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refactor(linear_algebra/eigenspace): refactor `eigenvectors_linearly_…
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…independent` (#10198)

This refactors the proof of the lemma
lemma eigenvectors_linear_independent (f : End K V) (μs : set K) (xs : μs → V)
  (h_eigenvec : ∀ μ : μs, f.has_eigenvector μ (xs μ)) :
  linear_independent K xs
to extract the formulation
lemma eigenspaces_independent (f : End K V) : complete_lattice.independent f.eigenspace
from which `eigenvectors_linear_independent` follows as a 1-liner.

I don't need this for anything (although it might have applications -- for example, cardinality lemmas) -- just think it's a possibly more elegant statement.
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hrmacbeth committed Nov 12, 2021
1 parent 1019dd6 commit 75207e9
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Showing 2 changed files with 101 additions and 73 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/dfinsupp.lean
Expand Up @@ -173,6 +173,15 @@ lemma map_range.linear_map_comp (f : Π i, β₁ i →ₗ[R] β₂ i) (f₂ : Π
(map_range.linear_map f).comp (map_range.linear_map f₂) :=
linear_map.ext $ map_range_comp (λ i x, f i x) (λ i x, f₂ i x) _ _ _

include dec_ι
lemma sum_map_range_index.linear_map
[Π (i : ι) (x : β₁ i), decidable (x ≠ 0)] [Π (i : ι) (x : β₂ i), decidable (x ≠ 0)]
{f : Π i, β₁ i →ₗ[R] β₂ i} {h : Π i, β₂ i →ₗ[R] N} {l : Π₀ i, β₁ i} :
dfinsupp.lsum ℕ h (map_range.linear_map f l) = dfinsupp.lsum ℕ (λ i, (h i).comp (f i)) l :=
by simpa [dfinsupp.sum_add_hom_apply] using
@sum_map_range_index ι N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (λ i, f i) (λ i, by simp) l (λ i, h i) (λ i, by simp)
omit dec_ι

/-- `dfinsupp.map_range.linear_map` as an `linear_equiv`. -/
@[simps apply]
def map_range.linear_equiv (e : Π i, β₁ i ≃ₗ[R] β₂ i) : (Π₀ i, β₁ i) ≃ₗ[R] (Π₀ i, β₂ i) :=
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165 changes: 92 additions & 73 deletions src/linear_algebra/eigenspace.lean
Expand Up @@ -197,104 +197,123 @@ noncomputable instance [is_alg_closed K] [finite_dimensional K V] [nontrivial V]
inhabited f.eigenvalues :=
⟨⟨f.exists_eigenvalue.some, f.exists_eigenvalue.some_spec⟩⟩

/-- Eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues of a linear operator are linearly
independent. (Lemma 5.10 of [axler2015])
We use the eigenvalues as indexing set to ensure that there is only one eigenvector for each
eigenvalue in the image of `xs`. -/
lemma eigenvectors_linear_independent (f : End K V) (μs : set K) (xs : μs → V)
(h_eigenvec : ∀ μ : μs, f.has_eigenvector μ (xs μ)) :
linear_independent K xs :=
/-- The eigenspaces of a linear operator form an independent family of subspaces of `V`. That is,
any eigenspace has trivial intersection with the span of all the other eigenspaces. -/
lemma eigenspaces_independent (f : End K V) : complete_lattice.independent f.eigenspace :=
-- We need to show that if a linear combination `l` of the eigenvectors `xs` is `0`, then all
-- its coefficients are zero.
suffices : ∀ l, μs V K xs l = 0 → l = 0,
{ rw linear_independent_iff,
apply this },
-- Define an operation from `Π₀ μ : K, f.eigenspace μ`, the vector space of of finitely-supported
-- choices of an eigenvector from each eigenspace, to `V`, by sending a collection to its sum.
let S : @linear_map K K _ _ ( K) (Π₀ μ : K, f.eigenspace μ) V
(@dfinsupp.add_comm_monoid K (λ μ, f.eigenspace μ) _) _
(@dfinsupp.module K _ (λ μ, f.eigenspace μ) _ _ _) _ :=
@dfinsupp.lsum K K ℕ _ V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(λ μ, (f.eigenspace μ).subtype),
-- We need to show that if a finitely-supported collection `l` of representatives of the
-- eigenspaces has sum `0`, then it itself is zero.
suffices : ∀ l : Π₀ μ, f.eigenspace μ, S l = 0 → l = 0,
{ rw complete_lattice.independent_iff_dfinsupp_lsum_injective,
change function.injective S,
rw ← @linear_map.ker_eq_bot K K (Π₀ μ, (f.eigenspace μ)) V _ _
(@dfinsupp.add_comm_group K (λ μ, f.eigenspace μ) _),
rw eq_bot_iff,
exact this },
intros l hl,
-- We apply induction on the finite set of eigenvalues whose eigenvectors have nonzero
-- coefficients, i.e. on the support of `l`.
-- We apply induction on the finite set of eigenvalues from which `l` selects a nonzero
-- eigenvector, i.e. on the support of `l`.
induction h_l_support : using finset.induction with μ₀ l_support' hμ₀ ih generalizing l,
-- If the support is empty, all coefficients are zero and we are done.
{ exact finsupp.support_eq_empty.1 h_l_support },
{ exact dfinsupp.support_eq_empty.1 h_l_support },
-- Now assume that the support of `l` contains at least one eigenvalue `μ₀`. We define a new
-- linear combination `l'` to apply the induction hypothesis on later. The linear combination `l'`
-- is derived from `l` by multiplying the coefficient of the eigenvector with eigenvalue `μ`
-- by `μ - μ₀`.
-- To get started, we define `l'` as a function `l'_f : μs → K` with potentially infinite support.
{ let l'_f : μs → K := (λ μ : μs, (↑μ - ↑μ₀) * l μ),
-- The support of `l'_f` is the support of `l` without `μ₀`.
have h_l_support' : ∀ (μ : μs), μ ∈ l_support' ↔ l'_f μ ≠ 0 ,
{ intro μ,
suffices : μ ∈ l_support' → μ ≠ μ₀,
{ simp [l'_f, ← finsupp.not_mem_support_iff, h_l_support, sub_eq_zero, ←subtype.ext_iff],
tauto },
rintro hμ rfl,
contradiction },
-- Now we can define `l'_f` as an actual linear combination `l'` because we know that the
-- support is finite.
let l' : μs →₀ K :=
{ to_fun := l'_f, support := l_support', mem_support_to_fun := h_l_support' },
-- The linear combination `l'` over `xs` adds up to `0`.
have total_l' : μs V K xs l' = 0,
-- collection of representatives `l'` to apply the induction hypothesis on later. The collection
-- of representatives `l'` is derived from `l` by multiplying the coefficient of the eigenvector
-- with eigenvalue `μ` by `μ - μ₀`.
{ let l' := dfinsupp.map_range.linear_map
(λ μ, (μ - μ₀) • K (f.eigenspace μ) _ _ _) l,
-- The support of `l'` is the support of `l` without `μ₀`.
have h_l_support' : l'.support = l_support',
{ have : l_support' = finset.erase μ₀,
{ rw [h_l_support, finset.erase_insert hμ₀] },
rw this,
ext a,
have : ¬(a = μ₀ ∨ l a = 0) ↔ ¬a = μ₀ ∧ ¬l a = 0 := by tauto,
simp only [l', dfinsupp.map_range.linear_map_apply, dfinsupp.map_range_apply,
dfinsupp.mem_support_iff, finset.mem_erase, id.def, linear_map.id_coe,
linear_map.smul_apply, ne.def, smul_eq_zero, sub_eq_zero, this] },
-- The entries of `l'` add up to `0`.
have total_l' : S l' = 0,
{ let g := f - algebra_map K (End K V) μ₀,
have h_gμ₀: g (l μ₀ • xs μ₀) = 0,
by rw [linear_map.map_smul, linear_map.sub_apply, mem_eigenspace_iff.1 (h_eigenvec _).1,
algebra_map_End_apply, sub_self, smul_zero],
have h_useless_filter : finset.filter (λ (a : μs), l'_f a ≠ 0) l_support' = l_support',
{ rw finset.filter_congr _,
{ apply finset.filter_true },
{ apply_instance },
exact λ μ hμ, (iff_true _).mpr ((h_l_support' μ).1 hμ) },
have bodies_eq : ∀ (μ : μs), l'_f μ • xs μ = g (l μ • xs μ),
{ intro μ,
dsimp only [g, l'_f],
rw [linear_map.map_smul, linear_map.sub_apply, mem_eigenspace_iff.1 (h_eigenvec _).1,
algebra_map_End_apply, ←sub_smul, smul_smul, mul_comm] },
rw [←linear_map.map_zero g, ←hl, finsupp.total_apply, finsupp.total_apply,
finsupp.sum, finsupp.sum, linear_map.map_sum, h_l_support,
finset.sum_insert hμ₀, h_gμ₀, zero_add],
refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λ μ _, _),
apply bodies_eq },
-- Therefore, by the induction hypothesis, all coefficients in `l'` are zero.
have l'_eq_0 : l' = 0 := ih l' total_l' rfl,
-- By the defintion of `l'`, this means that `(μ - μ₀) * l μ = 0` for all `μ`.
have h_mul_eq_0 : ∀ μ : μs, (↑μ - ↑μ₀) * l μ = 0,
let a : Π₀ μ : K, V := dfinsupp.map_range.linear_map (λ μ, (f.eigenspace μ).subtype) l,
calc S l'
= dfinsupp.lsum ℕ (λ μ, (f.eigenspace μ).subtype.comp ((μ - μ₀) • l : _
... = dfinsupp.lsum ℕ (λ μ, g.comp (f.eigenspace μ).subtype) l : _
... = dfinsupp.lsum ℕ (λ μ, g) a : _
... = g (dfinsupp.lsum ℕ (λ μ, ( : V →ₗ[K] V)) a) : _
... = g (S l) : _
... = 0 : by rw [hl, g.map_zero],
{ rw dfinsupp.sum_map_range_index.linear_map },
{ congr,
ext μ v,
simp only [g, eq_self_iff_true, function.comp_app, id.def, linear_map.coe_comp,
linear_map.id_coe, linear_map.smul_apply, linear_map.sub_apply,
module.algebra_map_End_apply, sub_left_inj, sub_smul, submodule.coe_smul_of_tower,
submodule.coe_sub, submodule.subtype_apply, mem_eigenspace_iff.1 v.prop], },
{ rw dfinsupp.sum_map_range_index.linear_map },
{ simp only [dfinsupp.sum_add_hom_apply, linear_map.id_coe, linear_map.map_dfinsupp_sum,
id.def, linear_map.to_add_monoid_hom_coe, dfinsupp.lsum_apply_apply], },
{ congr,
simp only [S, a, dfinsupp.sum_map_range_index.linear_map, linear_map.id_comp] } },
-- Therefore, by the induction hypothesis, all entries of `l'` are zero.
have l'_eq_0 := ih l' total_l' h_l_support',
-- By the definition of `l'`, this means that `(μ - μ₀) • l μ = 0` for all `μ`.
have h_smul_eq_0 : ∀ μ, (μ - μ₀) • l μ = 0,
{ intro μ,
calc (↑μ - ↑μ₀) * l μ = l' μ : rfl
calc (μ - μ₀) • l μ = l' μ : by simp only [l', linear_map.id_coe, id.def,
linear_map.smul_apply, dfinsupp.map_range_apply, dfinsupp.map_range.linear_map_apply]
... = 0 : by { rw [l'_eq_0], refl } },
-- Thus, the coefficients in `l` for all `μ ≠ μ₀` are `0`.
have h_lμ_eq_0 : ∀ μ : μs, μ ≠ μ₀ → l μ = 0,
-- Thus, the eigenspace-representatives in `l` for all `μ ≠ μ₀` are `0`.
have h_lμ_eq_0 : ∀ μ : K, μ ≠ μ₀ → l μ = 0,
{ intros μ hμ,
apply or_iff_not_imp_left.1 (mul_eq_zero.1 (h_mul_eq_0 μ)),
rwa [sub_eq_zero, ←subtype.ext_iff] },
-- So if we sum over all these coefficients, we obtain `0`.
have h_sum_l_support'_eq_0 : finset.sum l_support' (λ (μ : ↥μs), l μ • xs μ) = 0,
apply or_iff_not_imp_left.1 (smul_eq_zero.1 (h_smul_eq_0 μ)),
rwa [sub_eq_zero] },
-- So if we sum over all these representatives, we obtain `0`.
have h_sum_l_support'_eq_0 : finset.sum l_support' (λ μ, (l μ : V)) = 0,
{ rw ←finset.sum_const_zero,
apply finset.sum_congr rfl,
intros μ hμ,
rw h_lμ_eq_0,
apply zero_smul,
intro h,
rw h at hμ,
contradiction },
-- The only potentially nonzero coefficient in `l` is the one corresponding to `μ₀`. But since
-- the overall sum is `0` by assumption, this coefficient must also be `0`.
-- The only potentially nonzero eigenspace-representative in `l` is the one corresponding to
-- `μ₀`. But since the overall sum is `0` by assumption, this representative must also be `0`.
have : l μ₀ = 0,
{ rw [finsupp.total_apply, finsupp.sum, h_l_support,
finset.sum_insert hμ₀, h_sum_l_support'_eq_0, add_zero] at hl,
by_contra h,
exact (h_eigenvec μ₀).2 ((smul_eq_zero.1 hl).resolve_left h) },
{ simp only [S, dfinsupp.lsum_apply_apply, dfinsupp.sum_add_hom_apply,
linear_map.to_add_monoid_hom_coe, dfinsupp.sum, h_l_support, submodule.subtype_apply,
submodule.coe_eq_zero, finset.sum_insert hμ₀, h_sum_l_support'_eq_0, add_zero] at hl,
exact_mod_cast hl },
-- Thus, all coefficients in `l` are `0`.
show l = 0,
{ ext μ,
by_cases h_cases : μ = μ₀,
{ rw h_cases,
assumption },
exact h_lμ_eq_0 μ h_cases } }
exact_mod_cast this },
exact congr_arg (coe : _ → V) (h_lμ_eq_0 μ h_cases) }}

/-- Eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues of a linear operator are linearly
independent. (Lemma 5.10 of [axler2015])
We use the eigenvalues as indexing set to ensure that there is only one eigenvector for each
eigenvalue in the image of `xs`. -/
lemma eigenvectors_linear_independent (f : End K V) (μs : set K) (xs : μs → V)
(h_eigenvec : ∀ μ : μs, f.has_eigenvector μ (xs μ)) :
linear_independent K xs :=
complete_lattice.independent.linear_independent _
(f.eigenspaces_independent.comp (coe : μs → K) subtype.coe_injective)
(λ μ, (h_eigenvec μ).1) (λ μ, (h_eigenvec μ).2)

/-- The generalized eigenspace for a linear map `f`, a scalar `μ`, and an exponent `k ∈ ℕ` is the
kernel of `(f - μ • id) ^ k`. (Def 8.10 of [axler2015]). Furthermore, a generalized eigenspace for
some exponent `k` is contained in the generalized eigenspace for exponents larger than `k`. -/
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