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feat(cyclotomic/eval): (q - 1) ^ totient n < |ϕₙ(q)| (#12595)
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Originally from the Wedderburn PR, but generalized to include an exponent.

Co-authored-by: Alex J. Best <>

Co-authored-by: Alex J. Best <>
Co-authored-by: Johan Commelin <>
Co-authored-by: Alex J Best <>
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3 people committed Apr 28, 2022
1 parent 0d3f8a7 commit 8a32fdf
Showing 1 changed file with 174 additions and 5 deletions.
179 changes: 174 additions & 5 deletions src/ring_theory/polynomial/cyclotomic/eval.lean
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import ring_theory.polynomial.cyclotomic.basic
import tactic.by_contra
import topology.algebra.polynomial
import number_theory.padics.padic_val
import analysis.complex.arg

# Evaluating cyclotomic polynomials
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,19 +112,42 @@ begin
{ simpa only [eval_X, eval_one, cyclotomic_two, eval_add] using h.right.le } }

lemma cyclotomic_pos_and_nonneg (n : ℕ) {R} [linear_ordered_comm_ring R] (x : R) :
(1 < x → 0 < eval x (cyclotomic n R)) ∧ (1 ≤ x → 0 ≤ eval x (cyclotomic n R)) :=
rcases n with _ | _ | _ | n;
simp only [cyclotomic_zero, cyclotomic_one, cyclotomic_two, succ_eq_add_one,
eval_X, eval_one, eval_add, eval_sub, sub_nonneg, sub_pos,
zero_lt_one, zero_le_one, implies_true_iff, imp_self, and_self],
{ split; intro; linarith, },
{ have : 2 < n + 3 := dec_trivial,
split; intro; [skip, apply le_of_lt]; apply cyclotomic_pos this, },

/-- Cyclotomic polynomials are always positive on inputs larger than one.
Similar to `cyclotomic_pos` but with the condition on the input rather than index of the
cyclotomic polynomial. -/
lemma cyclotomic_pos' (n : ℕ) {R} [linear_ordered_comm_ring R] {x : R} (hx : 1 < x) :
0 < eval x (cyclotomic n R) :=
(cyclotomic_pos_and_nonneg n x).1 hx

/-- Cyclotomic polynomials are always nonnegative on inputs one or more. -/
lemma cyclotomic_nonneg (n : ℕ) {R} [linear_ordered_comm_ring R] {x : R} (hx : 1 ≤ x) :
0 ≤ eval x (cyclotomic n R) :=
(cyclotomic_pos_and_nonneg n x).2 hx

lemma eval_one_cyclotomic_not_prime_pow {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] {n : ℕ}
(h : ∀ {p : ℕ}, → ∀ k : ℕ, p ^ k ≠ n) : eval 1 (cyclotomic n R) = 1 :=
rcases n.eq_zero_or_pos with rfl | hn',
{ simp },
have hn : 2 < n := two_lt_of_ne hn'.ne' (h nat.prime_two 0).symm (h nat.prime_two 1).symm,
have hn'' : 1 < n := by linarith,
have hn : 1 < n := one_lt_iff_ne_zero_and_ne_one.mpr ⟨hn'.ne', (h nat.prime_two 0).symm⟩,
suffices : eval 1 (cyclotomic n ℤ) = 1 ∨ eval 1 (cyclotomic n ℤ) = -1,
{ cases this with h h,
{ have := eval_int_cast_map (int.cast_ring_hom R) (cyclotomic n ℤ) 1,
simpa only [map_cyclotomic, int.cast_one, h, ring_hom.eq_int_cast] using this },
{ exfalso,
linarith [cyclotomic_pos hn (1 : ℤ)] }, },
linarith [cyclotomic_nonneg n (le_refl (1 : ℤ))] }, },
rw [←int.nat_abs_eq_nat_abs_iff, int.nat_abs_one, nat.eq_one_iff_not_exists_prime_dvd],
intros p hp hpe,
haveI := hp,
Expand All @@ -135,7 +159,7 @@ begin
←one_geom_sum, ←eval_geom_sum, ←prod_cyclotomic_eq_geom_sum hn'],
apply eval_dvd,
apply finset.dvd_prod_of_mem,
simpa using and.intro hn'.ne' hn''.ne' },
simpa using and.intro hn'.ne'' },

have := prod_cyclotomic_eq_geom_sum hn' ℤ,
apply_fun eval 1 at this,
Expand All @@ -147,7 +171,7 @@ begin
{ simp only [not_exists, true_and, exists_prop, dvd_rfl, finset.mem_image, finset.mem_range,
finset.mem_singleton, finset.singleton_subset_iff, finset.mem_sdiff, nat.mem_divisors, not_and],
exact ⟨⟨hn'.ne', hn''.ne'⟩, λ t _, h hp _⟩ },
exact ⟨⟨hn'.ne','⟩, λ t _, h hp _⟩ },
rw [←int.nat_abs_of_nat p, int.nat_abs_dvd_iff_dvd] at hpe,
obtain ⟨t, ht⟩ := hpe,
rw [finset.prod_singleton, ht, mul_left_comm, mul_comm, ←mul_assoc, mul_assoc] at this,
Expand All @@ -160,4 +184,149 @@ begin
exact nat.pow_right_injective hp.two_le hxy }

lemma sub_one_pow_totient_lt_cyclotomic_eval {n : ℕ} {q : ℝ} (hn' : 2 ≤ n) (hq' : 1 < q) :
(q - 1) ^ totient n < (cyclotomic n ℝ).eval q :=
have hn : 0 < n := pos_of_gt hn',
have hq := zero_lt_one.trans hq',
have hfor : ∀ ζ' ∈ primitive_roots n ℂ, q - 1 ≤ ∥↑q - ζ'∥,
{ intros ζ' hζ',
rw mem_primitive_roots hn at hζ',
convert norm_sub_norm_le (↑q) ζ',
{ rw [complex.norm_real, real.norm_of_nonneg hq.le], },
{ rw [hζ'.norm'_eq_one'] } },
let ζ := complex.exp (2 * ↑real.pi * complex.I / ↑n),
have hζ : is_primitive_root ζ n := complex.is_primitive_root_exp n',
have hex : ∃ ζ' ∈ primitive_roots n ℂ, q - 1 < ∥↑q - ζ'∥,
{ refine ⟨ζ, (mem_primitive_roots hn).mpr hζ, _⟩,
suffices : ¬ same_ray ℝ (q : ℂ) ζ,
{ convert lt_norm_sub_of_not_same_ray this;
simp [real.norm_of_nonneg hq.le, hζ.norm'_eq_one'] },
rw complex.same_ray_iff,
refine ⟨by exact_mod_cast', hζ.ne_zero', _⟩,
rw [complex.arg_of_real_of_nonneg hq.le, ne.def, eq_comm, hζ.arg_eq_zero_iff'],
clear_value ζ,
rintro rfl,
linarith [hζ.unique] },
have : ¬eval ↑q (cyclotomic n ℂ) = 0,
{ erw cyclotomic.eval_apply q n (algebra_map ℝ ℂ),
simpa using (cyclotomic_pos' n hq').ne' },
suffices : (units.mk0 (real.to_nnreal (q - 1)) (by simp [hq'])) ^ totient n
< units.mk0 (∥(cyclotomic n ℂ).eval q∥₊) (by simp [this]),
{ simp only [←units.coe_lt_coe, units.coe_pow, units.coe_mk0, ← nnreal.coe_lt_coe, hq'.le,
real.to_nnreal_lt_to_nnreal_iff_of_nonneg, coe_nnnorm, complex.norm_eq_abs,
nnreal.coe_pow, real.coe_to_nnreal', max_eq_left, sub_nonneg] at this,
convert this,
erw [(cyclotomic.eval_apply q n (algebra_map ℝ ℂ)), eq_comm],
simp [cyclotomic_nonneg n hq'.le], },
simp only [cyclotomic_eq_prod_X_sub_primitive_roots hζ, eval_prod, eval_C,
eval_X, eval_sub, nnnorm_prod, units.mk0_prod],
convert prod_lt_prod' _ _,
swap, { exact λ _, units.mk0 (real.to_nnreal (q - 1)) (by simp [hq']) },
{ simp [complex.card_primitive_roots] },
{ simp only [subtype.coe_mk, mem_attach, forall_true_left, subtype.forall, ←units.coe_le_coe,
← nnreal.coe_le_coe, complex.abs_nonneg, hq'.le, units.coe_mk0, real.coe_to_nnreal',
coe_nnnorm, complex.norm_eq_abs, max_le_iff, tsub_le_iff_right],
intros x hx,
simpa using hfor x hx, },
{ simp only [subtype.coe_mk, mem_attach, exists_true_left, subtype.exists,
← nnreal.coe_lt_coe, ← units.coe_lt_coe, units.coe_mk0 _, coe_nnnorm],
simpa [hq'.le] using hex, },

lemma cyclotomic_eval_lt_sub_one_pow_totient {n : ℕ} {q : ℝ} (hn' : 3 ≤ n) (hq' : 1 < q) :
(cyclotomic n ℝ).eval q < (q + 1) ^ totient n :=
have hn : 0 < n := pos_of_gt hn',
have hq := zero_lt_one.trans hq',
have hfor : ∀ ζ' ∈ primitive_roots n ℂ, ∥↑q - ζ'∥ ≤ q + 1,
{ intros ζ' hζ',
rw mem_primitive_roots hn at hζ',
convert norm_sub_le (↑q) ζ',
{ rw [complex.norm_real, real.norm_of_nonneg (zero_le_one.trans_lt hq').le], },
{ rw [hζ'.norm'_eq_one'] }, },
let ζ := complex.exp (2 * ↑real.pi * complex.I / ↑n),
have hζ : is_primitive_root ζ n := complex.is_primitive_root_exp n',
have hex : ∃ ζ' ∈ primitive_roots n ℂ, ∥↑q - ζ'∥ < q + 1,
{ refine ⟨ζ, (mem_primitive_roots hn).mpr hζ, _⟩,
suffices : ¬ same_ray ℝ (q : ℂ) (-ζ),
{ convert norm_add_lt_of_not_same_ray this;
simp [real.norm_of_nonneg hq.le, hζ.norm'_eq_one', -complex.norm_eq_abs] },
rw complex.same_ray_iff,
refine ⟨by exact_mod_cast', neg_ne_zero.mpr $ hζ.ne_zero', _⟩,
rw [complex.arg_of_real_of_nonneg hq.le, ne.def, eq_comm],
intro h,
rw [complex.arg_eq_zero_iff, complex.neg_re, neg_nonneg, complex.neg_im, neg_eq_zero] at h,
have hζ₀ : ζ ≠ 0,
{ clear_value ζ,
rintro rfl,
exact' (hζ.unique },
have : ζ.re < 0 ∧ ζ.im = 0 := ⟨h.1.lt_of_ne _, h.2⟩,
rw [←complex.arg_eq_pi_iff, hζ.arg_eq_pi_iff'] at this,
rw this at hζ,
linarith [hζ.unique $ is_primitive_root.neg_one 0 two_ne_zero.symm],
{ contrapose! hζ₀,
ext; simp [hζ₀, h.2] } },
have : ¬eval ↑q (cyclotomic n ℂ) = 0,
{ erw cyclotomic.eval_apply q n (algebra_map ℝ ℂ),
simp only [complex.coe_algebra_map, complex.of_real_eq_zero],
exact (cyclotomic_pos' n hq').ne.symm, },
suffices : units.mk0 (∥(cyclotomic n ℂ).eval q∥₊) (by simp [this])
< (units.mk0 (real.to_nnreal (q + 1)) (by simp; linarith)) ^ totient n,
{ simp only [←units.coe_lt_coe, units.coe_pow, units.coe_mk0, ← nnreal.coe_lt_coe, hq'.le,
real.to_nnreal_lt_to_nnreal_iff_of_nonneg, coe_nnnorm, complex.norm_eq_abs,
nnreal.coe_pow, real.coe_to_nnreal', max_eq_left, sub_nonneg] at this,
convert this,
{ erw [(cyclotomic.eval_apply q n (algebra_map ℝ ℂ)), eq_comm],
simp [cyclotomic_nonneg n hq'.le] },
rw [eq_comm, max_eq_left_iff],
linarith },
simp only [cyclotomic_eq_prod_X_sub_primitive_roots hζ, eval_prod, eval_C,
eval_X, eval_sub, nnnorm_prod, units.mk0_prod],
convert prod_lt_prod' _ _,
swap, { exact λ _, units.mk0 (real.to_nnreal (q + 1)) (by simp; linarith only [hq']) },
{ simp [complex.card_primitive_roots], },
{ simp only [subtype.coe_mk, mem_attach, forall_true_left, subtype.forall, ←units.coe_le_coe,
← nnreal.coe_le_coe, complex.abs_nonneg, hq'.le, units.coe_mk0, real.coe_to_nnreal,
coe_nnnorm, complex.norm_eq_abs, max_le_iff],
intros x hx,
have : complex.abs _ ≤ _ := hfor x hx,
simp [this], },
{ simp only [subtype.coe_mk, mem_attach, exists_true_left, subtype.exists,
← nnreal.coe_lt_coe, ← units.coe_lt_coe, units.coe_mk0 _, coe_nnnorm],
obtain ⟨ζ, hζ, hhζ : complex.abs _ < _⟩ := hex,
exact ⟨ζ, hζ, by simp [hhζ]⟩ },

lemma sub_one_lt_nat_abs_cyclotomic_eval {n : ℕ} {q : ℕ} (hn' : 1 < n) (hq' : q ≠ 1) :
q - 1 < ((cyclotomic n ℤ).eval ↑q).nat_abs :=
rcases q with _ | _ | q,
iterate 2
{ rw [pos_iff_ne_zero, ne.def, int.nat_abs_eq_zero],
intro h,
have := degree_eq_one_of_irreducible_of_root (cyclotomic.irreducible (pos_of_gt hn')) h,
rw [degree_cyclotomic, with_top.coe_eq_one, totient_eq_one_iff] at this,
rcases this with rfl|rfl; simpa using h },
suffices : (q.succ : ℝ) < (eval (↑q + 1 + 1) (cyclotomic n ℤ)).nat_abs,
{ exact_mod_cast this },
calc _ ≤ ((q + 2 - 1) ^ n.totient : ℝ) : _
... < _ : _,
{ norm_num,
convert pow_mono (by simp : 1 ≤ (q : ℝ) + 1) (totient_pos (pos_of_gt hn') : 1 ≤ n.totient),
{ simp },
{ ring }, },
convert sub_one_pow_totient_lt_cyclotomic_eval (show 2 ≤ n, by linarith)
(show (1 : ℝ) < q + 2, by {norm_cast, linarith}),
erw cyclotomic.eval_apply (q + 2 : ℤ) n (algebra_map ℤ ℝ),
simp only [int.coe_nat_succ, ring_hom.eq_int_cast],
rw [int.coe_nat_abs_eq_normalize, int.normalize_of_nonneg],
simp only [int.coe_nat_succ],
exact cyclotomic_nonneg n (by linarith),

end polynomial

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