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feat(ring_theory/witt_vector/init_tail): adding disjoint witt vectors (
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Co-Authored-By: Rob Y. Lewis <>
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jcommelin and robertylewis committed Nov 27, 2020
1 parent 396487f commit 73a2fd3
Showing 1 changed file with 203 additions and 0 deletions.
203 changes: 203 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/witt_vector/init_tail.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Johan Commelin and Robert Y. Lewis. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johan Commelin, Robert Y. Lewis

import ring_theory.witt_vector.basic
import ring_theory.witt_vector.is_poly

# `init` and `tail`
Given a Witt vector `x`, we are sometimes interested
in its components before and after an index `n`.
This file defines those operations, proves that `init` is polynomial,
and shows how that polynomial interacts with `mv_polynomial.bind₁`.
## Main declarations
* `witt_vector.init n x`: the first `n` coefficients of `x`, as a Witt vector. All coefficients at
indices ≥ `n` are 0.
* `witt_vector.tail n x`: the complementary part to `init`. All coefficients at indices < `n` are 0,
otherwise they are the same as in `x`.
* `witt_vector.coeff_add_of_disjoint`: if `x` and `y` are Witt vectors such that for every `n`
the `n`-th coefficient of `x` or of `y` is `0`, then the coefficients of `x + y`
are just `x.coeff n + y.coeff n`.

variables {p : ℕ} [hp : fact] (n : ℕ) {R : Type*} [comm_ring R]

local notation `𝕎` := witt_vector p -- type as `\bbW`

namespace tactic
namespace interactive

`init_ring` is an auxiliary tactic that discharges goals factoring `init` over ring operations.
meta def init_ring (assert : parse (tk "using" >> parser.pexpr)?) : tactic unit := do
`[rw ext_iff,
intros i,
simp only [init, select, coeff_mk],
split_ifs with hi; try {refl}],
match assert with
| none := skip
| some e := do
`[simp only [add_coeff, mul_coeff, neg_coeff],
apply eval₂_hom_congr' (ring_hom.ext_int _ _) _ rfl,
rintro ⟨b, k⟩ h -],
tactic.replace `h ```(%%e p _ h),
`[simp only [finset.mem_range, finset.mem_product, true_and, finset.mem_univ] at h,
have hk : k < n, by linarith,
fin_cases b;
simp only [function.uncurry, matrix.cons_val_zero, matrix.head_cons, coeff_mk,
matrix.cons_val_one, coeff_mk, hk, if_true]]

end interactive
end tactic

namespace witt_vector
open mv_polynomial

open_locale classical
noncomputable theory


local attribute [semireducible] witt_vector

/-- ` P x`, for a predicate `P : ℕ → Prop` is the Witt vector
whose `n`-th coefficient is `x.coeff n` if `P n` is true, and `0` otherwise.
def select (P : ℕ → Prop) (x : 𝕎 R) : 𝕎 R :=
mk p (λ n, if P n then x.coeff n else 0)

section select
variables (P : ℕ → Prop)

/-- The polynomial that witnesses that `` is a polynomial function.
`select_poly n` is `X n` if `P n` holds, and `0` otherwise. -/
def select_poly (n : ℕ) : mv_polynomial ℕ ℤ := if P n then X n else 0

lemma coeff_select (x : 𝕎 R) (n : ℕ) :
(select P x).coeff n = aeval x.coeff (select_poly P n) :=
dsimp [select, select_poly],
split_ifs with hi,
{ rw aeval_X },
{ rw alg_hom.map_zero }

@[is_poly] lemma select_is_poly (P : ℕ → Prop) :
is_poly p (λ R _Rcr x, by exactI select P x) :=
use (select_poly P),
rintro R _Rcr x,
funext i,
apply coeff_select

include hp

lemma select_add_select_not :
∀ (x : 𝕎 R), select P x + select (λ i, ¬ P i) x = x :=
ghost_calc _,
intro n,
simp only [ring_hom.map_add],
suffices : (bind₁ (select_poly P)) (witt_polynomial p ℤ n) +
(bind₁ (select_poly (λ i, ¬P i))) (witt_polynomial p ℤ n) = witt_polynomial p ℤ n,
{ apply_fun (aeval x.coeff) at this,
simpa only [alg_hom.map_add, aeval_bind₁, ← coeff_select] },
simp only [witt_polynomial_eq_sum_C_mul_X_pow, select_poly, alg_hom.map_sum, alg_hom.map_pow,
alg_hom.map_mul, bind₁_X_right, bind₁_C_right, ← finset.sum_add_distrib, ← mul_add],
apply finset.sum_congr rfl,
intros, congr' 2,
split_ifs; simp only [zero_pow (pow_pos hp.pos _), add_zero, zero_add],

lemma coeff_add_of_disjoint (x y : 𝕎 R) (h : ∀ n, x.coeff n = 0 ∨ y.coeff n = 0) :
(x + y).coeff n = x.coeff n + y.coeff n :=
let P : ℕ → Prop := λ n, y.coeff n = 0,
haveI : decidable_pred P := classical.dec_pred P,
set z := mk p (λ n, if P n then x.coeff n else y.coeff n) with hz,
have hx : select P z = x,
{ ext1 n, rw [select, coeff_mk, coeff_mk],
split_ifs with hn, { refl }, { rw (h n).resolve_right hn } },
have hy : select (λ i, ¬ P i) z = y,
{ ext1 n, rw [select, coeff_mk, coeff_mk],
split_ifs with hn, { exact hn.symm }, { refl } },
calc (x + y).coeff n = z.coeff n : by rw [← hx, ← hy, select_add_select_not P z]
... = x.coeff n + y.coeff n : _,
dsimp [z],
split_ifs with hn,
{ dsimp [P] at hn, rw [hn, add_zero] },
{ rw [(h n).resolve_right hn, zero_add] }

end select

/-- `witt_vector.init n x` is the Witt vector of which the first `n` coefficients are those from `x`
and all other coefficients are `0`.
See `witt_vector.tail` for the complementary part.
def init (n : ℕ) : 𝕎 R → 𝕎 R := select (λ i, i < n)

/-- `witt_vector.tail n x` is the Witt vector of which the first `n` coefficients are `0`
and all other coefficients are those from `x`.
See `witt_vector.init` for the complementary part. -/
def tail (n : ℕ) : 𝕎 R → 𝕎 R := select (λ i, n ≤ i)

include hp

@[simp] lemma init_add_tail (x : 𝕎 R) (n : ℕ) :
init n x + tail n x = x :=
by simp only [init, tail, ← not_lt, select_add_select_not]


lemma init_init (x : 𝕎 R) (n : ℕ) :
init n (init n x) = init n x :=
by init_ring

include hp

lemma init_add (x y : 𝕎 R) (n : ℕ) :
init n (x + y) = init n (init n x + init n y) :=
by init_ring using witt_add_vars

lemma init_mul (x y : 𝕎 R) (n : ℕ) :
init n (x * y) = init n (init n x * init n y) :=
by init_ring using witt_mul_vars

lemma init_neg (x : 𝕎 R) (n : ℕ) :
init n (-x) = init n (-init n x) :=
by init_ring using witt_neg_vars

lemma init_sub (x y : 𝕎 R) (n : ℕ) :
init n (x - y) = init n (init n x - init n y) :=
simp only [sub_eq_add_neg],
rw [init_add, init_neg],
conv_rhs { rw [init_add, init_init] },


variables (p)

omit hp

/-- `witt_vector.init n x` is polynomial in the coefficients of `x`. -/
lemma init_is_poly (n : ℕ) : is_poly p (λ R _Rcr, by exactI init n) :=
select_is_poly (λ i, i < n)


end witt_vector

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