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feat(algebra/homology/opposite): add opposite complexes (#18144)
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The opposite of the category of chain complexes with objects in $V$ is equivalent to the category of cochain complexes of objects in $V^{op}.$ Moreover, the opposite of the homology of a chain complex is isomorphic to the cohomology of the corresponding cochain complex of objects in $V^{op}.$ We prove this more generally, for any complex shape.
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Amelia Livingston committed Jan 26, 2023
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262 changes: 262 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/homology/opposite.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Amelia Livingston. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johan Commelin, Amelia Livingston

import category_theory.abelian.opposite
import category_theory.abelian.homology
import algebra.homology.additive

# Opposite categories of complexes
Given a preadditive category `V`, the opposite of its category of chain complexes is equivalent to
the category of cochain complexes of objects in `Vᵒᵖ`. We define this equivalence, and another
analagous equivalence (for a general category of homological complexes with a general
complex shape).
We then show that when `V` is abelian, if `C` is a homological complex, then the homology of
`op(C)` is isomorphic to `op` of the homology of `C` (and the analagous result for `unop`).
## Implementation notes
It is convenient to define both `op` and `op_symm`; this is because given a complex shape `c`,
`c.symm.symm` is not defeq to `c`.
## Tags
opposite, chain complex, cochain complex, homology, cohomology, homological complex

noncomputable theory

open opposite category_theory category_theory.limits


variables {V : Type*} [category V] [abelian V]

lemma image_to_kernel_op {X Y Z : V} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : Y ⟶ Z) (w : f ≫ g = 0) :
image_to_kernel g.op f.op (by rw [←op_comp, w, op_zero]) = ((image_subobject_iso _)
≪≫ (image_op_op _).symm).hom ≫ (cokernel.desc f (factor_thru_image g)
(by rw [←cancel_mono (image.ι g), category.assoc, image.fac, w, zero_comp])).op
≫ ((kernel_subobject_iso _) ≪≫ (kernel_op_op _)).inv :=
simpa only [iso.trans_hom, iso.symm_hom, iso.trans_inv, kernel_op_op_inv, category.assoc,
image_to_kernel_arrow, kernel_subobject_arrow', kernel.lift_ι, ←op_comp, cokernel.π_desc,
←image_subobject_arrow, ←image_unop_op_inv_comp_op_factor_thru_image g.op],

lemma image_to_kernel_unop {X Y Z : Vᵒᵖ} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : Y ⟶ Z) (w : f ≫ g = 0) :
image_to_kernel g.unop f.unop (by rw [←unop_comp, w, unop_zero]) = ((image_subobject_iso _)
≪≫ (image_unop_unop _).symm).hom ≫ (cokernel.desc f (factor_thru_image g)
(by rw [←cancel_mono (image.ι g), category.assoc, image.fac, w, zero_comp])).unop
≫ ((kernel_subobject_iso _) ≪≫ (kernel_unop_unop _)).inv :=
dunfold image_unop_unop,
simp only [iso.trans_hom, iso.symm_hom, iso.trans_inv, kernel_unop_unop_inv, category.assoc,
image_to_kernel_arrow, kernel_subobject_arrow', kernel.lift_ι, cokernel.π_desc,
iso.unop_inv, ←unop_comp, factor_thru_image_comp_image_unop_op_inv, quiver.hom.unop_op,

/-- Given `f, g` with `f ≫ g = 0`, the homology of `g.op, f.op` is the opposite of the homology of
`f, g`. -/
def homology_op {X Y Z : V} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : Y ⟶ Z) (w : f ≫ g = 0) :
homology g.op f.op (by rw [←op_comp, w, op_zero]) ≅ opposite.op (homology f g w) :=
cokernel_iso_of_eq (image_to_kernel_op _ _ w) ≪≫ (cokernel_epi_comp _ _)
≪≫ cokernel_comp_is_iso _ _ ≪≫ cokernel_op_op _ ≪≫ ((homology_iso_kernel_desc _ _ _)
≪≫ (kernel_iso_of_eq (by ext; simp only [image.fac, cokernel.π_desc, cokernel.π_desc_assoc]))
≪≫ (kernel_comp_mono _ (image.ι g))).op

/-- Given morphisms `f, g` in `Vᵒᵖ` with `f ≫ g = 0`, the homology of `g.unop, f.unop` is the
opposite of the homology of `f, g`. -/
def homology_unop {X Y Z : Vᵒᵖ} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : Y ⟶ Z) (w : f ≫ g = 0) :
homology g.unop f.unop (by rw [←unop_comp, w, unop_zero]) ≅ opposite.unop (homology f g w) :=
cokernel_iso_of_eq (image_to_kernel_unop _ _ w) ≪≫ (cokernel_epi_comp _ _)
≪≫ cokernel_comp_is_iso _ _ ≪≫ cokernel_unop_unop _
≪≫ ((homology_iso_kernel_desc _ _ _)
≪≫ (kernel_iso_of_eq (by ext; simp only [image.fac, cokernel.π_desc, cokernel.π_desc_assoc]))
≪≫ (kernel_comp_mono _ (image.ι g))).unop


namespace homological_complex

variables {ι V : Type*} [category V] {c : complex_shape ι}

variables [preadditive V]

/-- Sends a complex `X` with objects in `V` to the corresponding complex with objects in `Vᵒᵖ`. -/
@[simps] protected def op (X : homological_complex V c) : homological_complex Vᵒᵖ c.symm :=
{ X := λ i, op (X.X i),
d := λ i j, (X.d j i).op,
shape' := λ i j hij, by { rw [X.shape j i hij, op_zero], },
d_comp_d' := by { intros, rw [← op_comp, X.d_comp_d, op_zero], } }

/-- Sends a complex `X` with objects in `V` to the corresponding complex with objects in `Vᵒᵖ`. -/
@[simps] protected def op_symm (X : homological_complex V c.symm) : homological_complex Vᵒᵖ c :=
{ X := λ i, op (X.X i),
d := λ i j, (X.d j i).op,
shape' := λ i j hij, by { rw [X.shape j i hij, op_zero], },
d_comp_d' := by { intros, rw [← op_comp, X.d_comp_d, op_zero], } }

/-- Sends a complex `X` with objects in `Vᵒᵖ` to the corresponding complex with objects in `V`. -/
@[simps] protected def unop (X : homological_complex Vᵒᵖ c) : homological_complex V c.symm :=
{ X := λ i, unop (X.X i),
d := λ i j, (X.d j i).unop,
shape' := λ i j hij, by { rw [X.shape j i hij, unop_zero], },
d_comp_d' := by { intros, rw [← unop_comp, X.d_comp_d, unop_zero], } }

/-- Sends a complex `X` with objects in `Vᵒᵖ` to the corresponding complex with objects in `V`. -/
@[simps] protected def unop_symm (X : homological_complex Vᵒᵖ c.symm) : homological_complex V c :=
{ X := λ i, unop (X.X i),
d := λ i j, (X.d j i).unop,
shape' := λ i j hij, by { rw [X.shape j i hij, unop_zero], },
d_comp_d' := by { intros, rw [← unop_comp, X.d_comp_d, unop_zero], } }

variables (V c)

/-- Auxilliary definition for `op_equivalence`. -/
@[simps] def op_functor : (homological_complex V c)ᵒᵖ ⥤ homological_complex Vᵒᵖ c.symm :=
{ obj := λ X, (unop X).op,
map := λ X Y f,
{ f := λ i, (f.unop.f i).op,
comm' := λ i j hij, by simp only [op_d, ← op_comp, f.unop.comm] }, }

/-- Auxilliary definition for `op_equivalence`. -/
@[simps] def op_inverse : homological_complex Vᵒᵖ c.symm ⥤ (homological_complex V c)ᵒᵖ :=
{ obj := λ X, op X.unop_symm,
map := λ X Y f, quiver.hom.op
{ f := λ i, (f.f i).unop,
comm' := λ i j hij, by simp only [unop_symm_d, ←unop_comp, f.comm], }}

/-- Auxilliary definition for `op_equivalence`. -/
def op_unit_iso : 𝟭 (homological_complex V c)ᵒᵖ ≅ op_functor V c ⋙ op_inverse V c :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ X, (homological_complex.hom.iso_of_components (λ i, iso.refl _)
(λ i j hij, by simp only [iso.refl_hom, category.id_comp, unop_symm_d, op_d, quiver.hom.unop_op,
category.comp_id]) : (opposite.unop X).op.unop_symm ≅ unop X).op)
intros X Y f,
refine quiver.hom.unop_inj _,
simp only [quiver.hom.unop_op, functor.id_map, iso.op_hom, functor.comp_map,
unop_comp, comp_f, hom.iso_of_components_hom_f],
erw [category.id_comp, category.comp_id (f.unop.f x)],

/-- Auxilliary definition for `op_equivalence`. -/
def op_counit_iso : op_inverse V c ⋙ op_functor V c ≅ 𝟭 (homological_complex Vᵒᵖ c.symm) :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ X, homological_complex.hom.iso_of_components (λ i, iso.refl _)
(λ i j hij, by simpa only [iso.refl_hom, category.id_comp, category.comp_id]))
intros X Y f,
simpa only [quiver.hom.unop_op, quiver.hom.op_unop, functor.comp_map, functor.id_map,
iso.refl_hom, category.id_comp, category.comp_id, comp_f, hom.iso_of_components_hom_f],

/-- Given a category of complexes with objects in `V`, there is a natural equivalence between its
opposite category and a category of complexes with objects in `Vᵒᵖ`. -/
@[simps] def op_equivalence : (homological_complex V c)ᵒᵖ ≌ homological_complex Vᵒᵖ c.symm :=
{ functor := op_functor V c,
inverse := op_inverse V c,
unit_iso := op_unit_iso V c,
counit_iso := op_counit_iso V c,
functor_unit_iso_comp' :=
intro X,
simp only [op_unit_iso, op_counit_iso, nat_iso.of_components_hom_app, iso.op_hom,
comp_f, op_functor_map_f, quiver.hom.unop_op, hom.iso_of_components_hom_f],
exact category.comp_id _,
end }

/-- Auxilliary definition for `unop_equivalence`. -/
@[simps] def unop_functor : (homological_complex Vᵒᵖ c)ᵒᵖ ⥤ homological_complex V c.symm :=
{ obj := λ X, (unop X).unop,
map := λ X Y f,
{ f := λ i, (f.unop.f i).unop,
comm' := λ i j hij, by simp only [unop_d, ← unop_comp, f.unop.comm] }, }

/-- Auxilliary definition for `unop_equivalence`. -/
@[simps] def unop_inverse : homological_complex V c.symm ⥤ (homological_complex Vᵒᵖ c)ᵒᵖ :=
{ obj := λ X, op X.op_symm,
map := λ X Y f, quiver.hom.op
{ f := λ i, (f.f i).op,
comm' := λ i j hij, by simp only [op_symm_d, ←op_comp, f.comm], }}

/-- Auxilliary definition for `unop_equivalence`. -/
def unop_unit_iso : 𝟭 (homological_complex Vᵒᵖ c)ᵒᵖ ≅ unop_functor V c ⋙ unop_inverse V c :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ X, (homological_complex.hom.iso_of_components (λ i, iso.refl _)
(λ i j hij, by simp only [iso.refl_hom, category.id_comp, unop_symm_d, op_d, quiver.hom.unop_op,
category.comp_id]) : (opposite.unop X).op.unop_symm ≅ unop X).op)
intros X Y f,
refine quiver.hom.unop_inj _,
simp only [quiver.hom.unop_op, functor.id_map, iso.op_hom, functor.comp_map,
unop_comp, comp_f, hom.iso_of_components_hom_f],
erw [category.id_comp, category.comp_id (f.unop.f x)],

/-- Auxilliary definition for `unop_equivalence`. -/
def unop_counit_iso : unop_inverse V c ⋙ unop_functor V c ≅ 𝟭 (homological_complex V c.symm) :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ X, homological_complex.hom.iso_of_components (λ i, iso.refl _)
(λ i j hij, by simpa only [iso.refl_hom, category.id_comp, category.comp_id]))
intros X Y f,
simpa only [quiver.hom.unop_op, quiver.hom.op_unop, functor.comp_map, functor.id_map,
iso.refl_hom, category.id_comp, category.comp_id, comp_f, hom.iso_of_components_hom_f],

/-- Given a category of complexes with objects in `Vᵒᵖ`, there is a natural equivalence between its
opposite category and a category of complexes with objects in `V`. -/
@[simps] def unop_equivalence : (homological_complex Vᵒᵖ c)ᵒᵖ ≌ homological_complex V c.symm :=
{ functor := unop_functor V c,
inverse := unop_inverse V c,
unit_iso := unop_unit_iso V c,
counit_iso := unop_counit_iso V c,
functor_unit_iso_comp' :=
intro X,
simp only [op_unit_iso, op_counit_iso, nat_iso.of_components_hom_app, iso.op_hom,
comp_f, op_functor_map_f, quiver.hom.unop_op, hom.iso_of_components_hom_f],
exact category.comp_id _,
end }

variables {V c}
instance op_functor_additive : (@op_functor ι V _ c _).additive := {}

instance unop_functor_additive : (@unop_functor ι V _ c _).additive := {}


variables [abelian V] (C : homological_complex V c) (i : ι)

/-- Auxilliary tautological definition for `homology_op`. -/
def homology_op_def :
C.op.homology i ≅ _root_.homology (C.d_from i).op (C.d_to i).op
(by rw [←op_comp, C.d_to_comp_d_from i, op_zero]) := iso.refl _

/-- Given a complex `C` of objects in `V`, the `i`th homology of its 'opposite' complex (with
objects in `Vᵒᵖ`) is the opposite of the `i`th homology of `C`. -/
def homology_op : C.op.homology i ≅ opposite.op (C.homology i) :=
homology_op_def _ _ ≪≫ homology_op _ _ _

/-- Auxilliary tautological definition for `homology_unop`. -/
def homology_unop_def (C : homological_complex Vᵒᵖ c) :
C.unop.homology i ≅ _root_.homology (C.d_from i).unop (C.d_to i).unop
(by rw [←unop_comp, C.d_to_comp_d_from i, unop_zero]) := iso.refl _

/-- Given a complex `C` of objects in `Vᵒᵖ`, the `i`th homology of its 'opposite' complex (with
objects in `V`) is the opposite of the `i`th homology of `C`. -/
def homology_unop (C : homological_complex Vᵒᵖ c) :
C.unop.homology i ≅ opposite.unop (C.homology i) :=
homology_unop_def _ _ ≪≫ homology_unop _ _ _

end homological_complex
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/abelian/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -381,11 +381,41 @@ abbreviation coimage_iso_image' : abelian.coimage f ≅ image f :=
is_image.iso_ext (coimage_strong_epi_mono_factorisation f).to_mono_is_image
(image.is_image f)

lemma coimage_iso_image'_hom :
(coimage_iso_image' f).hom = cokernel.desc _ (factor_thru_image f)
(by simp [←cancel_mono (limits.image.ι f)]) :=
simp only [←cancel_mono (limits.image.ι f), is_image.iso_ext_hom, cokernel.π_desc, category.assoc,
is_image.lift_ι, coimage_strong_epi_mono_factorisation_to_mono_factorisation_m,

lemma factor_thru_image_comp_coimage_iso_image'_inv :
factor_thru_image f ≫ (coimage_iso_image' f).inv = cokernel.π _ :=
by simp only [is_image.iso_ext_inv, image.is_image_lift, image.fac_lift,

/-- There is a canonical isomorphism between the abelian image and the categorical image of a
morphism. -/
abbreviation image_iso_image : abelian.image f ≅ image f :=
is_image.iso_ext (image_strong_epi_mono_factorisation f).to_mono_is_image (image.is_image f)

lemma image_iso_image_hom_comp_image_ι :
(image_iso_image f).hom ≫ limits.image.ι _ = kernel.ι _ :=
by simp only [is_image.iso_ext_hom, is_image.lift_ι,

lemma image_iso_image_inv :
(image_iso_image f).inv = kernel.lift _ (limits.image.ι f)
(by simp [←cancel_epi (factor_thru_image f)]) :=
simp only [is_image.iso_ext_inv, image.is_image_lift, limits.image.fac_lift,
image_strong_epi_mono_factorisation_to_mono_factorisation_e, category.assoc,
kernel.lift_ι, limits.image.fac],

end images

section cokernel_of_kernel
Expand Down
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/abelian/opposite.lean
Expand Up @@ -121,6 +121,46 @@ by simp
def cokernel_unop_unop : cokernel g.unop ≅ (kernel g).unop :=
(cokernel_unop_op g).unop.symm

/-- The opposite of the image of `g.unop` is the image of `g.` -/
def image_unop_op : opposite.op (image g.unop) ≅ image g :=
(abelian.image_iso_image _).op ≪≫ (cokernel_op_op _).symm ≪≫
cokernel_iso_of_eq (cokernel.π_unop _) ≪≫ (cokernel_epi_comp _ _)
≪≫ (cokernel_comp_is_iso _ _) ≪≫ (abelian.coimage_iso_image' _)

/-- The opposite of the image of `f` is the image of `f.op`. -/
def image_op_op : opposite.op (image f) ≅ image f.op := image_unop_op f.op

/-- The image of `f.op` is the opposite of the image of `f`. -/
def image_op_unop : (image f.op).unop ≅ image f := (image_unop_op f.op).unop

/-- The image of `g` is the opposite of the image of `g.unop.` -/
def image_unop_unop : (image g).unop ≅ image g.unop := (image_unop_op g).unop

lemma image_ι_op_comp_image_unop_op_hom :
(image.ι g.unop).op ≫ (image_unop_op g).hom = factor_thru_image g :=
dunfold image_unop_op,
simp only [←category.assoc, ←op_comp, iso.trans_hom, iso.symm_hom, iso.op_hom, cokernel_op_op_inv,
cokernel_comp_is_iso_hom, cokernel_epi_comp_hom, cokernel_iso_of_eq_hom_comp_desc_assoc,
abelian.coimage_iso_image'_hom, eq_to_hom_refl, is_iso.inv_id,
category.id_comp (cokernel.π (kernel.ι g))],
simp only [category.assoc, abelian.image_iso_image_hom_comp_image_ι, kernel.lift_ι,
quiver.hom.op_unop, cokernel.π_desc],

lemma image_unop_op_hom_comp_image_ι :
(image_unop_op g).hom ≫ image.ι g = (factor_thru_image g.unop).op :=
by simp only [←cancel_epi (image.ι g.unop).op, ←category.assoc, image_ι_op_comp_image_unop_op_hom,
←op_comp, image.fac, quiver.hom.op_unop]

lemma factor_thru_image_comp_image_unop_op_inv :
factor_thru_image g ≫ (image_unop_op g).inv = (image.ι g.unop).op :=
by rw [iso.comp_inv_eq, image_ι_op_comp_image_unop_op_hom]

lemma image_unop_op_inv_comp_op_factor_thru_image :
(image_unop_op g).inv ≫ (factor_thru_image g.unop).op = image.ι g :=
by rw [iso.inv_comp_eq, image_unop_op_hom_comp_image_ι]


end category_theory

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