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refactor(number_theory): reorganize number field results into new sub…
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- Create a new dir `number_field` in `number_theory`
- Move the current file `number_field.lean` to `number_theory/number_field/basic.lean`
- Move the results about embeddings from this file to a new file `number_theory/number_field/embeddings.lean`
- Move the file `number_theory/class_number/number_field.lean` to `number_theory/number_field/class_number.lean`
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xroblot committed Oct 3, 2022
1 parent 8a1b982 commit 81120ae
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Showing 5 changed files with 182 additions and 166 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/number_theory/cyclotomic/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Authors: Riccardo Brasca

import ring_theory.polynomial.cyclotomic.basic
import number_theory.number_field
import number_theory.number_field.basic
import algebra.char_p.algebra
import field_theory.galois

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167 changes: 167 additions & 0 deletions src/number_theory/number_field/basic.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Ashvni Narayanan. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Ashvni Narayanan, Anne Baanen

import ring_theory.dedekind_domain.integral_closure
import algebra.char_p.algebra

# Number fields
This file defines a number field and the ring of integers corresponding to it.
## Main definitions
- `number_field` defines a number field as a field which has characteristic zero and is finite
dimensional over ℚ.
- `ring_of_integers` defines the ring of integers (or number ring) corresponding to a number field
as the integral closure of ℤ in the number field.
## Implementation notes
The definitions that involve a field of fractions choose a canonical field of fractions,
but are independent of that choice.
## References
* [D. Marcus, *Number Fields*][marcus1977number]
* [J.W.S. Cassels, A. Frölich, *Algebraic Number Theory*][cassels1967algebraic]
* [P. Samuel, *Algebraic Theory of Numbers*][samuel1970algebraic]
## Tags
number field, ring of integers

/-- A number field is a field which has characteristic zero and is finite
dimensional over ℚ. -/
class number_field (K : Type*) [field K] : Prop :=
[to_char_zero : char_zero K]
[to_finite_dimensional : finite_dimensional ℚ K]

open function
open_locale classical big_operators

/-- `ℤ` with its usual ring structure is not a field. -/
lemma int.not_is_field : ¬ is_field ℤ :=
λ h, int.not_even_one $ (h.mul_inv_cancel two_ne_zero).imp $ λ a, (by rw ← two_mul; exact eq.symm)

namespace number_field

variables (K L : Type*) [field K] [field L] [nf : number_field K]

include nf

-- See note [lower instance priority]
attribute [priority 100, instance] number_field.to_char_zero number_field.to_finite_dimensional

protected lemma is_algebraic : algebra.is_algebraic ℚ K := algebra.is_algebraic_of_finite _ _

omit nf

/-- The ring of integers (or number ring) corresponding to a number field
is the integral closure of ℤ in the number field. -/
def ring_of_integers := integral_closure ℤ K

localized "notation (name := ring_of_integers)
`𝓞` := number_field.ring_of_integers" in number_field

lemma mem_ring_of_integers (x : K) : x ∈ 𝓞 K ↔ is_integral ℤ x := iff.rfl

lemma is_integral_of_mem_ring_of_integers {K : Type*} [field K] {x : K} (hx : x ∈ 𝓞 K) :
is_integral ℤ (⟨x, hx⟩ : 𝓞 K) :=
obtain ⟨P, hPm, hP⟩ := hx,
refine ⟨P, hPm, _⟩,
rw [← polynomial.aeval_def, ← subalgebra.coe_eq_zero, polynomial.aeval_subalgebra_coe,
polynomial.aeval_def, subtype.coe_mk, hP]

/-- Given an algebra between two fields, create an algebra between their two rings of integers.
For now, this is not an instance by default as it creates an equal-but-not-defeq diamond with
`` when `K = L`. This is caused by `x = ⟨x, x.prop⟩` not being defeq on subtypes. This
will likely change in Lean 4. -/
def ring_of_integers_algebra [algebra K L] : algebra (𝓞 K) (𝓞 L) := ring_hom.to_algebra
{ to_fun := λ k, ⟨algebra_map K L k, is_integral.algebra_map k.2⟩,
map_zero' := subtype.ext $ by simp only [subtype.coe_mk, subalgebra.coe_zero, map_zero],
map_one' := subtype.ext $ by simp only [subtype.coe_mk, subalgebra.coe_one, map_one],
map_add' := λ x y, subtype.ext $ by simp only [map_add, subalgebra.coe_add, subtype.coe_mk],
map_mul' := λ x y, subtype.ext $ by simp only [subalgebra.coe_mul, map_mul, subtype.coe_mk] }

namespace ring_of_integers

variables {K}

instance [number_field K] : is_fraction_ring (𝓞 K) K :=
integral_closure.is_fraction_ring_of_finite_extension ℚ _

instance : is_integral_closure (𝓞 K) ℤ K :=
integral_closure.is_integral_closure _ _

instance [number_field K] : is_integrally_closed (𝓞 K) :=
integral_closure.is_integrally_closed_of_finite_extension ℚ

lemma is_integral_coe (x : 𝓞 K) : is_integral ℤ (x : K) :=

/-- The ring of integers of `K` are equivalent to any integral closure of `ℤ` in `K` -/
protected noncomputable def equiv (R : Type*) [comm_ring R] [algebra R K]
[is_integral_closure R ℤ K] : 𝓞 K ≃+* R :=
(is_integral_closure.equiv ℤ R K _).symm.to_ring_equiv

variables (K)

instance [number_field K] : char_zero (𝓞 K) := char_zero.of_module _ K

instance [number_field K] : is_noetherian ℤ (𝓞 K) := is_integral_closure.is_noetherian _ ℚ K _

/-- The ring of integers of a number field is not a field. -/
lemma not_is_field [number_field K] : ¬ is_field (𝓞 K) :=
have h_inj : function.injective ⇑(algebra_map ℤ (𝓞 K)),
{ exact ring_hom.injective_int (algebra_map ℤ (𝓞 K)) },
intro hf,
exact int.not_is_field
(((is_integral_closure.is_integral_algebra ℤ K).is_field_iff_is_field h_inj).mpr hf)

instance [number_field K] : is_dedekind_domain (𝓞 K) :=
is_integral_closure.is_dedekind_domain ℤ ℚ K _

end ring_of_integers

end number_field

namespace rat

open number_field

instance number_field : number_field ℚ :=
{ to_char_zero := infer_instance,
to_finite_dimensional :=
-- The vector space structure of `ℚ` over itself can arise in multiple ways:
-- all fields are vector spaces over themselves (used in `rat.finite_dimensional`)
-- all char 0 fields have a canonical embedding of `ℚ` (used in `number_field`).
-- Show that these coincide:
by convert (infer_instance : finite_dimensional ℚ ℚ), }

/-- The ring of integers of `ℚ` as a number field is just `ℤ`. -/
noncomputable def ring_of_integers_equiv : ring_of_integers ℚ ≃+* ℤ :=
ring_of_integers.equiv ℤ

end rat

namespace adjoin_root


open_locale polynomial

local attribute [-instance] algebra_rat

/-- The quotient of `ℚ[X]` by the ideal generated by an irreducible polynomial of `ℚ[X]`
is a number field. -/
instance {f : ℚ[X]} [hf : fact (irreducible f)] : number_field (adjoin_root f) :=
{ to_char_zero := char_zero_of_injective_algebra_map (algebra_map ℚ _).injective,
to_finite_dimensional := by convert (adjoin_root.power_basis hf.out.ne_zero).finite_dimensional }

end adjoin_root
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Authors: Anne Baanen
import number_theory.class_number.admissible_abs
import number_theory.class_number.finite
import number_theory.number_field
import number_theory.number_field.basic

# Class numbers of number fields
Expand Down
@@ -1,179 +1,28 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Ashvni Narayanan. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2022 Xavier Roblot. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Ashvni Narayanan, Anne Baanen
Authors: Alex J. Best, Xavier Roblot

import ring_theory.dedekind_domain.integral_closure
import algebra.char_p.algebra
import analysis.normed_space.basic
import number_theory.number_field.basic
import topology.algebra.polynomial

# Number fields
This file defines a number field, the ring of integers corresponding to it and includes some
basic facts about the embeddings into an algebraic closed field.
# Embeddings of number fields
This file defines the embeddings of a number field into an algebraic closed field.
## Main definitions
- `number_field` defines a number field as a field which has characteristic zero and is finite
dimensional over ℚ.
- `ring_of_integers` defines the ring of integers (or number ring) corresponding to a number field
as the integral closure of ℤ in the number field.
## Main Result
- `eq_roots`: let `x ∈ K` with `K` number field and let `A` be an algebraic closed field of
char. 0, then the images of `x` by the embeddings of `K` in `A` are exactly the roots in
`A` of the minimal polynomial of `x` over `ℚ`.
## Implementation notes
The definitions that involve a field of fractions choose a canonical field of fractions,
but are independent of that choice.
## References
* [D. Marcus, *Number Fields*][marcus1977number]
* [J.W.S. Cassels, A. Frölich, *Algebraic Number Theory*][cassels1967algebraic]
* [P. Samuel, *Algebraic Theory of Numbers*][samuel1970algebraic]
## Main Results
* `number_field.embeddings.eq_roots`: let `x ∈ K` with `K` number field and let `A` be an algebraic
closed field of char. 0, then the images of `x` by the embeddings of `K` in `A` are exactly the
roots in `A` of the minimal polynomial of `x` over `ℚ`.
* `number_field.embeddings.pow_eq_one_of_norm_eq_one`: an algebraic integer whose conjugates are
all of norm one is a root of unity.
## Tags
number field, ring of integers
number field, embeddings

/-- A number field is a field which has characteristic zero and is finite
dimensional over ℚ. -/
class number_field (K : Type*) [field K] : Prop :=
[to_char_zero : char_zero K]
[to_finite_dimensional : finite_dimensional ℚ K]

open function
open_locale classical big_operators

/-- `ℤ` with its usual ring structure is not a field. -/
lemma int.not_is_field : ¬ is_field ℤ :=
λ h, int.not_even_one $ (h.mul_inv_cancel two_ne_zero).imp $ λ a, (by rw ← two_mul; exact eq.symm)

namespace number_field

variables (K L : Type*) [field K] [field L] [nf : number_field K]

include nf

-- See note [lower instance priority]
attribute [priority 100, instance] number_field.to_char_zero number_field.to_finite_dimensional

protected lemma is_algebraic : algebra.is_algebraic ℚ K := algebra.is_algebraic_of_finite _ _

omit nf

/-- The ring of integers (or number ring) corresponding to a number field
is the integral closure of ℤ in the number field. -/
def ring_of_integers := integral_closure ℤ K

localized "notation (name := ring_of_integers)
`𝓞` := number_field.ring_of_integers" in number_field

lemma mem_ring_of_integers (x : K) : x ∈ 𝓞 K ↔ is_integral ℤ x := iff.rfl

lemma is_integral_of_mem_ring_of_integers {K : Type*} [field K] {x : K} (hx : x ∈ 𝓞 K) :
is_integral ℤ (⟨x, hx⟩ : 𝓞 K) :=
obtain ⟨P, hPm, hP⟩ := hx,
refine ⟨P, hPm, _⟩,
rw [← polynomial.aeval_def, ← subalgebra.coe_eq_zero, polynomial.aeval_subalgebra_coe,
polynomial.aeval_def, subtype.coe_mk, hP]

/-- Given an algebra between two fields, create an algebra between their two rings of integers.
For now, this is not an instance by default as it creates an equal-but-not-defeq diamond with
`` when `K = L`. This is caused by `x = ⟨x, x.prop⟩` not being defeq on subtypes. This
will likely change in Lean 4. -/
def ring_of_integers_algebra [algebra K L] : algebra (𝓞 K) (𝓞 L) := ring_hom.to_algebra
{ to_fun := λ k, ⟨algebra_map K L k, is_integral.algebra_map k.2⟩,
map_zero' := subtype.ext $ by simp only [subtype.coe_mk, subalgebra.coe_zero, map_zero],
map_one' := subtype.ext $ by simp only [subtype.coe_mk, subalgebra.coe_one, map_one],
map_add' := λ x y, subtype.ext $ by simp only [map_add, subalgebra.coe_add, subtype.coe_mk],
map_mul' := λ x y, subtype.ext $ by simp only [subalgebra.coe_mul, map_mul, subtype.coe_mk] }

namespace ring_of_integers

variables {K}

instance [number_field K] : is_fraction_ring (𝓞 K) K :=
integral_closure.is_fraction_ring_of_finite_extension ℚ _

instance : is_integral_closure (𝓞 K) ℤ K :=
integral_closure.is_integral_closure _ _

instance [number_field K] : is_integrally_closed (𝓞 K) :=
integral_closure.is_integrally_closed_of_finite_extension ℚ

lemma is_integral_coe (x : 𝓞 K) : is_integral ℤ (x : K) :=

/-- The ring of integers of `K` are equivalent to any integral closure of `ℤ` in `K` -/
protected noncomputable def equiv (R : Type*) [comm_ring R] [algebra R K]
[is_integral_closure R ℤ K] : 𝓞 K ≃+* R :=
(is_integral_closure.equiv ℤ R K _).symm.to_ring_equiv

variables (K)

instance [number_field K] : char_zero (𝓞 K) := char_zero.of_module _ K

instance [number_field K] : is_noetherian ℤ (𝓞 K) := is_integral_closure.is_noetherian _ ℚ K _

/-- The ring of integers of a number field is not a field. -/
lemma not_is_field [number_field K] : ¬ is_field (𝓞 K) :=
have h_inj : function.injective ⇑(algebra_map ℤ (𝓞 K)),
{ exact ring_hom.injective_int (algebra_map ℤ (𝓞 K)) },
intro hf,
exact int.not_is_field
(((is_integral_closure.is_integral_algebra ℤ K).is_field_iff_is_field h_inj).mpr hf)

instance [number_field K] : is_dedekind_domain (𝓞 K) :=
is_integral_closure.is_dedekind_domain ℤ ℚ K _

end ring_of_integers

end number_field

namespace rat

open number_field

instance number_field : number_field ℚ :=
{ to_char_zero := infer_instance,
to_finite_dimensional :=
-- The vector space structure of `ℚ` over itself can arise in multiple ways:
-- all fields are vector spaces over themselves (used in `rat.finite_dimensional`)
-- all char 0 fields have a canonical embedding of `ℚ` (used in `number_field`).
-- Show that these coincide:
by convert (infer_instance : finite_dimensional ℚ ℚ), }

/-- The ring of integers of `ℚ` as a number field is just `ℤ`. -/
noncomputable def ring_of_integers_equiv : ring_of_integers ℚ ≃+* ℤ :=
ring_of_integers.equiv ℤ

end rat

namespace adjoin_root


open_locale polynomial

local attribute [-instance] algebra_rat

/-- The quotient of `ℚ[X]` by the ideal generated by an irreducible polynomial of `ℚ[X]`
is a number field. -/
instance {f : ℚ[X]} [hf : fact (irreducible f)] : number_field (adjoin_root f) :=
{ to_char_zero := char_zero_of_injective_algebra_map (algebra_map ℚ _).injective,
to_finite_dimensional := by convert (adjoin_root.power_basis hf.out.ne_zero).finite_dimensional }

end adjoin_root

namespace number_field.embeddings

section fintype
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ring_theory/discriminant.lean
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Authors: Riccardo Brasca

import ring_theory.trace
import ring_theory.norm
import number_theory.number_field
import number_theory.number_field.basic

# Discriminant of a family of vectors
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