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feat(topology/uniform_space/uniform_convergence_topology): bases for …
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…uniform structures of 𝔖-convergence (#14778)

By definition, the sets `S(V) := {(f, g) | ∀ x, (f x, g x) ∈ V}` for `V∈𝓤 β` form a basis for the uniformity of uniform convergence on `α → β`. We extend this result in the two following ways : 
- we show that it suffices to consider only the sets `V` in a basis of `𝓤 β` instead of all the entourages
- we deduce a similar result for the uniformity of 𝔖-convergence for a directed 𝔖 : in that case, a basis is given by the sets `S'(A,V) := {(f, g) | ∀ x ∈ A, (f x, g x) ∈ V}` for `A ∈𝔖` and `V` in a basis of `𝓤 β`
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ADedecker committed Sep 29, 2022
1 parent c8760bd commit 71e28e0
Showing 1 changed file with 124 additions and 6 deletions.
130 changes: 124 additions & 6 deletions src/topology/uniform_space/uniform_convergence_topology.lean
Expand Up @@ -231,16 +231,32 @@ protected lemma has_basis_uniformity :
(uniform_convergence.gen α β) :=
(uniform_convergence.is_basis_gen α β (𝓤 β)).has_basis

/-- The uniformity of `α → β` endowed with the uniform structure of uniform convergence on admits
the family `{(f, g) | ∀ x, (f x, g x) ∈ V}` for `V ∈ 𝓑` as a filter basis, for any basis
`𝓑` of `𝓤 β` (in the case `𝓑 = (𝓤 β).as_basis` this is true by definition). -/
protected lemma has_basis_uniformity_of_basis {ι : Sort*} {p : ι → Prop} {s : ι → set (β × β)}
(h : (𝓤 β).has_basis p s) :
(𝓤 (α → β)).has_basis p (uniform_convergence.gen α β ∘ s) :=
(uniform_convergence.has_basis_uniformity α β).to_has_basis
(λ U hU, let ⟨i, hi, hiU⟩ := hU in ⟨i, hi, λ uv huv x, hiU (huv x)⟩)
(λ i hi, ⟨s i, h.mem_of_mem hi, subset_refl _⟩)

/-- Topology of uniform convergence. -/
protected def topological_space : topological_space (α → β) :=
(𝒰(α, β, infer_instance)).to_topological_space

/-- If `α → β` is endowed with the topology of uniform convergence, `𝓝 f` admits the family
`{g | ∀ x, (f x, g x) ∈ V}` for `V ∈ 𝓑` as a filter basis, for any basis `𝓑` of `𝓤 β`. -/
protected lemma has_basis_nhds_of_basis (f) {p : ι → Prop} {s : ι → set (β × β)}
(h : has_basis (𝓤 β) p s) :
(𝓝 f).has_basis p (λ i, {g | (f, g) ∈ uniform_convergence.gen α β (s i)}) :=
nhds_basis_uniformity' (uniform_convergence.has_basis_uniformity_of_basis α β h)

/-- If `α → β` is endowed with the topology of uniform convergence, `𝓝 f` admits the family
`{g | ∀ x, (f x, g x) ∈ V}` for `V ∈ 𝓤 β` as a filter basis. -/
protected lemma has_basis_nhds :
(𝓝 f).has_basis (λ V, V ∈ 𝓤 β)
(λ V, {g | (f, g) ∈ uniform_convergence.gen α β V}) :=
nhds_basis_uniformity' (uniform_convergence.has_basis_uniformity α β)
protected lemma has_basis_nhds (f) :
(𝓝 f).has_basis (λ V, V ∈ 𝓤 β) (λ V, {g | (f, g) ∈ uniform_convergence.gen α β V}) :=
uniform_convergence.has_basis_nhds_of_basis α β f (filter.basis_sets _)

variables {α}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -407,7 +423,7 @@ end
protected lemma tendsto_iff_tendsto_uniformly : tendsto F p (𝓝 f) ↔ tendsto_uniformly F f p :=
letI : uniform_space (α → β) := 𝒰(α, β, _),
rw [(uniform_convergence.has_basis_nhds α β).tendsto_right_iff, tendsto_uniformly],
rw [(uniform_convergence.has_basis_nhds α β f).tendsto_right_iff, tendsto_uniformly],
exact iff.rfl,

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namespace uniform_convergence_on

variables (α β : Type*) {γ ι : Type*} [uniform_space β] (𝔖 : set (set α))
variables {α β : Type*} {γ ι : Type*}
variables {F : ι → α → β} {f : α → β} {s s' : set α} {x : α} {p : filter ι} {g : ι → α}

local notation `𝒰(`, `, `u`)` := @uniform_convergence.uniform_space α β u

/-- Basis sets for the uniformity of `𝔖`-convergence: for `S : set α` and `V : set (β × β)`,
`gen S V` is the set of pairs `(f, g)` of functions `α → β` such that `∀ x ∈ S, (f x, g x) ∈ V`. -/
protected def gen (S : set α) (V : set (β × β)) : set ((α → β) × (α → β)) :=
{uv : (α → β) × (α → β) | ∀ x ∈ S, (uv.1 x, uv.2 x) ∈ V}

/-- For `S : set α` and `V : set (β × β)`, we have
`uniform_convergence_on.gen S V = (S.restrict × S.restrict) ⁻¹' (uniform_convergence.gen S β V)`.
This is the crucial fact for proving that the family `uniform_convergence_on.gen S V` for
`S ∈ 𝔖` and `V ∈ 𝓤 β` is indeed a basis for the uniformity `α → β` endowed with `𝒱(α, β, 𝔖, uβ)`
the uniform structure of `𝔖`-convergence, as defined in `uniform_convergence_on.uniform_space`. -/
protected lemma gen_eq_preimage_restrict (S : set α) (V : set (β × β)) :
uniform_convergence_on.gen S V =
( S.restrict S.restrict) ⁻¹' (uniform_convergence.gen S β V) :=
ext uv,
exact ⟨λ h ⟨x, hx⟩, h x hx, λ h x hx, h ⟨x, hx⟩⟩

/-- `uniform_convergence_on.gen` is antitone in the first argument and monotone in the second. -/
protected lemma gen_mono {S S' : set α} {V V' : set (β × β)} (hS : S' ⊆ S) (hV : V ⊆ V') :
uniform_convergence_on.gen S V ⊆ uniform_convergence_on.gen S' V' :=
λ uv h x hx, hV (h x $ hS hx)

/-- If `𝔖 : set (set α)` is nonempty and directed and `𝓑` is a filter basis on `β × β`, then the
family `uniform_convergence_on.gen S V` for `S ∈ 𝔖` and `V ∈ 𝓑` is a filter basis.
We will show in `has_basis_uniformity_of_basis` that, if `𝓑` is a basis for `𝓤 β`, then the
corresponding filter is the uniformity of `(α → β, 𝒱(α, β, 𝔖, uβ))`. -/
protected lemma is_basis_gen (𝔖 : set (set α)) (h : 𝔖.nonempty) (h' : directed_on (⊆) 𝔖)
(𝓑 : filter_basis $ β × β) :
is_basis (λ SV : set α × set (β × β), SV.1 ∈ 𝔖 ∧ SV.2 ∈ 𝓑)
(λ SV, uniform_convergence_on.gen SV.1 SV.2) :=
⟨ 𝓑.nonempty, λ U₁V₁ U₂V₂ h₁ h₂,
let ⟨U₃, hU₃, hU₁₃, hU₂₃⟩ := h' U₁V₁.1 h₁.1 U₂V₂.1 h₂.1 in
let ⟨V₃, hV₃, hV₁₂₃⟩ := 𝓑.inter_sets h₁.2 h₂.2 in ⟨⟨U₃, V₃⟩, ⟨⟨hU₃, hV₃⟩, λ uv huv,
⟨(λ x hx, (hV₁₂₃ $ huv x $ hU₁₃ hx).1), (λ x hx, (hV₁₂₃ $ huv x $ hU₂₃ hx).2)⟩⟩⟩⟩

variables (α β) [uniform_space β] (𝔖 : set (set α))

/-- Uniform structure of `𝔖`-convergence, i.e uniform convergence on the elements of `𝔖`.
It is defined as the infimum, for `S ∈ 𝔖`, of the pullback of `𝒰 S β` by `S.restrict`, the
map of restriction to `S`. We will denote it `𝒱(α, β, 𝔖, uβ)`, where `uβ` is the uniform structure
Expand All @@ -499,6 +553,70 @@ begin

protected lemma has_basis_uniformity_of_basis_aux₁ {p : ι → Prop} {s : ι → set (β × β)}
(hb : has_basis (𝓤 β) p s) (S : set α) :
(@uniformity (α → β) ((uniform_convergence.uniform_space S β).comap S.restrict)).has_basis
p (λ i, uniform_convergence_on.gen S (s i)) :=
simp_rw [uniform_convergence_on.gen_eq_preimage_restrict, uniformity_comap rfl],
exact (uniform_convergence.has_basis_uniformity_of_basis S β hb).comap _

protected lemma has_basis_uniformity_of_basis_aux₂ (h : directed_on (⊆) 𝔖) {p : ι → Prop}
{s : ι → set (β × β)} (hb : has_basis (𝓤 β) p s) :
directed_on ((λ s : set α, (uniform_convergence.uniform_space s β).comap
(s.restrict : (α → β) → s → β)) ⁻¹'o ge) 𝔖 :=
h.mono $ λ s t hst,
((uniform_convergence_on.has_basis_uniformity_of_basis_aux₁ α β hb _).le_basis_iff
(uniform_convergence_on.has_basis_uniformity_of_basis_aux₁ α β hb _)).mpr
(λ V hV, ⟨V, hV, uniform_convergence_on.gen_mono hst subset_rfl⟩)

/-- If `𝔖 : set (set α)` is nonempty and directed and `𝓑` is a filter basis of `𝓤 β`, then the
uniformity of `(α → β, 𝒱(α, β, 𝔖, uβ))` admits the family `{(f, g) | ∀ x ∈ S, (f x, g x) ∈ V}` for
`S ∈ 𝔖` and `V ∈ 𝓑` as a filter basis. -/
protected lemma has_basis_uniformity_of_basis (h : 𝔖.nonempty) (h' : directed_on (⊆) 𝔖)
{p : ι → Prop} {s : ι → set (β × β)} (hb : has_basis (𝓤 β) p s) :
(@uniformity (α → β) (uniform_convergence_on.uniform_space α β 𝔖)).has_basis
(λ Si : set α × ι, Si.1 ∈ 𝔖 ∧ p Si.2)
(λ Si, uniform_convergence_on.gen Si.1 (s Si.2)) :=
simp only [infi_uniformity'],
exact has_basis_binfi_of_directed h (λ S, (@uniform_convergence_on.gen α β S) ∘ s) _
(λ S hS, uniform_convergence_on.has_basis_uniformity_of_basis_aux₁ α β hb S)
(uniform_convergence_on.has_basis_uniformity_of_basis_aux₂ α β 𝔖 h' hb)

/-- If `𝔖 : set (set α)` is nonempty and directed, then the uniformity of
`(α → β, 𝒱(α, β, 𝔖, uβ))` admits the family `{(f, g) | ∀ x ∈ S, (f x, g x) ∈ V}` for `S ∈ 𝔖` and
`V ∈ 𝓤 β` as a filter basis. -/
protected lemma has_basis_uniformity (h : 𝔖.nonempty) (h' : directed_on (⊆) 𝔖) :
(@uniformity (α → β) (uniform_convergence_on.uniform_space α β 𝔖)).has_basis
(λ SV : set α × set (β × β), SV.1 ∈ 𝔖 ∧ SV.2 ∈ 𝓤 β)
(λ SV, uniform_convergence_on.gen SV.1 SV.2) :=
uniform_convergence_on.has_basis_uniformity_of_basis α β 𝔖 h h' (𝓤 β).basis_sets

/-- If `α → β` is endowed with the topology of `𝔖`-convergence, where `𝔖 : set (set α)` is
nonempty and directed, then `𝓝 f` admits the family `{g | ∀ x ∈ S, (f x, g x) ∈ V}` for `S ∈ 𝔖`
and `V ∈ 𝓑` as a filter basis, for any basis `𝓑` of `𝓤 β`. -/
protected lemma has_basis_nhds_of_basis (f) (h : 𝔖.nonempty) (h' : directed_on (⊆) 𝔖)
{p : ι → Prop} {s : ι → set (β × β)} (hb : has_basis (𝓤 β) p s) :
(@nhds (α → β) (uniform_convergence_on.topological_space α β 𝔖) f).has_basis
(λ Si : set α × ι, Si.1 ∈ 𝔖 ∧ p Si.2)
(λ Si, {g | (g, f) ∈ uniform_convergence_on.gen Si.1 (s Si.2)}) :=
letI : uniform_space (α → β) := uniform_convergence_on.uniform_space α β 𝔖,
exact nhds_basis_uniformity (uniform_convergence_on.has_basis_uniformity_of_basis α β 𝔖 h h' hb)

/-- If `α → β` is endowed with the topology of `𝔖`-convergence, where `𝔖 : set (set α)` is
nonempty and directed, then `𝓝 f` admits the family `{g | ∀ x ∈ S, (f x, g x) ∈ V}` for `S ∈ 𝔖`
and `V ∈ 𝓤 β` as a filter basis. -/
protected lemma has_basis_nhds (f) (h : 𝔖.nonempty) (h' : directed_on (⊆) 𝔖) :
(@nhds (α → β) (uniform_convergence_on.topological_space α β 𝔖) f).has_basis
(λ SV : set α × set (β × β), SV.1 ∈ 𝔖 ∧ SV.2 ∈ 𝓤 β)
(λ SV, {g | (g, f) ∈ uniform_convergence_on.gen SV.1 SV.2}) :=
uniform_convergence_on.has_basis_nhds_of_basis α β 𝔖 f h h' (filter.basis_sets _)

/-- If `S ∈ 𝔖`, then the restriction to `S` is a uniformly continuous map from `𝒱(α, β, 𝔖, uβ)` to
`𝒰(↥S, β, uβ)`. -/
protected lemma uniform_continuous_restrict (h : s ∈ 𝔖) :
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