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feat(geometry/manifold/cont_mdiff): local structomorphisms of `cont_d…
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…iff_groupoid` (#17291)

Let `M` and `M'` be smooth manifolds with the same model-with-corners, `I`.  Then `f : M → M'` is a local structomorphism for `I`, if and only if it is manifold-smooth on the domain of definition in both directions.

Co-authored-by: Floris van Doorn <>
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hrmacbeth and fpvandoorn committed Feb 24, 2023
1 parent ef7acf4 commit 8e57ff9
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Showing 2 changed files with 216 additions and 2 deletions.
160 changes: 158 additions & 2 deletions src/geometry/manifold/cont_mdiff.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -158,10 +158,10 @@ begin

lemma cont_diff_within_at_prop_id (x : H) :
cont_diff_within_at_prop I I id univ x :=
cont_diff_within_at_prop I I n id univ x :=
simp [cont_diff_within_at_prop],
have : cont_diff_within_at 𝕜 id (range I) (I x) :=
have : cont_diff_within_at 𝕜 n id (range I) (I x) :=
apply this.congr (λ y hy, _),
{ simp only with mfld_simps },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1089,6 +1089,14 @@ lemma cont_mdiff_on_ext_chart_at :
cont_mdiff_on I 𝓘(𝕜, E) n (ext_chart_at I x) (chart_at H x).source :=
λ x' hx', (cont_mdiff_at_ext_chart_at' hx').cont_mdiff_within_at

omit Is

/-- An element of `cont_diff_groupoid ⊤ I` is `C^n` for any `n`. -/
lemma cont_mdiff_on_of_mem_cont_diff_groupoid {e' : local_homeomorph H H}
(h : e' ∈ cont_diff_groupoid ⊤ I) : cont_mdiff_on I I n e' e'.source :=
(cont_diff_within_at_local_invariant_prop I I n).lift_prop_on_of_mem_groupoid
(cont_diff_within_at_prop_id I) h

end atlas

/-! ### The identity is smooth -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1676,3 +1684,151 @@ hf.smul hg
lemma smooth.smul {f : M → 𝕜} {g : M → V} (hf : smooth I 𝓘(𝕜) f) (hg : smooth I 𝓘(𝕜, V) g) :
smooth I 𝓘(𝕜, V) (λ p, f p • g p) :=
hf.smul hg

/-! ### Smoothness of (local) structomorphisms -/

variables [charted_space H M'] [IsM' : smooth_manifold_with_corners I M']
include Is IsM'

lemma is_local_structomorph_on_cont_diff_groupoid_iff_aux {f : local_homeomorph M M'}
(hf : lift_prop_on (cont_diff_groupoid ⊤ I).is_local_structomorph_within_at f f.source) :
smooth_on I I f f.source :=
-- It suffices to show smoothness near each `x`
apply cont_mdiff_on_of_locally_cont_mdiff_on,
intros x hx,
let c := chart_at H x,
let c' := chart_at H (f x),
obtain ⟨-, hxf⟩ := hf x hx,
-- Since `f` is a local structomorph, it is locally equal to some transferred element `e` of
-- the `cont_diff_groupoid`.
obtain ⟨e, he, he' : eq_on (c' ∘ f ∘ c.symm) e (c.symm ⁻¹' f.source ∩ e.source),
hex : c x ∈ e.source⟩ := hxf (by simp only [hx] with mfld_simps),
-- We choose a convenient set `s` in `M`.
let s : set M := (f.trans c').source ∩ ((c.trans e).trans c'.symm).source,
refine ⟨s, (f.trans c').open_source.inter ((c.trans e).trans c'.symm).open_source, _, _⟩,
{ simp only with mfld_simps,
rw ← he'; simp only [hx, hex] with mfld_simps },
-- We need to show `f` is `cont_mdiff_on` the domain `s ∩ f.source`. We show this in two
-- steps: `f` is equal to `c'.symm ∘ e ∘ c` on that domain and that function is
-- `cont_mdiff_on` it.
have H₁ : cont_mdiff_on I I ⊤ (c'.symm ∘ e ∘ c) s,
{ have hc' : cont_mdiff_on I I ⊤ c'.symm _ := cont_mdiff_on_chart_symm,
have he'' : cont_mdiff_on I I ⊤ e _ := cont_mdiff_on_of_mem_cont_diff_groupoid he,
have hc : cont_mdiff_on I I ⊤ c _ := cont_mdiff_on_chart,
refine (hc'.comp' (he''.comp' hc)).mono _,
mfld_set_tac },
have H₂ : eq_on f (c'.symm ∘ e ∘ c) s,
{ intros y hy,
simp only with mfld_simps at hy,
have hy₁ : f y ∈ c'.source := by simp only [hy] with mfld_simps,
have hy₂ : y ∈ c.source := by simp only [hy] with mfld_simps,
have hy₃ : c y ∈ c.symm ⁻¹' f.source ∩ e.source := by simp only [hy] with mfld_simps,
calc f y = c'.symm (c' (f y)) : by rw c'.left_inv hy₁
... = c'.symm (c' (f (c.symm (c y)))) : by rw c.left_inv hy₂
... = c'.symm (e (c y)) : by rw ← he' hy₃ },
refine (H₁.congr H₂).mono _,

/-- Let `M` and `M'` be smooth manifolds with the same model-with-corners, `I`. Then `f : M → M'`
is a local structomorphism for `I`, if and only if it is manifold-smooth on the domain of definition
in both directions. -/
lemma is_local_structomorph_on_cont_diff_groupoid_iff (f : local_homeomorph M M') :
lift_prop_on (cont_diff_groupoid ⊤ I).is_local_structomorph_within_at f f.source
↔ smooth_on I I f f.source ∧ smooth_on I I f.symm :=
{ intros h,
refine ⟨is_local_structomorph_on_cont_diff_groupoid_iff_aux h,
is_local_structomorph_on_cont_diff_groupoid_iff_aux _⟩,
-- todo: we can generalize this part of the proof to a lemma
intros X hX,
let x := f.symm X,
have hx : x ∈ f.source := f.symm.maps_to hX,
let c := chart_at H x,
let c' := chart_at H X,
obtain ⟨-, hxf⟩ := h x hx,
refine ⟨(f.symm.continuous_at hX).continuous_within_at, λ h2x, _⟩,
obtain ⟨e, he, h2e, hef, hex⟩ : ∃ e : local_homeomorph H H, e ∈ cont_diff_groupoid ⊤ I ∧
e.source ⊆ (c.symm ≫ₕ f ≫ₕ c').source ∧
eq_on (c' ∘ f ∘ c.symm) e e.source ∧ c x ∈ e.source,
{ have h1 : c' = chart_at H (f x) := by simp only [f.right_inv hX],
have h2 : ⇑c' ∘ ⇑f ∘ ⇑(c.symm) = ⇑(c.symm ≫ₕ f ≫ₕ c') := rfl,
have hcx : c x ∈ c.symm ⁻¹' f.source, { simp only [hx] with mfld_simps },
rw [h2],
rw [← h1, h2, local_homeomorph.is_local_structomorph_within_at_iff'] at hxf,
{ exact hxf hcx },
{ mfld_set_tac },
{ apply or.inl,
simp only [hx, h1] with mfld_simps } },
have h2X : c' X = e (c (f.symm X)),
{ rw ← hef hex,
dsimp only [function.comp],
have hfX : f.symm X ∈ c.source := by simp only [hX] with mfld_simps,
rw [c.left_inv hfX, f.right_inv hX] },
have h3e : eq_on (c ∘ f.symm ∘ c'.symm) e.symm (c'.symm ⁻¹' ∩,
{ have h1 : eq_on (c.symm ≫ₕ f ≫ₕ c').symm e.symm ( ∩,
{ apply eq_on.symm,
refine e.is_image_source_target.symm_eq_on_of_inter_eq_of_eq_on _ _,
{ rw [inter_self, inter_eq_right_iff_subset.mpr h2e] },
rw [inter_self], exact hef.symm },
have h2 : ⊆ (c.symm ≫ₕ f ≫ₕ c').target,
{ intros x hx, rw [← e.right_inv hx, ← hef (e.symm.maps_to hx)],
exact local_homeomorph.maps_to _ (h2e $ e.symm.maps_to hx) },
rw [inter_self] at h1,
rwa [inter_eq_right_iff_subset.mpr],
refine h2.trans _,
mfld_set_tac },
refine ⟨e.symm, structure_groupoid.symm _ he, h3e, _⟩,
rw [h2X], exact e.maps_to hex },
{ -- We now show the converse: a local homeomorphism `f : M → M'` which is smooth in both
-- directions is a local structomorphism. We do this by proposing
-- `((chart_at H x).symm.trans f).trans (chart_at H (f x))` as a candidate for a structomorphism
-- of `H`.
rintros ⟨h₁, h₂⟩ x hx,
refine ⟨(h₁ x hx).continuous_within_at, _⟩,
let c := chart_at H x,
let c' := chart_at H (f x),
rintros (hx' : c x ∈ c.symm ⁻¹' f.source),
-- propose `(c.symm.trans f).trans c'` as a candidate for a local structomorphism of `H`
refine ⟨(c.symm.trans f).trans c', ⟨_, _⟩, (_ : eq_on (c' ∘ f ∘ c.symm) _ _), _⟩,
{ -- smoothness of the candidate local structomorphism in the forward direction
intros y hy,
simp only with mfld_simps at hy,
have H : cont_mdiff_within_at I I ⊤ f (f ≫ₕ c').source (((ext_chart_at I x).symm) y),
{ refine (h₁ ((ext_chart_at I x).symm y) _).mono _,
{ simp only [hy] with mfld_simps },
{ mfld_set_tac } },
have hy' : (ext_chart_at I x).symm y ∈ c.source := by simp only [hy] with mfld_simps,
have hy'' : f ((ext_chart_at I x).symm y) ∈ c'.source := by simp only [hy] with mfld_simps,
rw cont_mdiff_within_at_iff_of_mem_source hy' hy'' at H,
{ convert H.2.mono _,
{ simp only [hy] with mfld_simps },
{ mfld_set_tac } },
{ apply_instance },
{ apply_instance } },
{ -- smoothness of the candidate local structomorphism in the reverse direction
intros y hy,
simp only with mfld_simps at hy,
have H : cont_mdiff_within_at I I ⊤ f.symm (f.symm ≫ₕ c).source
(((ext_chart_at I (f x)).symm) y),
{ refine (h₂ ((ext_chart_at I (f x)).symm y) _).mono _,
{ simp only [hy] with mfld_simps },
{ mfld_set_tac } },
have hy' : (ext_chart_at I (f x)).symm y ∈ c'.source := by simp only [hy] with mfld_simps,
have hy'' : f.symm ((ext_chart_at I (f x)).symm y) ∈ c.source,
{ simp only [hy] with mfld_simps },
rw cont_mdiff_within_at_iff_of_mem_source hy' hy'' at H,
{ convert H.2.mono _,
{ simp only [hy] with mfld_simps },
{ mfld_set_tac } },
{ apply_instance },
{ apply_instance } },
-- now check the candidate local structomorphism agrees with `f` where it is supposed to
{ simp only with mfld_simps },
{ simp only [hx'] with mfld_simps } },

58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions src/geometry/manifold/local_invariant_properties.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -549,6 +549,16 @@ lemma lift_prop_on_chart_symm [has_groupoid M G]
lift_prop_on Q (chart_at H x).symm (chart_at H x).target :=
hG.lift_prop_on_symm_of_mem_maximal_atlas hQ (chart_mem_maximal_atlas G x)

lemma lift_prop_at_of_mem_groupoid (hG : G.local_invariant_prop G Q) (hQ : ∀ y, Q id univ y)
{f : local_homeomorph H H} (hf : f ∈ G) {x : H} (hx : x ∈ f.source) :
lift_prop_at Q f x :=
lift_prop_at_of_mem_maximal_atlas hG hQ (G.mem_maximal_atlas_of_mem_groupoid hf) hx

lemma lift_prop_on_of_mem_groupoid (hG : G.local_invariant_prop G Q) (hQ : ∀ y, Q id univ y)
{f : local_homeomorph H H} (hf : f ∈ G) :
lift_prop_on Q f f.source :=
lift_prop_on_of_mem_maximal_atlas hG hQ (G.mem_maximal_atlas_of_mem_groupoid hf)

lemma lift_prop_id (hG : G.local_invariant_prop G Q) (hQ : ∀ y, Q id univ y) :
lift_prop Q (id : M → M) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -615,6 +625,54 @@ lemma is_local_structomorph_within_at_local_invariant_prop [closed_under_restric
{ simpa only [hex, hef ⟨hx, hex⟩] with mfld_simps using hfx }
end }

/-- A slight reformulation of `is_local_structomorph_within_at` when `f` is a local homeomorph.
This gives us an `e` that is defined on a subset of `f.source`. -/
lemma _root_.local_homeomorph.is_local_structomorph_within_at_iff {G : structure_groupoid H}
[closed_under_restriction G]
(f : local_homeomorph H H) {s : set H} {x : H} (hx : x ∈ f.source ∪ sᶜ) :
G.is_local_structomorph_within_at ⇑f s x ↔
x ∈ s → ∃ (e : local_homeomorph H H), e ∈ G ∧ e.source ⊆ f.source ∧
eq_on f ⇑e (s ∩ e.source) ∧ x ∈ e.source :=
{ intros hf h2x,
obtain ⟨e, he, hfe, hxe⟩ := hf h2x,
refine ⟨e.restr f.source, closed_under_restriction' he f.open_source, _, _, hxe, _⟩,
{ simp_rw [local_homeomorph.restr_source],
refine (inter_subset_right _ _).trans interior_subset },
{ intros x' hx', exact hfe ⟨hx'.1, hx'.2.1⟩ },
{ rw [f.open_source.interior_eq], exact or.resolve_right hx (not_not.mpr h2x) } },
{ intros hf hx, obtain ⟨e, he, h2e, hfe, hxe⟩ := hf hx, exact ⟨e, he, hfe, hxe⟩ }

/-- A slight reformulation of `is_local_structomorph_within_at` when `f` is a local homeomorph and
the set we're considering is a superset of `f.source`. -/
lemma _root_.local_homeomorph.is_local_structomorph_within_at_iff' {G : structure_groupoid H}
[closed_under_restriction G]
(f : local_homeomorph H H) {s : set H} {x : H} (hs : f.source ⊆ s) (hx : x ∈ f.source ∪ sᶜ) :
G.is_local_structomorph_within_at ⇑f s x ↔
x ∈ s → ∃ (e : local_homeomorph H H), e ∈ G ∧ e.source ⊆ f.source ∧
eq_on f ⇑e e.source ∧ x ∈ e.source :=
simp_rw [f.is_local_structomorph_within_at_iff hx],
refine imp_congr_right (λ hx, exists_congr $ λ e, and_congr_right $ λ he, _),
refine and_congr_right (λ h2e, _),
rw [inter_eq_right_iff_subset.mpr (h2e.trans hs)],

/-- A slight reformulation of `is_local_structomorph_within_at` when `f` is a local homeomorph and
the set we're considering is `f.source`. -/
lemma _root_.local_homeomorph.is_local_structomorph_within_at_source_iff {G : structure_groupoid H}
[closed_under_restriction G]
(f : local_homeomorph H H) {x : H} :
G.is_local_structomorph_within_at ⇑f f.source x ↔
x ∈ f.source → ∃ (e : local_homeomorph H H), e ∈ G ∧ e.source ⊆ f.source ∧
eq_on f ⇑e e.source ∧ x ∈ e.source :=
have : x ∈ f.source ∪ f.sourceᶜ, { simp_rw [union_compl_self] },
exact f.is_local_structomorph_within_at_iff' subset.rfl this,

variables {H₁ : Type*} [topological_space H₁] {H₂ : Type*} [topological_space H₂]
{H₃ : Type*} [topological_space H₃] [charted_space H₁ H₂] [charted_space H₂ H₃]
{G₁ : structure_groupoid H₁} [has_groupoid H₂ G₁] [closed_under_restriction G₁]
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