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feat(group_theory/coset): Show that quotient_group.left_rel and `le…
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…ft_coset_equivalence` are the same thing (#8382)

Co-authored-by: Anne Baanen <>
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eric-wieser and Vierkantor committed Jul 28, 2021
1 parent 32c8227 commit 7180d2f
Showing 1 changed file with 41 additions and 24 deletions.
65 changes: 41 additions & 24 deletions src/group_theory/coset.lean
Expand Up @@ -181,51 +181,67 @@ theorem normal_of_eq_cosets (h : ∀ g : α, g *l s = s *r g) : s.normal :=
theorem normal_iff_eq_cosets : s.normal ↔ ∀ g : α, g *l s = s *r g :=
⟨@eq_cosets_of_normal _ _ s, normal_of_eq_cosets s⟩

@[to_additive left_add_coset_eq_iff]
lemma left_coset_eq_iff {x y : α} : left_coset x s = left_coset y s ↔ x⁻¹ * y ∈ s :=
rw set.ext_iff,
simp_rw [mem_left_coset_iff, set_like.mem_coe],
{ intro h, apply (h y).mpr, rw mul_left_inv, exact s.one_mem },
{ intros h z, rw ←mul_inv_cancel_right x⁻¹ y, rw mul_assoc, exact s.mul_mem_cancel_left h },

@[to_additive right_add_coset_eq_iff]
lemma right_coset_eq_iff {x y : α} : right_coset ↑s x = right_coset s y ↔ y * x⁻¹ ∈ s :=
rw set.ext_iff,
simp_rw [mem_right_coset_iff, set_like.mem_coe],
{ intro h, apply (h y).mpr, rw mul_right_inv, exact s.one_mem },
{ intros h z, rw ←inv_mul_cancel_left y x⁻¹, rw ←mul_assoc, exact s.mul_mem_cancel_right h },

end coset_subgroup

run_cmd to_additive.map_namespace `quotient_group `quotient_add_group

namespace quotient_group

variables [group α] (s : subgroup α)

/-- The equivalence relation corresponding to the partition of a group by left cosets
of a subgroup.-/
@[to_additive "The equivalence relation corresponding to the partition of a group by left cosets
of a subgroup."]
def left_rel [group α] (s : subgroup α) : setoid α :=
⟨λ x y, x⁻¹ * y ∈ s,
assume x, by simp [s.one_mem],
assume x y hxy,
have (x⁻¹ * y)⁻¹ ∈ s, from s.inv_mem hxy,
by simpa using this,
assume x y z hxy hyz,
have x⁻¹ * y * (y⁻¹ * z) ∈ s, from s.mul_mem hxy hyz,
by simpa [mul_assoc] using this
def left_rel : setoid α :=
⟨λ x y, x⁻¹ * y ∈ s, by { simp_rw ←left_coset_eq_iff, exact left_coset_equivalence_rel s }⟩

lemma left_rel_r_eq_left_coset_equivalence :
@setoid.r _ (quotient_group.left_rel s) = left_coset_equivalence s :=
by { ext, exact (left_coset_eq_iff s).symm }

instance left_rel_decidable [group α] (s : subgroup α) [d : decidable_pred (∈ s)] :
decidable_rel (left_rel s).r := λ _ _, d _
instance left_rel_decidable [decidable_pred (∈ s)] :
decidable_rel (left_rel s).r := λ x y, ‹decidable_pred (∈ s)› _

/-- `quotient s` is the quotient type representing the left cosets of `s`.
If `s` is a normal subgroup, `quotient s` is a group -/
def quotient [group α] (s : subgroup α) : Type* := quotient (left_rel s)
def quotient : Type* := quotient (left_rel s)

/-- The equivalence relation corresponding to the partition of a group by right cosets of a
subgroup. -/
@[to_additive "The equivalence relation corresponding to the partition of a group by right cosets of
a subgroup."]
def right_rel [group α] (s : subgroup α) : setoid α :=
⟨λ x y, y * x⁻¹ ∈ s,
assume x, by simp [s.one_mem],
assume x y hxy,
have (y * x⁻¹)⁻¹ ∈ s, from s.inv_mem hxy,
by simpa using this,
assume x y z hxy hyz,
have (z * y⁻¹) * (y * x⁻¹) ∈ s, from s.mul_mem hyz hxy,
by simpa [mul_assoc] using this
def right_rel : setoid α :=
⟨λ x y, y * x⁻¹ ∈ s, by { simp_rw ←right_coset_eq_iff, exact right_coset_equivalence_rel s }⟩

lemma right_rel_r_eq_right_coset_equivalence :
@setoid.r _ (quotient_group.right_rel s) = right_coset_equivalence s :=
by { ext, exact (right_coset_eq_iff s).symm }

instance right_rel_decidable [group α] (s : subgroup α) [d : decidable_pred (∈ s)] :
decidable_rel (left_rel s).r := λ _ _, d _
instance right_rel_decidable [decidable_pred (∈ s)] :
decidable_rel (right_rel s).r := λ x y, ‹decidable_pred (∈ s)› _

end quotient_group

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -277,7 +293,8 @@ quotient.eq'
lemma eq_class_eq_left_coset (s : subgroup α) (g : α) :
{x : α | (x : quotient s) = g} = left_coset g s :=
set.ext $ λ z, by { rw [mem_left_coset_iff, set.mem_set_of_eq, eq_comm, quotient_group.eq], simp }
set.ext $ λ z,
by rw [mem_left_coset_iff, set.mem_set_of_eq, eq_comm, quotient_group.eq, set_like.mem_coe]

lemma preimage_image_coe (N : subgroup α) (s : set α) :
Expand Down

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