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feat(topology/Profinite/cofiltered_limit): Locally constant functions…
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… from cofiltered limits (#7992)

This generalizes one of the main technical theorems from LTE about cofiltered limits of profinite sets.
This theorem should be useful for a future proof of Stone duality.

Co-authored-by: Kyle Miller <>
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adamtopaz and kmill committed Jun 22, 2021
1 parent 6e5de19 commit 7e20058
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Showing 3 changed files with 165 additions and 1 deletion.
129 changes: 129 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/category/Profinite/cofiltered_limit.lean
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Adam Topaz
import topology.category.Profinite
import topology.locally_constant.basic
import topology.discrete_quotient

# Cofiltered limits of profinite sets.
Expand All @@ -14,6 +16,8 @@ This file contains some theorems about cofiltered limits of profinite sets.
- `exists_clopen_of_cofiltered` shows that any clopen set in a cofiltered limit of profinite
sets is the pullback of a clopen set from one of the factors in the limit.
- `exists_locally_constant` shows that any locally constant function from a cofiltered limit
of profinite sets factors through one of the components.

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rwa [dif_pos hs, ← set.preimage_comp, ← Profinite.coe_comp, C.w] at hx } }

lemma exists_locally_constant_fin_two (f : locally_constant C.X (fin 2)) :
∃ (j : J) (g : locally_constant (F.obj j) (fin 2)), f = g.comap (C.π.app _) :=
let U := f ⁻¹' {0},
have hU : is_clopen U := f.is_locally_constant.is_clopen_fiber _,
obtain ⟨j,V,hV,h⟩ := exists_clopen_of_cofiltered C hC hU,
use [j, locally_constant.of_clopen hV],
apply locally_constant.locally_constant_eq_of_fiber_zero_eq,
rw locally_constant.coe_comap _ _ (C.π.app j).continuous,
conv_rhs { rw set.preimage_comp },
rw [locally_constant.of_clopen_fiber_zero hV, ← h],

theorem exists_locally_constant_fintype_aux {α : Type*} [fintype α] (f : locally_constant C.X α) :
∃ (j : J) (g : locally_constant (F.obj j) (α → fin 2)), (λ a b, if a = b then (0 : fin 2) else 1) = g.comap (C.π.app _) :=
let ι : α → α → fin 2 := λ x y, if x = y then 0 else 1,
let ff := ( ι).flip,
have hff := λ (a : α), exists_locally_constant_fin_two _ hC (ff a),
choose j g h using hff,
let G : finset J := finset.univ.image j,
obtain ⟨j0,hj0⟩ := is_cofiltered.inf_objs_exists G,
have hj : ∀ a, j a ∈ G,
{ intros a,
simp [G] },
let fs : Π (a : α), j0 ⟶ j a := λ a, (hj0 (hj a)).some,
let gg : α → locally_constant (F.obj j0) (fin 2) := λ a, (g a).comap ( (fs _)),
let ggg := locally_constant.unflip gg,
refine ⟨j0, ggg, _⟩,
have : ι = locally_constant.unflip ( ι).flip, by simp,
rw this, clear this,
have : locally_constant.comap (C.π.app j0) ggg =
locally_constant.unflip (locally_constant.comap (C.π.app j0) ggg).flip, by simp,
rw this, clear this,
congr' 1,
ext1 a,
change ff a = _,
rw h,
dsimp [ggg, gg],
repeat {
rw locally_constant.coe_comap,
dsimp [locally_constant.flip, locally_constant.unflip] },
{ congr' 1,
change _ = ((C.π.app j0) ≫ ( (fs a))) x,
rw C.w },
all_goals { continuity },

theorem exists_locally_constant_fintype_nonempty {α : Type*} [fintype α] [nonempty α]
(f : locally_constant C.X α) :
∃ (j : J) (g : locally_constant (F.obj j) α), f = g.comap (C.π.app _) :=
inhabit α,
obtain ⟨j,gg,h⟩ := exists_locally_constant_fintype_aux _ hC f,
let ι : α → α → fin 2 := λ a b, if a = b then 0 else 1,
let σ : (α → fin 2) → α := λ f, if h : ∃ (a : α), ι a = f then h.some else arbitrary _,
refine ⟨j, σ, _⟩,
rw locally_constant.coe_comap _ _ (C.π.app j).continuous,
dsimp [σ],
have h1 : ι (f x) = gg (C.π.app j x),
{ change (λ a b, if a = b then (0 : fin 2) else 1) x = _,
rw [h, locally_constant.coe_comap _ _ (C.π.app j).continuous] },
have h2 : ∃ a : α, ι a = gg (C.π.app j x) := ⟨f x, h1⟩,
rw dif_pos h2,
apply_fun ι,
{ rw h2.some_spec,
exact h1 },
{ intros a b hh,
apply_fun (λ e, e a) at hh,
dsimp [ι] at hh,
rw if_pos rfl at hh,
split_ifs at hh with hh1 hh1,
{ exact hh1.symm },
{ exact false.elim (bot_ne_top hh) } }

/-- Any locally constant function from a cofiltered limit of profinite sets factors through
one of the components. -/
theorem exists_locally_constant {α : Type*} (f : locally_constant C.X α) :
∃ (j : J) (g : locally_constant (F.obj j) α), f = g.comap (C.π.app _) :=
let S := f.discrete_quotient,
let ff : S → α := f.lift,
by_cases hα : nonempty S,
{ resetI,
let f' : locally_constant C.X S := ⟨S.proj, S.proj_is_locally_constant⟩,
obtain ⟨j,g',h⟩ := exists_locally_constant_fintype_nonempty _ hC f',
use j,
refine ⟨⟨ff ∘ g', g'.is_locally_constant.comp _⟩,_⟩,
ext1 t,
apply_fun (λ e, e t) at h,
rw locally_constant.coe_comap _ _ (C.π.app j).continuous at h ⊢,
dsimp at h ⊢,
rw ← h,
refl },
{ suffices : ∃ j : J, ¬ nonempty (F.obj j),
{ obtain ⟨j,hj⟩ := this,
use j,
refine ⟨⟨λ x, false.elim (hj ⟨x⟩), λ A, _⟩, _⟩,
{ convert is_open_empty,
rw set.eq_empty_iff_forall_not_mem,
intros x,
exact false.elim (hj ⟨x⟩) },
{ ext x,
exact false.elim (hj ⟨C.π.app j x⟩) } },
rw ← not_forall,
intros h,
apply hα,
haveI : ∀ j : J, nonempty ((F ⋙ Profinite_to_Top).obj j) := h,
haveI : ∀ j : J, t2_space ((F ⋙ Profinite_to_Top).obj j) := λ j,
(infer_instance : t2_space (F.obj j)),
haveI : ∀ j : J, compact_space ((F ⋙ Profinite_to_Top).obj j) := λ j,
(infer_instance : compact_space (F.obj j)),
have cond := Top.nonempty_limit_cone_of_compact_t2_cofiltered_system
(F ⋙ Profinite_to_Top),
suffices : nonempty C.X, by exact S.proj this,
let D := Profinite_to_Top.map_cone C,
have hD : is_limit D := is_limit_of_preserves Profinite_to_Top hC,
have CD := (hD.cone_point_unique_up_to_iso (Top.limit_cone_is_limit _)).inv,
exact CD }

end Profinite
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/discrete_quotient.lean
Expand Up @@ -326,3 +326,30 @@ begin

end discrete_quotient

namespace locally_constant

variables {X} {α : Type*} (f : locally_constant X α)

/-- Any locally constant function induces a discrete quotient. -/
def discrete_quotient : discrete_quotient X :=
{ rel := λ a b, f b = f a,
equiv := ⟨by tauto, by tauto, λ a b c h1 h2, by rw [h2, h1]⟩,
clopen := λ x, f.is_locally_constant.is_clopen_fiber _ }

/-- The function from the discrete quotient associated to a locally constant function. -/
def lift : f.discrete_quotient → α := λ a, quotient.lift_on' a f (λ a b h, h.symm)

lemma lift_is_locally_constant : _root_.is_locally_constant f.lift := λ A, trivial

/-- A locally constant version of `locally_constant.lift`. -/
def locally_constant_lift : locally_constant f.discrete_quotient α :=
⟨f.lift, f.lift_is_locally_constant⟩

lemma lift_eq_coe : f.lift = f.locally_constant_lift := rfl

lemma factors : f.locally_constant_lift ∘ f.discrete_quotient.proj = f := by { ext, refl }

end locally_constant
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion src/topology/locally_constant/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -64,6 +64,14 @@ lemma is_open_fiber {f : X → Y} (hf : is_locally_constant f) (y : Y) :
is_open {x | f x = y} :=
hf {y}

lemma is_closed_fiber {f : X → Y} (hf : is_locally_constant f) (y : Y) :
is_closed {x | f x = y} :=
⟨hf {y}ᶜ⟩

lemma is_clopen_fiber {f : X → Y} (hf : is_locally_constant f) (y : Y) :
is_clopen {x | f x = y} :=
⟨is_open_fiber hf _, is_closed_fiber hf _⟩

lemma iff_exists_open (f : X → Y) :
is_locally_constant f ↔ ∀ x, ∃ (U : set X) (hU : is_open U) (hx : x ∈ U), ∀ x' ∈ U, f x' = f x :=
(is_locally_constant.tfae f).out 0 4
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,7 +169,7 @@ lemma div [has_div Y] ⦃f g : X → Y⦄ (hf : is_locally_constant f) (hg : is_
is_locally_constant (f / g) :=
hf.comp₂ hg (/)

/-- If a composition of a function `f` followed by an injection `g` is locally
/-- If a composition of a function `f` followed by an injection `g` is locally
constant, then the locally constant property descends to `f`. -/
lemma desc {α β : Type*} (f : X → α) (g : α → β)
(h : is_locally_constant (g ∘ f)) (inj : function.injective g) : is_locally_constant f :=
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