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feat(group_theory/noncomm_pi_coprod): homomorphism from pi monoids or…
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Co-authored-by: Junyan Xu <>

Co-authored-by: Junyan Xu <>
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nomeata and alreadydone committed Mar 16, 2022
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275 changes: 275 additions & 0 deletions src/group_theory/noncomm_pi_coprod.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Joachim Breitner. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Joachim Breitner
import group_theory.order_of_element
import data.finset.noncomm_prod
import data.fintype.card

# Canonical homomorphism from a finite family of monoids
This file defines the construction of the canonical homomorphism from a family of monoids.
Given a family of morphisms `ϕ i : N i →* M` for each `i : ι` where elements in the
images of different morphisms commute, we obtain a canonical morphism
`monoid_hom.noncomm_pi_coprod : (Π i, N i) →* M` that coincides with `ϕ`
## Main definitions
* `monoid_hom.noncomm_pi_coprod : (Π i, N i) →* M` is the main homomorphism
* `subgroup.noncomm_pi_coprod : (Π i, H i) →* G` is the specialization to `H i : subgroup G`
and the subgroup embedding.
## Main theorems
* `monoid_hom.noncomm_pi_coprod` coincides with `ϕ i` when restricted to `N i`
* `monoid_hom.noncomm_pi_coprod_mrange`: The range of `monoid_hom.noncomm_pi_coprod` is
`⨆ (i : ι), (ϕ i).mrange`
* `monoid_hom.noncomm_pi_coprod_range`: The range of `monoid_hom.noncomm_pi_coprod` is
`⨆ (i : ι), (ϕ i).range`
* `subgroup.noncomm_pi_coprod_range`: The range of `subgroup.noncomm_pi_coprod` is `⨆ (i : ι), H i`.
* `monoid_hom.injective_noncomm_pi_coprod_of_independent`: in the case of groups, `pi_hom.hom` is
injective if the `ϕ` are injective and the ranges of the `ϕ` are independent.
* `monoid_hom.independent_range_of_coprime_order`: If the `N i` have coprime orders, then the ranges
of the `ϕ` are independent.
* `subgroup.independent_of_coprime_order`: If commuting normal subgroups `H i` have coprime orders,
they are independent.

open_locale big_operators

section family_of_monoids

variables {M : Type*} [monoid M]

-- We have a family of monoids
-- The fintype assumption is not always used, but declared here, to keep things in order
variables {ι : Type*} [hdec : decidable_eq ι] [fintype ι]
variables {N : ι → Type*} [∀ i, monoid (N i)]

-- And morphisms ϕ into G
variables (ϕ : Π (i : ι), N i →* M)

-- We assume that the elements of different morphism commute
variables (hcomm : ∀ (i j : ι), i ≠ j → ∀ (x : N i) (y : N j), commute (ϕ i x) (ϕ j y))
include hcomm

-- We use `f` and `g` to denote elements of `Π (i : ι), N i`
variables (f g : Π (i : ι), N i)

namespace monoid_hom

/-- The canonical homomorphism from a family of monoids. -/
@[to_additive "The canonical homomorphism from a family of additive monoids.
See also `linear_map.lsum` for a linear version without the commutativity assumption."]
def noncomm_pi_coprod : (Π (i : ι), N i) →* M :=
{ to_fun := λ f, finset.univ.noncomm_prod (λ i, ϕ i (f i)) $
by { rintros i - j -, by_cases h : i = j, { subst h }, { exact hcomm _ _ h _ _ } },
map_one' := by {apply (finset.noncomm_prod_eq_pow_card _ _ _ _ _).trans (one_pow _), simp},
map_mul' := λ f g,
convert @finset.noncomm_prod_mul_distrib _ _ _ _ (λ i, ϕ i (f i)) (λ i, ϕ i (g i)) _ _ _,
{ ext i, exact map_mul (ϕ i) (f i) (g i), },
{ rintros i - j - h, exact hcomm _ _ h _ _ },
end }

variable {hcomm}

include hdec

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma noncomm_pi_coprod_mul_single (i : ι) (y : N i):
noncomm_pi_coprod ϕ hcomm (pi.mul_single i y) = ϕ i y :=
change finset.univ.noncomm_prod (λ j, ϕ j (pi.mul_single i y j)) _ = ϕ i y,
simp only [←finset.insert_erase (finset.mem_univ i)] {single_pass := tt},
rw finset.noncomm_prod_insert_of_not_mem _ _ _ _ (finset.not_mem_erase i _),
rw pi.mul_single_eq_same,
rw finset.noncomm_prod_eq_pow_card,
{ rw one_pow, exact mul_one _ },
{ intros j hj, simp only [finset.mem_erase] at hj, simp [hj], },

omit hcomm

/-- The universal property of `noncomm_pi_coprod` -/
@[to_additive "The universal property of `noncomm_pi_coprod`"]
def noncomm_pi_coprod_equiv :
{ϕ : Π i, N i →* M // pairwise (λ i j, ∀ x y, commute (ϕ i x) (ϕ j y)) }
≃ ((Π i, N i) →* M) :=
{ to_fun := λ ϕ, noncomm_pi_coprod ϕ.1 ϕ.2,
inv_fun := λ f,
⟨ λ i, f.comp (monoid_hom.single N i),
λ i j hij x y, (pi.mul_single_commute i j hij x y) f ⟩,
left_inv := λ ϕ, by { ext, simp, },
right_inv := λ f, pi_ext (λ i x, by simp) }

omit hdec

include hcomm

lemma noncomm_pi_coprod_mrange : (noncomm_pi_coprod ϕ hcomm).mrange = ⨆ i : ι, (ϕ i).mrange :=
apply le_antisymm,
{ rintro x ⟨f, rfl⟩,
refine submonoid.noncomm_prod_mem _ _ _ _ _,
intros i hi,
apply submonoid.mem_Sup_of_mem, { use i },
simp, },
{ refine supr_le _,
rintro i x ⟨y, rfl⟩,
refine ⟨pi.mul_single i y, noncomm_pi_coprod_mul_single _ _ _⟩, },

end monoid_hom

end family_of_monoids

section family_of_groups

variables {G : Type*} [group G]
variables {ι : Type*} [hdec : decidable_eq ι] [hfin : fintype ι]
variables {H : ι → Type*} [∀ i, group (H i)]
variables (ϕ : Π (i : ι), H i →* G)
variables {hcomm : ∀ (i j : ι), i ≠ j → ∀ (x : H i) (y : H j), commute (ϕ i x) (ϕ j y)}
include hcomm

-- We use `f` and `g` to denote elements of `Π (i : ι), H i`
variables (f g : Π (i : ι), H i)

include hfin

namespace monoid_hom

-- The subgroup version of `noncomm_pi_coprod_mrange`
lemma noncomm_pi_coprod_range : (noncomm_pi_coprod ϕ hcomm).range = ⨆ i : ι, (ϕ i).range :=
apply le_antisymm,
{ rintro x ⟨f, rfl⟩,
refine subgroup.noncomm_prod_mem _ _ _,
intros i hi,
apply subgroup.mem_Sup_of_mem, { use i },
simp, },
{ refine supr_le _,
rintro i x ⟨y, rfl⟩,
refine ⟨pi.mul_single i y, noncomm_pi_coprod_mul_single _ _ _⟩, },

lemma injective_noncomm_pi_coprod_of_independent
(hind : complete_lattice.independent (λ i, (ϕ i).range))
(hinj : ∀ i, function.injective (ϕ i)) :
function.injective (noncomm_pi_coprod ϕ hcomm):=
apply (monoid_hom.ker_eq_bot_iff _).mp,
apply eq_bot_iff.mpr,
intros f heq1,
change finset.univ.noncomm_prod (λ i, ϕ i (f i)) _ = 1 at heq1,
change f = 1,
have : ∀ i, i ∈ finset.univ → ϕ i (f i) = 1 :=
subgroup.eq_one_of_noncomm_prod_eq_one_of_independent _ _ _ _ hind (by simp) heq1,
ext i,
apply hinj,
simp [this i (finset.mem_univ i)],

variable (hcomm)

lemma independent_range_of_coprime_order [∀ i, fintype (H i)]
(hcoprime : ∀ i j, i ≠ j → nat.coprime (fintype.card (H i)) (fintype.card (H j))) :
complete_lattice.independent (λ i, (ϕ i).range) :=
rintros i f ⟨hxi, hxp⟩, dsimp at hxi hxp,
rw [supr_subtype', ← noncomm_pi_coprod_range] at hxp,
rotate, { intros _ _ hj, apply hcomm, exact hj ∘ subtype.ext },
cases hxp with g hgf, cases hxi with g' hg'f,
have hxi : order_of f ∣ fintype.card (H i),
{ rw ← hg'f, exact (order_of_map_dvd _ _).trans order_of_dvd_card_univ },
have hxp : order_of f ∣ ∏ j : {j // j ≠ i}, fintype.card (H j),
{ rw [← hgf, ← fintype.card_pi], exact (order_of_map_dvd _ _).trans order_of_dvd_card_univ },
change f = 1, rw [← pow_one f, ← order_of_dvd_iff_pow_eq_one],
convert ← nat.dvd_gcd hxp hxi, rw ← nat.coprime_iff_gcd_eq_one,
apply nat.coprime_prod_left, intros j _, apply hcoprime, exact j.2,

end monoid_hom

end family_of_groups

namespace subgroup

-- We have an family of subgroups
variables {G : Type*} [group G]
variables {ι : Type*} [hdec : decidable_eq ι] [hfin : fintype ι] {H : ι → subgroup G}

-- Elements of `Π (i : ι), H i` are called `f` and `g` here
variables (f g : Π (i : ι), H i)

section commuting_subgroups

-- We assume that the elements of different subgroups commute
variables (hcomm : ∀ (i j : ι), i ≠ j → ∀ (x y : G), x ∈ H i → y ∈ H j → commute x y)
include hcomm

lemma commute_subtype_of_commute (i j : ι) (hne : i ≠ j) :
∀ (x : H i) (y : H j), commute ((H i).subtype x) ((H j).subtype y) :=
by { rintros ⟨x, hx⟩ ⟨y, hy⟩, exact hcomm i j hne x y hx hy }

include hfin

/-- The canonical homomorphism from a family of subgroups where elements from different subgroups
commute -/
@[to_additive "The canonical homomorphism from a family of additive subgroups where elements from
different subgroups commute"]
def noncomm_pi_coprod : (Π (i : ι), H i) →* G :=
monoid_hom.noncomm_pi_coprod (λ i, (H i).subtype) (commute_subtype_of_commute hcomm)

variable {hcomm}

include hdec

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma noncomm_pi_coprod_mul_single (i : ι) (y : H i) :
noncomm_pi_coprod hcomm (pi.mul_single i y) = y :=
by apply monoid_hom.noncomm_pi_coprod_mul_single

omit hdec

lemma noncomm_pi_coprod_range : (noncomm_pi_coprod hcomm).range = ⨆ i : ι, H i :=
by simp [noncomm_pi_coprod, monoid_hom.noncomm_pi_coprod_range]

lemma injective_noncomm_pi_coprod_of_independent (hind : complete_lattice.independent H) :
function.injective (noncomm_pi_coprod hcomm) :=
apply monoid_hom.injective_noncomm_pi_coprod_of_independent,
{ simpa using hind },
{ intro i, exact subtype.coe_injective }

lemma independent_of_coprime_order [∀ i, fintype (H i)]
(hcoprime : ∀ i j, i ≠ j → nat.coprime (fintype.card (H i)) (fintype.card (H j))) :
complete_lattice.independent H :=
simpa using monoid_hom.independent_range_of_coprime_order
(λ i, (H i).subtype) (commute_subtype_of_commute hcomm) hcoprime,

end commuting_subgroups

end subgroup
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/group_theory/order_of_element.lean
Expand Up @@ -152,6 +152,11 @@ is_periodic_pt.minimal_period_dvd ((is_periodic_pt_mul_iff_pow_eq_one _).mpr h)
lemma order_of_dvd_iff_pow_eq_one {n : ℕ} : order_of x ∣ n ↔ x ^ n = 1 :=
⟨λ h, by rw [pow_eq_mod_order_of, nat.mod_eq_zero_of_dvd h, pow_zero], order_of_dvd_of_pow_eq_one⟩

@[to_additive add_order_of_map_dvd]
lemma order_of_map_dvd {H : Type*} [monoid H] (ψ : G →* H) (x : G) :
order_of (ψ x) ∣ order_of x :=
by { apply order_of_dvd_of_pow_eq_one, rw [←map_pow, pow_order_of_eq_one], apply map_one }

lemma exists_pow_eq_self_of_coprime (h : n.coprime (order_of x)) :
∃ m : ℕ, (x ^ n) ^ m = x :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,6 +338,10 @@ begin
order_of_dvd_iff_pow_eq_one] }

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma order_of_inv (x : G) : order_of x⁻¹ = order_of x :=
by simp [order_of_eq_order_of_iff]

@[simp, norm_cast, to_additive] lemma order_of_subgroup {H : subgroup G}
(y: H) : order_of (y : G) = order_of y :=
order_of_injective H.subtype subtype.coe_injective y
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/group_theory/subgroup/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -2775,9 +2775,9 @@ disjoint_def'.trans ⟨λ h x y hx hy hxy,
generalizes (one direction of) `subgroup.disjoint_iff_mul_eq_one`. -/
@[to_additive "`finset.noncomm_sum` is “injective” in `f` if `f` maps into independent subgroups.
This generalizes (one direction of) `add_subgroup.disjoint_iff_add_eq_zero`. "]
lemma eq_one_of_noncomm_prod_eq_one_of_independent {β : Type*} [group β]
(s : finset G) (f : Gβ) (comm : ∀ (x ∈ s) (y ∈ s), commute (f x) (f y))
(K : G → subgroup β) (hind : complete_lattice.independent K) (hmem : ∀ (x ∈ s), f x ∈ K x)
lemma eq_one_of_noncomm_prod_eq_one_of_independent {ι : Type*}
(s : finset ι) (f : ιG) (comm : ∀ (x ∈ s) (y ∈ s), commute (f x) (f y))
(K : ι → subgroup G) (hind : complete_lattice.independent K) (hmem : ∀ (x ∈ s), f x ∈ K x)
(heq1 : s.noncomm_prod f comm = 1) : ∀ (i ∈ s), f i = 1 :=
Expand All @@ -2786,14 +2786,14 @@ begin
{ simp, },
{ simp only [finset.forall_mem_insert] at comm hmem,
specialize ih (λ x hx, (comm.2 x hx).2) hmem.2,
have hmem_bsupr: s.noncomm_prod f (λ x hx, (comm.2 x hx).2) ∈ ⨆ (i ∈ (s : set G)), K i,
have hmem_bsupr: s.noncomm_prod f (λ x hx, (comm.2 x hx).2) ∈ ⨆ (i ∈ (s : set ι)), K i,
{ refine subgroup.noncomm_prod_mem _ _ _,
intros x hx,
have : K x ≤ ⨆ (i ∈ (s : set G)), K i := le_bsupr x hx,
have : K x ≤ ⨆ (i ∈ (s : set ι)), K i := le_bsupr x hx,
exact this (hmem.2 x hx), },
intro heq1,
rw finset.noncomm_prod_insert_of_not_mem _ _ _ _ hnmem at heq1,
have hnmem' : i ∉ (s : set G), by simpa,
have hnmem' : i ∉ (s : set ι), by simpa,
obtain ⟨heq1i : f i = 1, heq1S : s.noncomm_prod f _ = 1⟩ := (hind.disjoint_bsupr hnmem') hmem.1 hmem_bsupr heq1,
specialize ih heq1S,
Expand Down

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