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gebner committed Aug 10, 2021
1 parent 57c277a commit 76451e8
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Showing 54 changed files with 426 additions and 364 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/algebra/big_operators/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ prod_attach
lemma prod_subtype {p : α → Prop} {F : fintype (subtype p)} (s : finset α)
(h : ∀ x, x ∈ s ↔ p x) (f : α → β) :
∏ a in s, f a = ∏ a : subtype p, f a :=
have (∈ s) = p, from set.ext h, by { substI p, rw [←prod_finset_coe], congr }
have (∈ s) = p, by { ext, rw h }, by { substI p, rw [←prod_finset_coe], congr }

lemma prod_eq_one {f : α → β} {s : finset α} (h : ∀x∈s, f x = 1) : (∏ x in s, f x) = 1 :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1428,4 +1428,3 @@ begin
simp only [his, finset.sum_insert, not_false_iff],
exact (int.nat_abs_add_le _ _).trans (add_le_add le_rfl IH) }

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/algebra/pointwise.lean
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Expand Up @@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ image_prod _

theorem range_smul_range [has_scalar α β] {ι κ : Type*} (b : ι → α) (c : κ → β) :
range b • range c = range (λ p : ι × κ, b p.1 • c p.2) :=
ext $ λ x, ⟨λ hx, let ⟨p, q, ⟨i, hi⟩, ⟨j, hj⟩, hpq⟩ := set.mem_smul.1 hx in
set.ext $ λ x, ⟨λ hx, let ⟨p, q, ⟨i, hi⟩, ⟨j, hj⟩, hpq⟩ := set.mem_smul.1 hx in
⟨(i, j), hpq ▸ hi ▸ hj ▸ rfl⟩,
λ ⟨⟨i, j⟩, h⟩, set.mem_smul.2 ⟨b i, c j, ⟨i, rfl⟩, ⟨j, rfl⟩, h⟩⟩

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ begin
simpa only [true_and, true_or, eq_self_iff_true, finset.mem_insert], },
{ suffices g : (s : set M) ⊆ insert x T * insert y T', { norm_cast at g, assumption, },
transitivity ↑(T * T'),
apply h,
exact coe_subset.2 h,
rw finset.coe_mul,
apply set.mul_subset_mul (set.subset_insert x T) (set.subset_insert y T'), },
Expand Down
12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions src/category_theory/essential_image.lean
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Expand Up @@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ isomorphic to an object in the image of the function `F.obj`. In other words, th
under isomorphism of the function `F.obj`.
This is the "non-evil" way of describing the image of a functor.
def ess_image (F : C ⥤ D) : set D := λ Y, ∃ (X : C), nonempty (F.obj X ≅ Y)
def ess_image (F : C ⥤ D) : set D := { Y | ∃ (X : C), nonempty (F.obj X ≅ Y) }

/-- Get the witnessing object that `Y` is in the subcategory given by `F`. -/
def ess_image.witness {Y : D} (h : Y ∈ F.ess_image) : C := h.some

/-- Extract the isomorphism between `F.obj h.witness` and `Y` itself. -/
def ess_image.get_iso {Y : D} (h : Y ∈ F.ess_image) : F.obj h.witness ≅ Y :=
def ess_image.get_iso {Y : D} (h : Y ∈ F.ess_image) : F.obj (ess_image.witness h) ≅ Y :=
classical.choice h.some_spec

/-- Being in the essential image is a "hygenic" property: it is preserved under isomorphism. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,17 +102,19 @@ class ess_surj (F : C ⥤ D) : Prop :=
(mem_ess_image [] (Y : D) : Y ∈ F.ess_image)

instance : ess_surj F.to_ess_image :=
{ mem_ess_image := λ ⟨Y, hY⟩, ⟨_, ⟨⟨_, _, hY.get_iso.hom_inv_id, hY.get_iso.inv_hom_id⟩⟩⟩ }
{ mem_ess_image := λ ⟨Y, hY⟩,
⟨_, ⟨⟨_, _, (functor.ess_image.get_iso hY).hom_inv_id,
(functor.ess_image.get_iso hY).inv_hom_id⟩⟩⟩ }

variables (F) [ess_surj F]

/-- Given an essentially surjective functor, we can find a preimage for every object `Y` in the
codomain. Applying the functor to this preimage will yield an object isomorphic to `Y`, see
`obj_obj_preimage_iso`. -/
def functor.obj_preimage (Y : D) : C := (ess_surj.mem_ess_image F Y).witness
def functor.obj_preimage (Y : D) : C := functor.ess_image.witness (ess_surj.mem_ess_image F Y)
/-- Applying an essentially surjective functor to a preimage of `Y` yields an object that is
isomorphic to `Y`. -/
def functor.obj_obj_preimage_iso (Y : D) : F.obj (F.obj_preimage Y) ≅ Y :=
(ess_surj.mem_ess_image F Y).get_iso
functor.ess_image.get_iso (ess_surj.mem_ess_image F Y)

end category_theory
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/combinatorics/hall.lean
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Expand Up @@ -211,8 +211,9 @@ begin
{ apply nat.le_of_lt_succ,
rw ←hn,
convert (card_compl_lt_iff_nonempty _).mpr hs,
convert fintype.card_coe (sᶜ),
exact (finset.coe_compl s).symm },
rw ← fintype.card_coe sᶜ,
congr' 1,
show subtype _ = subtype _, simp },
rcases ih t'' card_ι''_le (hall_cond_of_compl hus ht) with ⟨f'', hf'', hsf''⟩,
/- Put them together -/
have f'_mem_bUnion : ∀ {x'} (hx' : x' ∈ s), f' ⟨x', hx'⟩ ∈ s.bUnion t,
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/combinatorics/quiver.lean
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Expand Up @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ def wide_subquiver_equiv_set_total {V} [quiver V] :
wide_subquiver V ≃ set (total V) :=
{ to_fun := λ H, { e | e.hom ∈ H e.left e.right },
inv_fun := λ S a b, { e | a b e ∈ S },
left_inv := λ H, rfl,
left_inv := by { intro, ext, refl },
right_inv := by { intro S, ext, cases x, refl } }

/-- `G.path a b` is the type of paths from `a` to `b` through the arrows of `G`. -/
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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions src/combinatorics/simple_graph/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -101,10 +101,10 @@ namespace simple_graph
variables {V : Type u} (G : simple_graph V)

/-- `G.neighbor_set v` is the set of vertices adjacent to `v` in `G`. -/
def neighbor_set (v : V) : set V := set_of (G.adj v)
def neighbor_set (v : V) : set V := { w | G.adj v w }

instance neighbor_set.mem_decidable (v : V) [decidable_rel G.adj] :
decidable_pred (G.neighbor_set v) := by { unfold neighbor_set, apply_instance }
decidable_pred (G.neighbor_set v) := by { unfold neighbor_set, apply_instance }

lemma ne_of_adj {a b : V} (hab : G.adj a b) : a ≠ b :=
by { rintro rfl, exact G.loopless a hab }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,13 +152,13 @@ begin

instance edge_set_decidable_pred [decidable_rel G.adj] :
decidable_pred G.edge_set := sym2.from_rel.decidable_pred _
decidable_pred (∈ G.edge_set) := sym2.from_rel.decidable_pred _

instance edges_fintype [decidable_eq V] [fintype V] [decidable_rel G.adj] :
fintype G.edge_set := subtype.fintype _

instance incidence_set_decidable_pred [decidable_eq V] [decidable_rel G.adj] (v : V) :
decidable_pred (G.incidence_set v) := λ e, and.decidable
decidable_pred (G.incidence_set v) := λ e, and.decidable

The `edge_set` of the graph as a `finset`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,7 +224,8 @@ lemma not_mem_common_neighbors_right (v w : V) : w ∉ G.common_neighbors v w :=
lemma common_neighbors_subset_neighbor_set (v w : V) : G.common_neighbors v w ⊆ G.neighbor_set v :=
by simp [common_neighbors]

instance [decidable_rel G.adj] (v w : V) : decidable_pred (G.common_neighbors v w) :=
instance common_neighbors.decidable [decidable_rel G.adj] (v w : V) :
decidable_pred (∈ G.common_neighbors v w) :=
λ a, and.decidable

section incidence
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/computability/DFA.lean
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Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ def eval := M.eval_from M.start

/-- `M.accepts` is the language of `x` such that `M.eval x` is an accept state. -/
def accepts : language α :=
λ x, M.eval x ∈ M.accept
{ x | M.eval x ∈ M.accept }

lemma mem_accepts (x : list α) : x ∈ M.accepts ↔ M.eval_from M.start x ∈ M.accept := by refl

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/computability/NFA.lean
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Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def eval := M.eval_from M.start

/-- `M.accepts` is the language of `x` such that there is an accept state in `M.eval x`. -/
def accepts : language α :=
λ x, ∃ S ∈ M.accept, S ∈ M.eval x
{ x | ∃ S ∈ M.accept, S ∈ M.eval x }

/-- `M.to_DFA` is an `DFA` constructed from a `NFA` `M` using the subset construction. The
states is the type of `set`s of `M.state` and the step function is `M.step_set`. -/
Expand Down
17 changes: 13 additions & 4 deletions src/computability/epsilon_NFA.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,11 +35,20 @@ namespace ε_NFA

instance : inhabited (ε_NFA α σ) := ⟨ ε (λ _ _, ∅) ∅ ∅ ⟩

/-- Use `ε_closure` instead. -/
inductive ε_closure_pred : set σ → σ → Prop
| base : ∀ S (s ∈ S), ε_closure_pred S s
| step : ∀ S s (t ∈ M.step s none), ε_closure_pred S s → ε_closure_pred S t

/-- The `ε_closure` of a set is the set of states which can be reached by taking a finite string of
ε-transitions from an element of the the set -/
inductive ε_closure : set σ → set σ
| base : ∀ S (s ∈ S), ε_closure S s
| step : ∀ S s (t ∈ M.step s none), ε_closure S s → ε_closure S t
def ε_closure (S : set σ) : set σ := { s | ε_closure_pred M S s }

lemma ε_closure.base {S} (s ∈ S) : s ∈ ε_closure M S :=
ε_closure_pred.base _ _ H

lemma ε_closure.step {S s} (t ∈ M.step s none) : s ∈ ε_closure M S → t ∈ ε_closure M S :=
ε_closure_pred.step _ _ _ H

/-- `M.step_set S a` is the union of the ε-closure of `M.step s a` for all `s ∈ S`. -/
def step_set : set σ → α → set σ :=
Expand All @@ -56,7 +65,7 @@ def eval := M.eval_from M.start

/-- `M.accepts` is the language of `x` such that there is an accept state in `M.eval x`. -/
def accepts : language α :=
λ x, ∃ S ∈ M.accept, S ∈ M.eval x
{ x | ∃ S ∈ M.accept, S ∈ M.eval x }

/-- `M.to_NFA` is an `NFA` constructed from an `ε_NFA` `M`. -/
def to_NFA : NFA α σ :=
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/computability/language.lean
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Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ instance : has_one (language α) := ⟨{[]}⟩
instance : inhabited (language α) := ⟨0

/-- The sum of two languages is the union of -/
instance : has_add (language α) := ⟨set.union
instance : has_add (language α) := ⟨(∪)
instance : has_mul (language α) := ⟨set.image2 (++)⟩

lemma zero_def : (0 : language α) = (∅ : set _) := rfl
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34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions src/computability/reduce.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ theorem computable_of_many_one_reducible
(h₁ : p ≤₀ q) (h₂ : computable_pred q) : computable_pred p :=
rcases h₁ with ⟨f, c, hf⟩,
rw [show p = λ a, q (f a), from set.ext hf],
rw [show p = λ a, q (f a), by ext; rw hf],
rcases computable_iff.1 h₂ with ⟨g, hg, rfl⟩,
exact ⟨by apply_instance, by simpa using hg.comp c⟩
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -271,37 +271,37 @@ variables {γ : Type w} [primcodable γ] [inhabited γ]
Computable and injective mapping of predicates to sets of natural numbers.
def to_nat (p : set α) : set ℕ :=
{ n | p ((encodable.decode α n).get_or_else (default α)) }
def to_nat (p : α → Prop) : ℕ → Prop :=
λ n, p ((encodable.decode α n).get_or_else (default α))

lemma to_nat_many_one_reducible {p : set α} : to_nat p ≤₀ p :=
lemma to_nat_many_one_reducible {p : α → Prop} : to_nat p ≤₀ p :=
⟨λ n, (encodable.decode α n).get_or_else (default α),
computable.option_get_or_else computable.decode (computable.const _),
λ _, iff.rfl⟩

lemma many_one_reducible_to_nat {p : set α} : p ≤₀ to_nat p :=
⟨encodable.encode, computable.encode, by simp [to_nat, set_of]⟩
lemma many_one_reducible_to_nat {p : α → Prop} : p ≤₀ to_nat p :=
⟨encodable.encode, computable.encode, by simp [to_nat]⟩

lemma many_one_reducible_to_nat_to_nat {p : set α} {q : set β} :
lemma many_one_reducible_to_nat_to_nat {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} :
to_nat p ≤₀ to_nat q ↔ p ≤₀ q :=
⟨λ h, many_one_reducible_to_nat.trans (h.trans to_nat_many_one_reducible),
λ h, to_nat_many_one_reducible.trans (h.trans many_one_reducible_to_nat)⟩

lemma to_nat_many_one_equiv {p : set α} : many_one_equiv (to_nat p) p :=
lemma to_nat_many_one_equiv {p : α → Prop} : many_one_equiv (to_nat p) p :=
by simp [many_one_equiv]

lemma many_one_equiv_to_nat (p : set α) (q : set β) :
lemma many_one_equiv_to_nat (p : α → Prop) (q : β → Prop) :
many_one_equiv (to_nat p) (to_nat q) ↔ many_one_equiv p q :=
by simp [many_one_equiv]

/-- A many-one degree is an equivalence class of sets up to many-one equivalence. -/
def many_one_degree : Type :=
quotient (⟨many_one_equiv, equivalence_of_many_one_equiv⟩ : setoid (set ℕ))
quotient (⟨many_one_equiv, equivalence_of_many_one_equiv⟩ : setoid (ℕ → Prop))

namespace many_one_degree

Expand All @@ -311,19 +311,19 @@' (to_nat p)

protected lemma ind_on {C : many_one_degree → Prop} (d : many_one_degree)
(h : ∀ p : set ℕ, C (of p)) : C d :=
(h : ∀ p : ℕ → Prop, C (of p)) : C d :=
quotient.induction_on' d h

Lifts a function on sets of natural numbers to many-one degrees.
@[elab_as_eliminator, reducible]
protected def lift_on {φ} (d : many_one_degree) (f : set ℕ → φ)
protected def lift_on {φ} (d : many_one_degree) (f : (ℕ → Prop) → φ)
(h : ∀ p q, many_one_equiv p q → f p = f q) : φ :=
quotient.lift_on' d f h

protected lemma lift_on_eq {φ} (p : set ℕ) (f : set ℕ → φ)
protected lemma lift_on_eq {φ} (p : ℕ → Prop) (f : (ℕ → Prop) → φ)
(h : ∀ p q, many_one_equiv p q → f p = f q) :
(of p).lift_on f h = f p :=
Expand All @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ rfl
Lifts a binary function on sets of natural numbers to many-one degrees.
@[elab_as_eliminator, reducible, simp]
protected def lift_on₂ {φ} (d₁ d₂ : many_one_degree) (f : set ℕ → set ℕ → φ)
protected def lift_on₂ {φ} (d₁ d₂ : many_one_degree) (f : (ℕ → Prop) → (ℕ → Prop) → φ)
(h : ∀ p₁ p₂ q₁ q₂, many_one_equiv p₁ p₂ → many_one_equiv q₁ q₂ → f p₁ q₁ = f p₂ q₂) :
φ :=
d₁.lift_on (λ p, d₂.lift_on (f p) (λ q₁ q₂ hq, h _ _ _ _ (by refl) hq))
Expand All @@ -345,15 +345,15 @@ begin

protected lemma lift_on₂_eq {φ} (p q : set ℕ) (f : set ℕ → set ℕ → φ)
protected lemma lift_on₂_eq {φ} (p q : ℕ → Prop) (f : (ℕ → Prop) → (ℕ → Prop) → φ)
(h : ∀ p₁ p₂ q₁ q₂, many_one_equiv p₁ p₂ → many_one_equiv q₁ q₂ → f p₁ q₁ = f p₂ q₂) :
(of p).lift_on₂ (of q) f h = f p q :=

@[simp] lemma of_eq_of {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} : of p = of q ↔ many_one_equiv p q :=
by simp [of, quotient.eq']

instance : inhabited many_one_degree := ⟨of (∅ : set ℕ)⟩
instance : inhabited many_one_degree := ⟨of (λ n : ℕ, false)⟩

For many-one degrees `d₁` and `d₂`, `d₁ ≤ d₂` if the sets in `d₁` are many-one reducible to the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ instance : has_add many_one_degree :=
(hr₂.trans one_one_reducible.disjoin_right.to_many_one)⟩

@[simp] lemma add_of (p : set α) (q : set β) : of (p ⊕' q) = of p + of q :=
@[simp] lemma add_of (p : α → Prop) (q : β → Prop) : of (p ⊕' q) = of p + of q :=
(many_one_reducible_to_nat.trans one_one_reducible.disjoin_left.to_many_one)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/computability/regular_expressions.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ begin
tauto } }

instance (P : regular_expression α) : decidable_pred P.matches :=
instance matches.decidable_pred (P : regular_expression α) : decidable_pred (∈ P.matches) :=
intro x,
change decidable (x ∈ P.matches),
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/control/traversable/instances.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ lemma mem_traverse {f : α' → set β'} :
| [] (b::bs) := by simp
| (a::as) (b::bs) :=
suffices (b :: bs : list β') ∈ traverse f (a :: as) ↔ b ∈ f a ∧ bs ∈ traverse f as,
by simp [mem_traverse as bs],
by simp [mem_traverse as bs, (<*>)],
(assume ⟨_, ⟨b, hb, rfl⟩, _, hl, rfl⟩, ⟨hb, hl⟩)
(assume ⟨hb, hl⟩, ⟨_, ⟨b, hb, rfl⟩, _, hl, rfl⟩)
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/data/equiv/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@ subtype_equiv (equiv.refl α) (assume a, h ▸ iff.rfl)
/-- The subtypes corresponding to equal sets are equivalent. -/
@[simps apply]
def set_congr {α : Type*} {s t : set α} (h : s = t) : s ≃ t :=
subtype_equiv_prop h
subtype_equiv (equiv.refl α) (by simp [h])

/-- A subtype of a subtype is equivalent to the subtype of elements satisfying both predicates. This
version allows the “inner” predicate to depend on `h : p a`. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1697,7 +1697,7 @@ protected def compl {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {s : set α} {t : set β} [decid
/-- The set product of two sets is equivalent to the type product of their coercions to types. -/
protected def prod {α β} (s : set α) (t : set β) : t ≃ s × t :=
@subtype_prod_equiv_prod α β s t
@subtype_prod_equiv_prod α β (∈ s) (∈ t)

/-- If a function `f` is injective on a set `s`, then `s` is equivalent to `f '' s`. -/
protected noncomputable def image_of_inj_on {α β} (f : α → β) (s : set α) (H : inj_on f s) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1729,7 +1729,7 @@ protected def congr {α β : Type*} (e : α ≃ β) : set α ≃ set β :=
/-- The set `{x ∈ s | t x}` is equivalent to the set of `x : s` such that `t x`. -/
protected def sep {α : Type u} (s : set α) (t : α → Prop) :
({ x ∈ s | t x } : set α) ≃ { x : s | t x } :=
(equiv.subtype_subtype_equiv_subtype_inter s t).symm
(equiv.subtype_subtype_equiv_subtype_inter _ _).symm

/-- The set `𝒫 S := {x | x ⊆ S}` is equivalent to the type `set S`. -/
protected def powerset {α} (S : set α) : 𝒫 S ≃ set S :=
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/data/equiv/encodable/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ theorem encodek₂ [encodable α] (a : α) : decode₂ α (encode a) = some a :=
mem_decode₂.2 rfl

/-- The encoding function has decidable range. -/
def decidable_range_encode (α : Type*) [encodable α] : decidable_pred (set.range (@encode α _)) :=
def decidable_range_encode (α : Type*) [encodable α] : decidable_pred (set.range (@encode α _)) :=
λ x, decidable_of_iff (option.is_some (decode₂ α x))
⟨λ h, ⟨option.get h, by rw [← decode₂_is_partial_inv (option.get h), option.some_get]⟩,
λ ⟨n, hn⟩, by rw [← hn, encodek₂]; exact rfl⟩
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/data/equiv/local_equiv.lean
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Expand Up @@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ set.ext $ λ x, and.congr_right_iff.2 $ λ hx, by simp only [mem_preimage, e.lef

lemma source_inter_preimage_target_inter (s : set β) :
e.source ∩ (e ⁻¹' ( ∩ s)) = e.source ∩ (e ⁻¹' s) :=
ext $ λ x, ⟨λ hx, ⟨hx.1, hx.2.2⟩, λ hx, ⟨hx.1, e.map_source hx.1, hx.2⟩⟩
set.ext $ λ x, ⟨λ hx, ⟨hx.1, hx.2.2⟩, λ hx, ⟨hx.1, e.map_source hx.1, hx.2⟩⟩

lemma target_inter_inv_preimage_preimage (s : set β) : ∩ e.symm ⁻¹' (e ⁻¹' s) = ∩ s :=
Expand Down

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