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feat(category/subobject): complete_lattice instance (#6809)
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Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
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semorrison and semorrison committed Apr 7, 2021
1 parent 9157b57 commit 893173d
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Showing 5 changed files with 205 additions and 5 deletions.
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/limits/shapes/wide_pullbacks.lean
Expand Up @@ -96,6 +96,19 @@ def diagram_iso_wide_cospan (F : wide_pullback_shape J ⥤ C) :
F ≅ wide_cospan (F.obj none) (λ j, F.obj (some j)) (λ j, (hom.term j)) :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ j, eq_to_iso $ by tidy) $ by tidy

/-- Construct a cone over a wide cospan. -/
def mk_cone {F : wide_pullback_shape J ⥤ C} {X : C}
(f : X ⟶ F.obj none) (π : Π j, X ⟶ F.obj (some j))
(w : ∀ j, π j ≫ (hom.term j) = f) : cone F :=
{ X := X,
π :=
{ app := λ j, match j with
| none := f
| (some j) := π j
naturality' := λ j j' f, by { cases j; cases j'; cases f; unfold_aux; dsimp; simp [w], }, } }

end wide_pullback_shape

namespace wide_pushout_shape
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,6 +166,19 @@ def diagram_iso_wide_span (F : wide_pushout_shape J ⥤ C) :
F ≅ wide_span (F.obj none) (λ j, F.obj (some j)) (λ j, (hom.init j)) :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ j, eq_to_iso $ by tidy) $ by tidy

/-- Construct a cocone over a wide span. -/
def mk_cocone {F : wide_pushout_shape J ⥤ C} {X : C}
(f : F.obj none ⟶ X) (ι : Π j, F.obj (some j) ⟶ X)
(w : ∀ j, (hom.init j) ≫ ι j = f) : cocone F :=
{ X := X,
ι :=
{ app := λ j, match j with
| none := f
| (some j) := ι j
naturality' := λ j j' f, by { cases j; cases j'; cases f; unfold_aux; dsimp; simp [w], }, } }

end wide_pushout_shape

variables (C : Type u) [category.{v} C]
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/subobject/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -147,6 +147,11 @@ def arrow {X : C} (Y : subobject X) : (Y : C) ⟶ X :=
instance arrow_mono {X : C} (Y : subobject X) : mono (Y.arrow) :=
(representative.obj Y).property

lemma arrow_congr {A : C} (X Y : subobject A) (h : X = Y) :
eq_to_hom (congr_arg (λ X : subobject A, (X : C)) h) ≫ Y.arrow = X.arrow :=
by { induction h, simp, }

lemma representative_coe (Y : subobject X) :
(representative.obj Y : C) = (Y : C) :=
Expand Down
170 changes: 169 additions & 1 deletion src/category_theory/subobject/lattice.lean
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Bhavik Mehta, Scott Morrison
import category_theory.subobject.factor_thru
import category_theory.subobject.well_powered

# The lattice of subobjects
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,7 +238,7 @@ instance order_bot {X : C} : order_bot (subobject X) :=
refine quotient.ind' (λ f, _),
exact ⟨mono_over.bot_le f⟩,
..subobject.partial_order X}
..subobject.partial_order X }

lemma bot_eq_zero {B : C} : (⊥ : subobject B) = (0 : 0 ⟶ B) := rfl

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -478,6 +479,173 @@ instance {B : C} : bounded_lattice (subobject B) :=

end lattice

section Inf

variables [well_powered C]

The "wide cospan" diagram, with a small indexing type, constructed from a set of subobjects.
(This is just the diagram of all the subobjects pasted together, but using `well_powered C`
to make the diagram small.)
def wide_cospan {A : C} (s : set (subobject A)) :
wide_pullback_shape (equiv_shrink _ '' s) ⥤ C :=
wide_pullback_shape.wide_cospan A
(λ j : equiv_shrink _ '' s, (((equiv_shrink (subobject A)).symm j) : C))
(λ j, ((equiv_shrink (subobject A)).symm j).arrow)

@[simp] lemma wide_cospan_map_term {A : C} (s : set (subobject A)) (j) :
(wide_cospan s).map (wide_pullback_shape.hom.term j) =
((equiv_shrink (subobject A)).symm j).arrow :=

/-- Auxilliary construction of a cone for `le_Inf`. -/
def le_Inf_cone {A : C} (s : set (subobject A)) (f : subobject A) (k : Π (g ∈ s), f ≤ g) :
cone (wide_cospan s) :=
wide_pullback_shape.mk_cone f.arrow
(λ j, (hom_of_le (k _ (by { rcases j with ⟨-, ⟨g, ⟨m, rfl⟩⟩⟩, simpa using m, }))))
(by tidy)

@[simp] lemma le_Inf_cone_π_app_none
{A : C} (s : set (subobject A)) (f : subobject A) (k : Π (g ∈ s), f ≤ g) :
(le_Inf_cone s f k).π.app none = f.arrow :=

variables [has_wide_pullbacks C]

The limit of `wide_cospan s`. (This will be the supremum of the set of subobjects.)
def wide_pullback {A : C} (s : set (subobject A)) : C :=
limits.limit (wide_cospan s)

The inclusion map from `wide_pullback s` to `A`
def wide_pullback_ι {A : C} (s : set (subobject A)) :
wide_pullback s ⟶ A :=
limits.limit.π (wide_cospan s) none

instance wide_pullback_ι_mono {A : C} (s : set (subobject A)) :
mono (wide_pullback_ι s) :=
⟨λ W u v h, limit.hom_ext (λ j, begin
cases j,
{ exact h, },
{ apply (cancel_mono ((equiv_shrink (subobject A)).symm j).arrow).1,
rw [assoc, assoc],
erw limit.w (wide_cospan s) (wide_pullback_shape.hom.term j),
exact h, },

When `[well_powered C]` and `[has_wide_pullbacks C]`, `subobject A` has arbitrary infimums.
def Inf {A : C} (s : set (subobject A)) : subobject A := (wide_pullback_ι s)

lemma Inf_le {A : C} (s : set (subobject A)) (f ∈ s) :
Inf s ≤ f :=
fapply le_of_comm,
{ refine (underlying_iso _).hom ≫
(wide_cospan s)
(some ⟨equiv_shrink _ f, set.mem_image_of_mem (equiv_shrink (subobject A)) H⟩)) ≫ _,
apply eq_to_hom,
apply (congr_arg (λ X : subobject A, (X : C))),
exact (equiv.symm_apply_apply _ _), },
{ dsimp [Inf],
simp only [category.comp_id, category.assoc, ←underlying_iso_hom_comp_eq_mk,
subobject.arrow_congr, congr_arg_mpr_hom_left, iso.cancel_iso_hom_left],
convert limit.w (wide_cospan s) (wide_pullback_shape.hom.term _), },

lemma le_Inf {A : C} (s : set (subobject A)) (f : subobject A) (k : Π (g ∈ s), f ≤ g) :
f ≤ Inf s :=
fapply le_of_comm,
{ exact limits.limit.lift _ (le_Inf_cone s f k) ≫ (underlying_iso _).inv, },
{ dsimp [Inf, wide_pullback_ι],
simp, },

instance {B : C} : complete_semilattice_Inf (subobject B) :=
{ Inf := Inf,
Inf_le := Inf_le,
le_Inf := le_Inf,
..subobject.partial_order B }

end Inf

section Sup

variables [well_powered C] [has_coproducts C]

The univesal morphism out of the coproduct of a set of subobjects,
after using `[well_powered C]` to reindex by a small type.
def small_coproduct_desc {A : C} (s : set (subobject A)) : _ ⟶ A :=
limits.sigma.desc (λ j : equiv_shrink _ '' s, ((equiv_shrink (subobject A)).symm j).arrow)

variables [has_images C]

/-- When `[well_powered C] [has_images C] [has_coproducts C]`,
`subobject A` has arbitrary supremums. -/
def Sup {A : C} (s : set (subobject A)) : subobject A := (image.ι (small_coproduct_desc s))

lemma le_Sup {A : C} (s : set (subobject A)) (f ∈ s) :
f ≤ Sup s :=
fapply le_of_comm,
{ dsimp [Sup],
refine _ ≫ factor_thru_image _ ≫ (underlying_iso _).inv,
refine _ ≫ sigma.ι _ ⟨equiv_shrink _ f, (by simpa [set.mem_image] using H)⟩,
exact eq_to_hom (congr_arg (λ X : subobject A, (X : C)) (equiv.symm_apply_apply _ _).symm), },
{ dsimp [Sup, small_coproduct_desc],
simp, dsimp, simp, },

lemma symm_apply_mem_iff_mem_image {α β : Type*} (e : α ≃ β) (s : set α) (x : β) :
e.symm x ∈ s ↔ x ∈ e '' s :=
⟨λ h, ⟨e.symm x, h, by simp⟩, by { rintro ⟨a, m, rfl⟩, simpa using m, }⟩

lemma Sup_le {A : C} (s : set (subobject A)) (f : subobject A) (k : Π (g ∈ s), g ≤ f) :
Sup s ≤ f :=
fapply le_of_comm,
{ dsimp [Sup],
refine (underlying_iso _).hom ≫ image.lift ⟨_, f.arrow, _, _⟩,
{ refine sigma.desc _,
rintro ⟨g, m⟩,
refine (hom_of_le (k _ _)),
simpa [symm_apply_mem_iff_mem_image] using m, },
{ ext j, rcases j with ⟨j, m⟩, dsimp [small_coproduct_desc], simp, dsimp, simp, }, },
{ dsimp [Sup],
simp, },

instance {B : C} : complete_semilattice_Sup (subobject B) :=
{ Sup := Sup,
le_Sup := le_Sup,
Sup_le := Sup_le,
..subobject.partial_order B }

end Sup

section complete_lattice
variables [well_powered C] [has_wide_pullbacks C] [has_images C] [has_coproducts C]
[has_zero_morphisms C] [has_zero_object C]

instance {B : C} : complete_lattice (subobject B) :=
{ ..subobject.semilattice_inf_top,
..subobject.complete_semilattice_Sup, }

end complete_lattice

end subobject

end category_theory
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/category_theory/subobject/mono_over.lean
Expand Up @@ -65,8 +65,10 @@ instance : has_coe (mono_over X) C :=
lemma forget_obj_left {f} : ((forget X).obj f).left = (f : C) := rfl

@[simp] lemma mk'_coe' {X A : C} (f : A ⟶ X) [hf : mono f] : (mk' f : C) = A := rfl

/-- Convenience notation for the underlying arrow of a monomorphism over X. -/
abbreviation arrow (f : mono_over X) : _ ⟶ X := ((forget X).obj f).hom
abbreviation arrow (f : mono_over X) : (f : C) ⟶ X := ((forget X).obj f).hom

@[simp] lemma mk'_arrow {X A : C} (f : A ⟶ X) [hf : mono f] : (mk' f).arrow = f := rfl

Expand Down
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/measure_theory/measure_space.lean
Expand Up @@ -2131,8 +2131,8 @@ begin
ennreal.sub_add_cancel_of_le (h₂ t h_t_measurable_set)] },
have h_measure_sub_eq : (μ - ν) = measure_sub,
{ rw measure_theory.measure.sub_def, apply le_antisymm,
{ apply @Inf_le (measure α) measure.complete_semilattice_Inf, simp [le_refl, add_comm,
h_measure_sub_add] },
{ apply @Inf_le (measure α) measure.complete_semilattice_Inf,
simp [le_refl, add_comm, h_measure_sub_add] },
apply @le_Inf (measure α) measure.complete_semilattice_Inf,
intros d h_d, rw [← h_measure_sub_add, mem_set_of_eq, add_comm d] at h_d,
apply measure.le_of_add_le_add_left h_d },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2193,7 +2193,6 @@ begin
set.inter_assoc] } },
{ apply restrict_le_self } },
{ apply @Inf_le_Inf_of_forall_exists_le (measure α) _,

intros s h_s_in, cases h_s_in with t h_t, cases h_t with h_t_in h_t_eq, subst s,
apply exists.intro (t.restrict s), split,
{ rw [set.mem_set_of_eq, ← restrict_add],
Expand Down

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