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chore(order/conditionally_complete_lattice): with_top.coe_infi and …
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…`with_top.coe_supr` (#15975)

This adds `infi` and `supr` versions of the existing `Inf` and `Sup` lemmas, and adds some more general primed lemmas that work when much weaker assumptions are available on `α`.
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eric-wieser committed Aug 11, 2022
1 parent a21a8bc commit 8086825
Showing 1 changed file with 64 additions and 21 deletions.
85 changes: 64 additions & 21 deletions src/order/conditionally_complete_lattice.lean
Expand Up @@ -59,10 +59,66 @@ noncomputable instance {α : Type*} [preorder α] [has_Inf α] : has_Inf (with_b
theorem with_top.cInf_empty {α : Type*} [has_Inf α] : Inf (∅ : set (with_top α)) = ⊤ :=
if_pos $ set.empty_subset _

theorem with_top.cinfi_empty {α : Type*} [is_empty ι] [has_Inf α] (f : ι → with_top α) :
(⨅ i, f i) = ⊤ :=
by rw [infi, range_eq_empty, with_top.cInf_empty]

lemma with_top.coe_Inf' [has_Inf α] {s : set α} (hs : s.nonempty) :
↑(Inf s) = (Inf (coe '' s) : with_top α) :=
obtain ⟨x, hx⟩ := hs,
change _ = ite _ _ _,
{ cases h (mem_image_of_mem _ hx) },
{ rw preimage_image_eq,
exact option.some_injective _ },

@[norm_cast] lemma with_top.coe_infi [nonempty ι] [has_Inf α] (f : ι → α) :
↑(⨅ i, f i) = (⨅ i, f i : with_top α) :=
by rw [infi, infi, with_top.coe_Inf' (range_nonempty f), range_comp]

theorem with_top.coe_Sup' [preorder α] [has_Sup α] {s : set α} (hs : bdd_above s) :
↑(Sup s) = (Sup (coe '' s) : with_top α) :=
change _ = ite _ _ _,
rw [if_neg, preimage_image_eq, if_pos hs],
{ exact option.some_injective _ },
{ rintro ⟨x, h, ⟨⟩⟩ },

@[norm_cast] lemma with_top.coe_supr [preorder α] [has_Sup α] (f : ι → α)
(h : bdd_above (set.range f)) :
↑(⨆ i, f i) = (⨆ i, f i : with_top α) :=
by rw [supr, supr, with_top.coe_Sup' h, range_comp]

theorem with_bot.cSup_empty {α : Type*} [has_Sup α] : Sup (∅ : set (with_bot α)) = ⊥ :=
if_pos $ set.empty_subset _

theorem with_bot.csupr_empty {α : Type*} [is_empty ι] [has_Sup α] (f : ι → with_bot α) :
(⨆ i, f i) = ⊥ :=
@with_top.cinfi_empty _ αᵒᵈ _ _ _

@[norm_cast] lemma with_bot.coe_Sup' [has_Sup α] {s : set α} (hs : s.nonempty) :
↑(Sup s) = (Sup (coe '' s) : with_bot α) :=
@with_top.coe_Inf' αᵒᵈ _ _ hs

@[norm_cast] lemma with_bot.coe_supr [nonempty ι] [has_Sup α] (f : ι → α) :
↑(⨆ i, f i) = (⨆ i, f i : with_bot α) :=
@with_top.coe_infi αᵒᵈ _ _ _ _

@[norm_cast] theorem with_bot.coe_Inf' [preorder α] [has_Inf α] {s : set α} (hs : bdd_below s) :
↑(Inf s) = (Inf (coe '' s) : with_bot α) :=
@with_top.coe_Sup' αᵒᵈ _ _ _ hs

@[norm_cast] lemma with_bot.coe_infi [preorder α] [has_Inf α] (f : ι → α)
(h : bdd_below (set.range f)) :
↑(⨅ i, f i) = (⨅ i, f i : with_bot α) :=
@with_top.coe_supr αᵒᵈ _ _ _ _ h

end -- section

/-- A conditionally complete lattice is a lattice in which
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -827,28 +883,15 @@ noncomputable instance : complete_linear_order (with_top α) :=
Inf := Inf, le_Inf := λ s, (is_glb_Inf s).2, Inf_le := λ s, (is_glb_Inf s).1,
.. with_top.linear_order, ..with_top.lattice, ..with_top.order_top, ..with_top.order_bot }

lemma coe_Sup {s : set α} (hb : bdd_above s) : (↑(Sup s) : with_top α) = ⨆ a ∈ s, ↑a :=
cases s.eq_empty_or_nonempty with hs hs,
{ rw [hs, cSup_empty], simp only [set.mem_empty_eq, supr_bot, supr_false], refl },
apply le_antisymm,
{ refine (coe_le_iff.2 $ λ b hb, cSup_le hs $ λ a has, coe_le_coe.1 $ hb ▸ _),
exact le_supr₂_of_le a has le_rfl },
{ exact supr₂_le (λ a ha, coe_le_coe.2 $ le_cSup hb ha) }
/-- A version of `with_top.coe_Sup'` with a more convenient but less general statement. -/
@[norm_cast] lemma coe_Sup {s : set α} (hb : bdd_above s) :
↑(Sup s) = (⨆ a ∈ s, ↑a : with_top α) :=
by rw [coe_Sup' hb, Sup_image]

lemma coe_Inf {s : set α} (hs : s.nonempty) : (↑(Inf s) : with_top α) = ⨅ a ∈ s, ↑a :=
obtain ⟨x, hx⟩ := hs,
have : (⨅ a ∈ s, ↑a : with_top α) ≤ x := infi₂_le_of_le x hx le_rfl,
rcases le_coe_iff.1 this with ⟨r, r_eq, hr⟩,
refine le_antisymm
(le_infi₂ $ λ a ha, coe_le_coe.2 $ cInf_le (order_bot.bdd_below s) ha) _,
{ rw r_eq,
apply coe_le_coe.2 (le_cInf ⟨x, hx⟩ (λ a has, coe_le_coe.1 _)),
rw ←r_eq,
exact infi₂_le_of_le a has le_rfl }
/-- A version of `with_top.coe_Inf'` with a more convenient but less general statement. -/
@[norm_cast] lemma coe_Inf {s : set α} (hs : s.nonempty) :
↑(Inf s) = (⨅ a ∈ s, ↑a : with_top α) :=
by rw [coe_Inf' hs, Inf_image]

end with_top

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