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chore(algebra/ring/basic): generalize lemmas to non-associative rings (
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Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
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eric-wieser and semorrison committed Mar 2, 2022
1 parent ce26d75 commit 6f74d3c
Showing 1 changed file with 42 additions and 39 deletions.
81 changes: 42 additions & 39 deletions src/algebra/ring/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -730,6 +730,42 @@ protected def function.surjective.non_unital_non_assoc_ring
{ .. hf.add_comm_group f zero add neg sub, .. hf.mul_zero_class f zero mul,
.. hf.distrib f add mul }

@[priority 100]
instance non_unital_non_assoc_ring.to_has_distrib_neg : has_distrib_neg α :=
{ neg := has_neg.neg,
neg_neg := neg_neg,
neg_mul := λ a b, (neg_eq_of_add_eq_zero $ by rw [← right_distrib, add_right_neg, zero_mul]).symm,
mul_neg := λ a b, (neg_eq_of_add_eq_zero $ by rw [← left_distrib, add_right_neg, mul_zero]).symm }

lemma mul_sub_left_distrib (a b c : α) : a * (b - c) = a * b - a * c :=
by simpa only [sub_eq_add_neg, neg_mul_eq_mul_neg] using mul_add a b (-c)

alias mul_sub_left_distrib ← mul_sub

lemma mul_sub_right_distrib (a b c : α) : (a - b) * c = a * c - b * c :=
by simpa only [sub_eq_add_neg, neg_mul_eq_neg_mul] using add_mul a (-b) c

alias mul_sub_right_distrib ← sub_mul

variables {a b c d e : α}

/-- An iff statement following from right distributivity in rings and the definition
of subtraction. -/
theorem mul_add_eq_mul_add_iff_sub_mul_add_eq : a * e + c = b * e + d ↔ (a - b) * e + c = d :=
a * e + c = b * e + d ↔ a * e + c = d + b * e : by simp [add_comm]
... ↔ a * e + c - b * e = d : iff.intro (λ h, begin rw h, simp end) (λ h,
begin rw ← h, simp end)
... ↔ (a - b) * e + c = d : begin simp [sub_mul, sub_add_eq_add_sub] end

/-- A simplification of one side of an equation exploiting right distributivity in rings
and the definition of subtraction. -/
theorem sub_mul_add_eq_of_mul_add_eq_mul_add : a * e + c = b * e + d → (a - b) * e + c = d :=
assume h,
(a - b) * e + c = (a * e + c) - b * e : begin simp [sub_mul, sub_add_eq_add_sub] end
... = d : begin rw h, simp [@add_sub_cancel α] end

end non_unital_non_assoc_ring

/-- An associative but not-necessarily unital ring. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -859,40 +895,6 @@ protected def function.surjective.ring
ring β :=
{ .. hf.add_comm_group f zero add neg sub, .. hf.monoid f one mul, .. hf.distrib f add mul }

@[priority 100]
instance ring.to_has_distrib_neg : has_distrib_neg α :=
{ neg := has_neg.neg,
neg_neg := neg_neg,
neg_mul := λ a b, (neg_eq_of_add_eq_zero $ by rw [← right_distrib, add_right_neg, zero_mul]).symm,
mul_neg := λ a b, (neg_eq_of_add_eq_zero $ by rw [← left_distrib, add_right_neg, mul_zero]).symm }

lemma mul_sub_left_distrib (a b c : α) : a * (b - c) = a * b - a * c :=
by simpa only [sub_eq_add_neg, neg_mul_eq_mul_neg] using mul_add a b (-c)

alias mul_sub_left_distrib ← mul_sub

lemma mul_sub_right_distrib (a b c : α) : (a - b) * c = a * c - b * c :=
by simpa only [sub_eq_add_neg, neg_mul_eq_neg_mul] using add_mul a (-b) c

alias mul_sub_right_distrib ← sub_mul

/-- An iff statement following from right distributivity in rings and the definition
of subtraction. -/
theorem mul_add_eq_mul_add_iff_sub_mul_add_eq : a * e + c = b * e + d ↔ (a - b) * e + c = d :=
a * e + c = b * e + d ↔ a * e + c = d + b * e : by simp [add_comm]
... ↔ a * e + c - b * e = d : iff.intro (λ h, begin rw h, simp end) (λ h,
begin rw ← h, simp end)
... ↔ (a - b) * e + c = d : begin simp [sub_mul, sub_add_eq_add_sub] end

/-- A simplification of one side of an equation exploiting right distributivity in rings
and the definition of subtraction. -/
theorem sub_mul_add_eq_of_mul_add_eq_mul_add : a * e + c = b * e + d → (a - b) * e + c = d :=
assume h,
(a - b) * e + c = (a * e + c) - b * e : begin simp [sub_mul, sub_add_eq_add_sub] end
... = d : begin rw h, simp [@add_sub_cancel α] end

end ring

namespace units
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -928,25 +930,26 @@ lemma is_unit.sub_iff [ring α] {x y : α} :
namespace ring_hom

/-- Ring homomorphisms preserve additive inverse. -/
protected theorem map_neg {α β} [ring α] [ring β] (f : α →+* β) (x : α) : f (-x) = -(f x) :=
protected theorem map_neg {α β} [non_assoc_ring α] [non_assoc_ring β] (f : α →+* β) (x : α) :
f (-x) = -(f x) :=
map_neg f x

/-- Ring homomorphisms preserve subtraction. -/
protected theorem map_sub {α β} [ring α] [ring β] (f : α →+* β) (x y : α) :
protected theorem map_sub {α β} [non_assoc_ring α] [non_assoc_ring β] (f : α →+* β) (x y : α) :
f (x - y) = (f x) - (f y) := map_sub f x y

/-- A ring homomorphism is injective iff its kernel is trivial. -/
theorem injective_iff {α β} [ring α] [non_assoc_semiring β] (f : α →+* β) :
theorem injective_iff {α β} [non_assoc_ring α] [non_assoc_semiring β] (f : α →+* β) :
function.injective f ↔ (∀ a, f a = 0 → a = 0) :=
(f : α →+ β).injective_iff

/-- A ring homomorphism is injective iff its kernel is trivial. -/
theorem injective_iff' {α β} [ring α] [non_assoc_semiring β] (f : α →+* β) :
theorem injective_iff' {α β} [non_assoc_ring α] [non_assoc_semiring β] (f : α →+* β) :
function.injective f ↔ (∀ a, f a = 0 ↔ a = 0) :=
(f : α →+ β).injective_iff'

/-- Makes a ring homomorphism from a monoid homomorphism of rings which preserves addition. -/
def mk' {γ} [non_assoc_semiring α] [ring γ] (f : α →* γ)
def mk' {γ} [non_assoc_semiring α] [non_assoc_ring γ] (f : α →* γ)
(map_add : ∀ a b : α, f (a + b) = f a + f b) :
α →+* γ :=
{ to_fun := f,
Expand Down

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