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riccardobrasca committed Oct 18, 2021
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106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/normed/group/SemiNormedGroup/completion.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Riccardo Brasca. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Riccardo Brasca, Johan Commelin
import category_theory.preadditive.additive_functor

# Completions of normed groups
This file contains an API for completions of seminormed groups (basic facts about
objects and morphisms).
## Main definitions
- `SemiNormedGroup.Completion : SemiNormedGroup ⥤ SemiNormedGroup` : the completion of a
seminormed group (defined as a functor on `SemiNormedGroup` to itself).
- `SemiNormedGroup.Completion.lift (f : V ⟶ W) : (Completion.obj V ⟶ W)` : a normed group hom
from `V` to complete `W` extends ("lifts") to a seminormed group hom from the completion of
`V` to `W`.
## Projects
1. Construct the category of complete seminormed groups, say `CompleteSemiNormedGroup`
and promote the `Completion` functor below to a functor landing in this category.
2. Prove that the functor `Completion : SemiNormedGroup ⥤ CompleteSemiNormedGroup`
is left adjoint to the forgetful functor.

noncomputable theory

universe u

namespace SemiNormedGroup
open uniform_space opposite category_theory normed_group_hom

/-- The completion of a seminormed group, as an endofunctor on `SemiNormedGroup`. -/
def Completion : SemiNormedGroup.{u} ⥤ SemiNormedGroup.{u} :=
{ obj := λ V, SemiNormedGroup.of (completion V),
map := λ V W f, f.completion,
map_id' := λ V, completion_id,
map_comp' := λ U V W f g, (completion_comp f g).symm }

instance Completion_complete_space {V : SemiNormedGroup} : complete_space (Completion.obj V) :=
completion.complete_space _

/-- The canonical morphism from a seminormed group `V` to its completion. -/
def Completion.incl {V : SemiNormedGroup} : V ⟶ Completion.obj V :=
{ to_fun := λ v, (v : completion V),
map_add' := completion.coe_add,
bound' := ⟨1, λ v, by simp⟩ }

lemma Completion.norm_incl_eq {V : SemiNormedGroup} {v : V} : ∥Completion.incl v∥ = ∥v∥ := by simp

lemma Completion.map_norm_noninc {V W : SemiNormedGroup} {f : V ⟶ W} (hf : f.norm_noninc) :
( f).norm_noninc :=
normed_group_hom.norm_noninc.norm_noninc_iff_norm_le_one.2 $
(normed_group_hom.norm_completion f).le.trans $
normed_group_hom.norm_noninc.norm_noninc_iff_norm_le_one.1 hf

/-- Given a normed group hom `V ⟶ W`, this defines the associated morphism
from the completion of `V` to the completion of `W`.
The difference from the definition obtained from the functoriality of completion is in that the
map sending a morphism `f` to the associated morphism of completions is itself additive. -/
def Completion.map_hom (V W : SemiNormedGroup.{u}) :
(V ⟶ W) →+ (Completion.obj V ⟶ Completion.obj W) :=' ( Completion) $ λ f g,
f.completion_add g

@[simp] lemma Completion.map_zero (V W : SemiNormedGroup) : (0 : V ⟶ W) = 0 :=
(Completion.map_hom V W).map_zero

instance : preadditive SemiNormedGroup.{u} :=
{ hom_group := λ P Q, infer_instance,
add_comp' := by { intros, ext,
simp only [normed_group_hom.add_apply, category_theory.comp_apply, normed_group_hom.map_add] },
comp_add' := by { intros, ext,
simp only [normed_group_hom.add_apply, category_theory.comp_apply, normed_group_hom.map_add] } }

instance : functor.additive Completion :=
{ map_zero' := Completion.map_zero,
map_add' := λ X Y, (Completion.map_hom _ _).map_add }

/-- Given a normed group hom `f : V → W` with `W` complete, this provides a lift of `f` to
the completion of `V`. The lemmas `lift_unique` and `lift_comp_incl` provide the api for the
universal property of the completion. -/
def Completion.lift {V W : SemiNormedGroup} [complete_space W] [separated_space W] (f : V ⟶ W) :
Completion.obj V ⟶ W :=
{ to_fun := f.extension,
map_add' := f.extension.to_add_monoid_hom.map_add',
bound' := f.extension.bound' }

lemma Completion.lift_comp_incl {V W : SemiNormedGroup} [complete_space W] [separated_space W]
(f : V ⟶ W) : Completion.incl ≫ (Completion.lift f) = f :=
by { ext, apply normed_group_hom.extension_coe }

lemma Completion.lift_unique {V W : SemiNormedGroup} [complete_space W] [separated_space W]
(f : V ⟶ W) (g : Completion.obj V ⟶ W) : Completion.incl ≫ g = f → g = Completion.lift f :=
λ h, (normed_group_hom.extension_unique _ (λ v, ((ext_iff.1 h) v).symm)).symm

end SemiNormedGroup
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/normed/group/hom_completion.lean
Expand Up @@ -41,12 +41,16 @@ The vertical maps in the above diagrams are also normed group homs constructed i
kernel of `f`.
* `normed_group_hom.ker_completion`: the kernel of `f.completion` is the closure of the image of the
kernel of `f` under an assumption that `f` is quantitatively surjective onto its image.
* `normed_group_hom.extension` : if `H` is complete, the extension of `f : normed_group_hom G H`
to a `normed_group_hom (completion G) H`.

noncomputable theory

open set normed_group_hom uniform_space

section completion

variables {G : Type*} [semi_normed_group G]
variables {H : Type*} [semi_normed_group H]
variables {K : Type*} [semi_normed_group K]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,3 +230,41 @@ begin
{ rw ← f.completion.is_closed_ker.closure_eq,
exact closure_mono f.ker_le_ker_completion }

end completion

section extension

variables {G : Type*} [semi_normed_group G]
variables {H : Type*} [semi_normed_group H] [separated_space H] [complete_space H]

/-- If `H` is complete, the extension of `f : normed_group_hom G H` to a
`normed_group_hom (completion G) H`. -/
def normed_group_hom.extension (f : normed_group_hom G H) : normed_group_hom (completion G) H :=
{ bound' := begin
refine ⟨∥f∥, λ v, completion.induction_on v (is_closed_le _ _) (λ a, _)⟩,
{ exact continuous.comp continuous_norm completion.continuous_extension },
{ exact continuous.mul continuous_const continuous_norm },
{ rw [completion.norm_coe, add_monoid_hom.to_fun_eq_coe, add_monoid_hom.extension_coe],
exact le_op_norm f a }
..f.to_add_monoid_hom.extension f.continuous }

lemma normed_group_hom.extension_def (f : normed_group_hom G H) (v : G) :
f.extension v = completion.extension f v := rfl

@[simp] lemma normed_group_hom.extension_coe (f : normed_group_hom G H) (v : G) :
f.extension v = f v := add_monoid_hom.extension_coe _ f.continuous _

lemma normed_group_hom.extension_coe_to_fun (f : normed_group_hom G H) :
(f.extension : (completion G) → H) = completion.extension f := rfl

lemma normed_group_hom.extension_unique (f : normed_group_hom G H)
{g : normed_group_hom (completion G) H} (hg : ∀ v, f v = g v) : f.extension = g :=
ext v,
rw [normed_group_hom.extension_coe_to_fun, completion.extension_unique f.uniform_continuous
g.uniform_continuous (λ a, hg a)]

end extension

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