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feat(Top.presheaf_ℂ): presheaves of functions to topological commutat…
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…ive rings (#976)

* feat(category_theory/colimits): missing simp lemmas

* feat(category_theory): functor.map_nat_iso

* define `functor.map_nat_iso`, and relate to whiskering
* rename `functor.on_iso` to `functor.map_iso`
* add some missing lemmas about whiskering

* fix(category_theory): presheaves, unbundled and bundled, and pushforwards

* restoring `(opens X)ᵒᵖ`

* various changes from working on stalks

* rename `nbhds` to `open_nhds`

* fix introduced typo

* typo

* compactify a proof

* rename `presheaf` to `presheaf_on_space`

* fix(category_theory): turn `has_limits` classes into structures

* naming instances to avoid collisions

* breaking up instances.topological_spaces

* fixing all the other pi-type typclasses

* fix import

* oops

* fix import

* missed one

* typo


* oops

* the presheaf of continuous functions to ℂ

* restoring eq_to_hom simp lemmas

* removing unnecessary simp lemma

* remove another superfluous lemma

* removing the nat_trans and vcomp notations; use \hom and \gg

* a simpler proposal

* getting rid of vcomp

* fix

* splitting files

* renaming

* update notation

* fix

* cleanup

* use iso_whisker_right instead of map_nat_iso

* proofs magically got easier?

* improve some proofs

* moving instances

* remove crap

* tidy

* minimise imports

* chore(travis): disable the check for minimal imports

* Update src/algebraic_geometry/presheafed_space.lean

Co-Authored-By: semorrison <>

* writing `op_induction` tactic, and improving proofs

* squeeze_simping

* cleanup

* rearranging

* cleanup

* cleaning up

* cleaning up

* move

* Update src/category_theory/instances/Top/presheaf_of_functions.lean

Co-Authored-By: Floris van Doorn <>

* fixes in response to review
  • Loading branch information
semorrison authored and mergify[bot] committed May 13, 2019
1 parent b9b5bb4 commit 70cd00b
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Showing 6 changed files with 166 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/instances/CommRing/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ instance : category CommRing :=
namespace CommRing
variables {R S T : CommRing.{u}}

def of (α : Type u) [comm_ring α] : CommRing := ⟨α, by apply_instance⟩

@[simp] lemma id_val : subtype.val (𝟙 R) = id := rfl
@[simp] lemma comp_val (f : R ⟶ S) (g : S ⟶ T) :
(f ≫ g).val = g.val ∘ f.val := rfl
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/category_theory/instances/Top/default.lean
Expand Up @@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ import category_theory.instances.Top.basic
import category_theory.instances.Top.limits
import category_theory.instances.Top.adjunctions
import category_theory.instances.Top.open_nhds
import category_theory.instances.Top.presheaf
import category_theory.instances.Top.presheaf_of_functions
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/instances/Top/opens.lean
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ instance opens_category : category.{u+1} (opens X) :=
id := λ X, ⟨ ⟨ le_refl X ⟩ ⟩,
comp := λ X Y Z f g, ⟨ ⟨ le_trans f.down.down g.down.down ⟩ ⟩ }

def to_Top (X : Top.{u}) : opens X ⥤ Top :=
{ obj := λ U, ⟨U.val, infer_instance⟩,
map := λ U V i, ⟨λ x, ⟨x.1, i.down.down x.2⟩,
(embedding.continuous_iff embedding_subtype_val).2 continuous_induced_dom⟩ }

/-- ` f` gives the functor from open sets in Y to open set in X,
given by taking preimages under f. -/
def map (f : X ⟶ Y) : opens Y ⥤ opens X :=
Expand Down
74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/instances/Top/presheaf_of_functions.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
import category_theory.instances.Top.presheaf
import category_theory.instances.TopCommRing.basic
import category_theory.yoneda
import ring_theory.subring
import topology.algebra.continuous_functions

universes v u

open category_theory
open category_theory.instances
open topological_space

namespace category_theory.instances.Top

variables (X : Top.{v})

def presheaf_to_Top (T : Top.{v}) : X.presheaf (Type v) :=
(opens.to_Top X).op ⋙ (yoneda.obj T)

-- TODO upgrade the result to TopCommRing?
def continuous_functions (X : Top.{v}ᵒᵖ) (R : TopCommRing.{v}) : CommRing.{v} :=
{ α := unop X ⟶ TopCommRing.forget_to_Top.obj R,
str := _root_.continuous_comm_ring }

namespace continuous_functions
@[simp] lemma one (X : Top.{v}ᵒᵖ) (R : TopCommRing.{v}) (x) :
( ↥(continuous_functions X R)).val x = 1 := rfl
@[simp] lemma add (X : Top.{v}ᵒᵖ) (R : TopCommRing.{v}) (f g : continuous_functions X R) (x) :
(comm_ring.add f g).val x = f.1 x + g.1 x := rfl
@[simp] lemma mul (X : Top.{v}ᵒᵖ) (R : TopCommRing.{v}) (f g : continuous_functions X R) (x) :
(ring.mul f g).val x = f.1 x * g.1 x := rfl

def pullback {X Y : Topᵒᵖ} (f : X ⟶ Y) (R : TopCommRing) :
continuous_functions X R ⟶ continuous_functions Y R :=
{ val := λ g, f.unop ≫ g,
property :=
{ map_one := rfl,
map_add := by tidy,
map_mul := by tidy } }

local attribute [extensionality] subtype.eq

def map (X : Topᵒᵖ) {R S : TopCommRing} (φ : R ⟶ S) :
continuous_functions X R ⟶ continuous_functions X S :=
{ val := λ g, g ≫ ( φ),
property :=
{ map_one := begin ext1, ext1, simp only [one], exact φ.2.1.map_one end,
map_add := λ x y,
begin ext1, ext1, simp only [function.comp_app, add], apply φ.2.1.map_add end,
map_mul := λ x y,
begin ext1, ext1, simp only [function.comp_app, mul], apply φ.2.1.map_mul end } }
end continuous_functions

def CommRing_yoneda : TopCommRing ⥤ (Topᵒᵖ ⥤ CommRing) :=
{ obj := λ R,
{ obj := λ X, continuous_functions X R,
map := λ X Y f, continuous_functions.pullback f R },
map := λ R S φ,
{ app := λ X, X φ } }

def presheaf_to_TopCommRing (T : TopCommRing.{v}) :
X.presheaf CommRing.{v} :=
(opens.to_Top X).op ⋙ (CommRing_yoneda.obj T)

noncomputable def presheaf_ℚ (Y : Top) : Y.presheaf CommRing :=
presheaf_to_TopCommRing Y (TopCommRing.of ℚ)

noncomputable def presheaf_ℝ (Y : Top) : Y.presheaf CommRing :=
presheaf_to_TopCommRing Y (TopCommRing.of ℝ)

noncomputable def presheaf_ℂ (Y : Top) : Y.presheaf CommRing :=
presheaf_to_TopCommRing Y (TopCommRing.of ℂ)

end category_theory.instances.Top
83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/instances/TopCommRing/basic.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
import category_theory.instances.CommRing.basic
import category_theory.instances.Top.basic
import topology.instances.complex

universes u

open category_theory

namespace category_theory.instances

structure TopCommRing :=
(α : Type u)
[is_comm_ring : comm_ring α]
[is_topological_space : topological_space α]
[is_topological_ring : topological_ring α]

instance : has_coe_to_sort TopCommRing :=
{ S := Type u, coe := TopCommRing.α }

instance TopCommRing_comm_ring (R : TopCommRing) : comm_ring R := R.is_comm_ring
instance TopCommRing_topological_space (R : TopCommRing) : topological_space R := R.is_topological_space
instance TopCommRing_topological_ring (R : TopCommRing) : topological_ring R := R.is_topological_ring

instance TopCommRing_category : category TopCommRing :=
{ hom := λ R S, {f : R → S // is_ring_hom f ∧ continuous f },
id := λ R, ⟨id, by obviously⟩,
comp := λ R S T f g, ⟨g.val ∘ f.val,
begin -- TODO automate
cases f, cases g, cases f_property, cases g_property, split,
dsimp, resetI, apply_instance,
dsimp, apply continuous.comp ; assumption
end⟩ }.

namespace TopCommRing

def of (X : Type u) [comm_ring X] [topological_space X] [topological_ring X] : TopCommRing :=
{ α := X }

noncomputable example : TopCommRing := TopCommRing.of ℚ
noncomputable example : TopCommRing := TopCommRing.of ℝ
noncomputable example : TopCommRing := TopCommRing.of ℂ

/-- The forgetful functor to CommRing. -/
def forget_to_CommRing : TopCommRing ⥤ CommRing :=
{ obj := λ R, { α := R, str := instances.TopCommRing_comm_ring R },
map := λ R S f, ⟨ f.1, f.2.left ⟩ }

instance forget_to_CommRing_faithful : faithful (forget_to_CommRing) := by tidy

instance forget_to_CommRing_topological_space (R : TopCommRing) : topological_space (forget_to_CommRing.obj R) :=

/-- The forgetful functor to Top. -/
def forget_to_Top : TopCommRing ⥤ Top :=
{ obj := λ R, { α := R, str := instances.TopCommRing_topological_space R },
map := λ R S f, ⟨ f.1, f.2.right ⟩ }

instance forget_to_Top_faithful : faithful (forget_to_Top) := by tidy

instance forget_to_Top_comm_ring (R : TopCommRing) : comm_ring (forget_to_Top.obj R) :=
instance forget_to_Top_topological_ring (R : TopCommRing) : topological_ring (forget_to_Top.obj R) :=

def forget : TopCommRing ⥤ (Type u) :=
{ obj := λ R, R,
map := λ R S f, f.1 }

instance forget_faithful : faithful (forget) := by tidy

instance forget_topological_space (R : TopCommRing) : topological_space (forget.obj R) :=
instance forget_comm_ring (R : TopCommRing) : comm_ring (forget.obj R) :=
instance forget_topological_ring (R : TopCommRing) : topological_ring (forget.obj R) :=

def forget_to_Type_via_Top : forget_to_Top ⋙ category_theory.forget ≅ forget := iso.refl _
def forget_to_Type_via_CommRing : forget_to_Top ⋙ category_theory.forget ≅ forget := iso.refl _

end TopCommRing

end category_theory.instances
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/category_theory/instances/TopCommRing/default.lean
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
import category_theory.instances.TopCommRing.basic

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