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refactor(topology): rename lim to Lim (#2977)
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Also introduce `lim (f : filter α) (g : α → β)`.
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urkud committed Jun 9, 2020
1 parent 76792dc commit 7cb0a85
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Showing 7 changed files with 77 additions and 30 deletions.
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions src/dynamics/circle/rotation_number/translation_number.lean
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Expand Up @@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ def transnum_aux_seq (n : ℕ) : ℝ := (f^(2^n)) 0 / 2^n
an auxiliary sequence `\frac{f^{2^n}(0)}{2^n}` to define `τ(f)` because some proofs are simpler
this way. -/
def translation_number : ℝ :=
lim ((at_top : filter ℕ).map f.transnum_aux_seq)
lim at_top f.transnum_aux_seq

-- TODO: choose two different symbols for `circle_deg1_lift.translation_number` and the future
-- `circle_mono_homeo.rotation_number`, then make them `localized notation`s
Expand All @@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ lemma transnum_aux_seq_def : f.transnum_aux_seq = λ n : ℕ, (f^(2^n)) 0 / 2^n
lemma translation_number_eq_of_tendsto_aux {τ' : ℝ}
(h : tendsto f.transnum_aux_seq at_top (𝓝 τ')) :
τ f = τ' :=
lim_eq (map_ne_bot at_top_ne_bot) h
h.lim_eq at_top_ne_bot

lemma translation_number_eq_of_tendsto₀ {τ' : ℝ}
(h : tendsto (λ n:ℕ, f^[n] 0 / n) at_top (𝓝 τ')) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -415,8 +415,7 @@ begin

lemma tendsto_translation_number_aux : tendsto f.transnum_aux_seq at_top (𝓝 $ τ f) :=
le_nhds_lim_of_cauchy $ cauchy_seq_of_le_geometric_two 1
(λ n, le_of_lt $ f.transnum_aux_seq_dist_lt n)
(cauchy_seq_of_le_geometric_two 1 (λ n, le_of_lt $ f.transnum_aux_seq_dist_lt n)).tendsto_lim

lemma dist_map_zero_translation_number_le : dist (f 0) (τ f) ≤ 1 :=
f.transnum_aux_seq_zero ▸ dist_le_of_le_geometric_two_of_tendsto₀ 1
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27 changes: 22 additions & 5 deletions src/topology/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -596,15 +596,32 @@ begin

section lim
variables [nonempty α]

/-- If `f` is a filter, then `lim f` is a limit of the filter, if it exists. -/
noncomputable def lim (f : filter α) : α := epsilon $ λa, f ≤ 𝓝 a
/-- If `f` is a filter, then `Lim f` is a limit of the filter, if it exists. -/
noncomputable def Lim [nonempty α] (f : filter α) : α := epsilon $ λa, f ≤ 𝓝 a

/-- If `f` is a filter in `β` and `g : β → α` is a function, then `lim f` is a limit of `g` at `f`,
if it exists. -/
noncomputable def lim [nonempty α] (f : filter β) (g : β → α) : α :=
Lim ( g)

/-- If a filter `f` is majorated by some `𝓝 a`, then it is majorated by `𝓝 (Lim f)`. We formulate
this lemma with a `[nonempty α]` argument of `Lim` derived from `h` to make it useful for types
without a `[nonempty α]` instance. Because of the built-in proof irrelevance, Lean will unify
this instance with any other instance. -/
lemma Lim_spec {f : filter α} (h : ∃a, f ≤ 𝓝 a) : f ≤ 𝓝 (@Lim _ _ (nonempty_of_exists h) f) :=
epsilon_spec h

/-- If `g` tends to some `𝓝 a` along `f`, then it tends to `𝓝 (lim f g)`. We formulate
this lemma with a `[nonempty α]` argument of `lim` derived from `h` to make it useful for types
without a `[nonempty α]` instance. Because of the built-in proof irrelevance, Lean will unify
this instance with any other instance. -/
lemma lim_spec {f : filter β} {g : β → α} (h : ∃ a, tendsto g f (𝓝 a)) :
tendsto g f (𝓝 $ @lim _ _ _ (nonempty_of_exists h) f g) :=
Lim_spec h

lemma lim_spec {f : filter α} (h : ∃a, f ≤ 𝓝 a) : f ≤ 𝓝 (lim f) := epsilon_spec h
end lim

/- locally finite family [General Topology (Bourbaki, 1995)] -/
section locally_finite

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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/topology/dense_embedding.lean
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Expand Up @@ -159,11 +159,11 @@ variables [topological_space γ]
continuous extension, then `g` is the unique such extension. In general,
`g` might not be continuous or even extend `f`. -/
def extend (di : dense_inducing i) (f : α → γ) (b : β) : γ :=
@lim _ _ ⟨f (dense_range.inhabited di.dense b).default⟩ (map f (comap i (𝓝 b)))
@@lim _ ⟨f (di.dense.inhabited b).default⟩ (comap i (𝓝 b)) f

lemma extend_eq [t2_space γ] {b : β} {c : γ} {f : α → γ} (hf : map f (comap i (𝓝 b)) 𝓝 c) :
lemma extend_eq [t2_space γ] {b : β} {c : γ} {f : α → γ} (hf : tendsto f (comap i (𝓝 b)) (𝓝 c)) :
di.extend f b = c :=
@lim_eq _ _ (id _) _ _ _ (by simp; exact comap_nhds_ne_bot di) hf
hf.lim_eq di.comap_nhds_ne_bot

lemma extend_e_eq [t2_space γ] {f : α → γ} (a : α) (hf : continuous_at f a) :
di.extend f (i a) = f a :=
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41 changes: 33 additions & 8 deletions src/topology/separation.lean
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Expand Up @@ -133,17 +133,42 @@ lemma tendsto_nhds_unique [t2_space α] {f : β → α} {l : filter β} {a b :
eq_of_nhds_ne_bot $ ne_bot_of_le_ne_bot (map_ne_bot hl) $ le_inf ha hb

section lim
variables [nonempty α] [t2_space α] {f : filter α}
variables [t2_space α] {f : filter α}

lemma lim_eq {a : α} (hf : f ≠ ⊥) (h : f ≤ 𝓝 a) : lim f = a :=
eq_of_nhds_ne_bot $ ne_bot_of_le_ne_bot hf $ le_inf (lim_spec ⟨_, h⟩) h
### Properties of `Lim` and `lim`
@[simp] lemma lim_nhds_eq {a : α} : lim (𝓝 a) = a :=
lim_eq nhds_ne_bot (le_refl _)
In this section we use explicit `nonempty α` instances for `Lim` and `lim`. This way the lemmas
are useful without a `nonempty α` instance.

lemma Lim_eq {a : α} (hf : f ≠ ⊥) (h : f ≤ 𝓝 a) :
@Lim _ _ ⟨a⟩ f = a :=
tendsto_nhds_unique hf (Lim_spec ⟨a, h⟩) h

lemma filter.tendsto.lim_eq {a : α} {f : filter β} {g : β → α} (h : tendsto g f (𝓝 a))
(hf : f ≠ ⊥) :
@lim _ _ _ ⟨a⟩ f g = a :=
Lim_eq (map_ne_bot hf) h

lemma continuous.lim_eq [topological_space β] {f : β → α} (h : continuous f) (a : β) :
@lim _ _ _ ⟨f a⟩ (𝓝 a) f = f a :=
(h.tendsto a).lim_eq nhds_ne_bot

@[simp] lemma Lim_nhds (a : α) : @Lim _ _ ⟨a⟩ (𝓝 a) = a :=
Lim_eq nhds_ne_bot (le_refl _)

@[simp] lemma lim_nhds_id (a : α) : @lim _ _ _ ⟨a⟩ (𝓝 a) id = a :=
Lim_nhds a

@[simp] lemma Lim_nhds_within {a : α} {s : set α} (h : a ∈ closure s) :
@Lim _ _ ⟨a⟩ (nhds_within a s) = a :=
Lim_eq begin rw [closure_eq_nhds] at h, exact h end inf_le_left

@[simp] lemma lim_nhds_within_id {a : α} {s : set α} (h : a ∈ closure s) :
@lim _ _ _ ⟨a⟩ (nhds_within a s) id = a :=
Lim_nhds_within h

@[simp] lemma lim_nhds_eq_of_closure {a : α} {s : set α} (h : a ∈ closure s) :
lim (𝓝 a ⊓ principal s) = a :=
lim_eq begin rw [closure_eq_nhds] at h, exact h end inf_le_left
end lim

@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
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11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions src/topology/uniform_space/cauchy.lean
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Expand Up @@ -246,9 +246,14 @@ lemma cauchy_seq_tendsto_of_is_complete [semilattice_sup β] {K : set α} (h₁
h₁ _ h₃ $ le_principal_iff.2 $ mem_map_sets_iff.2 ⟨univ, univ_mem_sets,
by { simp only [image_univ], rintros _ ⟨n, rfl⟩, exact h₂ n }⟩

theorem le_nhds_lim_of_cauchy {α} [uniform_space α] [complete_space α]
[nonempty α] {f : filter α} (hf : cauchy f) : f ≤ 𝓝 (lim f) :=
lim_spec (complete_space.complete hf)
theorem cauchy.le_nhds_Lim [complete_space α] [nonempty α] {f : filter α} (hf : cauchy f) :
f ≤ 𝓝 (Lim f) :=
Lim_spec (complete_space.complete hf)

theorem cauchy_seq.tendsto_lim [semilattice_sup β] [complete_space α] [nonempty α] {u : β → α}
(h : cauchy_seq u) :
tendsto u at_top (𝓝 $ lim at_top u) :=

lemma is_complete_of_is_closed [complete_space α] {s : set α}
(h : is_closed s) : is_complete s :=
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/topology/uniform_space/completion.lean
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Expand Up @@ -251,30 +251,30 @@ end

theorem Cauchy_eq
{α : Type*} [inhabited α] [uniform_space α] [complete_space α] [separated α] {f g : Cauchy α} :
lim f.1 = lim g.1 ↔ (f, g) ∈ separation_rel (Cauchy α) :=
Lim f.1 = Lim g.1 ↔ (f, g) ∈ separation_rel (Cauchy α) :=
{ intros e s hs,
rcases Cauchy.mem_uniformity'.1 hs with ⟨t, tu, ts⟩,
apply ts,
rcases comp_mem_uniformity_sets tu with ⟨d, du, dt⟩,
refine mem_prod_iff.2
⟨_, le_nhds_lim_of_cauchy f.2 (mem_nhds_right (lim f.1) du),
_, le_nhds_lim_of_cauchy g.2 (mem_nhds_left (lim g.1) du), λ x h, _⟩,
⟨_, f.2.le_nhds_Lim (mem_nhds_right (Lim f.1) du),
_, g.2.le_nhds_Lim (mem_nhds_left (Lim g.1) du), λ x h, _⟩,
cases x with a b, cases h with h₁ h₂,
rw ← e at h₂,
exact dt ⟨_, h₁, h₂⟩ },
{ intros H,
refine separated_def.1 (by apply_instance) _ _ (λ t tu, _),
rcases mem_uniformity_is_closed tu with ⟨d, du, dc, dt⟩,
refine H {p | (lim p.1.1, lim p.2.1) ∈ t}
refine H {p | (Lim p.1.1, Lim p.2.1) ∈ t}
(Cauchy.mem_uniformity'.2 ⟨d, du, λ f g h, _⟩),
rcases mem_prod_iff.1 h with ⟨x, xf, y, yg, h⟩,
have limc : ∀ (f : Cauchy α) (x ∈ f.1), lim f.1 ∈ closure x,
have limc : ∀ (f : Cauchy α) (x ∈ f.1), Lim f.1 ∈ closure x,
{ intros f x xf,
rw closure_eq_nhds,
exact ne_bot_of_le_ne_bot f.2.1
(le_inf (le_nhds_lim_of_cauchy f.2) (le_principal_iff.2 xf)) },
(le_inf f.2.le_nhds_Lim (le_principal_iff.2 xf)) },
have := (closure_subset_iff_subset_of_is_closed dc).2 h,
rw closure_prod_eq at this,
refine dt (this ⟨_, _⟩); dsimp; apply limc; assumption }
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/topology/uniform_space/uniform_embedding.lean
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Expand Up @@ -378,9 +378,10 @@ begin
rw [uniformly_extend_of_ind _ _ h_f, ← de.nhds_eq_comap],
exact h_f.continuous.tendsto _ },
{ simp only [dense_inducing.extend, dif_neg ha],
exact (@lim_spec _ _ (id _) _ $ uniformly_extend_exists h_e h_dense h_f _) }
exact lim_spec (uniformly_extend_exists h_e h_dense h_f _) }

lemma uniform_continuous_uniformly_extend [cγ : complete_space γ] : uniform_continuous ψ :=
assume d hd,
let ⟨s, hs, hs_comp⟩ := (mem_lift'_sets $
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