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If a formal multilinear series has a positive radius of convergence, then its inverse also does.
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sgouezel committed Feb 11, 2021
1 parent 19f24ce commit c70feeb
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Showing 6 changed files with 335 additions and 2 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions docs/references.bib
Expand Up @@ -178,6 +178,15 @@ @inproceedings{lewis2019
keywords = {Hensel's lemma, Lean, formal proof, p-adic},

title={On the Siegel-Sternberg linearization theorem},
author={Jürgen Pöschel},

@book {riehl2017,
AUTHOR = {Riehl, Emily},
TITLE = {Category theory in context},
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/geom_sum.lean
Expand Up @@ -272,6 +272,10 @@ theorem geom_sum_Ico [division_ring α] {x : α} (hx : x ≠ 1) {m n : ℕ} (hmn
by simp only [sum_Ico_eq_sub _ hmn, (geom_series_def _ _).symm, geom_sum hx, div_sub_div_same,

theorem geom_sum_Ico' [division_ring α] {x : α} (hx : x ≠ 1) {m n : ℕ} (hmn : m ≤ n) :
∑ i in finset.Ico m n, x ^ i = (x ^ m - x ^ n) / (1 - x) :=
by { simp only [geom_sum_Ico hx hmn], convert neg_div_neg_eq (x^m - x^n) (1-x); abel }

lemma geom_sum_inv [division_ring α] {x : α} (hx1 : x ≠ 1) (hx0 : x ≠ 0) (n : ℕ) :
(geom_series x⁻¹ n) = (x - 1)⁻¹ * (x - x⁻¹ ^ n * x) :=
have h₁ : x⁻¹ ≠ 1, by rwa [inv_eq_one_div, ne.def, div_eq_iff_mul_eq hx0, one_mul],
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/analytic/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -182,6 +182,18 @@ lemma nnnorm_mul_pow_le_of_lt_radius (p : formal_multilinear_series 𝕜 E F) {r
let ⟨C, hC, hp⟩ := p.norm_mul_pow_le_of_lt_radius h
in ⟨⟨C,⟩, hC, by exact_mod_cast hp⟩

/-- If the radius of `p` is positive, then `∥pₙ∥` grows at most geometrically. -/
lemma le_mul_pow_of_radius_pos (p : formal_multilinear_series 𝕜 E F) (h : 0 < p.radius) :
∃ C r (hC : 0 < C) (hr : 0 < r), ∀ n, ∥p n∥ ≤ C * r ^ n :=
rcases ennreal.lt_iff_exists_nnreal_btwn.1 h with ⟨r, r0, rlt⟩,
have rpos : 0 < (r : ℝ), by simp [ennreal.coe_pos.1 r0],
rcases norm_le_div_pow_of_pos_of_lt_radius p rpos rlt with ⟨C, Cpos, hCp⟩,
refine ⟨C, r ⁻¹, Cpos, by simp [rpos], λ n, _⟩,
convert hCp n,
exact inv_pow' _ _,

/-- The radius of the sum of two formal series is at least the minimum of their two radii. -/
lemma min_radius_le_radius_add (p q : formal_multilinear_series 𝕜 E F) :
min p.radius q.radius ≤ (p + q).radius :=
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/analytic/composition.lean
Expand Up @@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ begin
... ≤ Cq : hCq _,
have B,
calc ((∏ i, nnnorm (p (c.blocks_fun i))) * rp ^ n)
∏ i, nnnorm (p (c.blocks_fun i)) * rp ^ c.blocks_fun i :
= ∏ i, nnnorm (p (c.blocks_fun i)) * rp ^ c.blocks_fun i :
by simp only [finset.prod_mul_distrib, finset.prod_pow_eq_pow_sum, c.sum_blocks_fun]
... ≤ ∏ i : fin c.length, Cp : finset.prod_le_prod' (λ i _, hCp _)
... = Cp ^ c.length : by simp
Expand Down
269 changes: 268 additions & 1 deletion src/analysis/analytic/inverse.lean
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import analysis.analytic.composition
# Inverse of analytic functions
We construct the left and right inverse of a formal multilinear series with invertible linear term,
and we prove that they coincide.
we prove that they coincide and study their properties (notably convergence).
## Main statements
Expand All @@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ and we prove that they coincide.
* `p.left_inv_comp` says that `p.left_inv i` is indeed a left inverse to `p` when `p₁ = i`.
* `p.right_inv_comp` says that `p.right_inv i` is indeed a right inverse to `p` when `p₁ = i`.
* `p.left_inv_eq_right_inv`: the two inverses coincide.
* `p.radius_right_inv_pos_of_radius_pos`: if a power series has a positive radius of convergence,
then so does its inverse.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,4 +270,269 @@ left_inv p i = left_inv p.remove_zero i : by rw left_inv_remove_zero
... = right_inv p.remove_zero i : by { apply left_inv_eq_right_inv_aux; simp [h] }
... = right_inv p i : by rw right_inv_remove_zero

### Convergence of the inverse of a power series
Assume that `p` is a convergent multilinear series, and let `q` be its (left or right) inverse.
Using the left-inverse formula gives
q_n = - (p_1)^{-n} \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \sum_{i_1 + \dotsc + i_k = n} q_k (p_{i_1}, \dotsc, p_{i_k}).
Assume for simplicity that we are in dimension `1` and `p₁ = 1`. In the formula for `qₙ`, the term
`q_{n-1}` appears with a multiplicity of `n-1` (choosing the index `i_j` for which `i_j = 2` while
all the other indices are equal to `1`), which indicates that `qₙ` might grow like `n!`. This is
bad for summability properties.
It turns out that the right-inverse formula is better behaved, and should instead be used for this
kind of estimate. It reads
q_n = - (p_1)^{-1} \sum_{k=2}^n \sum_{i_1 + \dotsc + i_k = n} p_k (q_{i_1}, \dotsc, q_{i_k}).
Here, `q_{n-1}` can only appear in the term with `k = 2`, and it only appears twice, so there is
hope this formula can lead to an at most geometric behavior.
Let `Qₙ = ∥qₙ∥`. Bounding `∥pₖ∥` with `C r^k` gives an inequality
Q_n ≤ C' \sum_{k=2}^n r^k \sum_{i_1 + \dotsc + i_k = n} Q_{i_1} \dotsm Q_{i_k}.
This formula is not enough to prove by naive induction on `n` a bound of the form `Qₙ ≤ D R^n`.
However, assuming that the inequality above were an equality, one could get a formula for the
generating series of the `Qₙ`:
Q(z) & := \sum Q_n z^n = Q_1 z + C' \sum_{2 \leq k \leq n} \sum_{i_1 + \dotsc + i_k = n}
(r z^{i_1} Q_{i_1}) \dotsm (r z^{i_k} Q_{i_k})
\\& = Q_1 z + C' \sum_{k = 2}^\infty (\sum_{i_1 \geq 1} r z^{i_1} Q_{i_1})
\dotsm (\sum_{i_k \geq 1} r z^{i_k} Q_{i_k})
\\& = Q_1 z + C' \sum_{k = 2}^\infty (r Q(z))^k
= Q_1 z + C' (r Q(z))^2 / (1 - r Q(z)).
One can solve this formula explicitly. The solution is analytic in a neighborhood of `0` in `ℂ`,
hence its coefficients grow at most geometrically (by a contour integral argument), and therefore
the original `Qₙ`, which are bounded by these ones, are also at most geometric.
This classical argument is not really satisfactory, as it requires an a priori bound on a complex
analytic function. Another option would be to compute explicitly its terms (with binomial
coefficients) to obtain an explicit geometric bound, but this would be very painful.
Instead, we will use the above intuition, but in a slightly different form, with finite sums and an
induction. I learnt this trick in [pöschel2017siegelsternberg]. Let
$S_n = \sum_{k=1}^n Q_k a^k$ (where `a` is a positive real parameter to be chosen suitably small).
The above computation but with finite sums shows that
S_n \leq Q_1 a + C' \sum_{k=2}^n (r S_{n-1})^k.
In particular, $S_n \leq Q_1 a + C' (r S_{n-1})^2 / (1- r S_{n-1})$.
Assume that $S_{n-1} \leq K a$, where `K > Q₁` is fixed and `a` is small enough so that
`r K a ≤ 1/2` (to control the denominator). Then this equation gives a bound
$S_n \leq Q_1 a + 2 C' r^2 K^2 a^2$.
If `a` is small enough, this is bounded by `K a` as the second term is quadratic in `a`, and
therefore negligible.
By induction, we deduce `Sₙ ≤ K a` for all `n`, which gives in particular the fact that `aⁿ Qₙ`
remains bounded.

/-- First technical lemma to control the growth of coefficients of the inverse. Bound the explicit
expression for `∑_{k<n+1} aᵏ Qₖ` in terms of a sum of powers of the same sum one step before,
in a general abstract setup. -/
lemma radius_right_inv_pos_of_radius_pos_aux1
(n : ℕ) (p : ℕ → ℝ) (hp : ∀ k, 0 ≤ p k) {r a : ℝ} (hr : 0 ≤ r) (ha : 0 ≤ a) :
∑ k in Ico 2 (n + 1), a ^ k *
(∑ c in ({c | 1 < composition.length c}.to_finset : finset (composition k)),
r ^ c.length * ∏ j, p (c.blocks_fun j))
≤ ∑ j in Ico 2 (n + 1), r ^ j * (∑ k in Ico 1 n, a ^ k * p k) ^ j :=
∑ k in Ico 2 (n + 1), a ^ k *
(∑ c in ({c | 1 < composition.length c}.to_finset : finset (composition k)),
r ^ c.length * ∏ j, p (c.blocks_fun j))
= ∑ k in Ico 2 (n + 1),
(∑ c in ({c | 1 < composition.length c}.to_finset : finset (composition k)),
∏ j, r * (a ^ (c.blocks_fun j) * p (c.blocks_fun j))) :
simp_rw [mul_sum],
apply sum_congr rfl (λ k hk, _),
apply sum_congr rfl (λ c hc, _),
rw [prod_mul_distrib, prod_mul_distrib, prod_pow_eq_pow_sum, composition.sum_blocks_fun,
prod_const, card_fin],
... ≤ ∑ d in comp_partial_sum_target 2 (n + 1) n,
∏ (j : fin d.2.length), r * (a ^ d.2.blocks_fun j * p (d.2.blocks_fun j)) :
rw sum_sigma',
refine sum_le_sum_of_subset_of_nonneg _ (λ x hx1 hx2,
prod_nonneg (λ j hj, mul_nonneg hr (mul_nonneg (pow_nonneg ha _) (hp _)))),
rintros ⟨k, c⟩ hd,
simp only [set.mem_to_finset, Ico.mem, mem_sigma, set.mem_set_of_eq] at hd,
simp only [mem_comp_partial_sum_target_iff],
refine ⟨hd.2, c.length_le.trans_lt hd.1.2, λ j, _⟩,
have : c ≠ composition.single k (zero_lt_two.trans_le hd.1.1),
by simp [composition.eq_single_iff_length, ne_of_gt hd.2],
rw composition.ne_single_iff at this,
exact (this j).trans_le ( hd.1.2)
... = ∑ e in comp_partial_sum_source 2 (n+1) n, ∏ (j : fin e.1), r * (a ^ e.2 j * p (e.2 j)) :
apply comp_change_of_variables_sum,
rintros ⟨k, blocks_fun⟩ H,
have K : (comp_change_of_variables 2 (n + 1) n ⟨k, blocks_fun⟩ H).snd.length = k, by simp,
congr' 2; try { rw K },
rw fin.heq_fun_iff K.symm,
assume j,
rw comp_change_of_variables_blocks_fun,
... = ∑ j in Ico 2 (n+1), r ^ j * (∑ k in Ico 1 n, a ^ k * p k) ^ j :
rw [comp_partial_sum_source, ← sum_sigma' (Ico 2 (n + 1))
(λ (k : ℕ), (fintype.pi_finset (λ (i : fin k), Ico 1 n) : finset (fin k → ℕ)))
(λ n e, ∏ (j : fin n), r * (a ^ e j * p (e j)))],
apply sum_congr rfl (λ j hj, _),
simp only [← @multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra_apply ℝ (fin j) _ _ ℝ],
simp only [← multilinear_map.map_sum_finset (multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra ℝ (fin j) ℝ)
(λ k (m : ℕ), r * (a ^ m * p m))],
simp only [multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra_apply],
simp [prod_const, ← mul_sum, mul_pow],

/-- Second technical lemma to control the growth of coefficients of the inverse. Bound the explicit
expression for `∑_{k<n+1} aᵏ Qₖ` in terms of a sum of powers of the same sum one step before,
in the specific setup we are interesting in, by reducing to the general bound in
`radius_right_inv_pos_of_radius_pos_aux1`. -/
lemma radius_right_inv_pos_of_radius_pos_aux2
{n : ℕ} (hn : 2 ≤ n + 1) (p : formal_multilinear_series 𝕜 E F) (i : E ≃L[𝕜] F)
{r a C : ℝ} (hr : 0 ≤ r) (ha : 0 ≤ a) (hC : 0 ≤ C) (hp : ∀ n, ∥p n∥ ≤ C * r ^ n) :
(∑ k in Ico 1 (n + 1), a ^ k * ∥p.right_inv i k∥) ≤
∥(i.symm : F →L[𝕜] E)∥ * a + ∥(i.symm : F →L[𝕜] E)∥ * C * ∑ k in Ico 2 (n + 1),
(r * ((∑ j in Ico 1 n, a ^ j * ∥p.right_inv i j∥))) ^ k :=
let I := ∥(i.symm : F →L[𝕜] E)∥ in calc
∑ k in Ico 1 (n + 1), a ^ k * ∥p.right_inv i k∥
= a * I + ∑ k in Ico 2 (n + 1), a ^ k * ∥p.right_inv i k∥ :
by simp only [continuous_multilinear_curry_fin1_symm_apply_norm, pow_one, right_inv_coeff_one,
Ico.succ_singleton, sum_singleton, ← sum_Ico_consecutive _ one_le_two hn]
... = a * I + ∑ k in Ico 2 (n + 1), a ^ k *
∥(i.symm : F →L[𝕜] E).comp_continuous_multilinear_map
(∑ c in ({c | 1 < composition.length c}.to_finset : finset (composition k)),
p.comp_along_composition (p.right_inv i) c)∥ :
congr' 1,
apply sum_congr rfl (λ j hj, _),
rw [right_inv_coeff _ _ _ (Ico.mem.1 hj).1, norm_neg],
... ≤ a * ∥(i.symm : F →L[𝕜] E)∥ + ∑ k in Ico 2 (n + 1), a ^ k * (I *
(∑ c in ({c | 1 < composition.length c}.to_finset : finset (composition k)),
C * r ^ c.length * ∏ j, ∥p.right_inv i (c.blocks_fun j)∥)) :
apply_rules [add_le_add, le_refl, sum_le_sum (λ j hj, _), mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left,
pow_nonneg, ha],
apply (continuous_linear_map.norm_comp_continuous_multilinear_map_le _ _).trans,
apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left _ (norm_nonneg _),
apply (norm_sum_le _ _).trans,
apply sum_le_sum (λ c hc, _),
apply (comp_along_composition_norm _ _ _).trans,
apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (hp _),
exact prod_nonneg (λ j hj, norm_nonneg _),
... = I * a + I * C * ∑ k in Ico 2 (n + 1), a ^ k *
(∑ c in ({c | 1 < composition.length c}.to_finset : finset (composition k)),
r ^ c.length * ∏ j, ∥p.right_inv i (c.blocks_fun j)∥) :
simp_rw [mul_assoc C, ← mul_sum, ← mul_assoc, mul_comm _ (∥↑i.symm∥), mul_assoc, ← mul_sum,
← mul_assoc, mul_comm _ C, mul_assoc, ← mul_sum],
... ≤ I * a + I * C * ∑ k in Ico 2 (n+1), (r * ((∑ j in Ico 1 n, a ^ j * ∥p.right_inv i j∥))) ^ k :
apply_rules [add_le_add, le_refl, mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left, norm_nonneg, hC, mul_nonneg],
simp_rw [mul_pow],
apply radius_right_inv_pos_of_radius_pos_aux1 n (λ k, ∥p.right_inv i k∥)
(λ k, norm_nonneg _) hr ha,

/-- If a a formal multilinear series has a positive radius of convergence, then its right inverse
also has a positive radius of convergence. -/
theorem radius_right_inv_pos_of_radius_pos (p : formal_multilinear_series 𝕜 E F) (i : E ≃L[𝕜] F)
(hp : 0 < p.radius) : 0 < (p.right_inv i).radius :=
obtain ⟨C, r, Cpos, rpos, ple⟩ : ∃ C r (hC : 0 < C) (hr : 0 < r), ∀ (n : ℕ), ∥p n∥ ≤ C * r ^ n :=
le_mul_pow_of_radius_pos p hp,
let I := ∥(i.symm : F →L[𝕜] E)∥,
-- choose `a` small enough to make sure that `∑_{k ≤ n} aᵏ Qₖ` will be controllable by
-- induction
obtain ⟨a, apos, ha1, ha2⟩ : ∃ a (apos : 0 < a),
(2 * I * C * r^2 * (I + 1) ^ 2 * a ≤ 1) ∧ (r * (I + 1) * a ≤ 1/2),
{ have : tendsto (λ a, 2 * I * C * r^2 * (I + 1) ^ 2 * a) (𝓝 0)
(𝓝 (2 * I * C * r^2 * (I + 1) ^ 2 * 0)) := tendsto_const_nhds.mul tendsto_id,
have A : ∀ᶠ a in 𝓝 0, 2 * I * C * r^2 * (I + 1) ^ 2 * a < 1,
by { apply (tendsto_order.1 this).2, simp [zero_lt_one] },
have : tendsto (λ a, r * (I + 1) * a) (𝓝 0)
(𝓝 (r * (I + 1) * 0)) := tendsto_const_nhds.mul tendsto_id,
have B : ∀ᶠ a in 𝓝 0, r * (I + 1) * a < 1/2,
by { apply (tendsto_order.1 this).2, simp [zero_lt_one] },
have C : ∀ᶠ a in 𝓝[set.Ioi (0 : ℝ)] (0 : ℝ), (0 : ℝ) < a,
by { filter_upwards [self_mem_nhds_within], exact λ a ha, ha },
rcases (C.and ((A.and B).filter_mono inf_le_left)).exists with ⟨a, ha⟩,
exact ⟨a, ha.1, ha.2.1.le, ha.2.2.le⟩ },
-- check by induction that the partial sums are suitably bounded, using the choice of `a` and the
-- inductive control from Lemma `radius_right_inv_pos_of_radius_pos_aux2`.
let S := λ n, ∑ k in Ico 1 n, a ^ k * ∥p.right_inv i k∥,
have IRec : ∀ n, 1 ≤ n → S n ≤ (I + 1) * a,
{ apply nat.le_induction,
{ simp only [S],
rw [Ico.eq_empty_of_le (le_refl 1), sum_empty],
exact mul_nonneg (add_nonneg (norm_nonneg _) zero_le_one) apos.le },
{ assume n one_le_n hn,
have In : 2 ≤ n + 1, by linarith,
have Snonneg : 0 ≤ S n :=
sum_nonneg (λ x hx, mul_nonneg (pow_nonneg apos.le _) (norm_nonneg _)),
have rSn : r * S n ≤ 1/2 := calc
r * S n ≤ r * ((I+1) * a) : mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left hn rpos.le
... ≤ 1/2 : by rwa [← mul_assoc],
calc S (n + 1) ≤ I * a + I * C * ∑ k in Ico 2 (n + 1), (r * S n)^k :
radius_right_inv_pos_of_radius_pos_aux2 In p i rpos.le apos.le Cpos.le ple
... = I * a + I * C * (((r * S n) ^ 2 - (r * S n) ^ (n + 1)) / (1 - r * S n)) :
by { rw geom_sum_Ico' _ In, exact ne_of_lt (rSn.trans_lt (by norm_num)) }
... ≤ I * a + I * C * ((r * S n) ^ 2 / (1/2)) :
apply_rules [add_le_add, le_refl, mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left, mul_nonneg, norm_nonneg,
refine div_le_div (pow_two_nonneg _) _ (by norm_num) (by linarith),
simp only [sub_le_self_iff],
apply pow_nonneg (mul_nonneg rpos.le Snonneg),
... = I * a + 2 * I * C * (r * S n) ^ 2 : by ring
... ≤ I * a + 2 * I * C * (r * ((I + 1) * a)) ^ 2 :
by apply_rules [add_le_add, le_refl, mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left, mul_nonneg, norm_nonneg,
Cpos.le, zero_le_two, pow_le_pow_of_le_left, rpos.le]
... = (I + 2 * I * C * r^2 * (I + 1) ^ 2 * a) * a : by ring
... ≤ (I + 1) * a :
by apply_rules [mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right, apos.le, add_le_add, le_refl] } },
-- conclude that all coefficients satisfy `aⁿ Qₙ ≤ (I + 1) a`.
let a' : nnreal := ⟨a, apos.le⟩,
suffices H : (a' : ennreal) ≤ (p.right_inv i).radius,
by { apply lt_of_lt_of_le _ H, exact_mod_cast apos },
apply le_radius_of_bound _ ((I + 1) * a) (λ n, _),
by_cases hn : n = 0,
{ have : ∥p.right_inv i n∥ = ∥p.right_inv i 0∥, by congr; try { rw hn },
simp only [this, norm_zero, zero_mul, right_inv_coeff_zero],
apply_rules [mul_nonneg, add_nonneg, norm_nonneg, zero_le_one, apos.le] },
{ have one_le_n : 1 ≤ n := bot_lt_iff_ne_bot.2 hn,
calc ∥p.right_inv i n∥ * ↑a' ^ n = a ^ n * ∥p.right_inv i n∥ : mul_comm _ _
... ≤ ∑ k in Ico 1 (n + 1), a ^ k * ∥p.right_inv i k∥ :
have : ∀ k ∈ Ico 1 (n + 1), 0 ≤ a ^ k * ∥p.right_inv i k∥ :=
λ k hk, mul_nonneg (pow_nonneg apos.le _) (norm_nonneg _),
exact single_le_sum this (by simp [one_le_n]),
... ≤ (I + 1) * a : IRec (n + 1) (by dec_trivial) }

end formal_multilinear_series

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