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feat(counterexample) : a homogeneous ideal that is not prime but homo…
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…geneously prime (#12485)

For graded rings, if the indexing set is nice, then a homogeneous ideal `I` is prime if and only if it is homogeneously prime, i.e. product of two homogeneous elements being in `I` implying at least one of them is in `I`. This fact is in `src/ring_theory/graded_algebra/radical.lean`. This counter example is meant to show that "nice condition" at least needs to include cancellation property by exhibiting an ideal in Zmod4^2 graded by a two element set being homogeneously prime but not prime. In #12277, Eric suggests that this counter example is worth pr-ing, so here is the pr.

Co-authored-by: Eric Wieser <>
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jjaassoonn and eric-wieser committed Mar 12, 2022
1 parent 2e7483d commit 6ee6203
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Showing 2 changed files with 154 additions and 2 deletions.
151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions counterexamples/homogeneous_prime_not_prime.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Jujian Zhang. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johan Commelin, Eric Wieser, Jujian Zhang
import ring_theory.graded_algebra.homogeneous_ideal
import data.zmod.basic
import tactic.derive_fintype

# A homogeneous prime that is homogeneously prime but not prime
In `src/ring_theory/graded_algebra/radical.lean`, we assumed that the underline grading is inedxed
by a `linear_ordered_cancel_add_comm_monoid` to prove that a homogeneous ideal is prime if and only
if it is homogeneously prime. This file is aimed to show that even if this assumption isn't strictly
necessary, the assumption of "being cancellative" is. We construct a counterexample where the
underlying indexing set is a `linear_ordered_add_comm_monoid` but is not cancellative and the
statement is false.
We achieve this by considering the ring `R=ℤ/4ℤ`. We first give the two element set `ι = {0, 1}` a
structure of linear ordered additive commutative monoid by setting `0 + 0 = 0` and `_ + _ = 1` and
`0 < 1`. Then we use `ι` to grade `R²` by setting `{(a, a) | a ∈ R}` to have grade `0`; and
`{(0, b) | b ∈ R}` to have grade 1. Then the ideal `I = span {(0, 2)} ⊆ ℤ/4ℤ` is homogeneous and not
prime. But it is homogeneously prime, i.e. if `(a, b), (c, d)` are two homogeneous elements then
`(a, b) * (c, d) ∈ I` implies either `(a, b) ∈ I` or `(c, d) ∈ I`.
## Tags
homogeneous, prime

namespace counterexample_not_prime_but_homogeneous_prime

open direct_sum
local attribute [reducible] with_zero

abbreviation two := with_zero unit

instance : linear_ordered_add_comm_monoid two :=
{ add_le_add_left := by delta two with_zero; dec_trivial,
..(_ : linear_order two),
..(_ : add_comm_monoid two)}


variables (R : Type*) [comm_ring R]

/-- The grade 0 part of `R²` is `{(a, a) | a ∈ R}`. -/
def submodule_z : submodule R (R × R) :=
{ carrier := { zz | zz.1 = zz.2 },
zero_mem' := rfl,
add_mem' := λ a b ha hb, congr_arg2 (+) ha hb,
smul_mem' := λ a b hb, congr_arg ((*) a) hb }

/-- The grade 1 part of `R²` is `{(0, b) | b ∈ R}`. -/
def submodule_o : submodule R (R × R) := (linear_map.fst R R R).ker

/-- Given the above grading (see `submodule_z` and `submodule_o`),
we turn `R²` into a graded ring. -/
def grading : two → submodule R (R × R)
| 0 := submodule_z R
| 1 := submodule_o R

lemma grading.one_mem : (1 : (R × R)) ∈ grading R 0 :=
eq.refl (1, 1).fst

lemma grading.mul_mem : ∀ ⦃i j : two⦄ {a b : (R × R)} (ha : a ∈ grading R i) (hb : b ∈ grading R j),
a * b ∈ grading R (i + j)
| 0 0 a b (ha : a.1 = a.2) (hb : b.1 = b.2) := show a.1 * b.1 = a.2 * b.2, by rw [ha, hb]
| 0 1 a b (ha : a.1 = a.2) (hb : b.1 = 0) := show a.1 * b.1 = 0, by rw [hb, mul_zero]
| 1 0 a b (ha : a.1 = 0) hb := show a.1 * b.1 = 0, by rw [ha, zero_mul]
| 1 1 a b (ha : a.1 = 0) hb := show a.1 * b.1 = 0, by rw [ha, zero_mul]


notation `R` := zmod 4

/-- `R² ≅ {(a, a) | a ∈ R} ⨁ {(0, b) | b ∈ R}` by `(x, y) ↦ (x, x) + (0, y - x)`. -/
def grading.decompose : (R × R) →+ direct_sum two (λ i, grading R i) :=
{ to_fun := λ zz, of (λ i, grading R i) 0 ⟨(zz.1, zz.1), rfl⟩ +
of (λ i, grading R i) 1 ⟨(0, zz.2 - zz.1), rfl⟩,
map_zero' := by { ext1 (_|⟨⟨⟩⟩); refl },
map_add' := begin
rintros ⟨a1, b1⟩ ⟨a2, b2⟩,
have H : b1 + b2 - (a1 + a2) = b1 - a1 + (b2 - a2), by abel,
ext (_|⟨⟨⟩⟩) : 3;
simp only [prod.fst_add, prod.snd_add, add_apply, submodule.coe_add, prod.mk_add_mk, H];
repeat { erw of_eq_same }; repeat { erw of_eq_of_ne }; try { apply option.no_confusion };
dsimp; simp only [zero_add, add_zero]; refl,
end }

lemma grading.left_inv :
function.left_inverse grading.decompose (submodule_coe (grading R)) := λ zz,
induction zz using direct_sum.induction_on with i zz d1 d2 ih1 ih2,
{ simp only [map_zero],},
{ rcases i with (_|⟨⟨⟩⟩); rcases zz with ⟨⟨a, b⟩, (hab : _ = _)⟩;
dsimp at hab; cases hab; dec_trivial! },
{ simp only [map_add, ih1, ih2], },

lemma grading.right_inv :
function.right_inverse grading.decompose (submodule_coe (grading R)) := λ zz,
cases zz with a b,
unfold grading.decompose,
simp only [add_monoid_hom.coe_mk, map_add, submodule_coe_of, subtype.coe_mk, prod.mk_add_mk,
add_zero, add_sub_cancel'_right],

instance : graded_algebra (grading R) :=
{ one_mem := grading.one_mem R,
mul_mem := grading.mul_mem R,
decompose' := grading.decompose,
left_inv := by { convert grading.left_inv, },
right_inv := by { convert grading.right_inv, } }

/-- The counterexample is the ideal `I = span {(2, 2)}`. -/
def I : ideal (R × R) := ideal.span {((2, 2) : (R × R))}.

lemma I_not_prime : ¬ I.is_prime :=
rintro ⟨rid1, rid2⟩,
apply rid1, clear rid1, revert rid2,
simp only [I, ideal.mem_span_singleton, ideal.eq_top_iff_one],

lemma I_is_homogeneous : I.is_homogeneous (grading R) :=
rw ideal.is_homogeneous.iff_exists,
refine ⟨{⟨(2, 2), ⟨0, rfl⟩⟩}, _⟩,
rw set.image_singleton,

lemma homogeneous_mem_or_mem {x y : (R × R)} (hx : set_like.is_homogeneous (grading R) x)
(hy : set_like.is_homogeneous (grading R) y)
(hxy : x * y ∈ I) : x ∈ I ∨ y ∈ I :=
simp only [I, ideal.mem_span_singleton] at hxy ⊢,
cases x, cases y,
obtain ⟨(_|⟨⟨⟩⟩), hx : _ = _⟩ := hx;
obtain ⟨(_|⟨⟨⟩⟩), hy : _ = _⟩ := hy;
dsimp at hx hy;
cases hx; cases hy; clear hx hy;

end counterexample_not_prime_but_homogeneous_prime
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/ring_theory/graded_algebra/radical.lean
Expand Up @@ -25,8 +25,9 @@ This file contains a proof that the radical of any homogeneous ideal is a homoge
## Implementation details
Throughout this file, the indexing type `ι` of grading is assumed to be a
`linear_ordered_cancel_add_comm_monoid`. This might be stronger than necessary and `linarith`
does not work on `linear_ordered_cancel_add_comm_monoid`.
`linear_ordered_cancel_add_comm_monoid`. This might be stronger than necessary but cancelling
property is strictly necessary; for a counterexample of how `ideal.is_homogeneous.is_prime_iff`
fails for a non-cancellative set see `counterexample/homogeneous_prime_not_prime.lean`.
## Tags
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