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feat(category_theory/morphism_property): Define `morphism_property.un…
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…iversally`. (#17112)
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erdOne committed Oct 22, 2022
1 parent 5434953 commit 7dff92a
Showing 1 changed file with 57 additions and 0 deletions.
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/morphism_property.lean
Expand Up @@ -420,6 +420,63 @@ end

end diagonal

section universally

/-- `P.universally` holds for a morphism `f : X ⟶ Y` iff `P` holds for all `X ×[Y] Y' ⟶ Y'`. -/
def universally (P : morphism_property C) : morphism_property C :=
λ X Y f, ∀ ⦃X' Y' : C⦄ (i₁ : X' ⟶ X) (i₂ : Y' ⟶ Y) (f' : X' ⟶ Y')
(h : is_pullback f' i₁ i₂ f), P f'

lemma universally_respects_iso (P : morphism_property C) :
P.universally.respects_iso :=
{ intros X Y Z e f hf X' Z' i₁ i₂ f' H,
have : is_pullback (𝟙 _) (i₁ ≫ e.hom) i₁ e.inv := is_pullback.of_horiz_is_iso
by rw [category.id_comp, category.assoc, e.hom_inv_id, category.comp_id]⟩,
replace this := this.paste_horiz H,
rw [iso.inv_hom_id_assoc, category.id_comp] at this,
exact hf _ _ _ this },
{ intros X Y Z e f hf X' Z' i₁ i₂ f' H,
have : is_pullback (𝟙 _) i₂ (i₂ ≫ e.inv) e.inv :=
is_pullback.of_horiz_is_iso ⟨category.id_comp _⟩,
replace this := H.paste_horiz this,
rw [category.assoc, iso.hom_inv_id, category.comp_id, category.comp_id] at this,
exact hf _ _ _ this },

lemma universally_stable_under_base_change (P : morphism_property C) :
P.universally.stable_under_base_change :=
λ X Y Y' S f g f' g' H h₁ Y'' X'' i₁ i₂ f'' H', h₁ _ _ _ (H'.paste_vert H.flip)

lemma stable_under_composition.universally [has_pullbacks C]
{P : morphism_property C} (hP : P.stable_under_composition) :
P.universally.stable_under_composition :=
intros X Y Z f g hf hg X' Z' i₁ i₂ f' H,
have := pullback.lift_fst _ _ (H.w.trans (category.assoc _ _ _).symm),
rw ← this at H ⊢,
apply hP _ _ _ (hg _ _ _ $ is_pullback.of_has_pullback _ _),
exact hf _ _ _ (H.of_right (pullback.lift_snd _ _ _) (is_pullback.of_has_pullback i₂ g))

lemma universally_le (P : morphism_property C) :
P.universally ≤ P :=
intros X Y f hf,
exact hf (𝟙 _) (𝟙 _) _ (is_pullback.of_vert_is_iso ⟨by rw [category.comp_id, category.id_comp]⟩)

lemma stable_under_base_change.universally_eq
{P : morphism_property C} (hP : P.stable_under_base_change) :
P.universally = P :=
P.universally_le.antisymm $ λ X Y f hf X' Y' i₁ i₂ f' H, hP H.flip hf

lemma universally_mono : monotone (universally : morphism_property C → morphism_property C) :=
λ P₁ P₂ h X Y f h₁ X' Y' i₁ i₂ f' H, h _ _ _ (h₁ _ _ _ H)

end universally

end morphism_property

end category_theory

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