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feat(category_theory/sites): Sheaves of structures (#5927)
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Define sheaves on a site taking values in an arbitrary category.

Joint with @kbuzzard. cc: @jcommelin, this is a step towards condensed abelian groups.

I don't love the names here, design advice (particularly from those who'll use this) more than appreciated.

The main points are:

- An `A`-valued presheaf `P : C^op => A` is defined to be a sheaf (for the topology J) iff for every `X : A`, the type-valued presheaves of sets given by sending `U : C^op` to `Hom_{A}(X, P U)` are all sheaves of sets.
- When `A = Type`, this recovers the basic definition of sheaves of sets.
- An alternate definition when `C` is small, has pullbacks and `A` has products is given by an equalizer condition `is_sheaf'`.
- This is equivalent to the earlier definition.
- When `A = Type`, this is definitionally equal to the equalizer condition for presieves in sheaf_of_types.lean
- When `A` has limits and there is a functor `s : A => Type` which is faithful, reflects isomorphisms and preserves limits, then `P : C^op => A` is a sheaf iff the underlying presheaf of types `P >>> s : C^op => Type` is a sheaf. (cf, which is a weaker version of this statement (it's only over spaces, not sites) and (a), which additionally assumes filtered colimits).

A couple of questions for reviewers:
- We've now got a ton of equivalent ways of showing something's a sheaf, and it's not the easiest to navigate between them. Is there a nice way around this? I think it's still valuable to have all the ways, since each can be helpful in different contexts but it makes the API a bit opaque. There's also a bit of inconsistency - there's a definition `yoneda_sheaf_condition` which is the same as `is_sheaf_for` but the equalizer conditions at the bottom of sheaf_of_types aren't named, they're just some `nonempty (is_limit (fork.of_ι _ (w P R)))` even though they're also equivalent.
- The name `presieve.is_sheaf` is stupid, I think I was just lazy with namespaces. I think `presieve.family_of_elements` and `presieve.is_sheaf_for` are still sensible, since they are relative to a presieve, but `is_sheaf` doesn't have any reference to presieves in its type. 
- The equalizer condition of sheaves of types is definitionally the same as the equalizer condition for sheaves of structures, so is there any point in having the former version in the library - the latter is just more general (the same doesn't apply to the actual def of sheaves of structures since that's defined in terms of sheaves of types). The main downside I can see is that it might make the proofs of `equalizer_sheaf_condition` a bit trickier, but that's about it

Co-authored-by: Kevin Buzzard <>
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b-mehta and kbuzzard committed Apr 29, 2021
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269 changes: 269 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/sites/sheaf.lean
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Copyright (c) 2020 Kevin Buzzard, Bhavik Mehta. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kevin Buzzard, Bhavik Mehta

import category_theory.sites.sheaf_of_types
import category_theory.limits.yoneda
import category_theory.limits.preserves.shapes.equalizers
import category_theory.limits.preserves.shapes.products
import category_theory.concrete_category

# Sheaves taking values in a category
If C is a category with a Grothendieck topology, we define the notion of a sheaf taking values in
an arbitrary category `A`. We follow the definition in,
noting that the presheaf of sets "defined above" can be seen in the comments between tags 00VQ and
00VR on the page The advantage of this definition is
that we need no assumptions whatsoever on `A` other than the assumption that the morphisms in `C`
and `A` live in the same universe.
* An `A`-valued presheaf `P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ A` is defined to be a sheaf (for the topology `J`) iff for
every `X : A`, the type-valued presheaves of sets given by sending `U : Cᵒᵖ` to `Hom_{A}(X, P U)`
are all sheaves of sets, see `category_theory.presheaf.is_sheaf`.
* When `A = Type`, this recovers the basic definition of sheaves of sets, see
* An alternate definition when `C` is small, has pullbacks and `A` has products is given by an
equalizer condition `category_theory.presheaf.is_sheaf'`. This is equivalent to the earlier
definition, shown in `category_theory.presheaf.is_sheaf_iff_is_sheaf'`.
* When `A = Type`, this is *definitionally* equal to the equalizer condition for presieves in
* When `A` has limits and there is a functor `s : A ⥤ Type` which is faithful, reflects isomorphisms
and preserves limits, then `P : C^op ⥤ A` is a sheaf iff the underlying presheaf of types
`P ⋙ s : C^op ⥤ Type` is a sheaf (`category_theory.presheaf.is_sheaf_iff_is_sheaf_forget`).
Cf, which is a weaker version of this statement (it's
only over spaces, not sites) and (a), which
additionally assumes filtered colimits.

universes v v' u' u

noncomputable theory

namespace category_theory

open opposite category_theory category limits sieve classical

namespace presheaf

variables {C : Type u} [category.{v} C]
variables {A : Type u'} [category.{v} A]
variables (J : grothendieck_topology C)

-- We follow definition 00VR

A sheaf of A is a presheaf P : C^op => A such that for every X : A, the
presheaf of types given by sending U : C to Hom_{A}(X, P U) is a sheaf of types.
def is_sheaf (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ A) : Prop :=
∀ X : A, presieve.is_sheaf J (P ⋙ coyoneda.obj (op X))

end presheaf

variables {C : Type u} [category.{v} C]
variables (J : grothendieck_topology C)
variables (A : Type u') [category.{v} A]

/-- The category of sheaves taking values in `A` on a grothendieck topology. -/
@[derive category]
def Sheaf : Type* :=
{P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ A // presheaf.is_sheaf J P}

/-- The inclusion functor from sheaves to presheaves. -/
@[simps {rhs_md := semireducible}, derive [full, faithful]]
def Sheaf_to_presheaf : Sheaf J A ⥤ (Cᵒᵖ ⥤ A) :=
full_subcategory_inclusion (presheaf.is_sheaf J)

lemma is_sheaf_iff_is_sheaf_of_type (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type v) :
presheaf.is_sheaf J P ↔ presieve.is_sheaf J P :=
{ intros hP,
exact presieve.is_sheaf_iso J (coyoneda.iso_comp_punit _) (hP punit) },
{ intros hP X Y S hS z hz,
refine ⟨λ x, (hP S hS).amalgamate (λ Z f hf, z f hf x) _, _, _⟩,
{ intros Y₁ Y₂ Z g₁ g₂ f₁ f₂ hf₁ hf₂ h,
exact congr_fun (hz g₁ g₂ hf₁ hf₂ h) x },
{ intros Z f hf,
ext x,
apply presieve.is_sheaf_for.valid_glue },
{ intros y hy,
ext x,
apply (hP S hS).is_separated_for.ext,
intros Y' f hf,
rw [presieve.is_sheaf_for.valid_glue _ _ _ hf, ← hy _ hf],
refl } }

The category of sheaves taking values in Type is the same as the category of set-valued sheaves.
def Sheaf_equiv_SheafOfTypes : Sheaf J (Type v) ≌ SheafOfTypes J :=
{ functor :=
{ obj := λ S, ⟨S.1, (is_sheaf_iff_is_sheaf_of_type _ _).1 S.2⟩,
map := λ S₁ S₂ f, f },
inverse :=
{ obj := λ S, ⟨S.1, (is_sheaf_iff_is_sheaf_of_type _ _).2 S.2⟩,
map := λ S₁ S₂ f, f },
unit_iso := nat_iso.of_components (λ X, ⟨𝟙 _, 𝟙 _, by tidy, by tidy⟩) (by tidy),
counit_iso := nat_iso.of_components (λ X, ⟨𝟙 _, 𝟙 _, by tidy, by tidy⟩) (by tidy) }

instance : inhabited (Sheaf (⊥ : grothendieck_topology C) (Type v)) :=
⟨(Sheaf_equiv_SheafOfTypes _).inverse.obj (default _)⟩

end category_theory

namespace category_theory

open opposite category_theory category limits sieve classical

namespace presheaf

-- Under here is the equalizer story, which is equivalent if A has products (and doesn't
-- make sense otherwise). It's described in,
-- between 00VQ and 00VR.

variables {C : Type v} [small_category C]
variables {A : Type u} [category.{v} A]
variables (J : grothendieck_topology C)
variables {U : C} (R : presieve U)
variables (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ A)


variables [has_products A]

def first_obj : A :=
∏ (λ (f : Σ V, {f : V ⟶ U // R f}), P.obj (op f.1))

variables [has_pullbacks C]

The rightmost object of the fork diagram of, which
contains the data used to check a family of elements for a presieve is compatible.
def second_obj : A :=
∏ (λ (fg : (Σ V, {f : V ⟶ U // R f}) × (Σ W, {g : W ⟶ U // R g})),
P.obj (op (pullback fg.1.2.1 fg.2.2.1)))

/-- The map `pr₀*` of -/
def first_map : first_obj R P ⟶ second_obj R P :=
pi.lift (λ fg, pi.π _ _ ≫ pullback.fst.op)

/-- The map `pr₁*` of -/
def second_map : first_obj R P ⟶ second_obj R P :=
pi.lift (λ fg, pi.π _ _ ≫ pullback.snd.op)

The left morphism of the fork diagram given in Equation (3) of [MM92], as well as the fork diagram
def fork_map : P.obj (op U) ⟶ first_obj R P :=
pi.lift (λ f, f.2.1.op)

lemma w : fork_map R P ≫ first_map R P = fork_map R P ≫ second_map R P :=
apply limit.hom_ext,
rintro ⟨⟨Y, f, hf⟩, ⟨Z, g, hg⟩⟩,
simp only [first_map, second_map, fork_map, limit.lift_π, limit.lift_π_assoc, assoc,
fan.mk_π_app, subtype.coe_mk, subtype.val_eq_coe],
rw [← P.map_comp, ← op_comp, pullback.condition],

def is_sheaf' (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ A) : Prop := ∀ (U : C) (R : presieve U) (hR : generate R ∈ J U),
nonempty (is_limit (fork.of_ι _ (w R P)))

/-- (Implementation). An auxiliary lemma to convert between sheaf conditions. -/
def is_sheaf_for_is_sheaf_for' (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ A) (s : A ⥤ Type v)
[Π J, preserves_limits_of_shape (discrete J) s] (U : C) (R : presieve U) :
is_limit (s.map_cone (fork.of_ι _ (w R P))) ≃
is_limit (fork.of_ι _ (equalizer.presieve.w (P ⋙ s) R)) :=
apply equiv.trans (is_limit_map_cone_fork_equiv _ _) _,
apply (is_limit.postcompose_hom_equiv _ _).symm.trans (is_limit.equiv_iso_limit _),
{ apply nat_iso.of_components _ _,
{ rintro (_ | _),
{ apply preserves_product.iso s },
{ apply preserves_product.iso s } },
{ rintro _ _ (_ | _),
{ ext : 1,
dsimp [equalizer.presieve.first_map, first_map],
simp only [limit.lift_π, map_lift_pi_comparison, assoc, fan.mk_π_app, functor.map_comp],
erw pi_comparison_comp_π_assoc },
{ ext : 1,
dsimp [equalizer.presieve.second_map, second_map],
simp only [limit.lift_π, map_lift_pi_comparison, assoc, fan.mk_π_app, functor.map_comp],
erw pi_comparison_comp_π_assoc },
{ dsimp,
simp } } },
{ refine fork.ext (iso.refl _) _,
dsimp [equalizer.fork_map, fork_map],
simp }

/-- The equalizer definition of a sheaf given by `is_sheaf'` is equivalent to `is_sheaf`. -/
theorem is_sheaf_iff_is_sheaf' :
is_sheaf J P ↔ is_sheaf' J P :=
{ intros h U R hR,
refine ⟨_⟩,
apply coyoneda_jointly_reflects_limits,
intro X,
have q : presieve.is_sheaf_for (P ⋙ coyoneda.obj X) _ := h X.unop _ hR,
rw ←presieve.is_sheaf_for_iff_generate at q,
rw equalizer.presieve.sheaf_condition at q,
replace q := classical.choice q,
apply (is_sheaf_for_is_sheaf_for' _ _ _ _).symm q },
{ intros h U X S hS,
rw equalizer.presieve.sheaf_condition,
refine ⟨_⟩,
refine is_sheaf_for_is_sheaf_for' _ _ _ _ _,
apply is_limit_of_preserves,
apply classical.choice (h _ S _),
simpa }


section concrete

variables [has_pullbacks C]

For a concrete category `(A, s)` where the forgetful functor `s : A ⥤ Type v` preserves limits and
reflects isomorphisms, and `A` has limits, an `A`-valued presheaf `P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ A` is a sheaf iff its
underlying `Type`-valued presheaf `P ⋙ s : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type` is a sheaf.
Note this lemma applies for "algebraic" categories, eg groups, abelian groups and rings, but not
for the category of topological spaces, topological rings, etc since reflecting isomorphisms doesn't
lemma is_sheaf_iff_is_sheaf_forget (s : A ⥤ Type v)
[has_limits A] [preserves_limits s] [faithful s] [reflects_isomorphisms s] :
is_sheaf J P ↔ is_sheaf J (P ⋙ s) :=
rw [is_sheaf_iff_is_sheaf', is_sheaf_iff_is_sheaf'],
apply forall_congr (λ U, _),
apply ball_congr (λ R hR, _),
letI : reflects_limits s := reflects_limits_of_reflects_isomorphisms,
have : is_limit (s.map_cone (fork.of_ι _ (w R P))) ≃ is_limit (fork.of_ι _ (w R (P ⋙ s))) :=
is_sheaf_for_is_sheaf_for' P s U R,
rw ←equiv.nonempty_iff_nonempty this,
{ exact (λ t, is_limit_of_preserves s t) },
{ exact (λ t, is_limit_of_reflects s t) }

end concrete

end presheaf

end category_theory
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/category_theory/sites/sheaf_of_types.lean
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Expand Up @@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ def SheafOfTypes (J : grothendieck_topology C) : Type (max u (v+1)) :=
{P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type v // presieve.is_sheaf J P}

/-- The inclusion functor from sheaves to presheaves. -/
@[simps, derive [full, faithful]]
@[simps {rhs_md := semireducible}, derive [full, faithful]]
def SheafOfTypes_to_presheaf : SheafOfTypes J ⥤ (Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type v) :=
full_subcategory_inclusion (presieve.is_sheaf J)

Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/sites/sieves.lean
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Expand Up @@ -225,6 +225,9 @@ def gi_generate : galois_insertion (generate : presieve X → sieve X) arrows :=
lemma le_generate (R : presieve X) : R ≤ generate R :=
gi_generate.gc.le_u_l R

@[simp] lemma generate_sieve (S : sieve X) : generate S = S :=
gi_generate.l_u_eq S

/-- If the identity arrow is in a sieve, the sieve is maximal. -/
lemma id_mem_iff_eq_top : S (𝟙 X) ↔ S = ⊤ :=
⟨λ h, top_unique $ λ Y f _, by simpa using downward_closed _ h f,
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