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feat(analysis/asymptotics): prove that a function has derivative 0 us…
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…ing asymptotics (#16934)

* From the sphere eversion project
* Needed for computing derivatives of the parametric interval integral

Co-authored by: Patrick Massot [](
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fpvandoorn committed Oct 19, 2022
1 parent 813725f commit 8bf2477
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Showing 3 changed files with 64 additions and 3 deletions.
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/asymptotics/asymptotics.lean
Expand Up @@ -101,6 +101,9 @@ by simp only [is_O, is_O_with]
lemma is_O.of_bound (c : ℝ) (h : ∀ᶠ x in l, ∥f x∥ ≤ c * ∥g x∥) : f =O[l] g :=
is_O_iff.2 ⟨c, h⟩

lemma is_O.of_bound' (h : ∀ᶠ x in l, ∥f x∥ ≤ ∥g x∥) : f =O[l] g :=
is_O.of_bound 1 $ by { simp_rw one_mul, exact h }

lemma is_O.bound : f =O[l] g → ∃ c : ℝ, ∀ᶠ x in l, ∥f x∥ ≤ c * ∥g x∥ := is_O_iff.1

/-- The Landau notation `f =o[l] g` where `f` and `g` are two functions on a type `α` and `l` is
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -382,6 +385,14 @@ let ⟨c, cpos, hc⟩ := hfg.exists_pos in hc.trans_is_o hgk cpos
(hgk : g =o[l] k) : f =o[l] k :=
hfg.trans_is_O_with hgk.is_O_with one_pos

lemma _root_.filter.eventually.trans_is_O {f : α → E} {g : α → F'} {k : α → G}
(hfg : ∀ᶠ x in l, ∥f x∥ ≤ ∥g x∥) (hgk : g =O[l] k) : f =O[l] k :=
(is_O.of_bound' hfg).trans hgk

lemma _root_.filter.eventually.is_O {f : α → E} {g : α → ℝ} {l : filter α}
(hfg : ∀ᶠ x in l, ∥f x∥ ≤ g x) : f =O[l] g :=
is_O.of_bound' $ hfg.mono $ λ x hx, hx.trans $ real.le_norm_self _


variable (l)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1547,6 +1558,28 @@ theorem is_o_norm_pow_id {n : ℕ} (h : 1 < n) :
(λ x : E', ∥x∥^n) =o[𝓝 0] (λ x, x) :=
by simpa only [pow_one, is_o_norm_right] using @is_o_norm_pow_norm_pow E' _ _ _ h

lemma is_O.eq_zero_of_norm_pow_within {f : E'' → F''} {s : set E''} {x₀ : E''} {n : ℕ}
(h : f =O[𝓝[s] x₀] λ x, ∥x - x₀∥ ^ n) (hx₀ : x₀ ∈ s) (hn : 0 < n) : f x₀ = 0 :=
mem_of_mem_nhds_within hx₀ h.eq_zero_imp $ by simp_rw [sub_self, norm_zero, zero_pow hn]

lemma is_O.eq_zero_of_norm_pow {f : E'' → F''} {x₀ : E''} {n : ℕ}
(h : f =O[𝓝 x₀] λ x, ∥x - x₀∥ ^ n) (hn : 0 < n) : f x₀ = 0 :=
by { rw [← nhds_within_univ] at h, exact h.eq_zero_of_norm_pow_within (mem_univ _) hn }

lemma is_o_pow_sub_pow_sub (x₀ : E') {n m : ℕ} (h : n < m) :
(λ x, ∥x - x₀∥ ^ m) =o[𝓝 x₀] λ x, ∥x - x₀∥^n :=
have : tendsto (λ x, ∥x - x₀∥) (𝓝 x₀) (𝓝 0),
{ apply tendsto_norm_zero.comp,
rw ← sub_self x₀,
exact tendsto_id.sub tendsto_const_nhds },
exact (is_o_pow_pow h).comp_tendsto this

lemma is_o_pow_sub_sub (x₀ : E') {m : ℕ} (h : 1 < m) :
(λ x, ∥x - x₀∥^m) =o[𝓝 x₀] λ x, x - x₀ :=
by simpa only [is_o_norm_right, pow_one] using is_o_pow_sub_pow_sub x₀ h

theorem is_O_with.right_le_sub_of_lt_1 {f₁ f₂ : α → E'} (h : is_O_with c l f₁ f₂) (hc : c < 1) :
is_O_with (1 / (1 - c)) l f₂ (λx, f₂ x - f₁ x) :=
is_O_with.of_bound $ mem_of_superset h.bound $ λ x hx,
Expand Down
32 changes: 29 additions & 3 deletions src/analysis/calculus/fderiv.lean
Expand Up @@ -346,6 +346,8 @@ lemma has_fderiv_at.differentiable_at (h : has_fderiv_at f f' x) : differentiabl
has_fderiv_within_at f f' univ x ↔ has_fderiv_at f f' x :=
by { simp only [has_fderiv_within_at, nhds_within_univ], refl }

alias has_fderiv_within_at_univ ↔ has_fderiv_within_at.has_fderiv_at_of_univ _

lemma has_fderiv_within_at_insert {y : E} {g' : E →L[𝕜] F} :
has_fderiv_within_at g g' (insert y s) x ↔ has_fderiv_within_at g g' s x :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -406,7 +408,7 @@ lemma has_fderiv_at.lim (hf : has_fderiv_at f f' x) (v : E) {α : Type*} {c : α
{l : filter α} (hc : tendsto (λ n, ∥c n∥) l at_top) :
tendsto (λ n, (c n) • (f (x + (c n)⁻¹ • v) - f x)) l (𝓝 (f' v)) :=
refine (has_fderiv_within_at_univ.2 hf).lim _ (univ_mem' (λ _, trivial)) hc _,
refine (has_fderiv_within_at_univ.2 hf).lim _ univ_mem hc _,
assume U hU,
refine (eventually_ne_of_tendsto_norm_at_top hc (0:𝕜)).mono (λ y hy, _),
convert mem_of_mem_nhds hU,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -646,6 +648,30 @@ lemma fderiv_within_mem_iff {f : E → F} {t : set E} {s : set (E →L[𝕜] F)}
by by_cases hx : differentiable_within_at 𝕜 f t x;
simp [fderiv_within_zero_of_not_differentiable_within_at, *]

lemma asymptotics.is_O.has_fderiv_within_at {s : set E} {x₀ : E} {n : ℕ}
(h : f =O[𝓝[s] x₀] λ x, ∥x - x₀∥^n) (hx₀ : x₀ ∈ s) (hn : 1 < n) :
has_fderiv_within_at f (0 : E →L[𝕜] F) s x₀ :=
by simp_rw [has_fderiv_within_at, has_fderiv_at_filter,
h.eq_zero_of_norm_pow_within hx₀ $ zero_lt_one.trans hn, zero_apply, sub_zero,
h.trans_is_o ((is_o_pow_sub_sub x₀ hn).mono nhds_within_le_nhds)]

lemma asymptotics.is_O.has_fderiv_at {x₀ : E} {n : ℕ}
(h : f =O[𝓝 x₀] λ x, ∥x - x₀∥^n) (hn : 1 < n) :
has_fderiv_at f (0 : E →L[𝕜] F) x₀ :=
rw [← nhds_within_univ] at h,
exact (h.has_fderiv_within_at (mem_univ _) hn).has_fderiv_at_of_univ

lemma has_fderiv_within_at.is_O {f : E → F} {s : set E} {x₀ : E} {f' : E →L[𝕜] F}
(h : has_fderiv_within_at f f' s x₀) :
(λ x, f x - f x₀) =O[𝓝[s] x₀] λ x, x - x₀ :=
by simpa only [sub_add_cancel] using h.is_O.add (is_O_sub f' (𝓝[s] x₀) x₀)

lemma has_fderiv_at.is_O {f : E → F} {x₀ : E} {f' : E →L[𝕜] F} (h : has_fderiv_at f f' x₀) :
(λ x, f x - f x₀) =O[𝓝 x₀] λ x, x - x₀ :=
by simpa only [sub_add_cancel] using h.is_O.add (is_O_sub f' (𝓝 x₀) x₀)

end fderiv_properties

section continuous
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2699,7 +2725,7 @@ end

lemma comp_has_fderiv_at_iff {f : G → E} {x : G} {f' : G →L[𝕜] E} :
has_fderiv_at (iso ∘ f) ((iso : E →L[𝕜] F).comp f') x ↔ has_fderiv_at f f' x :=
by rw [← has_fderiv_within_at_univ, ← has_fderiv_within_at_univ, iso.comp_has_fderiv_within_at_iff]
by simp_rw [← has_fderiv_within_at_univ, iso.comp_has_fderiv_within_at_iff]

lemma comp_has_fderiv_within_at_iff'
{f : G → E} {s : set G} {x : G} {f' : G →L[𝕜] F} :
Expand All @@ -2710,7 +2736,7 @@ by rw [← iso.comp_has_fderiv_within_at_iff, ← continuous_linear_map.comp_ass

lemma comp_has_fderiv_at_iff' {f : G → E} {x : G} {f' : G →L[𝕜] F} :
has_fderiv_at (iso ∘ f) f' x ↔ has_fderiv_at f ((iso.symm : F →L[𝕜] E).comp f') x :=
by rw [← has_fderiv_within_at_univ, ← has_fderiv_within_at_univ, iso.comp_has_fderiv_within_at_iff']
by simp_rw [← has_fderiv_within_at_univ, iso.comp_has_fderiv_within_at_iff']

lemma comp_fderiv_within {f : G → E} {s : set G} {x : G}
(hxs : unique_diff_within_at 𝕜 s x) :
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/normed/field/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -638,6 +638,8 @@ abs_of_nonneg hx
lemma norm_of_nonpos {x : ℝ} (hx : x ≤ 0) : ∥x∥ = -x :=
abs_of_nonpos hx

lemma le_norm_self (r : ℝ) : r ≤ ∥r∥ := le_abs_self r

@[simp] lemma norm_coe_nat (n : ℕ) : ∥(n : ℝ)∥ = n := abs_of_nonneg n.cast_nonneg

@[simp] lemma nnnorm_coe_nat (n : ℕ) : ∥(n : ℝ)∥₊ = n := nnreal.eq $ by simp
Expand Down

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