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chore(order/bounded_order): golf (#11538)
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urkud committed Jan 18, 2022
1 parent a217b9c commit 8d5caba
Showing 1 changed file with 22 additions and 69 deletions.
91 changes: 22 additions & 69 deletions src/order/bounded_order.lean
Expand Up @@ -74,46 +74,29 @@ variables [partial_order α] [order_top α] {a b : α}
order_top.le_top a

@[simp] theorem not_top_lt {α : Type u} [preorder α] [order_top α] {a : α} : ¬ ⊤ < a :=
λ h, lt_irrefl a (lt_of_le_of_lt le_top h)

theorem is_top_top {α : Type u} [has_le α] [order_top α] : is_top (⊤ : α) := λ _, le_top

theorem top_unique (h : ⊤ ≤ a) : a = ⊤ :=
le_top.antisymm h

-- TODO: delete in favor of the next?
theorem eq_top_iff : a = ⊤ ↔ ⊤ ≤ a :=
⟨λ eq, eq.symm ▸ le_refl ⊤, top_unique⟩

@[simp] theorem top_le_iff : ⊤ ≤ a ↔ a = ⊤ :=
⟨top_unique, λ h, h.symm ▸ le_refl ⊤⟩

@[simp] theorem is_top_iff_eq_top : is_top a ↔ a = ⊤ :=
⟨λ h, h.unique le_top, λ h b, h.symm ▸ le_top⟩

theorem eq_top_mono (h : a ≤ b) (h₂ : a = ⊤) : b = ⊤ :=
top_le_iff.1 $ h₂ ▸ h

@[simp] lemma top_le_iff : ⊤ ≤ a ↔ a = ⊤ := le_top.le_iff_eq.trans eq_comm
lemma top_unique (h : ⊤ ≤ a) : a = ⊤ := le_top.antisymm h
lemma eq_top_iff : a = ⊤ ↔ ⊤ ≤ a := top_le_iff.symm
lemma eq_top_mono (h : a ≤ b) (h₂ : a = ⊤) : b = ⊤ := top_unique $ h₂ ▸ h
lemma lt_top_iff_ne_top : a < ⊤ ↔ a ≠ ⊤ := le_top.lt_iff_ne

lemma eq_top_or_lt_top (a : α) : a = ⊤ ∨ a < ⊤ :=

lemma ne_top_of_lt (h : a < b) : a ≠ ⊤ :=
lt_top_iff_ne_top.1 $ lt_of_lt_of_le h le_top
lemma eq_top_or_lt_top (a : α) : a = ⊤ ∨ a < ⊤ := le_top.eq_or_lt
lemma ne_top_of_lt (h : a < b) : a ≠ ⊤ := (h.trans_le le_top).ne
lemma ne.lt_top (h : a ≠ ⊤) : a < ⊤ := lt_top_iff_ne_top.mpr h
lemma ne.lt_top' (h : ⊤ ≠ a) : a < ⊤ := h.symm.lt_top
lemma ne_top_of_le_ne_top (hb : b ≠ ⊤) (hab : a ≤ b) : a ≠ ⊤ := (hab.trans_lt hb.lt_top).ne

alias ne_top_of_lt ←

theorem ne_top_of_le_ne_top {a b : α} (hb : b ≠ ⊤) (hab : a ≤ b) : a ≠ ⊤ :=
λ ha, hb $ top_unique $ ha ▸ hab

lemma eq_top_of_maximal (h : ∀ b, ¬ a < b) : a = ⊤ :=
or.elim (lt_or_eq_of_le le_top) (λ hlt, absurd hlt (h ⊤)) (λ he, he)

lemma ne.lt_top (h : a ≠ ⊤) : a < ⊤ := lt_top_iff_ne_top.mpr h

lemma ne.lt_top' (h : ⊤ ≠ a) : a < ⊤ := h.symm.lt_top

end order_top

lemma strict_mono.maximal_preimage_top [linear_order α] [preorder β] [order_top β]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,54 +132,24 @@ variables [partial_order α] [order_bot α] {a b : α}
lemma is_bot_bot {α : Type u} [has_le α] [order_bot α] : is_bot (⊥ : α) := λ _, bot_le

@[simp] theorem not_lt_bot {α : Type u} [preorder α] [order_bot α] {a : α} : ¬ a < ⊥ :=
λ h, lt_irrefl a (lt_of_lt_of_le h bot_le)

theorem bot_unique (h : a ≤ ⊥) : a = ⊥ :=
h.antisymm bot_le

-- TODO: delete?
theorem eq_bot_iff : a = ⊥ ↔ a ≤ ⊥ :=
⟨λ eq, eq.symm ▸ le_refl ⊥, bot_unique⟩

@[simp] theorem le_bot_iff : a ≤ ⊥ ↔ a = ⊥ :=
⟨bot_unique, λ h, h.symm ▸ le_refl ⊥⟩

@[simp] theorem is_bot_iff_eq_bot : is_bot a ↔ a = ⊥ :=
⟨λ h, h.unique bot_le, λ h b, h.symm ▸ bot_le⟩

theorem ne_bot_of_le_ne_bot {a b : α} (hb : b ≠ ⊥) (hab : b ≤ a) : a ≠ ⊥ :=
λ ha, hb $ bot_unique $ ha ▸ hab

theorem eq_bot_mono (h : a ≤ b) (h₂ : b = ⊥) : a = ⊥ :=
le_bot_iff.1 $ h₂ ▸ h

lemma bot_lt_iff_ne_bot : ⊥ < a ↔ a ≠ ⊥ :=
haveI := classical.dec_eq α,
haveI : decidable (a ≤ ⊥) := decidable_of_iff' _ le_bot_iff,
simp only [lt_iff_le_not_le, not_iff_not.mpr le_bot_iff, true_and, bot_le],

lemma eq_bot_or_bot_lt (a : α) : a = ⊥ ∨ ⊥ < a :=
by_cases h : a = ⊥,
{ exact or.inl h },
rw bot_lt_iff_ne_bot,
exact h,

lemma ne_bot_of_gt (h : a < b) : b ≠ ⊥ :=
bot_lt_iff_ne_bot.1 $ lt_of_le_of_lt bot_le h

alias ne_bot_of_gt ←

lemma eq_bot_of_minimal (h : ∀ b, ¬ b < a) : a = ⊥ :=
or.elim (lt_or_eq_of_le bot_le) (λ hlt, absurd hlt (h ⊥)) (λ he, he.symm)

@[simp] lemma le_bot_iff : a ≤ ⊥ ↔ a = ⊥ := bot_le.le_iff_eq
lemma bot_unique (h : a ≤ ⊥) : a = ⊥ := h.antisymm bot_le
lemma eq_bot_iff : a = ⊥ ↔ a ≤ ⊥ := le_bot_iff.symm
lemma eq_bot_mono (h : a ≤ b) (h₂ : b = ⊥) : a = ⊥ := bot_unique $ h₂ ▸ h
lemma bot_lt_iff_ne_bot : ⊥ < a ↔ a ≠ ⊥ := bot_le.lt_iff_ne.trans ne_comm
lemma eq_bot_or_bot_lt (a : α) : a = ⊥ ∨ ⊥ < a := bot_le.eq_or_lt.imp_left eq.symm
lemma ne_bot_of_gt (h : a < b) : b ≠ ⊥ := (bot_le.trans_lt h).ne'
lemma eq_bot_of_minimal (h : ∀ b, ¬ b < a) : a = ⊥ := (eq_bot_or_bot_lt a).resolve_right (h ⊥)
lemma ne.bot_lt (h : a ≠ ⊥) : ⊥ < a := bot_lt_iff_ne_bot.mpr h

lemma ne.bot_lt' (h : ⊥ ≠ a) : ⊥ < a := h.symm.bot_lt
lemma ne_bot_of_le_ne_bot (hb : b ≠ ⊥) (hab : b ≤ a) : a ≠ ⊥ := (hb.bot_lt.trans_le hab).ne'

alias ne_bot_of_gt ←

end order_bot

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