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chore(data/sym2) : simplify proofs (#3522)
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This shouldn't change any declarations, only proofs.

Co-authored-by: Aaron Anderson <>
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jalex-stark and awainverse committed Jul 23, 2020
1 parent c149839 commit 7397db7
Showing 1 changed file with 50 additions and 118 deletions.
168 changes: 50 additions & 118 deletions src/data/sym2.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,20 +54,14 @@ inductive rel (α : Type*) : (α × α) → (α × α) → Prop
attribute [refl] rel.refl

@[symm] lemma rel.symm {x y : α × α} : rel α x y → rel α y x :=
by { intro a, cases a, exact a, apply rel.swap }
by { rintro ⟨_,_⟩, exact a, apply rel.swap }

@[trans] lemma rel.trans {x y z : α × α} : rel α x y → rel α y z → rel α x z :=
by { intros a b, cases_matching* rel _ _ _; apply rel.refl <|> apply rel.swap }

lemma rel.is_equivalence : equivalence (rel α) :=
split, { intros x, cases x, refl },
split, { apply rel.symm },
{ intros x y z a b, apply rel.trans a b },
lemma rel.is_equivalence : equivalence (rel α) := by tidy; apply rel.trans; assumption

instance rel.setoid (α : Type*) : setoid (α × α) :=
⟨rel α, rel.is_equivalence⟩
instance rel.setoid (α : Type*) : setoid (α × α) := ⟨rel α, rel.is_equivalence⟩

end sym2

Expand All @@ -89,30 +83,21 @@ lemma eq_swap {a b : α} : ⟦(a, b)⟧ = ⟦(b, a)⟧ :=
by { rw quotient.eq, apply rel.swap }

lemma congr_right (a b c : α) : ⟦(a, b)⟧ = ⟦(a, c)⟧ ↔ b = c :=
intro h, rw quotient.eq at h, cases h; refl,
intro h, apply congr_arg _ h,
by { split; intro h, { rw quotient.eq at h, cases h; refl }, rw h }

The functor `sym2` is functorial, and this function constructs the induced maps.
def map {α β : Type*} (f : α → β) : sym2 α → sym2 β := ( f f) begin
rintros ⟨a₁, a₂⟩ ⟨b₁, b₂⟩ h,
cases h,
apply rel.refl,
apply rel.swap,
end ( f f)
(by { rintros _ _ h, cases h, { refl }, apply rel.swap })

lemma map_id : (@id α) = id :=
by tidy
lemma map_id : (@id α) = id := by tidy

lemma map_comp {α β γ: Type*} {g : β → γ} {f : α → β} : (g ∘ f) = g ∘ f :=
by tidy
lemma map_comp {α β γ : Type*} {g : β → γ} {f : α → β} : (g ∘ f) = g ∘ f := by tidy

section membership

Expand All @@ -128,8 +113,7 @@ def mem (x : α) (z : sym2 α) : Prop :=

instance : has_mem α (sym2 α) := ⟨mem⟩

lemma mk_has_mem (x y : α) : x ∈ ⟦(x, y)⟧ :=
⟨y, rfl⟩
lemma mk_has_mem (x y : α) : x ∈ ⟦(x, y)⟧ := ⟨y, rfl⟩

This is a type-valued version of the membership predicate `mem` that contains the other
Expand All @@ -141,7 +125,7 @@ def vmem (x : α) (z : sym2 α) : Type u :=
{y : α // z = ⟦(x, y)⟧}

instance (x : α) (z : sym2 α) : subsingleton {y : α // z = ⟦(x, y)⟧} :=
by { rintros ⟨a, ha⟩ ⟨b, hb⟩, rw ha at hb, rw congr_right at hb, tidy, }⟩
by { rintros ⟨a, ha⟩ ⟨b, hb⟩, rw [ha, congr_right] at hb, tidy }⟩

The `vmem` version of `mk_has_mem`.
Expand All @@ -160,8 +144,8 @@ def vmem.other {a : α} {p : sym2 α} (h : vmem a p) : α := h.val
The defining property of the other element is that it can be used to
reconstruct the term of the symmetric square.
lemma vmem_other_spec {a : α} {z : sym2 α} (h : vmem a z) : z = ⟦(a, h.other)⟧ :=
by { dunfold vmem.other, tidy, }
lemma vmem_other_spec {a : α} {z : sym2 α} (h : vmem a z) :
z = ⟦(a, h.other)⟧ := by { delta vmem.other, tidy }

This is the `mem`-based version of `other`.
Expand All @@ -170,31 +154,22 @@ noncomputable def mem.other {a : α} {z : sym2 α} (h : a ∈ z) : α :=
classical.some h

lemma mem_other_spec {a : α} {z : sym2 α} (h : a ∈ z) :
⟦(a, h.other)⟧ = z :=
dunfold mem.other,
exact (classical.some_spec h).symm,
⟦(a, h.other)⟧ = z := by erw ← classical.some_spec h

lemma other_is_mem_other {a : α} {z : sym2 α} (h : vmem a z) (h' : a ∈ z) :
h.other = mem.other h' :=
by rw [←congr_right a, ←vmem_other_spec h, mem_other_spec]
h.other = mem.other h' := by rw [← congr_right a, ← vmem_other_spec h, mem_other_spec]

lemma eq_iff {x y z w : α} :
⟦(x, y)⟧ = ⟦(z, w)⟧ ↔ (x = z ∧ y = w) ∨ (x = w ∧ y = z) :=
split; intro h,
{ rw quotient.eq at h, cases h; tidy, },
{ cases h; rw [h.1, h.2], rw eq_swap, }
{ rw quotient.eq at h, cases h; tidy },
{ cases h; rw [h.1, h.2], rw eq_swap }

lemma mem_iff {a b c : α} : a ∈ ⟦(b, c)⟧ ↔ a = b ∨ a = c :=
{ intro h, cases h, rw eq_iff at h_h, tidy },
{ intro h, cases h, rw h, apply mk_has_mem,
rw h, rw eq_swap, apply mk_has_mem, }
{ mp := by { rintro ⟨_, h⟩, rw eq_iff at h, tidy },
mpr := by { rintro ⟨_⟩; subst a, { apply mk_has_mem }, rw eq_swap, apply mk_has_mem } }

end membership

Expand All @@ -207,27 +182,17 @@ def diag (x : α) : sym2 α := ⟦(x, x)⟧
A predicate for testing whether an element of `sym2 α` is on the diagonal.
def is_diag (z : sym2 α) : Prop :=
z ∈ set.range (@diag α)
def is_diag (z : sym2 α) : Prop := z ∈ set.range (@diag α)

lemma is_diag_iff_proj_eq (z : α × α) : is_diag ⟦z⟧ ↔ z.1 = z.2 :=
cases z with a b,
{ intro h, cases h with x h, dsimp [diag] at h,
cases h with h h; rw [←h.1, ←h.2], },
{ intro h, dsimp at h, rw h, use b, simp [diag], },
cases z with a, split,
{ rintro ⟨_, h⟩, erw eq_iff at h, cc },
{ rintro ⟨⟩, use a, refl },

instance is_diag.decidable_pred (α : Type u) [decidable_eq α] : decidable_pred (@is_diag α) :=
intro z,
induction z,
change decidable (is_diag ⟦z⟧),
rw is_diag_iff_proj_eq,
apply subsingleton.elim,
by { intro z, induction z, { erw is_diag_iff_proj_eq, apply_instance }, apply subsingleton.elim }

section relations

Expand All @@ -240,38 +205,21 @@ Symmetric relations define a set on `sym2 α` by taking all those pairs
of elements that are related.
def from_rel (sym : symmetric r) : set (sym2 α) :=
λ z, quotient.rec_on z (λ z, r z.1 z.2)
intros z w p,
cases p,
split; apply sym,
λ z, quotient.rec_on z (λ z, r z.1 z.2) (by { rintros _ _ ⟨_,_⟩, tidy })

lemma from_rel_proj_prop {sym : symmetric r} {z : α × α} : ⟦z⟧ ∈ from_rel sym ↔ r z.1 z.2 :=
by tidy
lemma from_rel_proj_prop {sym : symmetric r} {z : α × α} :
⟦z⟧ ∈ from_rel sym ↔ r z.1 z.2 := by tidy

lemma from_rel_prop {sym : symmetric r} {a b : α} : ⟦(a, b)⟧ ∈ from_rel sym ↔ r a b :=
by simp only [from_rel_proj_prop]
lemma from_rel_prop {sym : symmetric r} {a b : α} :
⟦(a, b)⟧ ∈ from_rel sym ↔ r a b := by simp only [from_rel_proj_prop]

lemma from_rel_irreflexive {sym : symmetric r} :
irreflexive r ↔ ∀ {z}, z ∈ from_rel sym → ¬is_diag z :=
{ intros h z hr hd,
induction z,
have hd' := (is_diag_iff_proj_eq _).mp hd,
have hr' := hr,
rw hd' at hr',
exact h _ hr',
refl, },
{ intros h x hr,
rw ← @from_rel_prop _ _ sym at hr,
exact h hr ⟨x, rfl⟩, }
{ mp := by { intros h z hr hd, induction z,
erw is_diag_iff_proj_eq at hd, erw from_rel_proj_prop at hr, tidy },
mpr := by { intros h x hr, rw ← @from_rel_prop _ _ sym at hr, exact h hr ⟨x, rfl⟩ }}

end relations

Expand All @@ -286,51 +234,35 @@ private def from_vector {α : Type*} : vector α 2 → α × α

private lemma perm_card_two_iff {α : Type*} {a₁ b₁ a₂ b₂ : α} :
[a₁, b₁].perm [a₂, b₂] ↔ (a₁ = a₂ ∧ b₁ = b₂) ∨ (a₁ = b₂ ∧ b₁ = a₂) :=
split, swap,
intro h, cases h; rw [h.1, h.2], apply list.perm.swap', refl,
intro h,
rw ←multiset.coe_eq_coe at h,
repeat {rw ←multiset.cons_coe at h},
repeat {rw multiset.cons_eq_cons at h},
cases h,
{ cases h, cases h_right,
left, simp [h_left, h_right.1],
simp at h_right, tauto, },
{ rcases h.2 with ⟨cs, h'⟩,
repeat {rw multiset.cons_eq_cons at h'},
simp only [multiset.zero_ne_cons, multiset.coe_nil_eq_zero, exists_false, or_false, and_false, false_and] at h',
right, simp [h'.1.1, h'.2.1], },
{ mp := by { simp [← multiset.coe_eq_coe, ← multiset.cons_coe, multiset.cons_eq_cons]; tidy },
mpr := by { intro h, cases h; rw [h.1, h.2], apply list.perm.swap', refl } }

The symmetric square is equivalent to length-2 vectors up to permutations.
def sym2_equiv_sym' {α : Type*} : equiv (sym2 α) (sym' α 2) :=
{ to_fun := (λ (x : α × α), ⟨[x.1, x.2], rfl⟩) (begin
intros x y h, cases h, refl, apply list.perm.swap', refl,
{ to_fun :=
(λ (x : α × α), ⟨[x.1, x.2], rfl⟩)
(by { rintros _ _ ⟨_⟩, { refl }, apply list.perm.swap', refl }),
inv_fun := from_vector (begin
rintros ⟨x, hx⟩ ⟨y, hy⟩ h,
cases x with x0 x, simp at hx, tauto,
cases x with x1 x, simp at hx, exfalso, linarith [hx],
cases x with x2 x, swap, simp at hx, exfalso, linarith [hx],
cases y with y0 y, simp at hy, tauto,
cases y with y1 y, simp at hy, exfalso, linarith [hy],
cases y with y2 y, swap, simp at hy, exfalso, linarith [hy],
cases h; rw [h_1.1, h_1.2],
cases x with _ x, { simp at hx; tauto },
cases x with _ x, { simp at hx; norm_num at hx },
cases x with _ x, swap, { exfalso, simp at hx; linarith [hx] },
cases y with _ y, { simp at hy; tauto },
cases y with _ y, { simp at hy; norm_num at hy },
cases y with _ y, swap, { exfalso, simp at hy; linarith [hy] },
rcases h with ⟨rfl,rfl⟩|⟨rfl,rfl⟩, { refl },
apply sym2.rel.swap,
left_inv := by tidy,
right_inv := begin
intro x,
right_inv := λ x, begin
induction x,
cases x with x hx,
cases x with x0 x, simp at hx, tauto,
cases x with x1 x, simp at hx, exfalso, linarith [hx],
cases x with x2 x, swap, simp at hx, exfalso, linarith [hx],
{ cases x with x hx,
cases x with _ x, { simp at hx; tauto },
cases x with _ x, { simp at hx; norm_num at hx },
cases x with _ x, swap, { exfalso, simp at hx; linarith [hx] },
refl },
end }

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