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feat(model_theory/terms_and_formulas): Prenex Normal Form (#12558)
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Defines `first_order.language.bounded_formula.to_prenex`, a function which takes a formula and outputs an equivalent formula in prenex normal form.
Proves inductive principles based on the fact that every formula is equivalent to one in prenex normal form.
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awainverse committed Mar 21, 2022
1 parent 091f27e commit 715f984
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Showing 2 changed files with 298 additions and 16 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/data/fin/tuple/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -208,6 +208,10 @@ begin
convert cast_eq rfl (p i)

@[simp] lemma snoc_comp_cast_succ {n : ℕ} {α : Sort*} {a : α} {f : fin n → α} :
(snoc f a : fin (n + 1) → α) ∘ cast_succ = f :=
funext (λ i, by rw [function.comp_app, snoc_cast_succ])

@[simp] lemma snoc_last : snoc p x (last n) = x :=
by { simp [snoc] }

Expand Down
310 changes: 294 additions & 16 deletions src/model_theory/terms_and_formulas.lean
Expand Up @@ -279,10 +279,10 @@ instance : inhabited (L.bounded_formula α n) :=
instance : has_bot (L.bounded_formula α n) := ⟨falsum⟩

/-- The negation of a bounded formula is also a bounded formula. -/
protected def not (φ : L.bounded_formula α n) : L.bounded_formula α n := φ.imp ⊥
@[pattern] protected def not (φ : L.bounded_formula α n) : L.bounded_formula α n := φ.imp ⊥

/-- Puts an `∃` quantifier on a bounded formula. -/
protected def ex (φ : L.bounded_formula α (n + 1)) : L.bounded_formula α n :=
@[pattern] protected def ex (φ : L.bounded_formula α (n + 1)) : L.bounded_formula α n :=

instance : has_top (L.bounded_formula α n) := ⟨bounded_formula.not ⊥⟩
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -503,19 +503,33 @@ begin
simp }

/-- An atomic formula is either equality or a relation symbol applied to terms.
Note that `⊥` and `⊤` are not considered atomic in this convention. -/
inductive is_atomic : L.bounded_formula α n → Prop
| equal (t₁ t₂ : L.term (α ⊕ fin n)) : is_atomic (bd_equal t₁ t₂)
| rel {l : ℕ} (R : L.relations l) (ts : fin l → L.term (α ⊕ fin n)) :
is_atomic (R.bounded_formula ts)

lemma not_all_is_atomic (φ : L.bounded_formula α (n + 1)) :
¬ φ.all.is_atomic :=
λ con, by cases con

lemma not_ex_is_atomic (φ : L.bounded_formula α (n + 1)) :
¬ φ.ex.is_atomic :=
λ con, by cases con

lemma is_atomic.relabel {m : ℕ} {φ : L.bounded_formula α m} (h : φ.is_atomic)
(f : α → β ⊕ (fin n)) :
(φ.relabel f).is_atomic :=
is_atomic.rec_on h (λ _ _, is_atomic.equal _ _) (λ _ _ _, is_atomic.rel _ _)

lemma is_atomic.lift_at {k m : ℕ} (h : is_atomic φ) : (φ.lift_at k m).is_atomic :=
is_atomic.rec_on h (λ _ _, is_atomic.equal _ _) (λ _ _ _, is_atomic.rel _ _)

lemma is_atomic.cast_le {h : l ≤ n} (hφ : is_atomic φ) :
(φ.cast_le h).is_atomic :=
is_atomic.rec_on hφ (λ _ _, is_atomic.equal _ _) (λ _ _ _, is_atomic.rel _ _)

/-- A quantifier-free formula is a formula defined without quantifiers. These are all equivalent
to boolean combinations of atomic formulas. -/
inductive is_qf : L.bounded_formula α n → Prop
Expand All @@ -536,7 +550,29 @@ h.imp is_qf_bot
lemma is_qf.relabel {m : ℕ} {φ : L.bounded_formula α m} (h : φ.is_qf)
(f : α → β ⊕ (fin n)) :
(φ.relabel f).is_qf :=
is_qf.rec_on h is_qf_bot (λ _ h, (h.relabel f).is_qf) (λ _ _ _ _, is_qf.imp)
is_qf.rec_on h is_qf_bot (λ _ h, (h.relabel f).is_qf) (λ _ _ _ _ h1 h2, h1.imp h2)

lemma is_qf.lift_at {k m : ℕ} (h : is_qf φ) : (φ.lift_at k m).is_qf :=
is_qf.rec_on h is_qf_bot (λ _ ih, ih.lift_at.is_qf) (λ _ _ _ _ ih1 ih2, ih1.imp ih2)

lemma is_qf.cast_le {h : l ≤ n} (hφ : is_qf φ) :
(φ.cast_le h).is_qf :=
is_qf.rec_on hφ is_qf_bot (λ _ ih, ih.cast_le.is_qf) (λ _ _ _ _ ih1 ih2, ih1.imp ih2)

lemma not_all_is_qf (φ : L.bounded_formula α (n + 1)) :
¬ φ.all.is_qf :=
λ con, begin
cases con with _ con,
exact (φ.not_all_is_atomic con),

lemma not_ex_is_qf (φ : L.bounded_formula α (n + 1)) :
¬ φ.ex.is_qf :=
λ con, begin
cases con with _ con _ _ con,
{ exact (φ.not_ex_is_atomic con) },
{ exact not_all_is_qf _ con }

/-- Indicates that a bounded formula is in prenex normal form - that is, it consists of quantifiers
applied to a quantifier-free formula. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -565,6 +601,97 @@ lemma is_prenex.relabel {m : ℕ} {φ : L.bounded_formula α m} (h : φ.is_prene
(φ.relabel f).is_prenex :=
is_prenex.rec_on h (λ _ _ h, (h.relabel f).is_prenex) (λ _ _ _ h, h.all) (λ _ _ _ h, h.ex)

lemma is_prenex.cast_le (hφ : is_prenex φ) :
∀ {n} {h : l ≤ n}, (φ.cast_le h).is_prenex :=
is_prenex.rec_on hφ
(λ _ _ ih _ _, ih.cast_le.is_prenex)
(λ _ _ _ ih _ _, ih.all)
(λ _ _ _ ih _ _, ih.ex)

lemma is_prenex.lift_at {k m : ℕ} (h : is_prenex φ) : (φ.lift_at k m).is_prenex :=
is_prenex.rec_on h
(λ _ _ ih, ih.lift_at.is_prenex)
(λ _ _ _ ih, ih.cast_le.all)
(λ _ _ _ ih, ih.cast_le.ex)

/-- An auxiliary operation to `first_order.language.bounded_formula.to_prenex`.
If `φ` is quantifier-free and `ψ` is in prenex normal form, then `φ.to_prenex_imp_right ψ`
is a prenex normal form for `φ.imp ψ`. -/
def to_prenex_imp_right :
∀ {n}, L.bounded_formula α n → L.bounded_formula α n → L.bounded_formula α n
| n φ (bounded_formula.ex ψ) := ((φ.lift_at 1 n).to_prenex_imp_right ψ).ex
| n φ (all ψ) := ((φ.lift_at 1 n).to_prenex_imp_right ψ).all
| n φ ψ := φ.imp ψ

lemma is_qf.to_prenex_imp_right {φ : L.bounded_formula α n} :
Π {ψ : L.bounded_formula α n}, is_qf ψ → (φ.to_prenex_imp_right ψ = φ.imp ψ)
| _ is_qf.falsum := rfl
| _ (is_qf.of_is_atomic (is_atomic.equal _ _)) := rfl
| _ (is_qf.of_is_atomic (is_atomic.rel _ _)) := rfl
| _ (is_qf.imp is_qf.falsum _) := rfl
| _ (is_qf.imp (is_qf.of_is_atomic (is_atomic.equal _ _)) _) := rfl
| _ (is_qf.imp (is_qf.of_is_atomic (is_atomic.rel _ _)) _) := rfl
| _ (is_qf.imp (is_qf.imp _ _) _) := rfl

lemma is_prenex_to_prenex_imp_right {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α n}
(hφ : is_qf φ) (hψ : is_prenex ψ) :
is_prenex (φ.to_prenex_imp_right ψ) :=
induction hψ with _ _ hψ _ _ _ ih1 _ _ _ ih2,
{ rw hψ.to_prenex_imp_right,
exact (hφ.imp hψ).is_prenex },
{ exact (ih1 hφ.lift_at).all },
{ exact (ih2 hφ.lift_at).ex }

/-- An auxiliary operation to `first_order.language.bounded_formula.to_prenex`.
If `φ` and `ψ` are in prenex normal form, then `φ.to_prenex_imp ψ`
is a prenex normal form for `φ.imp ψ`. -/
def to_prenex_imp :
∀ {n}, L.bounded_formula α n → L.bounded_formula α n → L.bounded_formula α n
| n (bounded_formula.ex φ) ψ := (φ.to_prenex_imp (ψ.lift_at 1 n)).all
| n (all φ) ψ := (φ.to_prenex_imp (ψ.lift_at 1 n)).ex
| _ φ ψ := φ.to_prenex_imp_right ψ

lemma is_qf.to_prenex_imp : Π {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α n}, φ.is_qf →
φ.to_prenex_imp ψ = φ.to_prenex_imp_right ψ
| _ _ is_qf.falsum := rfl
| _ _ (is_qf.of_is_atomic (is_atomic.equal _ _)) := rfl
| _ _ (is_qf.of_is_atomic (is_atomic.rel _ _)) := rfl
| _ _ (is_qf.imp is_qf.falsum _) := rfl
| _ _ (is_qf.imp (is_qf.of_is_atomic (is_atomic.equal _ _)) _) := rfl
| _ _ (is_qf.imp (is_qf.of_is_atomic (is_atomic.rel _ _)) _) := rfl
| _ _ (is_qf.imp (is_qf.imp _ _) _) := rfl

lemma is_prenex_to_prenex_imp {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α n}
(hφ : is_prenex φ) (hψ : is_prenex ψ) :
is_prenex (φ.to_prenex_imp ψ) :=
induction hφ with _ _ hφ _ _ _ ih1 _ _ _ ih2,
{ rw hφ.to_prenex_imp,
exact is_prenex_to_prenex_imp_right hφ hψ },
{ exact (ih1 hψ.lift_at).ex },
{ exact (ih2 hψ.lift_at).all }

/-- For any bounded formula `φ`, `φ.to_prenex` is a semantically-equivalent formula in prenex normal
form. -/
def to_prenex : ∀ {n}, L.bounded_formula α n → L.bounded_formula α n
| _ falsum := ⊥
| _ (equal t₁ t₂) := t₁.bd_equal t₂
| _ (rel R ts) := rel R ts
| _ (imp f₁ f₂) := f₁.to_prenex.to_prenex_imp f₂.to_prenex
| _ (all f) := f.to_prenex.all

lemma to_prenex_is_prenex (φ : L.bounded_formula α n) :
φ.to_prenex.is_prenex :=
bounded_formula.rec_on φ
(λ _, is_qf_bot.is_prenex)
(λ _ _ _, (is_atomic.equal _ _).is_prenex)
(λ _ _ _ _, (is_atomic.rel _ _).is_prenex)
(λ _ _ _ h1 h2, is_prenex_to_prenex_imp h1 h2)
(λ _ _, is_prenex.all)

end bounded_formula

namespace Lhom
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -700,6 +827,9 @@ begin
rw eq_comm,

lemma is_atomic_graph (f : L.functions n) : (graph f).is_atomic :=
bounded_formula.is_atomic.equal _ _

end formula

@[simp] lemma Lhom.realize_on_formula [L'.Structure M] (φ : L →ᴸ L') [φ.is_expansion_on M]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -869,6 +999,33 @@ proof-theoretic definition.) -/
def semantically_equivalent (T : L.Theory) (φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α n) : Prop :=
T ⊨ φ.iff ψ

@[refl] lemma semantically_equivalent.refl {T : L.Theory} (φ : L.bounded_formula α n) :
T.semantically_equivalent φ φ :=
λ M ne str v xs hM, by rw bounded_formula.realize_iff

instance : is_refl (L.bounded_formula α n) T.semantically_equivalent :=

@[symm] lemma semantically_equivalent.symm {T : L.Theory} {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α n}
(h : T.semantically_equivalent φ ψ) :
T.semantically_equivalent ψ φ :=
λ M ne str v xs hM, begin
haveI := ne,
rw [bounded_formula.realize_iff, iff.comm, ← bounded_formula.realize_iff],
exact h M v xs hM,

@[trans] lemma semantically_equivalent.trans {T : L.Theory} {φ ψ θ : L.bounded_formula α n}
(h1 : T.semantically_equivalent φ ψ) (h2 : T.semantically_equivalent ψ θ) :
T.semantically_equivalent φ θ :=
λ M ne str v xs hM, begin
haveI := ne,
have h1' := h1 M v xs hM,
have h2' := h2 M v xs hM,
rw [bounded_formula.realize_iff] at *,
exact ⟨h2'.1 ∘ h1'.1, h1'.2 ∘ h2'.2⟩,

lemma semantically_equivalent.realize_bd_iff {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α n}
{M : Type (max u v)} [ne : nonempty M] [str : L.Structure M] (hM : T.model M)
(h : T.semantically_equivalent φ ψ) {v : α → M} {xs : (fin n → M)} :
Expand All @@ -895,18 +1052,40 @@ h.realize_iff hsat.some_model_models
/-- Semantic equivalence forms an equivalence relation on formulas. -/
def semantically_equivalent_setoid (T : L.Theory) : setoid (L.bounded_formula α n) :=
{ r := semantically_equivalent T,
iseqv := ⟨λ φ M ne str v xs hM, by simp,
λ φ ψ h M ne str v xs hM, begin
haveI := ne,
rw [bounded_formula.realize_iff, iff.comm, ← bounded_formula.realize_iff],
exact h M v xs hM,
end, λ φ ψ θ h1 h2 M ne str v xs hM, begin
haveI := ne,
have h1' := h1 M v xs hM,
have h2' := h2 M v xs hM,
rw [bounded_formula.realize_iff] at *,
exact ⟨h2'.1 ∘ h1'.1, h1'.2 ∘ h2'.2⟩,
end⟩ }
iseqv := ⟨λ _, refl _, λ a b h, h.symm, λ _ _ _ h1 h2, h1.trans h2⟩ }

protected lemma semantically_equivalent.all {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α (n + 1)}
(h : T.semantically_equivalent φ ψ) : T.semantically_equivalent φ.all ψ.all :=
rw [semantically_equivalent, models_bounded_formula],
introsI M ne str v xs hM,
simp [h.realize_bd_iff hM],

protected lemma semantically_equivalent.ex {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α (n + 1)}
(h : T.semantically_equivalent φ ψ) : T.semantically_equivalent φ.ex ψ.ex :=
rw [semantically_equivalent, models_bounded_formula],
introsI M ne str v xs hM,
simp [h.realize_bd_iff hM],

protected lemma semantically_equivalent.not {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α n}
(h : T.semantically_equivalent φ ψ) : T.semantically_equivalent φ.not ψ.not :=
rw [semantically_equivalent, models_bounded_formula],
introsI M ne str v xs hM,
simp [h.realize_bd_iff hM],

protected lemma semantically_equivalent.imp {φ ψ φ' ψ' : L.bounded_formula α n}
(h : T.semantically_equivalent φ ψ) (h' : T.semantically_equivalent φ' ψ') :
T.semantically_equivalent (φ.imp φ') (ψ.imp ψ') :=
rw [semantically_equivalent, models_bounded_formula],
introsI M ne str v xs hM,
simp [h.realize_bd_iff hM, h'.realize_bd_iff hM],

end Theory

Expand All @@ -929,6 +1108,14 @@ lemma inf_semantically_equivalent_not_sup_not :
T.semantically_equivalent (φ ⊓ ψ) (φ.not ⊔ ψ.not).not :=
λ M ne str v xs hM, by simp [and_iff_not_or_not]

lemma all_semantically_equivalent_not_ex_not (φ : L.bounded_formula α (n + 1)) :
T.semantically_equivalent φ.all φ.not.ex.not :=
λ M ne str v xs hM, by simp

lemma ex_semantically_equivalent_not_all_not (φ : L.bounded_formula α (n + 1)) :
T.semantically_equivalent φ.ex φ.not.all.not :=
λ M ne str v xs hM, by simp

lemma semantically_equivalent_all_lift_at :
T.semantically_equivalent φ (φ.lift_at 1 n).all :=
λ M ne str v xs hM, by { resetI, rw [realize_iff, realize_all_lift_at_one_self] }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -982,6 +1169,97 @@ h.induction_on_sup_not hf ha (λ φ₁ φ₂ h1 h2,
((hse (φ₁.sup_semantically_equivalent_not_inf_not φ₂)).2 (hnot (hinf (hnot h1) (hnot h2)))))
(λ _, hnot) (λ _ _, hse)

lemma imp_semantically_equivalent_to_prenex_imp_right {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α n}
(hφ : is_qf φ) (hψ : is_prenex ψ) :
(∅ : L.Theory).semantically_equivalent (φ.imp ψ) (φ.to_prenex_imp_right ψ) :=
revert φ,
induction hψ with _ _ hψ _ _ hψ ih _ _ hψ ih; intros φ hφ,
{ rw hψ.to_prenex_imp_right },
{ refine Theory.semantically_equivalent.trans _ (ih hφ.lift_at).all,
introsI M ne str v xs hM,
simp only [realize_iff, realize_imp, realize_all, realize_lift_at_one_self,
exact ⟨λ h1 a h2, h1 h2 a, λ h1 h2 a, h1 a h2⟩, },
{ refine Theory.semantically_equivalent.trans _ (ih hφ.lift_at).ex,
introsI M ne str v xs hM,
simp only [realize_iff, realize_imp, realize_ex, realize_lift_at_one_self,
refine ⟨λ h', _, _⟩,
{ by_cases φ.realize v xs,
{ obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := h' h,
exact ⟨a, λ _, ha⟩ },
{ inhabit M,
exact ⟨default, λ h'', (h h'').elim⟩ } },
{ rintro ⟨a, ha⟩ h,
exact ⟨a, ha h⟩ } }

lemma imp_semantically_equivalent_to_prenex_imp {φ ψ : L.bounded_formula α n}
(hφ : is_prenex φ) (hψ : is_prenex ψ) :
(∅ : L.Theory).semantically_equivalent (φ.imp ψ) (φ.to_prenex_imp ψ) :=
revert ψ,
induction hφ with _ _ hφ _ _ hφ ih _ _ hφ ih; intros ψ hψ,
{ rw hφ.to_prenex_imp,
exact imp_semantically_equivalent_to_prenex_imp_right hφ hψ },
{ refine Theory.semantically_equivalent.trans _ (ih hψ.lift_at).ex,
introsI M ne str v xs hM,
simp only [realize_iff, realize_imp, realize_all, realize_ex, realize_lift_at_one_self,
refine ⟨λ h', _, _⟩,
{ by_cases ψ.realize v xs,
{ inhabit M,
exact ⟨default, λ h'', h⟩ },
{ obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := not_forall.1 (h ∘ h'),
exact ⟨a, λ h, (ha h).elim⟩ }, },
{ rintro ⟨a, ha⟩ h,
exact ha (h a) } },
{ refine Theory.semantically_equivalent.trans _ (ih hψ.lift_at).all,
introsI M ne str v xs hM,
simp only [realize_iff, realize_imp, realize_ex, forall_exists_index, realize_all,
realize_lift_at_one_self, snoc_comp_cast_succ] },

lemma semantically_equivalent_to_prenex (φ : L.bounded_formula α n) :
(∅ : L.Theory).semantically_equivalent φ φ.to_prenex :=
bounded_formula.rec_on φ
(λ _, refl _)
(λ _ _ _, refl _)
(λ _ _ _ _, refl _)
(λ _ φ ψ hφ hψ, (hφ.imp hψ).trans
(imp_semantically_equivalent_to_prenex_imp φ.to_prenex_is_prenex ψ.to_prenex_is_prenex))
(λ _ _ h, h.all)

lemma induction_on_all_ex {P : Π {m}, L.bounded_formula α m → Prop} (φ : L.bounded_formula α n)
(hqf : ∀ {m} {ψ : L.bounded_formula α m}, is_qf ψ → P ψ)
(hall : ∀ {m} {ψ : L.bounded_formula α (m + 1)} (h : P ψ), P ψ.all)
(hex : ∀ {m} {φ : L.bounded_formula α (m + 1)} (h : P φ), P φ.ex)
(hse : ∀ {m} {φ₁ φ₂ : L.bounded_formula α m}
(h : Theory.semantically_equivalent ∅ φ₁ φ₂), P φ₁ ↔ P φ₂) :
P φ :=
suffices h' : ∀ {m} {φ : L.bounded_formula α m}, φ.is_prenex → P φ,
{ exact (hse φ.semantically_equivalent_to_prenex).2 (h' φ.to_prenex_is_prenex) },
intros m φ hφ,
induction hφ with _ _ hφ _ _ _ hφ _ _ _ hφ,
{ exact hqf hφ },
{ exact hall hφ, },
{ exact hex hφ, },

lemma induction_on_exists_not {P : Π {m}, L.bounded_formula α m → Prop} (φ : L.bounded_formula α n)
(hqf : ∀ {m} {ψ : L.bounded_formula α m}, is_qf ψ → P ψ)
(hnot : ∀ {m} {φ : L.bounded_formula α m} (h : P φ), P φ.not)
(hex : ∀ {m} {φ : L.bounded_formula α (m + 1)} (h : P φ), P φ.ex)
(hse : ∀ {m} {φ₁ φ₂ : L.bounded_formula α m}
(h : Theory.semantically_equivalent ∅ φ₁ φ₂), P φ₁ ↔ P φ₂) :
P φ :=
(λ _ _, hqf)
(λ _ φ hφ, (hse φ.all_semantically_equivalent_not_ex_not).2 (hnot (hex (hnot hφ))))
(λ _ _, hex) (λ _ _ _, hse)

end bounded_formula

end language
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