (⊤ : submodule 𝕜 E)ᗮ = ⊥ :=
rw [submodule.mem_bot, submodule.mem_orthogonal],
exact ⟨λ h, (h x submodule.mem_top), by { rintro rfl, simp }⟩

@[simp] lemma submodule.bot_orthogonal_eq_top : (⊥ : submodule 𝕜 E)ᗮ = ⊤ :=
rw [← submodule.top_orthogonal_eq_bot, eq_top_iff],
exact submodule.le_orthogonal_orthogonal ⊤

@[simp] lemma submodule.orthogonal_eq_top_iff : Kᗮ = ⊤ ↔ K = ⊥ :=
refine ⟨_, by { rintro rfl, exact submodule.bot_orthogonal_eq_top }⟩,
intro h,
have : K ⊓ Kᗮ = ⊥ := K.orthogonal_disjoint.eq_bot,
rwa [h, inf_comm, top_inf_eq] at this

lemma submodule.orthogonal_family_self :
orthogonal_family 𝕜 (λ b, ↥(cond b K Kᗮ)) (λ b, (cond b K Kᗮ).subtypeₗᵢ)
| tt tt := absurd rfl
| tt ff := λ _ x y, submodule.inner_right_of_mem_orthogonal x.prop y.prop
| ff tt := λ _ x y, submodule.inner_left_of_mem_orthogonal y.prop x.prop
| ff ff := absurd rfl

end orthogonal

namespace uniform_space.completion

open uniform_space function
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