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feat(data/equiv/option): option_congr (#12263)
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This is a universe-polymorphic version of the existing `equiv_functor.map_equiv option`.
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eric-wieser committed Feb 24, 2022
1 parent b8b1b57 commit 76b1e01
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Showing 3 changed files with 61 additions and 35 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/combinatorics/derangements/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -141,8 +141,7 @@ begin
simp only [perm.decompose_option_symm_apply, swap_apply_self, perm.coe_mul],
cases x,
{ simp },
simp only [equiv_functor.map_equiv_apply,,
option.map_eq_map, option.map_some'],
simp only [equiv.option_congr_apply, option.map_some'],
by_cases x_vs_a : x = a,
{ rw [x_vs_a, swap_apply_right], apply option.some_ne_none },
have ne_1 : some x ≠ none := option.some_ne_none _,
Expand Down
52 changes: 45 additions & 7 deletions src/data/equiv/option.lean
Expand Up @@ -9,16 +9,50 @@ import control.equiv_functor
# Equivalences for `option α`
We define `remove_none` which acts to provide a `e : α ≃ β` if given a `f : option α ≃ option β`.
To construct an `f : option α ≃ option β` from `e : α ≃ β` such that
`f none = none` and `f (some x) = some (e x)`, use
`f = equiv_functor.map_equiv option e`.
We define
* `equiv.option_congr`: the `option α ≃ option β` constructed from `e : α ≃ β` by sending `none` to
`none`, and applying a `e` elsewhere.
* `equiv.remove_none`: the `α ≃ β` constructed from `option α ≃ option β` by removing `none` from
both sides.

namespace equiv

variables {α β : Type*} (e : option α ≃ option β)
variables {α β γ : Type*}

section option_congr


/-- A universe-polymorphic version of `equiv_functor.map_equiv option e`. -/
@[simps apply]
def option_congr (e : α ≃ β) : option α ≃ option β :=
{ to_fun := e,
inv_fun := e.symm,
left_inv := λ x, (option.map_map _ _ _).trans $
e.symm_comp_self.symm ▸ congr_fun option.map_id x,
right_inv := λ x, (option.map_map _ _ _).trans $
e.self_comp_symm.symm ▸ congr_fun option.map_id x }

@[simp] lemma option_congr_refl : option_congr (equiv.refl α) = equiv.refl _ :=
ext $ congr_fun option.map_id

@[simp] lemma option_congr_symm (e : α ≃ β) : (option_congr e).symm = option_congr e.symm := rfl

@[simp] lemma option_congr_trans (e₁ : α ≃ β) (e₂ : β ≃ γ) :
(option_congr e₁).trans (option_congr e₂) = option_congr (e₁.trans e₂) :=
ext $ option.map_map _ _

/-- When `α` and `β` are in the same universe, this is the same as the result of
`equiv_functor.map_equiv`. -/
lemma option_congr_eq_equiv_function_map_equiv {α β : Type*} (e : α ≃ β) :
option_congr e = equiv_functor.map_equiv option e := rfl

end option_congr

section remove_none
variables (e : option α ≃ option β)

private def remove_none_aux (x : α) : β :=
if h : (e (some x)).is_some
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,8 +121,12 @@ begin

lemma remove_none_map_equiv {α β : Type*} (e : α ≃ β) :
remove_none (equiv_functor.map_equiv option e) = e :=
lemma remove_none_option_congr (e : α ≃ β) : remove_none e.option_congr = e :=
equiv.ext $ λ x, option.some_injective _ $ remove_none_some _ ⟨e x, by simp []⟩

end remove_none

lemma option_congr_injective : function.injective (option_congr : α ≃ β → option α ≃ option β) :=
function.left_inverse.injective remove_none_option_congr

end equiv
41 changes: 15 additions & 26 deletions src/group_theory/perm/option.lean
Expand Up @@ -11,42 +11,31 @@ import data.equiv.option
open equiv

lemma equiv_functor.map_equiv_option_injective {α β : Type*} :
function.injective (equiv_functor.map_equiv option : α ≃ β → option α ≃ option β) :=
equiv_functor.map_equiv.injective option option.some_injective
@[simp] lemma equiv.option_congr_one {α : Type*} : (1 : perm α).option_congr = 1 :=

@[simp] lemma equiv_functor.option.map_none {α β : Type*} (e : α ≃ β) : e none = none :=
by simp []

@[simp] lemma map_equiv_option_one {α : Type*} : equiv_functor.map_equiv option (1 : perm α) = 1 :=
by {ext, simp [equiv_functor.map_equiv,] }

@[simp] lemma map_equiv_option_refl {α : Type*} :
equiv_functor.map_equiv option (equiv.refl α) = 1 := map_equiv_option_one

@[simp] lemma map_equiv_option_swap {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α] (x y : α) :
equiv_functor.map_equiv option (swap x y) = swap (some x) (some y) :=
@[simp] lemma equiv.option_congr_swap {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α] (x y : α) :
option_congr (swap x y) = swap (some x) (some y) :=
ext (_ | i),
{ simp [swap_apply_of_ne_of_ne] },
{ by_cases hx : i = x,
simp [hx, swap_apply_of_ne_of_ne,],
simp [hx, swap_apply_of_ne_of_ne],
by_cases hy : i = y;
simp [hx, hy, swap_apply_of_ne_of_ne,], }
simp [hx, hy, swap_apply_of_ne_of_ne], }

@[simp] lemma equiv_functor.option.sign {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] (e : perm α) :
perm.sign (equiv_functor.map_equiv option e) = perm.sign e :=
@[simp] lemma equiv.option_congr_sign {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] (e : perm α) :
perm.sign e.option_congr = perm.sign e :=
apply perm.swap_induction_on e,
{ simp [perm.one_def] },
{ intros f x y hne h,
simp [h, hne, perm.mul_def, ←equiv_functor.map_equiv_trans] }
simp [h, hne, perm.mul_def, ←equiv.option_congr_trans] }

@[simp] lemma map_equiv_remove_none {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α] (σ : perm (option α)) :
equiv_functor.map_equiv option (remove_none σ) = swap none (σ none) * σ :=
(remove_none σ).option_congr = swap none (σ none) * σ :=
ext1 x,
have : ⇑(remove_none σ) x = (swap none (σ none)) (σ x),
Expand All @@ -66,18 +55,18 @@ The fixed `option α` is swapped with `none`. -/
@[simps] def equiv.perm.decompose_option {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α] :
perm (option α) ≃ option α × perm α :=
{ to_fun := λ σ, (σ none, remove_none σ),
inv_fun := λ i, swap none i.1 * (equiv_functor.map_equiv option i.2),
inv_fun := λ i, swap none i.1 * i.2.option_congr,
left_inv := λ σ, by simp,
right_inv := λ ⟨x, σ⟩, begin
have : remove_none (swap none x * equiv_functor.map_equiv option σ) = σ :=
equiv_functor.map_equiv_option_injective (by simp [←mul_assoc,]),
simp [←perm.eq_inv_iff_eq,, this],
have : remove_none (swap none x * σ.option_congr) = σ :=
equiv.option_congr_injective (by simp [←mul_assoc]),
simp [←perm.eq_inv_iff_eq, this],
end }

lemma equiv.perm.decompose_option_symm_of_none_apply {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α]
(e : perm α) (i : option α) :
equiv.perm.decompose_option.symm (none, e) i = e :=
by simp []
by simp

lemma equiv.perm.decompose_option_symm_sign {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] (e : perm α) :
perm.sign (equiv.perm.decompose_option.symm (none, e)) = perm.sign e :=
Expand Down

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