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complete sets, minor modifications
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sgouezel committed Dec 27, 2018
1 parent a04c7e2 commit 78bb197
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Showing 5 changed files with 173 additions and 67 deletions.
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions analysis/metric_space.lean
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Expand Up @@ -971,14 +971,16 @@ end
instance complete_of_proper {α : Type u} [metric_space α] [proper_space α] : complete_space α :=
intros f hf,
/-We want to show that the Cauchy filter `f` is converging. It suffices to find a closed
ball (therefore compact by properness) where it is nontrivial.-/
/- We want to show that the Cauchy filter `f` is converging. It suffices to find a closed
ball (therefore compact by properness) where it is nontrivial. -/
have A : ∃ t ∈ f.sets, ∀ x y ∈ t, dist x y < 1 := (cauchy_of_metric.1 hf).2 1 zero_lt_one,
rcases A with ⟨t, ⟨t_fset, ht⟩⟩,
rcases inhabited_of_mem_sets hf.1 t_fset with ⟨x, xt⟩,
have : t ⊆ closed_ball x 1 := by intros y yt; simp [dist_comm]; apply le_of_lt (ht x y xt yt),
have : closed_ball x 1 ∈ f.sets := f.sets_of_superset t_fset this,
exact complete_of_compact_set hf this (proper_space.compact_ball _ _),
rcases (compact_iff_totally_bounded_complete.1 (proper_space.compact_ball x 1)).2 f hf (le_principal_iff.2 this)
with ⟨y, _, hy⟩,
exact ⟨y, hy⟩

/-- A proper metric space is separable, and therefore second countable. Indeed, any ball is
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions analysis/topology/infinite_sum.lean
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Expand Up @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ mem_at_top_sets.mpr $ exists.intro fsts $ assume bs (hbs : fsts ⊆ bs),
from tendsto_finset_sum bs $
assume c hc, tendsto_infi' c $ tendsto_infi' hc $ tendsto_comap.comp (hf c),
have bs.sum g ∈ s,
from mem_closure_of_tendsto this hsc $ $
from mem_of_closed_of_tendsto' this hsc $ $
by simp [mem_inf_sets, exists_imp_distrib, and_imp, forall_and_distrib,
filter.mem_infi_sets_finset, mem_comap_sets, skolem, mem_at_top_sets,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ variables [ordered_comm_monoid α] [topological_space α] [ordered_topology α]
variables {f g : β → α} {a a₁ a₂ : α}

lemma is_sum_le (h : ∀b, f b ≤ g b) (hf : is_sum f a₁) (hg : is_sum g a₂) : a₁ ≤ a₂ :=
le_of_tendsto at_top_ne_bot hf hg $ univ_mem_sets' $ assume s, sum_le_sum' $ assume b _, h b
le_of_tendsto_of_tendsto at_top_ne_bot hf hg $ univ_mem_sets' $ assume s, sum_le_sum' $ assume b _, h b

lemma tsum_le_tsum (h : ∀b, f b ≤ g b) (hf : has_sum f) (hg : has_sum g) : (∑b, f b) ≤ (∑b, g b) :=
is_sum_le h (is_sum_tsum hf) (is_sum_tsum hg)
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10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion analysis/topology/topological_space.lean
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Expand Up @@ -223,6 +223,9 @@ lemma closure_subset_iff_subset_of_is_closed {s t : set α} (h₁ : is_closed t)
lemma closure_mono {s t : set α} (h : s ⊆ t) : closure s ⊆ closure t :=
closure_minimal (subset.trans h subset_closure) is_closed_closure

lemma is_closed_of_closure_subset {s : set α} (h : closure s ⊆ s) : is_closed s :=
by rw subset.antisymm subset_closure h; exact is_closed_closure

@[simp] lemma closure_empty : closure (∅ : set α) = ∅ :=
closure_eq_of_is_closed is_closed_empty

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -419,12 +422,17 @@ have f ≤ nhds a ⊓ principal s,
from le_trans (le_inf (le_refl _) (le_principal_iff.mpr h)) (inf_le_inf hf (le_refl _)), hs a $ neq_bot_of_le_neq_bot (map_ne_bot hb) this

lemma mem_closure_of_tendsto {f : β → α} {x : filter β} {a : α} {s : set α}
lemma mem_of_closed_of_tendsto' {f : β → α} {x : filter β} {a : α} {s : set α}
(hf : tendsto f x (nhds a)) (hs : is_closed s) (h : x ⊓ principal (f ⁻¹' s) ≠ ⊥) : a ∈ s := hs _ $ neq_bot_of_le_neq_bot (@map_ne_bot _ _ _ f h) $
le_inf (le_trans (map_mono $ inf_le_left) hf) $
le_trans (map_mono $ inf_le_right_of_le $ by simp only [comap_principal, le_principal_iff]; exact subset.refl _) (@map_comap_le _ _ _ f)

lemma mem_closure_of_tendsto {f : β → α} {b : filter β} {a : α} {s : set α}
(hb : b ≠ ⊥) (hf : tendsto f b (nhds a)) (h : f ⁻¹' s ∈ b.sets) : a ∈ closure s :=
mem_of_closed_of_tendsto hb hf (is_closed_closure) $
filter.mem_sets_of_superset h (preimage_mono subset_closure)

/- locally finite family [General Topology (Bourbaki, 1995)] -/
section locally_finite

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46 changes: 36 additions & 10 deletions analysis/topology/topological_structures.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -450,14 +450,22 @@ is_closed_le continuous_const continuous_id
lemma is_closed_Icc {a b : α} : is_closed (Icc a b) :=
is_closed_inter (is_closed_ge' a) (is_closed_le' b)

lemma le_of_tendsto {f g : β → α} {b : filter β} {a₁ a₂ : α} (hb : b ≠ ⊥)
lemma le_of_tendsto_of_tendsto {f g : β → α} {b : filter β} {a₁ a₂ : α} (hb : b ≠ ⊥)
(hf : tendsto f b (nhds a₁)) (hg : tendsto g b (nhds a₂)) (h : {b | f b ≤ g b} ∈ b.sets) :
a₁ ≤ a₂ :=
have tendsto (λb, (f b, g b)) b (nhds (a₁, a₂)),
by rw [nhds_prod_eq]; exact hf.prod_mk hg,
show (a₁, a₂) ∈ {p:α×α | p.1 ≤ p.2},
from mem_of_closed_of_tendsto hb this t.is_closed_le' h

lemma le_of_tendsto {f : β → α} {a b : α} {x : filter β}
(nt : x ≠ ⊥) (lim : tendsto f x (nhds a)) (h : f ⁻¹' {c | c ≤ b} ∈ x.sets) : a ≤ b :=
le_of_tendsto_of_tendsto nt lim tendsto_const_nhds h

lemma ge_of_tendsto {f : β → α} {a b : α} {x : filter β}
(nt : x ≠ ⊥) (lim : tendsto f x (nhds a)) (h : f ⁻¹' {c | b ≤ c} ∈ x.sets) : b ≤ a :=
le_of_tendsto_of_tendsto nt tendsto_const_nhds lim h

@[simp] lemma closure_le_eq [topological_space β] {f g : β → α} (hf : continuous f) (hg : continuous g) :
closure {b | f b ≤ g b} = {b | f b ≤ g b} :=
closure_eq_iff_is_closed.mpr $ is_closed_le hf hg
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -949,7 +957,7 @@ have ∀a'∈s, ¬ b < f a',
lt_irrefl _ (lt_of_le_of_lt ha'x hxa')),
(assume b' ⟨a', ha', h_eq⟩, h_eq ▸ not_lt.1 $ this _ ha')
(assume b' hb', le_of_tendsto hnbot hb tendsto_const_nhds $
(assume b' hb', le_of_tendsto hnbot hb $
mem_inf_sets_of_right $ assume x hx, hb' _ $ mem_image_of_mem _ hx)

lemma is_glb_of_is_glb_of_tendsto {f : α → β} {s : set α} {a : α} {b : β}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -977,7 +985,7 @@ have ∀a'∈s, ¬ b > f a',
lt_irrefl _ (lt_of_lt_of_le hxa' ha'x)),
(assume b' ⟨a', ha', h_eq⟩, h_eq ▸ not_lt.1 $ this _ ha')
(assume b' hb', le_of_tendsto hnbot tendsto_const_nhds hb $
(assume b' hb', ge_of_tendsto hnbot hb $
mem_inf_sets_of_right $ assume x hx, hb' _ $ mem_image_of_mem _ hx)

lemma is_glb_of_is_lub_of_tendsto {f : α → β} {s : set α} {a : α} {b : β}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1005,7 +1013,7 @@ have ∀a'∈s, ¬ b > f a',
lt_irrefl _ (lt_of_lt_of_le hxa' ha'x)),
(assume b' ⟨a', ha', h_eq⟩, h_eq ▸ not_lt.1 $ this _ ha')
(assume b' hb', le_of_tendsto hnbot tendsto_const_nhds hb $
(assume b' hb', ge_of_tendsto hnbot hb $
mem_inf_sets_of_right $ assume x hx, hb' _ $ mem_image_of_mem _ hx)

lemma mem_closure_of_is_lub {a : α} {s : set α} (ha : is_lub s a) (hs : s ≠ ∅) : a ∈ closure s :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1074,31 +1082,49 @@ lemma Inf_mem_of_is_closed {α : Type u} [topological_space α] [complete_linear
{s : set α} (hs : s ≠ ∅) (hc : is_closed s) : Inf s ∈ s :=
mem_of_is_glb_of_is_closed is_glb_Inf hs hc

/-- A continuous monotone function sends supremum to supremum. -/
lemma Sup_of_Sup_of_monotone_of_continuous {f : α → β} (Mf : continuous f) (Cf : monotone f)
/-- A continuous monotone function sends supremum to supremum for nonempty sets. -/
lemma Sup_of_Sup_of_monotone_of_continuous_of_nonempty {f : α → β} (Mf : continuous f) (Cf : monotone f)
{s : set α} (hs : s ≠ ∅) : f (Sup s) = Sup (f '' s) :=
--This is a particular case of the more general is_lub_of_is_lub_of_tendsto
(is_lub_of_is_lub_of_tendsto (λ x hx y hy xy, Cf xy) is_lub_Sup hs $
tendsto_le_left inf_le_left (continuous.tendsto Mf _))).symm

/-- A continuous monotone function sending bot to bot sends supremum to supremum. -/
lemma Sup_of_Sup_of_monotone_of_continuous {f : α → β} (Mf : continuous f) (Cf : monotone f)
(fbot : f ⊥ = ⊥) {s : set α} : f (Sup s) = Sup (f '' s) :=
by_cases (s = ∅),
{ simpa [h] },
{ exact Sup_of_Sup_of_monotone_of_continuous_of_nonempty Mf Cf h }

/-- A continuous monotone function sends indexed supremum to indexed supremum. -/
lemma supr_of_supr_of_monotone_of_continuous {f : α → β} {g : γ → α}
(Mf : continuous f) (Cf : monotone f) : f (supr g) = supr (f ∘ g) :=
by rw [supr, Sup_of_Sup_of_monotone_of_continuous Mf Cf
by rw [supr, Sup_of_Sup_of_monotone_of_continuous_of_nonempty Mf Cf
(λ h, range_eq_empty.1 h ‹_›), ← range_comp]; refl

/-- A continuous monotone function sends infimum to infimum. -/
lemma Inf_of_Inf_of_monotone_of_continuous {f : α → β} (Mf : continuous f) (Cf : monotone f)
/-- A continuous monotone function sends infimum to infimum for nonempty sets. -/
lemma Inf_of_Inf_of_monotone_of_continuous_of_nonempty {f : α → β} (Mf : continuous f) (Cf : monotone f)
{s : set α} (hs : s ≠ ∅) : f (Inf s) = Inf (f '' s) :=
(is_glb_of_is_glb_of_tendsto (λ x hx y hy xy, Cf xy) is_glb_Inf hs $
tendsto_le_left inf_le_left (continuous.tendsto Mf _))).symm

/-- A continuous monotone function sending top to top sends infimum to infimum. -/
lemma Inf_of_Inf_of_monotone_of_continuous {f : α → β} (Mf : continuous f) (Cf : monotone f)
(ftop : f ⊤ = ⊤) {s : set α} : f (Inf s) = Inf (f '' s) :=
by_cases (s = ∅),
{ simpa [h] },
{ exact Inf_of_Inf_of_monotone_of_continuous_of_nonempty Mf Cf h }

/-- A continuous monotone function sends indexed infimum to indexed infimum. -/
lemma infi_of_infi_of_monotone_of_continuous {f : α → β} {g : γ → α}
(Mf : continuous f) (Cf : monotone f) : f (infi g) = infi (f ∘ g) :=
by rw [infi, Inf_of_Inf_of_monotone_of_continuous Mf Cf
by rw [infi, Inf_of_Inf_of_monotone_of_continuous_of_nonempty Mf Cf
(λ h, range_eq_empty.1 h ‹_›), ← range_comp]; refl

end complete_linear_order
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