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… Dickson polynomials (#5869)

and replace lambdashev with dickson 1 1. 

Co-authored-by: Julian-Kuelshammer <>
Co-authored-by: Eric Wieser <>
Co-authored-by: Julian <>
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4 people committed Feb 11, 2021
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Expand Up @@ -545,6 +545,21 @@ @misc{scholze2011perfectoid

@book {MR1237403,
AUTHOR = {Lidl, R. and Mullen, G. L. and Turnwald, G.},
TITLE = {Dickson polynomials},
SERIES = {Pitman Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics},
VOLUME = {65},
PUBLISHER = {Longman Scientific \& Technical, Harlow; copublished in the
United States with John Wiley \& Sons, Inc., New York},
YEAR = {1993},
PAGES = {vi+207},
ISBN = {0-582-09119-5},
MRCLASS = {11T06 (12E05 13B25 33C80 94A60)},
MRNUMBER = {1237403},
MRREVIEWER = {S. D. Cohen}

title={Roots of {C}hebyshev polynomials: a purely algebraic approach},
author={Lionel Ponton},
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92 changes: 52 additions & 40 deletions src/ring_theory/polynomial/chebyshev/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Authors: Johan Commelin

import ring_theory.polynomial.chebyshev.defs
import ring_theory.polynomial.chebyshev.dickson
import analysis.special_functions.trigonometric
import ring_theory.localization
import data.zmod.basic
Expand All @@ -17,14 +18,15 @@ The Chebyshev polynomials are two families of polynomials indexed by `ℕ`,
with integral coefficients.
In this file, we only consider Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind.
## Main declarations
## Main statements
* `polynomial.chebyshev₁_mul`, the `(m * n)`-th Chebyshev polynomial is the composition
of the `m`-th and `n`-th Chebyshev polynomials.
* `polynomial.lambdashev_mul`, the `(m * n)`-th lambdashev polynomial is the composition
of the `m`-th and `n`-th lambdashev polynomials.
* `polynomial.lambdashev_char_p`, for a prime number `p`, the `p`-th lambdashev polynomial
is congruent to `X ^ p` modulo `p`.
* `polynomial.dickson_one_one_mul`, the `(m * n)`-th Dickson polynomial of the first kind for
parameter `1 : R` is the composition of the `m`-th and `n`-th Dickson polynomials of the first
kind for `1 : R`.
* `polynomial.dickson_one_one_char_p`, for a prime number `p`, the `p`-th Dickson polynomial of the
first kind associated to parameter `1 : R` is congruent to `X ^ p` modulo `p`.
## Implementation details
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,67 +56,72 @@ begin
apply polynomial.funext,
intro z,
obtain ⟨θ, rfl⟩ := cos_surjective z,
simp only [chebyshev₁_complex_cos, nat.cast_mul, eval_comp, mul_assoc],
simp only [chebyshev₁_complex_cos, nat.cast_mul, eval_comp, mul_assoc]

section lambdashev
section dickson
### A Lambda structure on `polynomial ℤ`
Mathlib doesn't currently know what a Lambda ring is.
But once it does, we can endow `polynomial ℤ` with a Lambda structure
in terms of the `lambdashev` polynomials defined below.
in terms of the `dickson 1 1` polynomials defined below.
There is exactly one other Lambda structure on `polynomial ℤ` in terms of binomial polynomials.

variables {R}

lemma lambdashev_eval_add_inv (x y : R) (h : x * y = 1) :
∀ n, (lambdashev R n).eval (x + y) = x ^ n + y ^ n
| 0 := by simp only [bit0, eval_one, eval_add, pow_zero, lambdashev_zero]
| 1 := by simp only [eval_X, lambdashev_one, pow_one]
lemma dickson_one_one_eval_add_inv (x y : R) (h : x * y = 1) :
∀ n, (dickson 1 (1 : R) n).eval (x + y) = x ^ n + y ^ n
| 0 := by { simp only [bit0, eval_one, eval_add, pow_zero, dickson_zero], norm_num }
| 1 := by simp only [eval_X, dickson_one, pow_one]
| (n + 2) :=
simp only [eval_sub, eval_mul, lambdashev_eval_add_inv, eval_X, lambdashev_add_two],
simp only [eval_sub, eval_mul, dickson_one_one_eval_add_inv, eval_X, dickson_add_two, C_1,
conv_lhs { simp only [pow_succ, add_mul, mul_add, h, ← mul_assoc, mul_comm y x, one_mul] },

variables (R)

lemma lambdashev_eq_chebyshev [invertible (2 : R)] :
∀ n, lambdashev R n = 2 * (chebyshev₁ R n).comp (C (⅟2) * X)
| 0 := by simp only [chebyshev₁_zero, mul_one, one_comp, lambdashev_zero]
| 1 := by rw [lambdashev_one, chebyshev₁_one, X_comp, ← mul_assoc, ← C_1, ← C_bit0, ← C_mul,
lemma dickson_one_one_eq_chebyshev [invertible (2 : R)] :
∀ n, dickson 1 (1 : R) n = 2 * (chebyshev₁ R n).comp (C (⅟2) * X)
| 0 := by { simp only [chebyshev₁_zero, mul_one, one_comp, dickson_zero], norm_num }
| 1 := by rw [dickson_one, chebyshev₁_one, X_comp, ← mul_assoc, ← C_1, ← C_bit0, ← C_mul,
mul_inv_of_self, C_1, one_mul]
| (n + 2) :=
simp only [lambdashev_add_two, chebyshev₁_add_two, lambdashev_eq_chebyshev₁ (n + 1),
lambdashev_eq_chebyshev₁ n, sub_comp, mul_comp, add_comp, X_comp, bit0_comp, one_comp],
simp only [dickson_add_two, chebyshev₁_add_two, dickson_one_one_eq_chebyshev₁ (n + 1),
dickson_one_one_eq_chebyshev₁ n, sub_comp, mul_comp, add_comp, X_comp, bit0_comp, one_comp],
simp only [← C_1, ← C_bit0, ← mul_assoc, ← C_mul, mul_inv_of_self],
rw [C_1, one_mul],

lemma chebyshev₁_eq_lambdashev [invertible (2 : R)] (n : ℕ) :
chebyshev₁ R n = C (⅟2) * (lambdashev R n).comp (2 * X) :=
lemma chebyshev₁_eq_dickson_one_one [invertible (2 : R)] (n : ℕ) :
chebyshev₁ R n = C (⅟2) * (dickson 1 1 n).comp (2 * X) :=
rw lambdashev_eq_chebyshev₁,
rw dickson_one_one_eq_chebyshev₁,
simp only [comp_assoc, mul_comp, C_comp, X_comp, ← mul_assoc, ← C_1, ← C_bit0, ← C_mul],
rw [inv_of_mul_self, C_1, one_mul, one_mul, comp_X]

/-- the `(m * n)`-th lambdashev polynomial is the composition of the `m`-th and `n`-th -/
lemma lambdashev_mul (m n : ℕ) :
lambdashev R (m * n) = (lambdashev R m).comp (lambdashev R n) :=
/-- The `(m * n)`-th Dickson polynomial of the first kind is the composition of the `m`-th and
`n`-th. -/
lemma dickson_one_one_mul (m n : ℕ) :
dickson 1 (1 : R) (m * n) = (dickson 1 1 m).comp (dickson 1 1 n) :=
simp only [← map_lambdashev (int.cast_ring_hom R), ← map_comp],
have h : (1 : R) = int.cast_ring_hom R (1),
simp only [ring_hom.eq_int_cast, int.cast_one],
rw h,
simp only [← map_dickson (int.cast_ring_hom R), ← map_comp],
congr' 1,
apply map_injective (int.cast_ring_hom ℚ) int.cast_injective,
simp only [map_lambdashev, map_comp, lambdashev_eq_chebyshev₁, chebyshev₁_mul, two_mul,
← add_comp],
simp only [map_dickson, map_comp, ring_hom.eq_int_cast, int.cast_one,
dickson_one_one_eq_chebyshev₁, chebyshev₁_mul, two_mul, ← add_comp],
simp only [← two_mul, ← comp_assoc],
apply eval₂_congr rfl rfl,
rw [comp_assoc],
Expand All @@ -123,14 +130,14 @@ begin
inv_of_mul_self, C_1, one_mul]

lemma lambdashev_comp_comm (m n : ℕ) :
(lambdashev R m).comp (lambdashev R n) = (lambdashev R n).comp (lambdashev R m) :=
by rw [← lambdashev_mul, mul_comm, lambdashev_mul]
lemma dickson_one_one_comp_comm (m n : ℕ) :
(dickson 1 (1 : R) m).comp (dickson 1 1 n) = (dickson 1 1 n).comp (dickson 1 1 m) :=
by rw [← dickson_one_one_mul, mul_comm, dickson_one_one_mul]

lemma lambdashev_zmod_p (p : ℕ) [fact] :
lambdashev (zmod p) p = X ^ p :=
lemma dickson_one_one_zmod_p (p : ℕ) [fact] :
dickson 1 (1 : zmod p) p = X ^ p :=
-- Recall that `lambdashev_eval_add_inv` characterises `lambdashev R p`
-- Recall that `dickson_eval_add_inv` characterises `dickson 1 1 p`
-- as a polynomial that maps `x + x⁻¹` to `x ^ p + (x⁻¹) ^ p`.
-- Since `X ^ p` also satisfies this property in characteristic `p`,
-- we can use a variant on `polynomial.funext` to conclude that these polynomials are equal.
Expand All @@ -144,13 +151,14 @@ begin
refine ⟨K, _, _, _⟩; apply_instance },
apply map_injective (zmod.cast_hom (dvd_refl p) K) (ring_hom.injective _),
rw [map_lambdashev, map_pow, map_X],
rw [map_dickson, map_pow, map_X],
apply eq_of_infinite_eval_eq,
-- The two polynomials agree on all `x` of the form `x = y + y⁻¹`.
apply @set.infinite_mono _ {x : K | ∃ y, x = y + y⁻¹ ∧ y ≠ 0},
{ rintro _ ⟨x, rfl, hx⟩,
simp only [eval_X, eval_pow, set.mem_set_of_eq, @add_pow_char K _ p,
lambdashev_eval_add_inv _ _ (mul_inv_cancel hx)] },
dickson_one_one_eval_add_inv _ _ (mul_inv_cancel hx), inv_pow', zmod.cast_hom_apply,
zmod.cast_one'] },
-- Now we need to show that the set of such `x` is infinite.
-- If the set is finite, then we will show that `K` is also finite.
{ intro h,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,10 +203,14 @@ begin
exact ⟨_, rfl, hx⟩ } } }

lemma lambdashev_char_p (p : ℕ) [fact] [char_p R p] :
lambdashev R p = X ^ p :=
by rw [← map_lambdashev (zmod.cast_hom (dvd_refl p) R), lambdashev_zmod_p, map_pow, map_X]
lemma dickson_one_one_char_p (p : ℕ) [fact] [char_p R p] :
dickson 1 (1 : R) p = X ^ p :=
have h : (1 : R) = zmod.cast_hom (dvd_refl p) R (1),
simp only [zmod.cast_hom_apply, zmod.cast_one'],
rw [h, ← map_dickson (zmod.cast_hom (dvd_refl p) R), dickson_one_one_zmod_p, map_pow, map_X]

end lambdashev
end dickson

end polynomial
46 changes: 1 addition & 45 deletions src/ring_theory/polynomial/chebyshev/defs.lean
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Expand Up @@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ See the file `ring_theory.polynomial.chebyshev.basic` for more properties.
* `polynomial.chebyshev₁`: the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind.
* `polynomial.chebyshev₂`: the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind.
* `polynomial.lambdashev`: a variant on the Chebyshev polynomials that define a Lambda structure
on `polynomial ℤ`.
## Main statements
Expand All @@ -46,10 +45,6 @@ and import that file in turn, in `ring_theory.polynomial.chebyshev.basic`.
* Compute zeroes and extrema of Chebyshev polynomials.
* Prove that the roots of the Chebyshev polynomials (except 0) are irrational.
* Prove minimax properties of Chebyshev polynomials.
* Define a variant of Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind removing the 2
(sometimes Dickson polynomials of the second kind) or even more general Dickson polynomials.
* Prove that the adjacency matrices of simply laced Dynkin diagrams are precisely the adjacency
matrices of simple connected graphs which annihilate the Dickson polynomials.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,45 +88,6 @@ begin
rw [map_chebyshev₁ (n + 1), map_chebyshev₁ n],

variables (R)

/-- `lambdashev R n` is equal to `2 * (chebyshev₁ R n).comp (X / 2)`.
It is a family of polynomials that satisfies
`lambdashev (zmod p) p = X ^ p`, and therefore defines a Lambda structure on `polynomial ℤ`. -/
noncomputable def lambdashev : ℕ → polynomial R
| 0 := 2
| 1 := X
| (n + 2) := X * lambdashev (n + 1) - lambdashev n

@[simp] lemma lambdashev_zero : lambdashev R 0 = 2 := rfl
@[simp] lemma lambdashev_one : lambdashev R 1 = X := rfl
lemma lambdashev_two : lambdashev R 2 = X ^ 2 - 2 :=
by simp only [lambdashev, sub_left_inj, pow_two, mul_assoc]
@[simp] lemma lambdashev_add_two (n : ℕ) :
lambdashev R (n + 2) = X * lambdashev R (n + 1) - lambdashev R n :=
by rw lambdashev

lemma lambdashev_eq_two_le (n : ℕ) (h : 2 ≤ n) :
lambdashev R n = X * lambdashev R (n - 1) - lambdashev R (n - 2) :=
obtain ⟨n, rfl⟩ := nat.exists_eq_add_of_le h,
rw add_comm,
exact lambdashev_add_two R n

variables {R S}

lemma map_lambdashev (f : R →+* S) :
∀ (n : ℕ), map f (lambdashev R n) = lambdashev S n
| 0 := by simp only [lambdashev_zero, bit0, map_add, map_one]
| 1 := by simp only [lambdashev_one, map_X]
| (n + 2) :=
simp only [lambdashev_add_two, map_mul, map_sub, map_X, bit0, map_add, map_one],
rw [map_lambdashev (n + 1), map_lambdashev n],

end polynomial

namespace polynomial
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91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/polynomial/chebyshev/dickson.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Julian Kuelshammer. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Julian Kuelshammer

import data.polynomial.eval
import ring_theory.polynomial.chebyshev.defs

# Dickson polynomials
The (generalised) Dickson polynomials are a family of polynomials indexed by `ℕ × ℕ`,
with coefficients in a commutative ring `R` depending on an element `a∈R`. More precisely, the
they satisfy the recursion `dickson k a (n + 2) = X * (dickson k a n + 1) - a * (dickson k a n)`
with starting values `dickson k a 0 = 3 - k` and `dickson k a 1 = X`. In the literature,
`dickson k a n` is called the `n`-th Dickson polynomial of the `k`-th kind associated to the
parameter `a : R`. They are closely related to the Chebyshev polynomials in the case that `a=1`.
When `a=0` they are just the family of monomials `X ^ n`.
## Main definition
* `polynomial.dickson`: the generalised Dickson polynomials.
## References
* [R. Lidl, G. L. Mullen and G. Turnwald, _Dickson polynomials_][MR1237403]
* Redefine `dickson` in terms of `linear_recurrence`.
* Show that `dickson 2 1` is equal to the characteristic polynomial of the adjacency matrix of a
type A Dynkin diagram.
* Prove that the adjacency matrices of simply laced Dynkin diagrams are precisely the adjacency
matrices of simple connected graphs which annihilate `dickson 2 1`.

noncomputable theory

namespace polynomial

variables {R S : Type*} [comm_ring R] [comm_ring S] (k : ℕ) (a : R)

/-- `dickson` is the `n`the (generalised) Dickson polynomial of the `k`-th kind associated to the
element `a ∈ R`. -/
noncomputable def dickson : ℕ → polynomial R
| 0 := 3 - k
| 1 := X
| (n + 2) := X * dickson (n + 1) - (C a) * dickson n

@[simp] lemma dickson_zero : dickson k a 0 = 3 - k := rfl
@[simp] lemma dickson_one : dickson k a 1 = X := rfl
lemma dickson_two : dickson k a 2 = X ^ 2 - C a * (3 - k) :=
by simp only [dickson, pow_two]
@[simp] lemma dickson_add_two (n : ℕ) :
dickson k a (n + 2) = X * dickson k a (n + 1) - C a * dickson k a n :=
by rw dickson

lemma dickson_of_two_le {n : ℕ} (h : 2 ≤ n) :
dickson k a n = X * dickson k a (n - 1) - C a * dickson k a (n - 2) :=
obtain ⟨n, rfl⟩ := nat.exists_eq_add_of_le h,
rw add_comm,
exact dickson_add_two k a n

variables {R S k a}

lemma map_dickson (f : R →+* S) :
∀ (n : ℕ), map f (dickson k a n) = dickson k (f a) n
| 0 := by simp only [dickson_zero, map_sub, map_nat_cast, bit1, bit0, map_add, map_one]
| 1 := by simp only [dickson_one, map_X]
| (n + 2) :=
simp only [dickson_add_two, map_sub, map_mul, map_X, map_C],
rw [map_dickson, map_dickson]

variable {R}

@[simp] lemma dickson_two_zero :
∀ (n : ℕ), dickson 2 (0 : R) n = X ^ n
| 0 := by { simp only [dickson_zero, pow_zero], norm_num }
| 1 := by simp only [dickson_one, pow_one]
| (n + 2) :=
simp only [dickson_add_two, C_0, zero_mul, sub_zero],
rw [dickson_two_zero, pow_add X (n + 1) 1, mul_comm, pow_one]

end polynomial

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