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feat(ring_theory/multiplicity): generalize multiplicity (#16330)
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Divisibility is defined for any `semigroup`, so I also reduce the assumption of `multiplicity` to any `monoid`. At least it can be used for the elements which commute with every element, such as `power_series.X`.

- [x] depends on: #16328
  • Loading branch information
FR-vdash-bot committed Sep 14, 2022
1 parent db0c0a7 commit 71b8c46
Showing 1 changed file with 65 additions and 41 deletions.
106 changes: 65 additions & 41 deletions src/ring_theory/multiplicity.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ open_locale big_operators
/-- `multiplicity a b` returns the largest natural number `n` such that
`a ^ n ∣ b`, as an `part_enat` or natural with infinity. If `∀ n, a ^ n ∣ b`,
then it returns `⊤`-/
def multiplicity [comm_monoid α] [decidable_rel ((∣) : α → α → Prop)] (a b : α) : part_enat :=
def multiplicity [monoid α] [decidable_rel ((∣) : α → α → Prop)] (a b : α) : part_enat :=
part_enat.find $ λ n, ¬a ^ (n + 1) ∣ b

namespace multiplicity

section comm_monoid
variables [comm_monoid α]
section monoid
variables [monoid α]

/-- `multiplicity.finite a b` indicates that the multiplicity of `a` in `b` is finite. -/
@[reducible] def finite (a b : α) : Prop := ∃ n : ℕ, ¬a ^ (n + 1) ∣ b
Expand All @@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ lemma finite_iff_dom [decidable_rel ((∣) : α → α → Prop)] {a b : α} :

lemma finite_def {a b : α} : finite a b ↔ ∃ n : ℕ, ¬a ^ (n + 1) ∣ b := iff.rfl

lemma not_dvd_one_of_finite_one_right {a : α} : finite a 1 → ¬a ∣ 1 :=
λ ⟨n, hn⟩ ⟨d, hd⟩, hn ⟨d ^ (n + 1), (pow_mul_pow_eq_one (n + 1) hd.symm).symm⟩

theorem int.coe_nat_multiplicity (a b : ℕ) :
multiplicity (a : ℤ) (b : ℤ) = multiplicity a b :=
Expand All @@ -61,14 +64,10 @@ lemma not_finite_iff_forall {a b : α} : (¬ finite a b) ↔ ∀ n : ℕ, a ^ n
by simp [finite, multiplicity, not_not]; tauto⟩

lemma not_unit_of_finite {a b : α} (h : finite a b) : ¬is_unit a :=
let ⟨n, hn⟩ := h in mt (is_unit_iff_forall_dvd.1 ∘ is_unit.pow (n + 1)) $
λ h, hn (h b)

lemma finite_of_finite_mul_left {a b c : α} : finite a (b * c) → finite a c :=
λ ⟨n, hn⟩, ⟨n, λ h, hn (h.trans (by simp [mul_pow]))⟩
let ⟨n, hn⟩ := h in hn ∘ is_unit.dvd ∘ is_unit.pow (n + 1)

lemma finite_of_finite_mul_right {a b c : α} : finite a (b * c) → finite a b :=
by rw mul_comm; exact finite_of_finite_mul_left
λ ⟨n, hn⟩, ⟨n, λ h, hn (h.trans (dvd_mul_right _ _))⟩

variable [decidable_rel ((∣) : α → α → Prop)]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,29 +132,19 @@ by { simp only [not_not],
exact ⟨λ h n, nat.cases_on n (by { rw pow_zero, exact one_dvd _}) (λ n, h _), λ h n, h _⟩ }

@[simp] lemma is_unit_left {a : α} (b : α) (ha : is_unit a) : multiplicity a b = ⊤ :=
eq_top_iff.2 (λ _, is_unit_iff_forall_dvd.1 (ha.pow _) _)

lemma is_unit_right {a b : α} (ha : ¬is_unit a) (hb : is_unit b) :
multiplicity a b = 0 :=
eq_coe_iff.2show a ^ 0 ∣ b, by simp only [pow_zero, one_dvd],
by { rw pow_one, exact λ h, mt (is_unit_of_dvd_unit h) ha hb }⟩
eq_top_iff.2 (λ _, is_unit.dvd (ha.pow _))

@[simp] lemma one_left (b : α) : multiplicity 1 b = ⊤ := is_unit_left b is_unit_one

lemma one_right {a : α} (ha : ¬is_unit a) : multiplicity a 1 = 0 := is_unit_right ha is_unit_one

@[simp] lemma get_one_right {a : α} (ha : finite a 1) : get (multiplicity a 1) ha = 0 :=
rw [part_enat.get_eq_iff_eq_coe, eq_coe_iff, pow_zero],
simpa [is_unit_iff_dvd_one.symm] using not_unit_of_finite ha,
simp [not_dvd_one_of_finite_one_right ha],

@[simp] lemma unit_left (a : α) (u : αˣ) : multiplicity (u : α) a = ⊤ :=
is_unit_left a u.is_unit

lemma unit_right {a : α} (ha : ¬is_unit a) (u : αˣ) : multiplicity a u = 0 :=
is_unit_right ha u.is_unit

lemma multiplicity_eq_zero_of_not_dvd {a b : α} (ha : ¬a ∣ b) : multiplicity a b = 0 :=
by { rw [← nat.cast_zero, eq_coe_iff], simpa }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,14 +181,11 @@ lemma multiplicity_le_multiplicity_iff {a b c d : α} : multiplicity a b ≤ mul
by rw [eq_top_iff_not_finite.2 hab, eq_top_iff_not_finite.2
(not_finite_iff_forall.2 this)]⟩

lemma multiplicity_le_multiplicity_of_dvd_left {a b c : α} (hdvd : a ∣ b) :
multiplicity b c ≤ multiplicity a c :=
multiplicity_le_multiplicity_iff.2 $ λ n h, (pow_dvd_pow_of_dvd hdvd n).trans h

lemma eq_of_associated_left {a b c : α} (h : associated a b) :
multiplicity b c = multiplicity a c :=
le_antisymm (multiplicity_le_multiplicity_of_dvd_left h.dvd)
(multiplicity_le_multiplicity_of_dvd_left h.symm.dvd)
lemma multiplicity_eq_multiplicity_iff {a b c d : α} : multiplicity a b = multiplicity c d ↔
(∀ n : ℕ, a ^ n ∣ b ↔ c ^ n ∣ d) :=
⟨λ h n, ⟨ h.le n, n⟩,
λ h, le_antisymm (multiplicity_le_multiplicity_iff.mpr (λ n, (h n).mp))
(multiplicity_le_multiplicity_iff.mpr (λ n, (h n).mpr))⟩

lemma multiplicity_le_multiplicity_of_dvd_right {a b c : α} (h : b ∣ c) :
multiplicity a b ≤ multiplicity a c :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,11 +226,44 @@ end

alias dvd_iff_multiplicity_pos ↔ _ _root_.has_dvd.dvd.multiplicity_pos

end monoid

section comm_monoid
variables [comm_monoid α]

lemma finite_of_finite_mul_left {a b c : α} : finite a (b * c) → finite a c :=
by rw mul_comm; exact finite_of_finite_mul_right

variable [decidable_rel ((∣) : α → α → Prop)]

lemma is_unit_right {a b : α} (ha : ¬is_unit a) (hb : is_unit b) :
multiplicity a b = 0 :=
eq_coe_iff.2show a ^ 0 ∣ b, by simp only [pow_zero, one_dvd],
by { rw pow_one, exact λ h, mt (is_unit_of_dvd_unit h) ha hb }⟩

lemma one_right {a : α} (ha : ¬is_unit a) : multiplicity a 1 = 0 := is_unit_right ha is_unit_one

lemma unit_right {a : α} (ha : ¬is_unit a) (u : αˣ) : multiplicity a u = 0 :=
is_unit_right ha u.is_unit

open_locale classical

lemma multiplicity_le_multiplicity_of_dvd_left {a b c : α} (hdvd : a ∣ b) :
multiplicity b c ≤ multiplicity a c :=
multiplicity_le_multiplicity_iff.2 $ λ n h, (pow_dvd_pow_of_dvd hdvd n).trans h

lemma eq_of_associated_left {a b c : α} (h : associated a b) :
multiplicity b c = multiplicity a c :=
le_antisymm (multiplicity_le_multiplicity_of_dvd_left h.dvd)
(multiplicity_le_multiplicity_of_dvd_left h.symm.dvd)

alias dvd_iff_multiplicity_pos ↔ _ _root_.has_dvd.dvd.multiplicity_pos

end comm_monoid

section comm_monoid_with_zero
section monoid_with_zero

variable [comm_monoid_with_zero α]
variable [monoid_with_zero α]

lemma ne_zero_of_finite {a b : α} (h : finite a b) : b ≠ 0 :=
let ⟨n, hn⟩ := h in λ hb, by simpa [hb] using hn
Expand All @@ -260,6 +279,14 @@ begin
rwa zero_dvd_iff,

end monoid_with_zero

section comm_monoid_with_zero

variable [comm_monoid_with_zero α]

variable [decidable_rel ((∣) : α → α → Prop)]

lemma multiplicity_mk_eq_multiplicity [decidable_rel ((∣) : associates α → associates α → Prop)]
{a b : α} : multiplicity ( a) ( b) = multiplicity a b :=
Expand All @@ -274,15 +301,15 @@ begin
{ suffices : ¬ (finite ( a) ( b)),
{ rw [finite_iff_dom, part_enat.not_dom_iff_eq_top] at h this,
rw [h, this] },
refine not_finite_iff_forall.mpr (λ n, by {rw [← associates.mk_pow, associates.mk_dvd_mk],
refine not_finite_iff_forall.mpr (λ n, by { rw [← associates.mk_pow, associates.mk_dvd_mk],
exact h n }) }

end comm_monoid_with_zero

section comm_semiring
section semiring

variables [comm_semiring α] [decidable_rel ((∣) : α → α → Prop)]
variables [semiring α] [decidable_rel ((∣) : α → α → Prop)]

lemma min_le_multiplicity_add {p a b : α} :
min (multiplicity p a) (multiplicity p b) ≤ multiplicity p (a + b) :=
Expand All @@ -292,13 +319,11 @@ lemma min_le_multiplicity_add {p a b : α} :
(λ h, by rw [min_eq_right h, multiplicity_le_multiplicity_iff];
exact λ n hn, dvd_add (multiplicity_le_multiplicity_iff.1 h n hn) hn)

end comm_semiring

section comm_ring
end semiring

variables [comm_ring α] [decidable_rel ((∣) : α → α → Prop)]
section ring

open_locale classical
variables [ring α] [decidable_rel ((∣) : α → α → Prop)]

@[simp] protected lemma neg (a b : α) : multiplicity a (-b) = multiplicity a b :=
part.ext' (by simp only [multiplicity, part_enat.find, dvd_neg])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -340,7 +365,7 @@ begin
{ rw [multiplicity_add_of_gt hab, min_eq_right], exact le_of_lt hab},

end comm_ring
end ring

section cancel_comm_monoid_with_zero

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -476,7 +501,6 @@ lemma multiplicity_pow_self_of_prime {p : α} (hp : prime p) (n : ℕ) :
multiplicity p (p ^ n) = n :=
multiplicity_pow_self hp.ne_zero hp.not_unit n

end cancel_comm_monoid_with_zero

section valuation
Expand Down

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