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feat(ring_theory/ideal/norm): relative ideal norm (#18303)
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This PR contains the definition of `ideal.rel_norm`, the relative ideal norm as a bundled monoid-with-zero homomorphism sending `I : ideal S` to the ideal in `R` spanned by the norms of the elements in `I`; here `R` and `S` are Dedekind domains and `S` is an extension of `R` which is finite free as an `R`-module.

Co-Authored-By: Alex J. Best <>

Co-authored-by: Vierkantor <>
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Vierkantor and Vierkantor committed Feb 3, 2023
1 parent a4ec43f commit 85e3c05
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Showing 2 changed files with 172 additions and 9 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/char_p/quotient.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,3 +37,15 @@ lemma quotient' {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] (p : ℕ) [char_p R p] (I : ideal R)

end char_p

lemma ideal.quotient.index_eq_zero {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] (I : ideal R) :
(I.to_add_subgroup.index : R ⧸ I) = 0 :=
rw [add_subgroup.index, nat.card_eq],
split_ifs with hq, swap, simp,
by_contra h,
-- TODO: can we avoid rewriting the `I.to_add_subgroup` here?
letI : fintype (R ⧸ I) := @fintype.of_finite _ hq,
have h : (fintype.card (R ⧸ I) : R ⧸ I) ≠ 0 := h,
simpa using h
169 changes: 160 additions & 9 deletions src/ring_theory/ideal/norm.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,16 +4,15 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Anne Baanen, Alex J. Best

import algebra.char_p.quotient
import data.finsupp.fintype
import data.matrix.notation
import data.zmod.quotient
import number_theory.ramification_inertia
import linear_algebra.free_module.determinant
import linear_algebra.free_module.ideal_quotient
import linear_algebra.isomorphisms
import ring_theory.dedekind_domain.ideal
import ring_theory.local_properties
import ring_theory.localization.norm

Expand All @@ -31,8 +30,10 @@ the norms of elements in `I`.
This maps `⊥` to `0` and `⊤` to `1`.
* `ideal.abs_norm (I : ideal R)`: the absolute ideal norm, defined as
the cardinality of the quotient `R ⧸ I`, as a bundled monoid-with-zero homomorphism.
* `ideal.span_norm R (I : ideal S)`: the relative ideal norm, defined as
the ideal spanned by the norms of elements in `I`.
* `ideal.span_norm R (I : ideal S)`: the ideal spanned by the norms of elements in `I`.
This is used to define `ideal.rel_norm`.
* `ideal.rel_norm R (I : ideal S)`: the relative ideal norm as a bundled monoid-with-zero morphism,
defined as the ideal spanned by the norms of elements in `I`.
## Main results
Expand All @@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ the norms of elements in `I`.
of the basis change matrix
* `ideal.abs_norm_span_singleton`: the ideal norm of a principal ideal is the
norm of its generator
* `map_mul ideal.rel_norm`: multiplicativity of the relative ideal norm

open_locale big_operators
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,6 +84,8 @@ end

end submodule

section ring_of_integers

variables {S : Type*} [comm_ring S] [is_domain S]

open submodule
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -383,6 +387,12 @@ end
lemma abs_norm_dvd_abs_norm_of_le {I J : ideal S} (h : J ≤ I) : I.abs_norm ∣ J.abs_norm :=
map_dvd abs_norm (dvd_iff_le.mpr h)

lemma abs_norm_dvd_norm_of_mem {I : ideal S} {x : S} (h : x ∈ I) : ↑I.abs_norm ∣ algebra.norm ℤ x :=
rw [← int.dvd_nat_abs, ← abs_norm_span_singleton x, int.coe_nat_dvd],
exact abs_norm_dvd_abs_norm_of_le ((span_singleton_le_iff_mem _).mpr h)

lemma abs_norm_span_insert (r : S) (s : set S) :
abs_norm (span (insert r s)) ∣ gcd (abs_norm (span s)) (algebra.norm ℤ r).nat_abs :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -410,8 +420,14 @@ lemma prime_of_irreducible_abs_norm_span {a : S} (ha : a ≠ 0)
prime a :=
(ideal.span_singleton_prime ha).mp (is_prime_of_irreducible_abs_norm hI)

lemma abs_norm_mem (I : ideal S) : ↑I.abs_norm ∈ I :=
by rw [abs_norm_apply, card_quot, ← ideal.quotient.eq_zero_iff_mem, map_nat_cast,

end ideal

end ring_of_integers

end abs_norm

section span_norm
Expand All @@ -423,6 +439,8 @@ open submodule
variables (R : Type*) [comm_ring R] {S : Type*} [comm_ring S] [algebra R S]

/-- `ideal.span_norm R (I : ideal S)` is the ideal generated by mapping `algebra.norm R` over `I`.
See also `ideal.rel_norm`.
def span_norm (I : ideal S) : ideal R :=
ideal.span (algebra.norm R '' (I : set S))
Expand All @@ -432,6 +450,21 @@ ideal.span (algebra.norm R '' (I : set S))
span_norm R (⊥ : ideal S) = ⊥ :=
span_eq_bot.mpr (λ x hx, by simpa using hx)

variables {R}

@[simp] lemma span_norm_eq_bot_iff [is_domain R] [is_domain S]
[ R S] [module.finite R S] {I : ideal S} :
span_norm R I = ⊥ ↔ I = ⊥ :=
simp only [span_norm, ideal.span_eq_bot, set.mem_image, set_like.mem_coe, forall_exists_index,
and_imp, forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂,
algebra.norm_eq_zero_iff_of_basis ( R S), @eq_bot_iff _ _ _ I,

variables (R)

lemma norm_mem_span_norm {I : ideal S} (x : S) (hx : x ∈ I) : algebra.norm R x ∈ I.span_norm R :=
subset_span (set.mem_image_of_mem _ hx)

Expand All @@ -444,7 +477,7 @@ le_antisymm
((span_singleton_le_iff_mem _).mpr (norm_mem_span_norm _ _ (mem_span_singleton_self _)))

@[simp] lemma span_norm_top : span_norm R (⊤ : ideal S) = 1 :=
@[simp] lemma span_norm_top : span_norm R (⊤ : ideal S) = :=
by simp [← ideal.span_singleton_one]

lemma map_span_norm (I : ideal S) {T : Type*} [comm_ring T] (f : R →+* T) :
Expand All @@ -456,7 +489,7 @@ lemma span_norm_mono {I J : ideal S} (h : I ≤ J) : span_norm R I ≤ span_norm
ideal.span_mono (set.monotone_image h)

lemma span_norm_localization (I : ideal S) [module.finite R S] [ R S]
(M : submonoid R) {Rₘ Sₘ : Type*}
(M : submonoid R) {Rₘ : Type*} (Sₘ : Type*)
[comm_ring Rₘ] [algebra R Rₘ] [comm_ring Sₘ] [algebra S Sₘ]
[algebra Rₘ Sₘ] [algebra R Sₘ] [is_scalar_tower R Rₘ Sₘ] [is_scalar_tower R S Sₘ]
[is_localization M Rₘ] [is_localization (algebra.algebra_map_submonoid S M) Sₘ] :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -490,6 +523,124 @@ begin
all_goals { apply_instance } },

lemma span_norm_mul_span_norm_le (I J : ideal S) :
span_norm R I * span_norm R J ≤ span_norm R (I * J) :=
rw [span_norm, span_norm, span_norm, ideal.span_mul_span', ← set.image_mul],
refine ideal.span_mono (set.monotone_image _),
rintros _ ⟨x, y, hxI, hyJ, rfl⟩,
exact ideal.mul_mem_mul hxI hyJ

/-- This condition `eq_bot_or_top` is equivalent to being a field.
However, `span_norm_mul_of_field` is harder to apply since we'd need to upgrade a `comm_ring R`
instance to a `field R` instance. -/
lemma span_norm_mul_of_bot_or_top [is_domain R] [is_domain S]
[ R S] [module.finite R S]
(eq_bot_or_top : ∀ I : ideal R, I = ⊥ ∨ I = ⊤)
(I J : ideal S) :
span_norm R (I * J) = span_norm R I * span_norm R J :=
refine le_antisymm _ (span_norm_mul_span_norm_le _ _ _),
cases eq_bot_or_top (span_norm R I) with hI hI,
{ rw [hI, hI, bot_mul, span_norm_bot],
exact bot_le },
rw [hI, ideal.top_mul],
cases eq_bot_or_top (span_norm R J) with hJ hJ,
{ rw [hJ, hJ, mul_bot, span_norm_bot],
exact bot_le },
rw hJ,
exact le_top

@[simp] lemma span_norm_mul_of_field {K : Type*} [field K] [algebra K S] [is_domain S]
[module.finite K S] (I J : ideal S) :
span_norm K (I * J) = span_norm K I * span_norm K J :=
span_norm_mul_of_bot_or_top K eq_bot_or_top I J

variables [is_domain R] [is_domain S] [is_dedekind_domain R] [is_dedekind_domain S]
variables [module.finite R S] [ R S]

/-- Multiplicativity of `ideal.span_norm`. simp-normal form is `map_mul (ideal.rel_norm R)`. -/
lemma span_norm_mul (I J : ideal S) : span_norm R (I * J) = span_norm R I * span_norm R J :=
nontriviality R,
casesI subsingleton_or_nontrivial S,
{ have : ∀ I : ideal S, I = ⊤ := λ I, subsingleton.elim I ⊤,
simp [this I, this J, this (I * J)] },
refine eq_of_localization_maximal _,
unfreezingI { intros P hP },
by_cases hP0 : P = ⊥,
{ unfreezingI { subst hP0 },
rw span_norm_mul_of_bot_or_top,
intros I,
refine or_iff_not_imp_right.mpr (λ hI, _),
exact (hP.eq_of_le hI bot_le).symm },
let P' := algebra.algebra_map_submonoid S P.prime_compl,
letI : algebra (localization.at_prime P) (localization P') :=
localization_algebra P.prime_compl S,
haveI : is_scalar_tower R (localization.at_prime P) (localization P') :=
is_scalar_tower.of_algebra_map_eq (λ x, (is_localization.map_eq _ _).symm),
have h : P' ≤ S⁰ :=
map_le_non_zero_divisors_of_injective _ (no_zero_smul_divisors.algebra_map_injective _ _)
haveI : is_domain (localization P') := is_localization.is_domain_localization h,
haveI : is_dedekind_domain (localization P') := is_localization.is_dedekind_domain S h _,
letI := classical.dec_eq (ideal (localization P')),
haveI : is_principal_ideal_ring (localization P') :=
is_dedekind_domain.is_principal_ideal_ring_localization_over_prime S P hP0,
rw [ideal.map_mul, ← span_norm_localization R I P.prime_compl (localization P'),
← span_norm_localization R J P.prime_compl (localization P'),
← span_norm_localization R (I * J) P.prime_compl (localization P'), ideal.map_mul,
← ( _).span_singleton_generator, ← ( _).span_singleton_generator,
span_singleton_mul_span_singleton, span_norm_singleton, span_norm_singleton,
span_norm_singleton, span_singleton_mul_span_singleton, _root_.map_mul],
repeat { apply_instance },
repeat { assumption },

/-- The relative norm `ideal.rel_norm R (I : ideal S)`, where `R` and `S` are Dedekind domains,
and `S` is an extension of `R` that is finite and free as a module. -/
def rel_norm : ideal S →*₀ ideal R :=
{ to_fun := span_norm R,
map_zero' := span_norm_bot R,
map_one' := by rw [one_eq_top, span_norm_top R, one_eq_top],
map_mul' := span_norm_mul R }

lemma rel_norm_apply (I : ideal S) :
rel_norm R I = span (algebra.norm R '' (I : set S) : set R) :=

@[simp] lemma span_norm_eq (I : ideal S) : span_norm R I = rel_norm R I := rfl

@[simp] lemma rel_norm_bot : rel_norm R (⊥ : ideal S) = ⊥ :=
by simpa only [zero_eq_bot] using map_zero (rel_norm R : ideal S →*₀ _)

@[simp] lemma rel_norm_top : rel_norm R (⊤ : ideal S) = ⊤ :=
by simpa only [one_eq_top] using map_one (rel_norm R : ideal S →*₀ _)

variables {R}

@[simp] lemma rel_norm_eq_bot_iff {I : ideal S} : rel_norm R I = ⊥ ↔ I = ⊥ :=

variables (R)

lemma norm_mem_rel_norm (I : ideal S) {x : S} (hx : x ∈ I) : algebra.norm R x ∈ rel_norm R I :=
norm_mem_span_norm R x hx

@[simp] lemma rel_norm_singleton (r : S) :
rel_norm R (span ({r} : set S)) = span {algebra.norm R r} :=
span_norm_singleton R

lemma map_rel_norm (I : ideal S) {T : Type*} [comm_ring T] (f : R →+* T) :
map f (rel_norm R I) = span ((f ∘ algebra.norm R) '' (I : set S)) :=
map_span_norm R I f

lemma rel_norm_mono {I J : ideal S} (h : I ≤ J) : rel_norm R I ≤ rel_norm R J :=
span_norm_mono R h

end ideal

end span_norm

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