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chore(linear_algebra/matrix/determinant): squeeze some simps for spee…
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I simply squeezed some simps in `linear_algebra/matrix/determinant` to obtain two much faster proofs.

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adomani committed Jul 1, 2021
1 parent 582ee9e commit 8986c4f
Showing 1 changed file with 23 additions and 17 deletions.
40 changes: 23 additions & 17 deletions src/linear_algebra/matrix/determinant.lean
Expand Up @@ -143,24 +143,24 @@ calc det (M ⬝ N) = ∑ p : n → n, ∑ σ : perm n, ε σ * ∏ i, (M (σ i)
... = ∑ p in (@univ (n → n) _).filter bijective, ∑ σ : perm n,
ε σ * ∏ i, (M (σ i) (p i) * N (p i) i) :
eq.symm $ sum_subset (filter_subset _ _)
(λ f _ hbij, det_mul_aux $ by simpa using hbij)
(λ f _ hbij, det_mul_aux $ by simpa only [true_and, mem_filter, mem_univ] using hbij)
... = ∑ τ : perm n, ∑ σ : perm n, ε σ * ∏ i, (M (σ i) (τ i) * N (τ i) i) :
sum_bij (λ p h, equiv.of_bijective p (mem_filter.1 h).2) (λ _ _, mem_univ _)
(λ _ _, rfl) (λ _ _ _ _ h, by injection h)
(λ b _, ⟨b, mem_filter.2 ⟨mem_univ _, b.bijective⟩, coe_fn_injective rfl⟩)
... = ∑ σ : perm n, ∑ τ : perm n, (∏ i, N (σ i) i) * ε τ * (∏ j, M (τ j) (σ j)) :
by simp [mul_sum, det_apply', mul_comm, mul_left_comm, prod_mul_distrib, mul_assoc]
by simp only [mul_comm, mul_left_comm, prod_mul_distrib, mul_assoc]
... = ∑ σ : perm n, ∑ τ : perm n, (((∏ i, N (σ i) i) * (ε σ * ε τ)) * ∏ i, M (τ i) i) :
sum_congr rfl (λ σ _, fintype.sum_equiv (equiv.mul_right σ⁻¹) _ _
(λ τ,
have ∏ j, M (τ j) (σ j) = ∏ j, M ((τ * σ⁻¹) j) j,
by rw ← σ⁻¹.prod_comp; simp [mul_apply],
by { rw ← σ⁻¹.prod_comp, simp only [equiv.perm.coe_mul, apply_inv_self] },
have h : ε σ * ε (τ * σ⁻¹) = ε τ :=
calc ε σ * ε (τ * σ⁻¹) = ε ((τ * σ⁻¹) * σ) :
by rw [mul_comm, sign_mul (τ * σ⁻¹)]; simp
... = ε τ : by simp,
by simp_rw [equiv.coe_mul_right, h]; simp [this, mul_comm, mul_assoc, mul_left_comm]))
... = det M * det N : by simp [det_apply', mul_assoc, mul_sum, mul_comm, mul_left_comm]
by { rw [mul_comm, sign_mul (τ * σ⁻¹)], simp only [int.cast_mul, units.coe_mul] }
... = ε τ : by simp only [inv_mul_cancel_right],
by { simp_rw [equiv.coe_mul_right, h], simp only [this] }))
... = det M * det N : by simp only [det_apply', finset.mul_sum, mul_comm, mul_left_comm]

instance : is_monoid_hom (det : matrix n n R → R) :=
{ map_one := det_one,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -489,10 +489,11 @@ begin
{ intros σ _,
rw mem_preserving_snd,
rintros ⟨k, x⟩,
simp },
simp only [prod_congr_left_apply] },
{ intros σ _,
rw [finset.prod_mul_distrib, ←finset.univ_product_univ, finset.prod_product, finset.prod_comm],
simp [sign_prod_congr_left] },
simp only [sign_prod_congr_left, units.coe_prod, int.coe_prod, block_diagonal_apply_eq,
prod_congr_left_apply] },
{ intros σ σ' _ _ eq,
ext x hx k,
simp only at eq,
Expand All @@ -507,18 +508,24 @@ begin
{ intro x, conv_rhs { rw [← perm.apply_inv_self σ x, hσ] } },
have mk_apply_eq : ∀ k x, ((σ (x, k)).fst, k) = σ (x, k),
{ intros k x,
ext; simp [hσ] },
{ simp only},
{ simp only [hσ] } },
have mk_inv_apply_eq : ∀ k x, ((σ⁻¹ (x, k)).fst, k) = σ⁻¹ (x, k),
{ intros k x,
conv_lhs { rw ← perm.apply_inv_self σ (x, k) },
ext; simp [hσ'] },
{ simp only [apply_inv_self] },
{ simp only [hσ'] } },
refine ⟨λ k _, ⟨λ x, (σ (x, k)).fst, λ x, (σ⁻¹ (x, k)).fst, _, _⟩, _, _⟩,
{ intro x,
simp [mk_apply_eq, mk_inv_apply_eq] },
simp only [mk_apply_eq, inv_apply_self] },
{ intro x,
simp [mk_apply_eq, mk_inv_apply_eq] },
simp only [mk_inv_apply_eq, apply_inv_self] },
{ apply finset.mem_univ },
{ ext ⟨k, x⟩; simp [hσ] } },
{ ext ⟨k, x⟩,
{ simp only [coe_fn_mk, prod_congr_left_apply] },
{ simp only [prod_congr_left_apply, hσ] } } },
{ intros σ _ hσ,
rw mem_preserving_snd at hσ,
obtain ⟨⟨k, x⟩, hkx⟩ := hσ,
Expand All @@ -545,7 +552,7 @@ begin
simp only [],
erw [set.mem_to_finset, monoid_hom.mem_range],
use σ₁₂,
simp },
simp only [sum_congr_hom_apply] },
{ simp only [forall_prop_of_true, prod.forall, mem_univ],
intros σ₁ σ₂,
rw fintype.prod_sum_type,
Expand All @@ -554,8 +561,7 @@ begin
have hr : ∀ (a b c d : R), (a * b) * (c * d) = a * c * (b * d), { intros, ac_refl },
rw hr,
rw sign_sum_congr },
rw [sign_sum_congr, units.coe_mul, int.cast_mul] },
{ intros σ₁ σ₂ h₁ h₂,
dsimp only [],
intro h,
Expand Down

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