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hrmacbeth committed Jul 16, 2021
1 parent a895300 commit 8e3d9ce
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Showing 5 changed files with 276 additions and 16 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/group_theory/subgroup.lean
Expand Up @@ -1281,6 +1281,15 @@ lemma cod_restrict_apply {G : Type*} [group G] {N : Type*} [group N] (f : G →*
(S : subgroup N) (h : ∀ (x : G), f x ∈ S) {x : G} :
f.cod_restrict S h x = ⟨f x, h x⟩ := rfl

@[to_additive] lemma subgroup_of_range_eq_of_le {G₁ G₂ : Type*} [group G₁] [group G₂]
{K : subgroup G₂} (f : G₁ →* G₂) (h : f.range ≤ K) :
f.range.subgroup_of K = (f.cod_restrict K (λ x, h ⟨x, rfl⟩)).range :=
ext k,
refine exists_congr _,
simp [subtype.ext_iff],

/-- Computable alternative to `monoid_hom.of_injective`. -/
def of_left_inverse {f : G →* N} {g : N →* G} (h : function.left_inverse g f) : G ≃* f.range :=
{ to_fun := f.range_restrict,
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199 changes: 199 additions & 0 deletions src/measure_theory/continuous_map_dense.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Heather Macbeth. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Heather Macbeth

import measure_theory.regular
import measure_theory.simple_func_dense
import topology.urysohns_lemma

# Approximation in Lᵖ by continuous functions
This file proves that bounded continuous functions are dense in `Lp E p μ`, for `1 ≤ p < ∞`, if the
domain `α` of the functions is a normal topological space and the measure `μ` is weakly regular.
The result is presented in several versions:
* `measure_theory.Lp.bounded_continuous_function_dense`: The subgroup
`measure_theory.Lp.bounded_continuous_function` of `Lp E p μ`, the additive subgroup of
`Lp E p μ` consisting of equivalence classes containing a continuous representative, is dense in
`Lp E p μ`.
* `bounded_continuous_function.dense_range`: For finite-measure `μ`, the continuous linear map
`bounded_continuous_function.to_Lp p μ 𝕜` from `α →ᵇ E` to `Lp E p μ` has dense range.
* `continuous_map.dense_range`: For compact `α` and finite-measure `μ`, the continuous linear map
`continuous_map.to_Lp p μ 𝕜` from `C(α, E)` to `Lp E p μ` has dense range.
Note that for `p = ∞` this result is not true: the characteristic function of the set `[0, ∞)` in
`ℝ` cannot be continuously approximated in `L∞`.
The proof is in three steps. First, since simple functions are dense in `Lp`, it suffices to prove
the result for a scalar multiple of a characteristic function of a measurable set `s`. Secondly,
since the measure `μ` is weakly regular, the set `s` can be approximated above by an open set and
below by a closed set. Finally, since the domain `α` is normal, we use Urysohn's lemma to find a
continuous function interpolating between these two sets.
## Related results
Are you looking for a result on "directional" approximation (above or below with respect to an
order) of functions whose codomain is `ℝ≥0∞` or `ℝ`, by semicontinuous functions? See the
Vitali-Carathéodory theorem, in the file `measure_theory.vitali_caratheodory`.

open_locale ennreal nnreal topological_space bounded_continuous_function
open measure_theory topological_space continuous_map

variables {α : Type*} [measurable_space α] [topological_space α] [normal_space α] [borel_space α]
variables (E : Type*) [measurable_space E] [normed_group E] [borel_space E]
[second_countable_topology E]
variables {p : ℝ≥0∞} [_i : fact (1 ≤ p)] (hp : p ≠ ∞) (μ : measure α)

include _i hp

namespace measure_theory.Lp

variables [normed_space ℝ E]

/-- A function in `Lp` can be approximated in `Lp` by continuous functions. -/
lemma bounded_continuous_function_dense [μ.weakly_regular] :
(bounded_continuous_function E p μ).topological_closure = ⊤ :=
have hp₀ : 0 < p := lt_of_lt_of_le ennreal.zero_lt_one _i.elim,
have hp₀' : 01 / p.to_real := div_nonneg zero_le_one ennreal.to_real_nonneg,
have hp₀'' : 0 < p.to_real,
{ simpa [← ennreal.to_real_lt_to_real ennreal.zero_ne_top hp] using hp₀ },
-- It suffices to prove that scalar multiples of the indicator function of a finite-measure
-- measurable set can be approximated by continuous functions
suffices : ∀ (c : E) {s : set α} (hs : measurable_set s) (hμs : μ s < ⊤),
(Lp.simple_func.indicator_const p hs hμ c : Lp E p μ)
∈ (bounded_continuous_function E p μ).topological_closure,
{ rw add_subgroup.eq_top_iff',
refine Lp.induction hp _ _ _ _,
{ exact this },
{ exact λ f g hf hg hfg', add_subgroup.add_mem _ },
{ exact add_subgroup.is_closed_topological_closure _ } },
-- Let `s` be a finite-measure measurable set, let's approximate `c` times its indicator function
intros c s hs hsμ,
refine mem_closure_iff_frequently.mpr _,
rw metric.nhds_basis_closed_ball.frequently_iff,
intros ε hε,
-- A little bit of pre-emptive work, to find `η : ℝ≥0` which will be a margin small enough for
-- our purposes
obtain ⟨η, hη_pos, hη_le⟩ : ∃ η, 0 < η ∧ (↑(∥bit0 (∥c∥)∥₊ * (2 * η) ^ (1 / p.to_real)) : ℝ) ≤ ε,
{ have : filter.tendsto (λ x : ℝ≥0, ∥bit0 (∥c∥)∥₊ * (2 * x) ^ (1 / p.to_real)) (𝓝 0) (𝓝 0),
{ have : filter.tendsto (λ x : ℝ≥0, 2 * x) (𝓝 0) (𝓝 (2 * 0)) := filter.tendsto_id.const_mul 2,
convert ((nnreal.continuous_at_rpow_const (or.inr hp₀')).tendsto.comp this).const_mul _,
simp [hp₀''.ne'] },
let ε' : ℝ≥0 := ⟨ε, hε.le⟩,
have hε' : 0 < ε' := by exact_mod_cast hε,
obtain ⟨δ, hδ, hδε'⟩ := (eventually_le_of_tendsto_lt hε' this),
obtain ⟨η, hη, hηδ⟩ := exists_between hδ,
refine ⟨η, hη, _⟩,
exact_mod_cast hδε' hηδ },
have hη_pos' : (0 : ℝ≥0∞) < ↑η := by exact_mod_cast hη_pos,
-- Use the regularity of the measure to `η`-approximate `s` by an open superset and a closed
-- subset
obtain ⟨u, u_open, su, μu⟩ : ∃ u, is_open u ∧ s ⊆ u ∧ μ u < μ s + ↑η,
{ refine hs.exists_is_open_lt_of_lt _ _,
simpa using (ennreal.add_lt_add_iff_left hsμ).2 hη_pos' },
obtain ⟨F, F_closed, Fs, μF⟩ : ∃ F, is_closed F ∧ F ⊆ s ∧ μ s < μ F + ↑η :=
hs.exists_lt_is_closed_of_lt_top_of_pos hsμ hη_pos',
have : disjoint uᶜ F,
{ rw [set.disjoint_iff_inter_eq_empty, set.inter_comm, ← set.subset_compl_iff_disjoint],
simpa using Fs.trans su },
have h_μ_sdiff : μ (u \ F) ≤ 2 * η,
{ have hFμ : μ F < ⊤ := (measure_mono Fs).trans_lt hsμ,
refine ennreal.le_of_add_le_add_left hFμ _,
have : μ u < μ F + ↑η + ↑η,
{ refine μu.trans _,
rwa ennreal.add_lt_add_iff_right (ennreal.coe_lt_top : ↑η < ⊤) },
convert this.le using 1,
{ rw [add_comm, ← measure_union, set.diff_union_of_subset (Fs.trans su)],
{ exact disjoint_sdiff_self_left },
{ exact (u_open.sdiff F_closed).measurable_set },
{ exact F_closed.measurable_set } },
have : (2:ℝ≥0∞) * η = η + η := by simpa using add_mul (1:ℝ≥0∞) 1 η,
rw this,
abel },
-- Apply Urysohn's lemma to get a continuous approximation to the characteristic function of
-- the set `s`
obtain ⟨g, hg_cont, hgu, hgF, hg_range⟩ :=
exists_continuous_zero_one_of_closed u_open.is_closed_compl F_closed this,
-- Multiply this by `c` to get a continuous approximation to the function `f`; the key point is
-- that this is pointwise bounded by the indicator of the set `u \ F`
have g_norm : ∀ x, ∥g x∥ = g x := λ x, by rw [real.norm_eq_abs, abs_of_nonneg (hg_range x).1],
have gc_bd : ∀ x, ∥g x • c - s.indicator (λ x, c) x∥ ≤ ∥(u \ F).indicator (λ x, bit0 ∥c∥) x∥,
{ intros x,
by_cases hu : x ∈ u,
{ rw ← set.diff_union_of_subset (Fs.trans su) at hu,
cases hu with hFu hF,
{ refine (norm_sub_le _ _).trans _,
refine (add_le_add_left (norm_indicator_le_norm_self (λ x, c) x) _).trans _,
have h₀ : g x * ∥c∥ + ∥c∥ ≤ 2 * ∥c∥,
{ nlinarith [(hg_range x).1, (hg_range x).2, norm_nonneg c] },
have h₁ : (2:ℝ) * ∥c∥ = bit0 (∥c∥) := by simpa using add_mul (1:ℝ) 1 (∥c∥),
simp [hFu, norm_smul, h₀, ← h₁, g_norm x] },
{ simp [hgF hF, Fs hF] } },
{ have : x ∉ s := λ h, hu (su h),
simp [hgu hu, this] } },
-- The rest is basically just `ennreal`-arithmetic
have gc_snorm : snorm ((λ x, g x • c) - s.indicator (λ x, c)) p μ
≤ (↑(∥bit0 (∥c∥)∥₊ * (2 * η) ^ (1 / p.to_real)) : ℝ≥0∞),
{ refine (snorm_mono_ae (filter.eventually_of_forall gc_bd)).trans _,
rw snorm_indicator_const (u_open.sdiff F_closed).measurable_set hp₀.ne' hp,
push_cast [← ennreal.coe_rpow_of_nonneg _ hp₀'],
exact ennreal.mul_left_mono (ennreal.rpow_left_monotone_of_nonneg hp₀' h_μ_sdiff) },
have gc_cont : continuous (λ x, g x • c) :=
continuous_smul.comp (hg_cont.prod_mk continuous_const),
have gc_mem_ℒp : mem_ℒp (λ x, g x • c) p μ,
{ have : mem_ℒp ((λ x, g x • c) - s.indicator (λ x, c)) p μ :=
⟨(gc_cont.ae_measurable μ).sub (measurable_const.indicator hs).ae_measurable,
gc_snorm.trans_lt ennreal.coe_lt_top⟩,
simpa using this.add (mem_ℒp_indicator_const p hs c (or.inr hsμ.ne)) },
refine ⟨gc_mem_ℒp.to_Lp _, _, _⟩,
{ rw mem_closed_ball_iff_norm,
refine le_trans _ hη_le,
rw [simple_func.coe_indicator_const, indicator_const_Lp, ← mem_ℒp.to_Lp_sub, Lp.norm_to_Lp],
exact ennreal.to_real_le_coe_of_le_coe gc_snorm },
{ rw [set_like.mem_coe, mem_bounded_continuous_function_iff],
refine ⟨bounded_continuous_function.of_normed_group _ gc_cont (∥c∥) _, rfl⟩,
intros x,
have h₀ : g x * ∥c∥ ≤ ∥c∥,
{ nlinarith [(hg_range x).1, (hg_range x).2, norm_nonneg c] },
simp [norm_smul, g_norm x, h₀] },

end measure_theory.Lp

variables (𝕜 : Type*) [measurable_space 𝕜] [normed_field 𝕜] [opens_measurable_space 𝕜]
[normed_algebra ℝ 𝕜] [normed_space 𝕜 E]

namespace bounded_continuous_function

lemma to_Lp_dense_range [μ.weakly_regular] [finite_measure μ] :
dense_range ⇑(to_Lp p μ 𝕜 : (α →ᵇ E) →L[𝕜] Lp E p μ) :=
haveI : normed_space ℝ E := restrict_scalars.normed_space ℝ 𝕜 E,
rw dense_range_iff_closure_range,
suffices : (to_Lp p μ 𝕜 : _ →L[𝕜] Lp E p μ).range.to_add_subgroup.topological_closure = ⊤,
{ exact congr_arg coe this },
simp [range_to_Lp p μ, measure_theory.Lp.bounded_continuous_function_dense E hp],

end bounded_continuous_function

namespace continuous_map

lemma to_Lp_dense_range [compact_space α] [μ.weakly_regular] [finite_measure μ] :
dense_range ⇑(to_Lp p μ 𝕜 : C(α, E) →L[𝕜] Lp E p μ) :=
haveI : normed_space ℝ E := restrict_scalars.normed_space ℝ 𝕜 E,
rw dense_range_iff_closure_range,
suffices : (to_Lp p μ 𝕜 : _ →L[𝕜] Lp E p μ).range.to_add_subgroup.topological_closure = ⊤,
{ exact congr_arg coe this },
simp [range_to_Lp p μ, measure_theory.Lp.bounded_continuous_function_dense E hp]

end continuous_map
72 changes: 59 additions & 13 deletions src/measure_theory/lp_space.lean
Expand Up @@ -2085,14 +2085,35 @@ end measure_theory

end complete_space

namespace bounded_continuous_function
/-! ### Continuous functions in `Lp` -/

open_locale bounded_continuous_function
variables [borel_space E] [second_countable_topology E]
[topological_space α] [borel_space α]
[finite_measure μ]
open bounded_continuous_function
variables [borel_space E] [second_countable_topology E] [topological_space α] [borel_space α]

variables (E p μ)

/-- An additive subgroup of `Lp E p μ`, consisting of the equivalence classes which contain a
bounded continuous representative. -/
def measure_theory.Lp.bounded_continuous_function : add_subgroup (Lp E p μ) :=
((continuous_map.to_ae_eq_fun_add_hom μ).comp (forget_boundedness_add_hom α E)).range
(Lp E p μ)

variables {E p μ}

/-- A bounded continuous function is in `Lp`. -/
/-- By definition, the elements of `Lp.bounded_continuous_function E p μ` are the elements of
`Lp E p μ` which contain a bounded continuous representative. -/
lemma measure_theory.Lp.mem_bounded_continuous_function_iff {f : (Lp E p μ)} :
f ∈ measure_theory.Lp.bounded_continuous_function E p μ
↔ ∃ f₀ : (α →ᵇ E), f₀.to_continuous_map.to_ae_eq_fun μ = (f : α →ₘ[μ] E) :=

namespace bounded_continuous_function

variables [finite_measure μ]

/-- A bounded continuous function on a finite-measure space is in `Lp`. -/
lemma mem_Lp (f : α →ᵇ E) :
f.to_continuous_map.to_ae_eq_fun μ ∈ Lp E p μ :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2126,6 +2147,16 @@ def to_Lp_hom [fact (1 ≤ p)] : normed_group_hom (α →ᵇ E) (Lp E p μ) :=
(Lp E p μ)
mem_Lp }

lemma range_to_Lp_hom [fact (1 ≤ p)] :
((to_Lp_hom p μ).range : add_subgroup (Lp E p μ))
= measure_theory.Lp.bounded_continuous_function E p μ :=
convert add_monoid_hom.add_subgroup_of_range_eq_of_le
((continuous_map.to_ae_eq_fun_add_hom μ).comp (forget_boundedness_add_hom α E))
(by { rintros - ⟨f, rfl⟩, exact mem_Lp f } : _ ≤ Lp E p μ),

variables (𝕜 : Type*) [measurable_space 𝕜]

/-- The bounded linear map of considering a bounded continuous function on a finite-measure space
Expand All @@ -2140,7 +2171,14 @@ linear_map.mk_continuous

variables {p 𝕜}
variables {𝕜}

lemma range_to_Lp [normed_field 𝕜] [opens_measurable_space 𝕜] [normed_space 𝕜 E] [fact (1 ≤ p)] :
((to_Lp p μ 𝕜).range.to_add_subgroup : add_subgroup (Lp E p μ))
= measure_theory.Lp.bounded_continuous_function E p μ :=
range_to_Lp_hom p μ

variables {p}

lemma coe_fn_to_Lp [normed_field 𝕜] [opens_measurable_space 𝕜] [normed_space 𝕜 E] [fact (1 ≤ p)]
(f : α →ᵇ E) :
Expand All @@ -2156,12 +2194,7 @@ end bounded_continuous_function

namespace continuous_map

open_locale bounded_continuous_function

variables [borel_space E] [second_countable_topology E]
variables [topological_space α] [compact_space α] [borel_space α]
variables [finite_measure μ]

variables [compact_space α] [finite_measure μ]
variables (𝕜 : Type*) [measurable_space 𝕜] (p μ) [fact (1 ≤ p)]

/-- The bounded linear map of considering a continuous function on a compact finite-measure
Expand All @@ -2173,7 +2206,20 @@ def to_Lp [normed_field 𝕜] [opens_measurable_space 𝕜] [normed_space 𝕜 E
(bounded_continuous_function.to_Lp p μ 𝕜).comp
(linear_isometry_bounded_of_compact α E 𝕜).to_linear_isometry.to_continuous_linear_map

variables {p 𝕜}
variables {𝕜}

lemma range_to_Lp [normed_field 𝕜] [opens_measurable_space 𝕜] [normed_space 𝕜 E] :
((to_Lp p μ 𝕜).range.to_add_subgroup : add_subgroup (Lp E p μ))
= measure_theory.Lp.bounded_continuous_function E p μ :=
refine set_like.ext' _,
have := (linear_isometry_bounded_of_compact α E 𝕜).surjective,
convert function.surjective.range_comp this (bounded_continuous_function.to_Lp p μ 𝕜),
rw ← bounded_continuous_function.range_to_Lp p μ,

variables {p}

lemma coe_fn_to_Lp [normed_field 𝕜] [opens_measurable_space 𝕜] [normed_space 𝕜 E] (f : C(α, E)) :
to_Lp p μ 𝕜 f =ᵐ[μ] f :=
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/measure_theory/vitali_caratheodory.lean
Expand Up @@ -58,6 +58,12 @@ Then we follow the same steps for the lower bound.
Finally, we glue them together to obtain the main statement
## Related results
Are you looking for a result on approximation by continuous functions (not just semicontinuous)?
See result `measure_theory.Lp.continuous_map_dense`, in the file
## References
[Rudin, *Real and Complex Analysis* (Theorem 2.24)][rudin2006real]
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/topology/algebra/group.lean
Expand Up @@ -241,15 +241,15 @@ instance subgroup.topological_closure_topological_group (s : subgroup G) :

lemma subgroup.subgroup_topological_closure (s : subgroup G) :
@[to_additive] lemma subgroup.subgroup_topological_closure (s : subgroup G) :
s ≤ s.topological_closure :=

lemma subgroup.is_closed_topological_closure (s : subgroup G) :
@[to_additive] lemma subgroup.is_closed_topological_closure (s : subgroup G) :
is_closed (s.topological_closure : set G) :=
by convert is_closed_closure

lemma subgroup.topological_closure_minimal
@[to_additive] lemma subgroup.topological_closure_minimal
(s : subgroup G) {t : subgroup G} (h : s ≤ t) (ht : is_closed (t : set G)) :
s.topological_closure ≤ t :=
closure_minimal h ht
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