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feat(category_theory/limits/concrete_category): Some lemmas about fil…
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…tered colimits (#10270)

This PR adds some lemmas about (filtered) colimits in concrete categories which are preserved under the forgetful functor.

This will be used later for the sheafification construction.
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adamtopaz committed Nov 11, 2021
1 parent dfa7363 commit 8c1fa70
Showing 1 changed file with 90 additions and 0 deletions.
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/limits/concrete_category.lean
Expand Up @@ -127,6 +127,96 @@ lemma concrete.colimit_exists_rep [has_colimit F] (x : colimit F) :
∃ (j : J) (y : F.obj j), colimit.ι F j y = x :=
concrete.is_colimit_exists_rep F (colimit.is_colimit _) x

lemma concrete.is_colimit_rep_eq_of_exists {D : cocone F} {i j : J} (hD : is_colimit D)
(x : F.obj i) (y : F.obj j) (h : ∃ k (f : i ⟶ k) (g : j ⟶ k), f x = g y) :
D.ι.app i x = D.ι.app j y :=
let E := (forget C).map_cocone D,
let hE : is_colimit E := is_colimit_of_preserves _ hD,
let G := types.colimit_cocone (F ⋙ forget C),
let hG := types.colimit_cocone_is_colimit (F ⋙ forget C),
let T : E ≅ G := hE.unique_up_to_iso hG,
let TX : E.X ≅ G.X := (cocones.forget _).map_iso T,
apply_fun TX.hom,
swap, { suffices : function.bijective TX.hom, by exact this.1,
rw ← is_iso_iff_bijective, apply is_iso.of_iso },
change (E.ι.app i ≫ TX.hom) x = (E.ι.app j ≫ TX.hom) y,
erw [T.hom.w, T.hom.w],
obtain ⟨k, f, g, h⟩ := h,
have : G.ι.app i x = (G.ι.app k ( f x) : G.X) := quot.sound ⟨f,rfl⟩,
rw [this, h],
exact quot.sound ⟨g,rfl⟩,

lemma concrete.colimit_rep_eq_of_exists [has_colimit F] {i j : J}
(x : F.obj i) (y : F.obj j) (h : ∃ k (f : i ⟶ k) (g : j ⟶ k), f x = g y) :
colimit.ι F i x = colimit.ι F j y :=
concrete.is_colimit_rep_eq_of_exists F (colimit.is_colimit _) x y h

section filtered_colimits

variable [is_filtered J]

lemma concrete.is_colimit_exists_of_rep_eq {D : cocone F} {i j : J} (hD : is_colimit D)
(x : F.obj i) (y : F.obj j) (h : D.ι.app _ x = D.ι.app _ y) :
∃ k (f : i ⟶ k) (g : j ⟶ k), f x = g y :=
let E := (forget C).map_cocone D,
let hE : is_colimit E := is_colimit_of_preserves _ hD,
let G := types.colimit_cocone (F ⋙ forget C),
let hG := types.colimit_cocone_is_colimit (F ⋙ forget C),
let T : E ≅ G := hE.unique_up_to_iso hG,
let TX : E.X ≅ G.X := (cocones.forget _).map_iso T,
apply_fun TX.hom at h,
change (E.ι.app i ≫ TX.hom) x = (E.ι.app j ≫ TX.hom) y at h,
erw [T.hom.w, T.hom.w] at h,
replace h := quot.exact _ h,
suffices : ∀ (a b : Σ j, F.obj j)
(h : eqv_gen (limits.types.quot.rel (F ⋙ forget C)) a b),
∃ k (f : a.1 ⟶ k) (g : b.1 ⟶ k), f a.2 = g b.2,
{ exact this ⟨i,x⟩ ⟨j,y⟩ h },
intros a b h,
induction h,
case eqv_gen.rel : x y hh {
obtain ⟨e,he⟩ := hh,
use [y.1, e, 𝟙 _],
simpa using he.symm },
case eqv_gen.refl : x { use [x.1, 𝟙 _, 𝟙 _, rfl] },
case eqv_gen.symm : x y _ hh {
obtain ⟨k, f, g, hh⟩ := hh,
use [k, g, f, hh.symm] },
case eqv_gen.trans : x y z _ _ hh1 hh2 {
obtain ⟨k1, f1, g1, h1⟩ := hh1,
obtain ⟨k2, f2, g2, h2⟩ := hh2,
let k0 : J := is_filtered.max k1 k2,
let e1 : k1 ⟶ k0 := is_filtered.left_to_max _ _,
let e2 : k2 ⟶ k0 := is_filtered.right_to_max _ _,
let k : J := is_filtered.coeq (g1 ≫ e1) (f2 ≫ e2),
let e : k0 ⟶ k := is_filtered.coeq_hom _ _,
use [k, f1 ≫ e1 ≫ e, g2 ≫ e2 ≫ e],
simp only [F.map_comp, comp_apply, h1, ← h2],
simp only [← comp_apply, ← F.map_comp],
rw is_filtered.coeq_condition },

theorem concrete.is_colimit_rep_eq_iff_exists {D : cocone F} {i j : J}
(hD : is_colimit D) (x : F.obj i) (y : F.obj j) :
D.ι.app i x = D.ι.app j y ↔ ∃ k (f : i ⟶ k) (g : j ⟶ k), f x = g y :=
⟨concrete.is_colimit_exists_of_rep_eq _ hD _ _, concrete.is_colimit_rep_eq_of_exists _ hD _ _⟩

lemma concrete.colimit_exists_of_rep_eq [has_colimit F] {i j : J}
(x : F.obj i) (y : F.obj j) (h : colimit.ι F _ x = colimit.ι F _ y) :
∃ k (f : i ⟶ k) (g : j ⟶ k), f x = g y :=
concrete.is_colimit_exists_of_rep_eq F (colimit.is_colimit _) x y h

theorem concrete.colimit_rep_eq_iff_exists [has_colimit F] {i j : J}
(x : F.obj i) (y : F.obj j) :
colimit.ι F i x = colimit.ι F j y ↔ ∃ k (f : i ⟶ k) (g : j ⟶ k), f x = g y :=
⟨concrete.colimit_exists_of_rep_eq _ _ _, concrete.colimit_rep_eq_of_exists _ _ _⟩

end filtered_colimits

section wide_pushout

open wide_pushout
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