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chore(field_theory/minpoly): meaningful variable names (#5773)
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jcommelin committed Jan 18, 2021
1 parent db617b3 commit 8ab1a39
Showing 1 changed file with 85 additions and 86 deletions.
171 changes: 85 additions & 86 deletions src/field_theory/minpoly.lean
Expand Up @@ -10,41 +10,39 @@ import ring_theory.polynomial.gauss_lemma
# Minimal polynomials
This file defines the minimal polynomial of an element x of an A-algebra B,
under the assumption that x is integral over A.
This file defines the minimal polynomial of an element `x` of an `A`-algebra `B`,
under the assumption that x is integral over `A`.
After stating the defining property we specialize to the setting of field extensions
and derive some well-known properties, amongst which the fact that minimal polynomials
are irreducible, and uniquely determined by their defining property.

universes u v w

open_locale classical
open polynomial set function

variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
variables {A B : Type*}

section min_poly_def
variables [comm_ring α] [ring β] [algebra α β]
variables [comm_ring A] [ring B] [algebra A B]

/-- Let `B` be an `A`-algebra, and `x` an element of `B` that is integral over `A`
so we have some term `hx : is_integral A x`.
The minimal polynomial `minpoly hx` of `x` is a monic polynomial of smallest degree
that has `x` as its root.
For instance, if `V` is a `K`-vector space for some field `K`, and `f : V →ₗ[K] V` then
the minimal polynomial of `f` is `minpoly f.is_integral`. -/
noncomputable def minpoly {x : β} (hx : is_integral α x) : polynomial α :=
noncomputable def minpoly {x : B} (hx : is_integral A x) : polynomial A :=
well_founded.min degree_lt_wf _ hx

end min_poly_def

namespace minpoly

section ring
variables [comm_ring α] [ring β] [algebra α β]
variables {x : β} (hx : is_integral α x)
variables [comm_ring A] [ring B] [algebra A B]
variables {x : B} (hx : is_integral A x)

/--A minimal polynomial is monic.-/
lemma monic : monic (minpoly hx) :=
Expand All @@ -56,34 +54,34 @@ lemma monic : monic (minpoly hx) :=

/--The defining property of the minimal polynomial of an element x:
it is the monic polynomial with smallest degree that has x as its root.-/
lemma min {p : polynomial α} (pmonic : p.monic) (hp : polynomial.aeval x p = 0) :
lemma min {p : polynomial A} (pmonic : p.monic) (hp : polynomial.aeval x p = 0) :
degree (minpoly hx) ≤ degree p :=
le_of_not_lt $ well_founded.not_lt_min degree_lt_wf _ hx ⟨pmonic, hp⟩

/-- A minimal polynomial is nonzero. -/
lemma ne_zero [nontrivial α] : (minpoly hx) ≠ 0 :=
lemma ne_zero [nontrivial A] : (minpoly hx) ≠ 0 :=
ne_zero_of_monic (monic hx)

/-- If an element `x` is a root of a nonzero monic polynomial `p`,
then the degree of `p` is at least the degree of the minimal polynomial of `x`. -/
lemma degree_le_of_monic
{p : polynomial α} (hmonic : p.monic) (hp : polynomial.aeval x p = 0) :
{p : polynomial A} (hmonic : p.monic) (hp : polynomial.aeval x p = 0) :
degree (minpoly hx) ≤ degree p :=
min _ hmonic (by simp [hp])

end ring

section integral_domain

variables [integral_domain α]
variables [integral_domain A]

section ring

variables [ring β] [algebra α β] [nontrivial β]
variables {x : β} (hx : is_integral α x)
variables [ring B] [algebra A B] [nontrivial B]
variables {x : B} (hx : is_integral A x)

/--The degree of a minimal polynomial is positive. -/
lemma degree_pos [nontrivial α] : 0 < degree (minpoly hx) :=
/-- The degree of a minimal polynomial is positive. -/
lemma degree_pos [nontrivial A] : 0 < degree (minpoly hx) :=
apply lt_of_le_of_ne,
{ simpa only [zero_le_degree_iff] using ne_zero hx },
Expand All @@ -99,25 +97,25 @@ end

/-- If `L/K` is a ring extension, and `x` is an element of `L` in the image of `K`,
then the minimal polynomial of `x` is `X - C x`. -/
lemma eq_X_sub_C_of_algebra_map_inj [nontrivial α] (a : α)
(hf : function.injective (algebra_map α β)) :
minpoly (@is_integral_algebra_map α β _ _ _ a) = X - C a :=
lemma eq_X_sub_C_of_algebra_map_inj [nontrivial A] (a : A)
(hf : function.injective (algebra_map A B)) :
minpoly (@is_integral_algebra_map A B _ _ _ a) = X - C a :=
have hdegle : (minpoly (@is_integral_algebra_map α β _ _ _ a)).nat_degree ≤ 1,
have hdegle : (minpoly (@is_integral_algebra_map A B _ _ _ a)).nat_degree ≤ 1,
{ apply with_bot.coe_le_coe.1,
rw [←degree_eq_nat_degree (ne_zero (@is_integral_algebra_map α β _ _ _ a)),
rw [←degree_eq_nat_degree (ne_zero (@is_integral_algebra_map A B _ _ _ a)),
with_top.coe_one, ←degree_X_sub_C a],
refine degree_le_of_monic (@is_integral_algebra_map α β _ _ _ a) (monic_X_sub_C a) _,
refine degree_le_of_monic (@is_integral_algebra_map A B _ _ _ a) (monic_X_sub_C a) _,
simp only [aeval_C, aeval_X, alg_hom.map_sub, sub_self] },
have hdeg : (minpoly (@is_integral_algebra_map α β _ _ _ a)).degree = 1,
{ apply (degree_eq_iff_nat_degree_eq (ne_zero (@is_integral_algebra_map α β _ _ _ a))).2,
have hdeg : (minpoly (@is_integral_algebra_map A B _ _ _ a)).degree = 1,
{ apply (degree_eq_iff_nat_degree_eq (ne_zero (@is_integral_algebra_map A B _ _ _ a))).2,
exact (has_le.le.antisymm hdegle (nat.succ_le_of_lt (with_bot.coe_lt_coe.1
(lt_of_lt_of_le (degree_pos (@is_integral_algebra_map α β _ _ _ a)) degree_le_nat_degree)))) },
(lt_of_lt_of_le (degree_pos (@is_integral_algebra_map A B _ _ _ a)) degree_le_nat_degree)))) },
have hrw := eq_X_add_C_of_degree_eq_one hdeg,
simp only [monic (@is_integral_algebra_map α β _ _ _ a), one_mul,
simp only [monic (@is_integral_algebra_map A B _ _ _ a), one_mul,
monic.leading_coeff, ring_hom.map_one] at hrw,
have h0 : (minpoly (@is_integral_algebra_map α β _ _ _ a)).coeff 0 = -a,
{ have hroot := aeval (@is_integral_algebra_map α β _ _ _ a),
have h0 : (minpoly (@is_integral_algebra_map A B _ _ _ a)).coeff 0 = -a,
{ have hroot := aeval (@is_integral_algebra_map A B _ _ _ a),
rw [hrw, add_comm] at hroot,
simp only [aeval_C, aeval_X, aeval_add] at hroot,
replace hroot := eq_neg_of_add_eq_zero hroot,
Expand All @@ -135,11 +133,11 @@ end ring

section domain

variables [domain β] [algebra α β]
variables {x : β} (hx : is_integral α x)
variables [domain B] [algebra A B]
variables {x : B} (hx : is_integral A x)

/-- If `a` strictly divides the minimal polynomial of `x`, then `x` cannot be a root for `a`. -/
lemma aeval_ne_zero_of_dvd_not_unit_minpoly {a : polynomial α}
lemma aeval_ne_zero_of_dvd_not_unit_minpoly {a : polynomial A}
(hamonic : a.monic) (hdvd : dvd_not_unit a (minpoly hx)) :
polynomial.aeval x a ≠ 0 :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,26 +199,26 @@ end domain
end integral_domain

section field
variables [field α]
variables [field A]

section ring
variables [ring β] [algebra α β]
variables {x : β} (hx : is_integral α x)
variables [ring B] [algebra A B]
variables {x : B} (hx : is_integral A x)

/--If an element x is a root of a nonzero polynomial p,
then the degree of p is at least the degree of the minimal polynomial of x.-/
/-- If an element `x` is a root of a nonzero polynomial `p`,
then the degree of `p` is at least the degree of the minimal polynomial of `x`. -/
lemma degree_le_of_ne_zero
{p : polynomial α} (pnz : p ≠ 0) (hp : polynomial.aeval x p = 0) :
{p : polynomial A} (pnz : p ≠ 0) (hp : polynomial.aeval x p = 0) :
degree (minpoly hx) ≤ degree p :=
calc degree (minpoly hx) ≤ degree (p * C (leading_coeff p)⁻¹) :
min _ (monic_mul_leading_coeff_inv pnz) (by simp [hp])
... = degree p : degree_mul_leading_coeff_inv p pnz

/--The minimal polynomial of an element x is uniquely characterized by its defining property:
if there is another monic polynomial of minimal degree that has x as a root,
then this polynomial is equal to the minimal polynomial of x.-/
lemma unique {p : polynomial α} (pmonic : p.monic) (hp : polynomial.aeval x p = 0)
(pmin : ∀ q : polynomial α, q.monic → polynomial.aeval x q = 0 → degree p ≤ degree q) :
/-- The minimal polynomial of an element `x` is uniquely characterized by its defining property:
if there is another monic polynomial of minimal degree that has `x` as a root,
then this polynomial is equal to the minimal polynomial of `x`. -/
lemma unique {p : polynomial A} (pmonic : p.monic) (hp : polynomial.aeval x p = 0)
(pmin : ∀ q : polynomial A, q.monic → polynomial.aeval x q = 0 → degree p ≤ degree q) :
p = minpoly hx :=
symmetry, apply eq_of_sub_eq_zero,
Expand All @@ -233,8 +231,9 @@ begin
(pmin (minpoly hx) (monic hx) (aeval hx)) },

/--If an element x is a root of a polynomial p, then the minimal polynomial of x divides p.-/
lemma dvd {p : polynomial α} (hp : polynomial.aeval x p = 0) :
/-- If an element `x` is a root of a polynomial `p`, then the minimal polynomial of `x` divides `p`.
lemma dvd {p : polynomial A} (hp : polynomial.aeval x p = 0) :
minpoly hx ∣ p :=
rw ← dvd_iff_mod_by_monic_eq_zero (monic hx),
Expand All @@ -246,14 +245,14 @@ begin
simpa using hp }

lemma dvd_map_of_is_scalar_tower {α γ : Type*} (β : Type*) [comm_ring α] [field β] [comm_ring γ]
[algebra α β] [algebra α γ] [algebra β γ] [is_scalar_tower α β γ] {x : γ} (hx : is_integral α x) :
minpoly (is_integral_of_is_scalar_tower x hx) ∣ (minpoly hx).map (algebra_map α β) :=
lemma dvd_map_of_is_scalar_tower {A γ : Type*} (B : Type*) [comm_ring A] [field B] [comm_ring γ]
[algebra A B] [algebra A γ] [algebra B γ] [is_scalar_tower A B γ] {x : γ} (hx : is_integral A x) :
minpoly (is_integral_of_is_scalar_tower x hx) ∣ (minpoly hx).map (algebra_map A B) :=
by { apply minpoly.dvd, rw [← is_scalar_tower.aeval_apply, minpoly.aeval] }

variables [nontrivial β]
variables [nontrivial B]

theorem unique' {p : polynomial α} (hp1 : _root_.irreducible p) (hp2 : polynomial.aeval x p = 0)
theorem unique' {p : polynomial A} (hp1 : _root_.irreducible p) (hp2 : polynomial.aeval x p = 0)
(hp3 : p.monic) : p = minpoly hx :=
let ⟨q, hq⟩ := dvd hx hp2 in
eq_of_monic_of_associated hp3 (monic hx) $
Expand All @@ -264,16 +263,16 @@ section gcd_domain

/-- For GCD domains, the minimal polynomial over the ring is the same as the minimal polynomial
over the fraction field. -/
lemma gcd_domain_eq_field_fractions {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type w} [integral_domain α]
[gcd_monoid α] [field β] [integral_domain γ] (f : fraction_map α β) [algebra f.codomain γ]
[algebra α γ] [is_scalar_tower α f.codomain γ] {x : γ} (hx : is_integral α x) :
minpoly (@is_integral_of_is_scalar_tower α f.codomain γ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x hx) =
lemma gcd_domain_eq_field_fractions {A K R : Type*} [integral_domain A]
[gcd_monoid A] [field K] [integral_domain R] (f : fraction_map A K) [algebra f.codomain R]
[algebra A R] [is_scalar_tower A f.codomain R] {x : R} (hx : is_integral A x) :
minpoly (@is_integral_of_is_scalar_tower A f.codomain R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x hx) =
((minpoly hx).map (localization_map.to_ring_hom f)) :=
refine (unique' (@is_integral_of_is_scalar_tower α f.codomain γ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x hx) _ _ _).symm,
refine (unique' (@is_integral_of_is_scalar_tower A f.codomain R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x hx) _ _ _).symm,
{ exact (polynomial.is_primitive.irreducible_iff_irreducible_map_fraction_map f
(polynomial.monic.is_primitive (monic hx))).1 (irreducible hx) },
{ have htower := is_scalar_tower.aeval_apply α f.codomain γ x (minpoly hx),
{ have htower := is_scalar_tower.aeval_apply A f.codomain R x (minpoly hx),
simp only [localization_map.algebra_map_eq, aeval] at htower,
exact htower.symm },
{ exact monic_map _ (monic hx) }
Expand All @@ -282,27 +281,27 @@ end
/-- The minimal polynomial over `ℤ` is the same as the minimal polynomial over `ℚ`. -/
--TODO use `gcd_domain_eq_field_fractions` directly when localizations are defined
-- in terms of algebras instead of `ring_hom`s
lemma over_int_eq_over_rat {α : Type u} [integral_domain α] {x : α} [algebra ℚ α]
lemma over_int_eq_over_rat {A : Type*} [integral_domain A] {x : A} [algebra ℚ A]
(hx : is_integral ℤ x) :
minpoly (@is_integral_of_is_scalar_tower ℤ ℚ α _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x hx) =
minpoly (@is_integral_of_is_scalar_tower ℤ ℚ A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x hx) =
map (int.cast_ring_hom ℚ) (minpoly hx) :=
refine (unique' (@is_integral_of_is_scalar_tower ℤ ℚ α _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x hx) _ _ _).symm,
refine (unique' (@is_integral_of_is_scalar_tower ℤ ℚ A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x hx) _ _ _).symm,
{ exact (
(polynomial.monic.is_primitive (monic hx))).1 (irreducible hx) },
{ have htower := is_scalar_tower.aeval_apply ℤ ℚ α x (minpoly hx),
{ have htower := is_scalar_tower.aeval_apply ℤ ℚ A x (minpoly hx),
simp only [localization_map.algebra_map_eq, aeval] at htower,
exact htower.symm },
{ exact monic_map _ (monic hx) }

/-- For GCD domains, the minimal polynomial divides any primitive polynomial that has the integral
element as root. -/
lemma gcd_domain_dvd {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type w}
[integral_domain α] [gcd_monoid α] [field β] [integral_domain γ]
(f : fraction_map α β) [algebra f.codomain γ] [algebra α γ] [is_scalar_tower α f.codomain γ]
{x : γ} (hx : is_integral α x)
{P : polynomial α} (hprim : is_primitive P) (hroot : polynomial.aeval x P = 0) :
lemma gcd_domain_dvd {A K R : Type*}
[integral_domain A] [gcd_monoid A] [field K] [integral_domain R]
(f : fraction_map A K) [algebra f.codomain R] [algebra A R] [is_scalar_tower A f.codomain R]
{x : R} (hx : is_integral A x)
{P : polynomial A} (hprim : is_primitive P) (hroot : polynomial.aeval x P = 0) :
minpoly hx ∣ P :=
apply (is_primitive.dvd_iff_fraction_map_dvd_fraction_map f
Expand All @@ -316,7 +315,7 @@ end
as root. -/
-- TODO use `gcd_domain_dvd` directly when localizations are defined in terms of algebras
-- instead of `ring_hom`s
lemma integer_dvd {α : Type u} [integral_domain α] [algebra ℚ α] {x : α} (hx : is_integral ℤ x)
lemma integer_dvd {A : Type*} [integral_domain A] [algebra ℚ A] {x : A} (hx : is_integral ℤ x)
{P : polynomial ℤ} (hprim : is_primitive P) (hroot : polynomial.aeval x P = 0) :
minpoly hx ∣ P :=
Expand All @@ -329,35 +328,35 @@ end

end gcd_domain

variable (β)
/--If L/K is a field extension, and x is an element of L in the image of K,
then the minimal polynomial of x is X - C x.-/
lemma eq_X_sub_C (a : α) :
minpoly (@is_integral_algebra_map α β _ _ _ a) =
variable (B)
/-- If `L/K` is a field extension, and `x` is an element of `L` in the image of `K`,
then the minimal polynomial of `x` is `X - C x`. -/
lemma eq_X_sub_C (a : A) :
minpoly (@is_integral_algebra_map A B _ _ _ a) =
X - C a :=
eq.symm $ unique' (@is_integral_algebra_map α β _ _ _ a) (irreducible_X_sub_C a)
eq.symm $ unique' (@is_integral_algebra_map A B _ _ _ a) (irreducible_X_sub_C a)
(by rw [alg_hom.map_sub, aeval_X, aeval_C, sub_self]) (monic_X_sub_C a)
variable {β}
variable {B}

/--The minimal polynomial of 0 is X.-/
@[simp] lemma zero {h₀ : is_integral α (0:β)} :
/-- The minimal polynomial of `0` is `X`. -/
@[simp] lemma zero {h₀ : is_integral A (0:B)} :
minpoly h₀ = X :=
by simpa only [add_zero, C_0, sub_eq_add_neg, neg_zero, ring_hom.map_zero]
using eq_X_sub_C β (0:α)
using eq_X_sub_C B (0:A)

/--The minimal polynomial of 1 is X - 1.-/
@[simp] lemma one {h₁ : is_integral α (1:β)} :
/-- The minimal polynomial of `1` is `X - 1`. -/
@[simp] lemma one {h₁ : is_integral A (1:B)} :
minpoly h₁ = X - 1 :=
by simpa only [ring_hom.map_one, C_1, sub_eq_add_neg]
using eq_X_sub_C β (1:α)
using eq_X_sub_C B (1:A)

end ring

section domain
variables [domain β] [algebra α β]
variables {x : β} (hx : is_integral α x)
variables [domain B] [algebra A B]
variables {x : B} (hx : is_integral A x)

/--A minimal polynomial is prime.-/
/-- A minimal polynomial is prime. -/
lemma prime : prime (minpoly hx) :=
refine ⟨ne_zero hx, not_is_unit hx, _⟩,
Expand All @@ -367,10 +366,10 @@ begin
exact or.imp (dvd hx) (dvd hx) this

/--If L/K is a field extension and an element y of K is a root of the minimal polynomial
of an element x ∈ L, then y maps to x under the field embedding.-/
lemma root {x : β} (hx : is_integral α x) {y : α}
(h : is_root (minpoly hx) y) : algebra_map α β y = x :=
/-- If `L/K` is a field extension and an element `y` of `K` is a root of the minimal polynomial
of an element `x ∈ L`, then `y` maps to `x` under the field embedding. -/
lemma root {x : B} (hx : is_integral A x) {y : A} (h : is_root (minpoly hx) y) :
algebra_map A B y = x :=
have key : minpoly hx = X - C y :=
eq_of_monic_of_associated (monic hx) (monic_X_sub_C y) (associated_of_dvd_dvd
(dvd_symm_of_irreducible (irreducible_X_sub_C y) (irreducible hx) (dvd_iff_is_root.2 h))
Expand Down

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