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feat(measure_theory/independence): define independence of sets of set…
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…s, measurable spaces, sets, functions (#5848)

This first PR about independence contains definitions, a few lemmas about independence of unions/intersections of sets of sets, and a proof that two measurable spaces are independent iff generating pi-systems are independent (included in this PR to demonstrate usability of the definitions).

Co-authored-by: Rémy Degenne <>
Co-authored-by: sgouezel <>
  • Loading branch information
3 people committed Jan 27, 2021
1 parent e5f9409 commit 78a518a
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Showing 3 changed files with 353 additions and 11 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions docs/undergrad.yaml
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Expand Up @@ -531,9 +531,9 @@ Probability Theory:
Definitions of a probability space:
probability measure: 'measure_theory.probability_measure'
independent events:
independent events: 'probability_theory.Indep_set'
sigma-algebra: 'measurable_space'
independent sigma-algebra:
independent sigma-algebra: 'probability_theory.Indep'
$0$-$1$ law:
Borel-Cantelli lemma (easy direction): 'measure_theory.measure_limsup_eq_zero'
Borel-Cantelli lemma (difficult direction):
Expand All @@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ Probability Theory:
absolute continuity of probability laws:
probability density function:
law of joint probability:
independence of random variables:
independence of random variables: 'probability_theory.Indep_fun'
mean and variance of a real-valued random variable:
transfer theorem:
Expand Down
46 changes: 38 additions & 8 deletions src/measure_theory/measure_space.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1698,6 +1698,15 @@ lemma measure.finite_at_nhds [topological_space α] (μ : measure α)
μ.finite_at_filter (𝓝 x) :=
locally_finite_measure.finite_at_nhds x

lemma measure.smul_finite {α : Type*} [measurable_space α] (μ : measure α) [finite_measure μ]
{c : ennreal} (hc : c < ⊤) :
finite_measure (c • μ) :=
refine ⟨_⟩,
rw measure.smul_apply,
exact ennreal.mul_lt_top hc (measure_lt_top μ set.univ),

lemma measure.exists_is_open_measure_lt_top [topological_space α] (μ : measure α)
[locally_finite_measure μ] (x : α) :
∃ s : set α, x ∈ s ∧ is_open s ∧ μ s < ⊤ :=
Expand All @@ -1716,18 +1725,39 @@ begin
rwa sUnion_image

/-- If two finite measures give the same mass to the whole space and coincide on a π-system made
of measurable sets, then they coincide on all sets in the σ-algebra generated by the π-system. -/
lemma ext_on_measurable_space_of_generate_finite {α} (m₀ : measurable_space α)
{μ ν : measure α} [finite_measure μ]
(C : set (set α)) (hμν : ∀ s ∈ C, μ s = ν s) {m : measurable_space α}
(h : m ≤ m₀) (hA : m = measurable_space.generate_from C) (hC : is_pi_system C)
(h_univ : μ set.univ = ν set.univ) {s : set α} (hs : m.is_measurable' s) :
μ s = ν s :=
haveI : @finite_measure _ m₀ ν := begin
rw ← h_univ,
apply finite_measure.measure_univ_lt_top,
refine induction_on_inter hA hC (by simp) hμν _ _ hs,
{ intros t h1t h2t,
have h1t_ : @is_measurable α m₀ t, from h _ h1t,
rw [@measure_compl α m₀ μ t h1t_ (@measure_lt_top α m₀ μ _ t),
@measure_compl α m₀ ν t h1t_ (@measure_lt_top α m₀ ν _ t), h_univ, h2t], },
{ intros f h1f h2f h3f,
have h2f_ : ∀ (i : ℕ), @is_measurable α m₀ (f i), from (λ i, h _ (h2f i)),
have h_Union : @is_measurable α m₀ (⋃ (i : ℕ), f i),from @is_measurable.Union α ℕ m₀ _ f h2f_,
simp [measure_Union, h_Union, h1f, h3f, h2f_], },

/-- Two finite measures are equal if they are equal on the π-system generating the σ-algebra
(and `univ`). -/
lemma ext_of_generate_finite (C : set (set α)) (hA : _inst_1 = generate_from C)
(hC : is_pi_system C) {μ ν : measure α}
[finite_measure μ] [finite_measure ν] (hμν : ∀ s ∈ C, μ s = ν s) (h_univ : μ univ = ν univ) :
(hC : is_pi_system C) {μ ν : measure α} [finite_measure μ]
(hμν : ∀ s ∈ C, μ s = ν s) (h_univ : μ univ = ν univ) :
μ = ν :=
ext1 s hs,
refine induction_on_inter hA hC (by simp) hμν _ _ hs,
{ rintros t h1t h2t, change is_measurable t at h1t, simp [measure_compl, measure_lt_top, *] },
{ rintros f h1f h2f h3f, simp [measure_Union, is_measurable.Union, *] }
measure.ext (λ s hs,
ext_on_measurable_space_of_generate_finite _inst_1 C hμν (le_refl _inst_1) hA hC h_univ hs)

namespace measure

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312 changes: 312 additions & 0 deletions src/probability_theory/independence.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Rémy Degenne. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Rémy Degenne
import measure_theory.measure_space
import algebra.big_operators.intervals
import data.finset.intervals

# Independence of sets of sets and measure spaces (σ-algebras)
* A family of sets of sets `π : ι → set (set α)` is independent with respect to a measure `μ` if for
any finite set of indices `s = {i_1, ..., i_n}`, for any sets `f i_1 ∈ π i_1, ..., f i_n ∈ π i_n`,
`μ (⋂ i in s, f i) = ∏ i in s, μ (f i) `. It will be used for families of π-systems.
* A family of measurable space structures (i.e. of σ-algebras) is independent with respect to a
measure `μ` (typically defined on a finer σ-algebra) if the family of sets of measurable sets they
define is independent. I.e., `m : ι → measurable_space α` is independent with respect to a
measure `μ` if for any finite set of indices `s = {i_1, ..., i_n}`, for any sets
`f i_1 ∈ m i_1, ..., f i_n ∈ m i_n`, then `μ (⋂ i in s, f i) = ∏ i in s, μ (f i)`.
* Independence of sets (or events in probabilistic parlance) is defined as independence of the
measurable space structures they generate: a set `s` generates the measurable space structure with
measurable sets `∅, s, sᶜ, univ`.
* Independence of functions (or random variables) is also defined as independence of the measurable
space structures they generate: a function `f` for which we have a measurable space `m` on the
codomain generates `measurable_space.comap f m`.
## Main statements
* TODO: `Indep_of_Indep_sets`: if π-systems are independent as sets of sets, then the
measurable space structures they generate are independent.
* `indep_of_indep_sets`: variant with two π-systems.
## Implementation notes
We provide one main definition of independence:
* `Indep_sets`: independence of a family of sets of sets `pi : ι → set (set α)`.
Three other independence notions are defined using `Indep_sets`:
* `Indep`: independence of a family of measurable space structures `m : ι → measurable_space α`,
* `Indep_set`: independence of a family of sets `s : ι → set α`,
* `Indep_fun`: independence of a family of functions. For measurable spaces
`m : Π (i : ι), measurable_space (β i)`, we consider functions `f : Π (i : ι), α → β i`.
Additionally, we provide four corresponding statements for two measurable space structures (resp.
sets of sets, sets, functions) instead of a family. These properties are denoted by the same names
as for a family, but without a capital letter, for example `indep_fun` is the version of `Indep_fun`
for two functions.
The definition of independence for `Indep_sets` uses finite sets (`finset`). An alternative and
equivalent way of defining independence would have been to use countable sets.
TODO: prove that equivalence.
Most of the definitions and lemma in this file list all variables instead of using the `variables`
keyword at the beginning of a section, for example
`lemma indep.symm {α} {m₁ m₂ : measurable_space α} [measurable_space α] {μ : measure α} ...` .
This is intentional, to be able to control the order of the `measurable_space` variables. Indeed
when defining `μ` in the example above, the measurable space used is the last one defined, here
`[measurable_space α]`, and not `m₁` or `m₂`.
## References
* Williams, David. Probability with martingales. Cambridge university press, 1991.
Part A, Chapter 4.

open measure_theory measurable_space
open_locale big_operators classical

namespace probability_theory

section definitions

/-- A family of sets of sets `π : ι → set (set α)` is independent with respect to a measure `μ` if
for any finite set of indices `s = {i_1, ..., i_n}`, for any sets
`f i_1 ∈ π i_1, ..., f i_n ∈ π i_n`, then `μ (⋂ i in s, f i) = ∏ i in s, μ (f i) `.
It will be used for families of pi_systems. -/
def Indep_sets {α ι} [measurable_space α] (π : ι → set (set α)) (μ : measure α . volume_tac) :
Prop :=
∀ (s : finset ι) {f : ι → set α} (H : ∀ i, i ∈ s → f i ∈ π i), μ (⋂ i ∈ s, f i) = ∏ i in s, μ (f i)

/-- Two sets of sets `s₁, s₂` are independent with respect to a measure `μ` if for any sets
`t₁ ∈ p₁, t₂ ∈ s₂`, then `μ (t₁ ∩ t₂) = μ (t₁) * μ (t₂)` -/
def indep_sets {α} [measurable_space α] (s1 s2 : set (set α)) (μ : measure α . volume_tac) : Prop :=
∀ t1 t2 : set α, t1 ∈ s1 → t2 ∈ s2 → μ (t1 ∩ t2) = μ t1 * μ t2

/-- A family of measurable space structures (i.e. of σ-algebras) is independent with respect to a
measure `μ` (typically defined on a finer σ-algebra) if the family of sets of measurable sets they
define is independent. `m : ι → measurable_space α` is independent with respect to measure `μ` if
for any finite set of indices `s = {i_1, ..., i_n}`, for any sets
`f i_1 ∈ m i_1, ..., f i_n ∈ m i_n`, then `μ (⋂ i in s, f i) = ∏ i in s, μ (f i) `. -/
def Indep {α ι} (m : ι → measurable_space α) [measurable_space α] (μ : measure α . volume_tac) :
Prop :=
Indep_sets (λ x, (m x).is_measurable') μ

/-- Two measurable space structures (or σ-algebras) `m₁, m₂` are independent with respect to a
measure `μ` (defined on a third σ-algebra) if for any sets `t₁ ∈ m₁, t₂ ∈ m₂`,
`μ (t₁ ∩ t₂) = μ (t₁) * μ (t₂)` -/
def indep {α} (m₁ m₂ : measurable_space α) [measurable_space α] (μ : measure α . volume_tac) :
Prop :=
indep_sets (m₁.is_measurable') (m₂.is_measurable') μ

/-- A family of sets is independent if the family of measurable space structures they generate is
independent. For a set `s`, the generated measurable space has measurable sets `∅, s, sᶜ, univ`. -/
def Indep_set {α ι} [measurable_space α] (s : ι → set α) (μ : measure α . volume_tac) : Prop :=
Indep (λ i, generate_from {s i}) μ

/-- Two sets are independent if the two measurable space structures they generate are independent.
For a set `s`, the generated measurable space structure has measurable sets `∅, s, sᶜ, univ`. -/
def indep_set {α} [measurable_space α] {s t : set α} (μ : measure α . volume_tac) : Prop :=
indep (generate_from {s}) (generate_from {t}) μ

/-- A family of functions defined on the same space `α` and taking values in possibly different
spaces, each with a measurable space structure, is independent if the family of measurable space
structures they generate on `α` is independent. For a function `g` with codomain having measurable
space structure `m`, the generated measurable space structure is `measurable_space.comap g m`. -/
def Indep_fun {α ι} [measurable_space α] {β : ι → Type*} (m : Π (x : ι), measurable_space (β x))
(f : Π (x : ι), α → β x) (μ : measure α . volume_tac) : Prop :=
Indep (λ x, measurable_space.comap (f x) (m x)) μ

/-- Two functions are independent if the two measurable space structures they generate are
independent. For a function `f` with codomain having measurable space structure `m`, the generated
measurable space structure is `measurable_space.comap f m`. -/
def indep_fun {α β γ} [measurable_space α] (mβ : measurable_space β) (mγ : measurable_space γ)
{f : α → β} {g : α → γ} (μ : measure α . volume_tac) : Prop :=
indep (measurable_space.comap f mβ) (measurable_space.comap g mγ) μ

end definitions

section indep

lemma indep_sets.symm {α} {s₁ s₂ : set (set α)} [measurable_space α] {μ : measure α}
(h : indep_sets s₁ s₂ μ) :
indep_sets s₂ s₁ μ :=
by { intros t1 t2 ht1 ht2, rw [set.inter_comm, mul_comm], exact h t2 t1 ht2 ht1, }

lemma indep.symm {α} {m₁ m₂ : measurable_space α} [measurable_space α] {μ : measure α}
(h : indep m₁ m₂ μ) :
indep m₂ m₁ μ :=
indep_sets.symm h

lemma indep_sets_of_indep_sets_of_le_left {α} {s₁ s₂ s₃: set (set α)} [measurable_space α]
{μ : measure α} (h_indep : indep_sets s₁ s₂ μ) (h31 : s₃ ⊆ s₁) :
indep_sets s₃ s₂ μ :=
λ t1 t2 ht1 ht2, h_indep t1 t2 (set.mem_of_subset_of_mem h31 ht1) ht2

lemma indep_sets_of_indep_sets_of_le_right {α} {s₁ s₂ s₃: set (set α)} [measurable_space α]
{μ : measure α} (h_indep : indep_sets s₁ s₂ μ) (h32 : s₃ ⊆ s₂) :
indep_sets s₁ s₃ μ :=
λ t1 t2 ht1 ht2, h_indep t1 t2 ht1 (set.mem_of_subset_of_mem h32 ht2)

lemma indep_of_indep_of_le_left {α} {m₁ m₂ m₃: measurable_space α} [measurable_space α]
{μ : measure α} (h_indep : indep m₁ m₂ μ) (h31 : m₃ ≤ m₁) :
indep m₃ m₂ μ :=
λ t1 t2 ht1 ht2, h_indep t1 t2 (h31 _ ht1) ht2

lemma indep_of_indep_of_le_right {α} {m₁ m₂ m₃: measurable_space α} [measurable_space α]
{μ : measure α} (h_indep : indep m₁ m₂ μ) (h32 : m₃ ≤ m₂) :
indep m₁ m₃ μ :=
λ t1 t2 ht1 ht2, h_indep t1 t2 ht1 (h32 _ ht2)

lemma indep_sets.union {α} [measurable_space α] {s₁ s₂ s' : set (set α)} {μ : measure α}
(h₁ : indep_sets s₁ s' μ) (h₂ : indep_sets s₂ s' μ) :
indep_sets (s₁ ∪ s₂) s' μ :=
intros t1 t2 ht1 ht2,
cases (set.mem_union _ _ _).mp ht1 with ht1₁ ht1₂,
{ exact h₁ t1 t2 ht1₁ ht2, },
{ exact h₂ t1 t2 ht1₂ ht2, },

@[simp] lemma indep_sets.union_iff {α} [measurable_space α] {s₁ s₂ s' : set (set α)}
{μ : measure α} :
indep_sets (s₁ ∪ s₂) s' μ ↔ indep_sets s₁ s' μ ∧ indep_sets s₂ s' μ :=
⟨λ h, ⟨indep_sets_of_indep_sets_of_le_left h (set.subset_union_left s₁ s₂),
indep_sets_of_indep_sets_of_le_left h (set.subset_union_right s₁ s₂)⟩,
λ h, indep_sets.union h.left h.right⟩

lemma indep_sets.Union {α ι} [measurable_space α] {s : ι → set (set α)} {s' : set (set α)}
{μ : measure α} (hyp : ∀ n, indep_sets (s n) s' μ) :
indep_sets (⋃ n, s n) s' μ :=
intros t1 t2 ht1 ht2,
rw set.mem_Union at ht1,
cases ht1 with n ht1,
exact hyp n t1 t2 ht1 ht2,

lemma indep_sets.inter {α} [measurable_space α] {s₁ s' : set (set α)} (s₂ : set (set α))
{μ : measure α} (h₁ : indep_sets s₁ s' μ) :
indep_sets (s₁ ∩ s₂) s' μ :=
λ t1 t2 ht1 ht2, h₁ t1 t2 ((set.mem_inter_iff _ _ _).mp ht1).left ht2

lemma indep_sets.Inter {α ι} [measurable_space α] {s : ι → set (set α)} {s' : set (set α)}
{μ : measure α} (h : ∃ n, indep_sets (s n) s' μ) :
indep_sets (⋂ n, s n) s' μ :=
by {intros t1 t2 ht1 ht2, cases h with n h, exact h t1 t2 ( ht1 n) ht2 }

end indep

/-! ### Deducing `indep` from `Indep` -/
section from_Indep_to_indep

lemma Indep_sets.indep_sets {α ι} {s : ι → set (set α)} [measurable_space α] {μ : measure α}
(h_indep : Indep_sets s μ) {i j : ι} (hij : i ≠ j) :
indep_sets (s i) (s j) μ :=
intros t₁ t₂ ht₁ ht₂,
have hf_m : ∀ (x : ι), x ∈ {i, j} → (ite (x=i) t₁ t₂) ∈ s x,
{ intros x hx,
cases hx with hx hx,
{ simp [hx, ht₁], },
{ simp [ hx, hij.symm, ht₂], }, },
have h1 : t₁ = ite (i = i) t₁ t₂, by simp only [if_true, eq_self_iff_true],
have h2 : t₂ = ite (j = i) t₁ t₂, by simp only [hij.symm, if_false],
have h_inter : (⋂ (t : ι) (H : t ∈ ({i, j} : finset ι)), ite (t = i) t₁ t₂)
= (ite (i = i) t₁ t₂) ∩ (ite (j = i) t₁ t₂),
by simp only [finset.set_bInter_singleton, finset.set_bInter_insert],
have h_prod : (∏ (t : ι) in ({i, j} : finset ι), μ (ite (t = i) t₁ t₂))
= μ (ite (i = i) t₁ t₂) * μ (ite (j = i) t₁ t₂),
by simp only [hij, finset.prod_singleton, finset.prod_insert, not_false_iff,
rw h1,
nth_rewrite 1 h2,
nth_rewrite 3 h2,
rw [←h_inter, ←h_prod, h_indep {i, j} hf_m],

lemma Indep.indep {α ι} {m : ι → measurable_space α} [measurable_space α] {μ : measure α}
(h_indep : Indep m μ) {i j : ι} (hij : i ≠ j) :
indep (m i) (m j) μ :=
change indep_sets ((λ x, (m x).is_measurable') i) ((λ x, (m x).is_measurable') j) μ,
exact Indep_sets.indep_sets h_indep hij,

end from_Indep_to_indep

## π-system lemma
Independence of measurable spaces is equivalent to independence of generating π-systems.

section from_measurable_spaces_to_sets_of_sets
/-! ### Independence of measurable space structures implies independence of generating π-systems -/

lemma Indep.Indep_sets {α ι} [measurable_space α] {μ : measure α} {m : ι → measurable_space α}
{s : ι → set (set α)} (hms : ∀ n, m n = measurable_space.generate_from (s n))
(h_indep : Indep m μ) :
Indep_sets s μ :=
refine (λ S f hfs, h_indep S (λ x hxS, _)),
simp_rw hms x,
exact is_measurable_generate_from (hfs x hxS),

lemma indep.indep_sets {α} [measurable_space α] {μ : measure α} {s1 s2 : set (set α)}
(h_indep : indep (generate_from s1) (generate_from s2) μ) :
indep_sets s1 s2 μ :=
λ t1 t2 ht1 ht2, h_indep t1 t2 (is_measurable_generate_from ht1) (is_measurable_generate_from ht2)

end from_measurable_spaces_to_sets_of_sets

section from_pi_systems_to_measurable_spaces
/-! ### Independence of generating π-systems implies independence of measurable space structures -/

private lemma indep_sets.indep_aux {α} {m2 : measurable_space α}
{m : measurable_space α} {μ : measure α} [probability_measure μ] {p1 p2 : set (set α)}
(h2 : m2 ≤ m) (hp2 : is_pi_system p2) (hpm2 : m2 = generate_from p2)
(hyp : indep_sets p1 p2 μ) {t1 t2 : set α} (ht1 : t1 ∈ p1) (ht2m : m2.is_measurable' t2) :
μ (t1 ∩ t2) = μ t1 * μ t2 :=
let μ_inter := μ.restrict t1,
let ν := (μ t1) • μ,
have h_univ : μ_inter set.univ = ν set.univ,
by rw [measure.restrict_apply_univ, measure.smul_apply, measure_univ, mul_one],
haveI : finite_measure μ_inter := @restrict.finite_measure α _ t1 μ (measure_lt_top μ t1),
rw [set.inter_comm, ←@measure.restrict_apply α _ μ t1 t2 (h2 t2 ht2m)],
refine ext_on_measurable_space_of_generate_finite m p2 (λ t ht, _) h2 hpm2 hp2 h_univ ht2m,
have ht2 : m.is_measurable' t,
{ refine h2 _ _,
rw hpm2,
exact is_measurable_generate_from ht, },
rw [measure.restrict_apply ht2, measure.smul_apply, set.inter_comm],
exact hyp t1 t ht1 ht,

lemma indep_sets.indep {α} {m1 m2 : measurable_space α} {m : measurable_space α}
{μ : measure α} [probability_measure μ] {p1 p2 : set (set α)} (h1 : m1 ≤ m) (h2 : m2 ≤ m)
(hp1 : is_pi_system p1) (hp2 : is_pi_system p2) (hpm1 : m1 = generate_from p1)
(hpm2 : m2 = generate_from p2) (hyp : indep_sets p1 p2 μ) :
indep m1 m2 μ :=
intros t1 t2 ht1 ht2,
let μ_inter := μ.restrict t2,
let ν := (μ t2) • μ,
have h_univ : μ_inter set.univ = ν set.univ,
by rw [measure.restrict_apply_univ, measure.smul_apply, measure_univ, mul_one],
haveI : finite_measure μ_inter := @restrict.finite_measure α _ t2 μ (measure_lt_top μ t2),
rw [mul_comm, ←@measure.restrict_apply α _ μ t2 t1 (h1 t1 ht1)],
refine ext_on_measurable_space_of_generate_finite m p1 (λ t ht, _) h1 hpm1 hp1 h_univ ht1,
have ht1 : m.is_measurable' t,
{ refine h1 _ _,
rw hpm1,
exact is_measurable_generate_from ht, },
rw [measure.restrict_apply ht1, measure.smul_apply, mul_comm],
exact indep_sets.indep_aux h2 hp2 hpm2 hyp ht ht2,

end from_pi_systems_to_measurable_spaces

end probability_theory

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